mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 21:43:35 +00:00
Add support to reload the config (#868)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,61 +1,53 @@
#include "dConfig.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "BinaryPathFinder.h"
#include "GeneralUtils.h"
dConfig::dConfig(const std::string& filepath) {
m_EmptyString = "";
std::ifstream in(BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / filepath);
m_ConfigFilePath = filepath;
void dConfig::LoadConfig() {
std::ifstream in(BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / m_ConfigFilePath);
if (!in.good()) return;
std::string line;
std::string line{};
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
if (line.length() > 0) {
if (line[0] != '#') ProcessLine(line);
if (!line.empty() && line.front() != '#') ProcessLine(line);
std::ifstream sharedConfig(BinaryPathFinder::GetBinaryDir() / "sharedconfig.ini", std::ios::in);
if (!sharedConfig.good()) return;
while (std::getline(sharedConfig, line)) {
if (line.length() > 0) {
if (line[0] != '#') ProcessLine(line);
if (!line.empty() && line.front() != '#') ProcessLine(line);
dConfig::~dConfig(void) {
void dConfig::ReloadConfig() {
const std::string& dConfig::GetValue(std::string key) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Keys.size(); ++i) {
if (m_Keys[i] == key) return m_Values[i];
return m_EmptyString;
return this->m_ConfigValues[key];
void dConfig::ProcessLine(const std::string& line) {
std::stringstream ss(line);
std::string segment;
std::vector<std::string> seglist;
auto splitLine = GeneralUtils::SplitString(line, '=');
while (std::getline(ss, segment, '=')) {
if (seglist.size() != 2) return;
if (splitLine.size() != 2) return;
//Make sure that on Linux, we remove special characters:
if (!seglist[1].empty() && seglist[1][seglist[1].size() - 1] == '\r')
seglist[1].erase(seglist[1].size() - 1);
auto& key = splitLine.at(0);
auto& value = splitLine.at(1);
if (!value.empty() && value.at(value.size() - 1) == '\r') value.erase(value.size() - 1);
for (const auto& key : m_Keys) {
if (seglist[0] == key) {
return; // first loaded key is preferred due to loading shared config secondarily
if (this->m_ConfigValues.find(key) != this->m_ConfigValues.end()) return;
this->m_ConfigValues.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
@ -1,20 +1,34 @@
#pragma once
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class dConfig {
dConfig(const std::string& filepath);
* Gets the specified key from the config. Returns an empty string if the value is not found.
* @param key Key to find
* @return The keys value in the config
const std::string& GetValue(std::string key);
* Loads the config from a file
void LoadConfig();
* Reloads the config file to reset values
void ReloadConfig();
void ProcessLine(const std::string& line);
std::vector<std::string> m_Keys;
std::vector<std::string> m_Values;
std::string m_EmptyString;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_ConfigValues;
std::string m_ConfigFilePath;
@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
#include "DestroyableComponent.h"
ScriptedActivityComponent::ScriptedActivityComponent(Entity* parent, int activityID) : Component(parent) {
m_ActivityID = activityID;
CDActivitiesTable* activitiesTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDActivitiesTable>("Activities");
std::vector<CDActivities> activities = activitiesTable->Query([=](CDActivities entry) {return (entry.ActivityID == activityID); });
std::vector<CDActivities> activities = activitiesTable->Query([=](CDActivities entry) {return (entry.ActivityID == m_ActivityID); });
for (CDActivities activity : activities) {
m_ActivityInfo = activity;
@ -88,6 +89,21 @@ void ScriptedActivityComponent::Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, bool
void ScriptedActivityComponent::ReloadConfig() {
CDActivitiesTable* activitiesTable = CDClientManager::Instance()->GetTable<CDActivitiesTable>("Activities");
std::vector<CDActivities> activities = activitiesTable->Query([=](CDActivities entry) {return (entry.ActivityID == m_ActivityID); });
for (auto activity : activities) {
auto mapID = m_ActivityInfo.instanceMapID;
if ((mapID == 1203 || mapID == 1261 || mapID == 1303 || mapID == 1403) && Game::config->GetValue("solo_racing") == "1") {
m_ActivityInfo.minTeamSize = 1;
m_ActivityInfo.minTeams = 1;
} else {
m_ActivityInfo.minTeamSize = activity.minTeamSize;
m_ActivityInfo.minTeams = activity.minTeams;
void ScriptedActivityComponent::HandleMessageBoxResponse(Entity* player, const std::string& id) {
if (m_ActivityInfo.ActivityID == 103) {
@ -276,6 +276,12 @@ public:
ActivityInstance* GetInstance(const LWOOBJID playerID);
* @brief Reloads the config settings for this component
void ReloadConfig();
* Removes all the instances
@ -361,6 +367,12 @@ private:
* LMIs for team sizes
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> m_ActivityLootMatrices;
* The activity id
int32_t m_ActivityID;
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
#include "LevelProgressionComponent.h"
#include "AssetManager.h"
