David Markowitz b432a3f5da Remove inlines
Clean up macros

more tomorrow

Cleanup and optimize CDActivities table

Remove unused include

Further work on CDActivityRewards

Update MasterServer.cpp

Further animations work

Activities still needs work for a better PK.

fix type

All of these replacements worked

Create internal interface for animations

Allows for user to just call GetAnimationTIme or PlayAnimation rather than passing in arbitrary true false statements
2023-03-26 02:59:46 -07:00

107 lines
3.1 KiB

#include "AgSpaceStuff.h"
#include "EntityInfo.h"
#include "GeneralUtils.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "RenderComponent.h"
#include "Entity.h"
void AgSpaceStuff::OnStartup(Entity* self) {
self->AddTimer("FloaterScale", 5.0f);
EntityInfo info{};
info.pos = { -418, 585, -30 };
info.lot = 33;
info.spawnerID = self->GetObjectID();
auto* ref = EntityManager::Instance()->CreateEntity(info);
self->SetVar(u"ShakeObject", ref->GetObjectID());
self->AddTimer("ShipShakeIdle", 2.0f);
self->SetVar(u"RandomTime", 10);
void AgSpaceStuff::OnTimerDone(Entity* self, std::string timerName) {
if (timerName == "FloaterScale") {
int scaleType = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(1, 5);
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(self, u"scale_0" + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(scaleType));
self->AddTimer("FloaterPath", 0.4);
} else if (timerName == "FloaterPath") {
int pathType = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(1, 4);
int randTime = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(20, 25);
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(self, u"path_0" + (GeneralUtils::to_u16string(pathType)));
self->AddTimer("FloaterScale", randTime);
} else if (timerName == "ShipShakeExplode") {
DoShake(self, true);
} else if (timerName == "ShipShakeIdle") {
DoShake(self, false);
void AgSpaceStuff::DoShake(Entity* self, bool explodeIdle) {
if (!explodeIdle) {
auto* ref = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"ShakeObject"));
const auto randomTime = self->GetVar<int>(u"RandomTime");
auto time = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(0, randomTime + 1);
if (time < randomTime / 2) {
time += randomTime / 2;
self->AddTimer("ShipShakeIdle", static_cast<float>(time));
if (ref)
GameMessages::SendPlayEmbeddedEffectOnAllClientsNearObject(ref, FXName, ref->GetObjectID(), 500.0f);
auto* debrisObject = GetEntityInGroup(DebrisFX);
if (debrisObject)
GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(debrisObject, -1, u"DebrisFall", "Debris", LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 1.0f, 1.0f, true);
const auto randomFx = GeneralUtils::GenerateRandomNumber<int>(0, 3);
auto* shipFxObject = GetEntityInGroup(ShipFX);
if (shipFxObject) {
std::string effectType = "shipboom" + std::to_string(randomFx);
GameMessages::SendPlayFXEffect(shipFxObject, 559, GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(effectType), "FX", LWOOBJID_EMPTY, 1.0f, 1.0f, true);
self->AddTimer("ShipShakeExplode", 5.0f);
auto* shipFxObject2 = GetEntityInGroup(ShipFX2);
if (shipFxObject2)
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(shipFxObject2, u"explosion");
} else {
auto* shipFxObject = GetEntityInGroup(ShipFX);
auto* shipFxObject2 = GetEntityInGroup(ShipFX2);
if (shipFxObject)
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(shipFxObject, u"idle");
if (shipFxObject2)
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(shipFxObject2, u"idle");
Entity* AgSpaceStuff::GetEntityInGroup(const std::string& group) {
auto entities = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntitiesInGroup(group);
Entity* en = nullptr;
for (auto entity : entities) {
if (entity) {
en = entity;
return en;