#include "BinaryPathFinder.h"
#include "dConfig.h"
void SlashCommandHandler::HandleChatCommand(const std::u16string& command, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr) {
std::string chatCommand;
@ -1766,6 +1767,20 @@ void SlashCommandHandler::HandleChatCommand(const std::u16string& command, Entit
if (chatCommand == "reloadconfig" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= GAME_MASTER_LEVEL_DEVELOPER) {
auto entities = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntitiesByComponent(COMPONENT_TYPE_SCRIPTED_ACTIVITY);
for (auto entity : entities) {
auto* scriptedActivityComponent = entity->GetComponent<ScriptedActivityComponent>();
if (!scriptedActivityComponent) continue;
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(sysAddr, u"Successfully reloaded config for world!");
if (chatCommand == "rollloot" && entity->GetGMLevel() >= GAME_MASTER_LEVEL_OPERATOR && args.size() >= 3) {
uint32_t lootMatrixIndex = 0;
uint32_t targetLot = 0;
@ -82,17 +82,15 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Game::logger->Log("MasterServer", "Version: %i.%i", PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR, PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR);
Game::logger->Log("MasterServer", "Compiled on: %s", __TIMESTAMP__);
//Read our config:
dConfig config("masterconfig.ini");
Game::config = &config;
Game::logger->SetLogDebugStatements(config.GetValue("log_debug_statements") == "1");
Game::config = new dConfig("masterconfig.ini");
Game::logger->SetLogDebugStatements(Game::config->GetValue("log_debug_statements") == "1");
//Connect to the MySQL Database
std::string mysql_host = config.GetValue("mysql_host");
std::string mysql_database = config.GetValue("mysql_database");
std::string mysql_username = config.GetValue("mysql_username");
std::string mysql_password = config.GetValue("mysql_password");
std::string mysql_host = Game::config->GetValue("mysql_host");
std::string mysql_database = Game::config->GetValue("mysql_database");
std::string mysql_username = Game::config->GetValue("mysql_username");
std::string mysql_password = Game::config->GetValue("mysql_password");
try {
Database::Connect(mysql_host, mysql_database, mysql_username, mysql_password);
@ -103,7 +101,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
std::string clientPathStr = config.GetValue("client_location");
std::string clientPathStr = Game::config->GetValue("client_location");
if (clientPathStr.empty()) clientPathStr = "./res";
std::filesystem::path clientPath = std::filesystem::path(clientPathStr);
if (clientPath.is_relative()) {
@ -223,16 +221,16 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int maxClients = 999;
int ourPort = 1000;
if (config.GetValue("max_clients") != "") maxClients = std::stoi(config.GetValue("max_clients"));
if (config.GetValue("port") != "") ourPort = std::stoi(config.GetValue("port"));
if (Game::config->GetValue("max_clients") != "") maxClients = std::stoi(Game::config->GetValue("max_clients"));
if (Game::config->GetValue("port") != "") ourPort = std::stoi(Game::config->GetValue("port"));
Game::server = new dServer(config.GetValue("external_ip"), ourPort, 0, maxClients, true, false, Game::logger, "", 0, ServerType::Master);
Game::server = new dServer(Game::config->GetValue("external_ip"), ourPort, 0, maxClients, true, false, Game::logger, "", 0, ServerType::Master);
//Query for the database for a server labeled "master"
auto* masterLookupStatement = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT id FROM `servers` WHERE `name` = 'master'");
auto* result = masterLookupStatement->executeQuery();
auto master_server_ip = config.GetValue("master_ip");
auto master_server_ip = Game::config->GetValue("master_ip");
if (master_server_ip == "") {
master_server_ip = Game::server->GetIP();
@ -260,7 +258,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Game::im = new InstanceManager(Game::logger, Game::server->GetIP());
//Depending on the config, start up servers:
if (config.GetValue("prestart_servers") != "" && config.GetValue("prestart_servers") == "1") {
if (Game::config->GetValue("prestart_servers") != "" && Game::config->GetValue("prestart_servers") == "1") {
Game::im->GetInstance(0, false, 0)->SetIsReady(true);
@ -843,6 +841,7 @@ void ShutdownSequence() {
int FinalizeShutdown() {
//Delete our objects here:
if (Game::config) delete Game::config;
if (Game::im) delete Game::im;
if (Game::server) delete Game::server;
if (Game::logger) delete Game::logger;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
dpGrid::dpGrid(int numCells, int cellSize) {
NUM_CELLS = numCells;
CELL_SIZE = cellSize;
m_DeleteGrid = true;
//dumb method but i can't be bothered
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ dpGrid::dpGrid(int numCells, int cellSize) {
dpGrid::~dpGrid() {
if (!this->m_DeleteGrid) return;
for (auto& x : m_Cells) { //x
for (auto& y : x) { //y
for (auto en : y) {
@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ public:
void Update(float deltaTime);
* Sets the delete grid parameter to value. When false, the grid will not clean up memory.
* @param value Whether or not to delete entities on deletion of the grid.
void SetDeleteGrid(bool value) { this->m_DeleteGrid = value; };
std::vector<std::vector<std::forward_list<dpEntity*>>> GetCells() { return this->m_Cells; };
void HandleEntity(dpEntity* entity, dpEntity* other);
void HandleCell(int x, int z, float deltaTime);
@ -31,4 +40,5 @@ private:
//cells on X, cells on Y for that X, then another vector that contains the entities within that cell.
std::vector<std::vector<std::forward_list<dpEntity*>>> m_Cells;
std::map<LWOOBJID, dpEntity*> m_GargantuanObjects;
bool m_DeleteGrid = true;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include "dLogger.h"
#include "dConfig.h"
void dpWorld::Initialize(unsigned int zoneID) {
void dpWorld::Initialize(unsigned int zoneID, bool generateNewNavMesh) {
phys_sp_tilecount = std::atoi(Game::config->GetValue("phys_sp_tilecount").c_str());
phys_sp_tilesize = std::atoi(Game::config->GetValue("phys_sp_tilesize").c_str());
@ -21,13 +21,37 @@ void dpWorld::Initialize(unsigned int zoneID) {
m_Grid = new dpGrid(phys_sp_tilecount, phys_sp_tilesize);
m_NavMesh = new dNavMesh(zoneID);
if (generateNewNavMesh) m_NavMesh = new dNavMesh(zoneID);
Game::logger->Log("dpWorld", "Physics world initialized!");
m_ZoneID = zoneID;
void dpWorld::Reload() {
if (m_Grid) {
auto oldGridCells = m_Grid->GetCells();
delete m_Grid;
m_Grid = nullptr;
Initialize(m_ZoneID, false);
for (auto column : oldGridCells) {
for (auto row : column) {
for (auto entity : row) {
Game::logger->Log("dpWorld", "Successfully reloaded physics world!");
} else {
Game::logger->Log("dpWorld", "No physics world to reload!");
dpWorld::~dpWorld() {
if (m_Grid) {
// Triple check this is true
delete m_Grid;
m_Grid = nullptr;
@ -103,14 +127,14 @@ bool dpWorld::ShouldUseSP(unsigned int zoneID) {
// Only large maps should be added as tiling likely makes little difference on small maps.
switch (zoneID) {
case 1100: // Avant Gardens
case 1200: // Nimbus Station
case 1300: // Gnarled Forest
case 1400: // Forbidden Valley
case 1800: // Crux Prime
case 1900: // Nexus Tower
case 2000: // Ninjago
return true;
case 1100: // Avant Gardens
case 1200: // Nimbus Station
case 1300: // Gnarled Forest
case 1400: // Forbidden Valley
case 1800: // Crux Prime
case 1900: // Nexus Tower
case 2000: // Ninjago
return true;
return false;
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ class dpGrid;
class dpWorld : public Singleton<dpWorld> {
void Initialize(unsigned int zoneID);
void Initialize(unsigned int zoneID, bool generateNewNavMesh = true);
void Reload();
@ -43,4 +44,5 @@ private:
std::vector<dpEntity*> m_DynamicEntites;
dNavMesh* m_NavMesh = nullptr;
uint32_t m_ZoneID = 0;
@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//Load our level:
if (zoneID != 0) {
Game::physicsWorld = &dpWorld::Instance(); //just in case some old code references it
dZoneManager::Instance()->Initialize(LWOZONEID(zoneID, instanceID, cloneID));
g_CloneID = cloneID;
@ -1281,7 +1280,6 @@ void WorldShutdownSequence() {
void FinalizeShutdown() {
//Delete our objects here:
if (Game::physicsWorld) Game::physicsWorld = nullptr;
if (Game::zoneManager) delete Game::zoneManager;
Game::logger->Log("WorldServer", "Shutdown complete, zone (%i), instance (%i)", Game::server->GetZoneID(), instanceID);
Reference in New Issue
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