Steven B b094e334ca
Prepare 0.7.0.dev3 (#962)
## [0.7.0.dev3]( (2024-06-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fix switching off light effects for iot lights strips [\#961]( (@sdb9696)
- Add state features to iot strip sockets [\#960]( (@sdb9696)
- Ensure http delay logic works during default login attempt [\#959]( (@sdb9696)
- Fix fan speed level when off and derive smart fan module from common fan interface [\#957]( (@sdb9696)
- Require update in cli for wifi commands [\#956]( (@rytilahti)

**Project maintenance:**

- Use freezegun for testing aes http client delays [\#954]( (@sdb9696)
- Update release playbook [\#932]( (@rytilahti)
2024-06-07 13:25:17 +01:00

4.2 KiB


Export changelog token


Set release information

0.3.5 should always be the previous release as it's the last pyhs100 release in which is the changelog prior to github release notes.

export NEW_RELEASE=x.x.x.devx

Create a branch for the release

git checkout master
git fetch upstream master
git rebase upstream/master
git checkout -b release/$NEW_RELEASE

Update the version number

poetry version $NEW_RELEASE

Update dependencies

poetry install --all-extras --sync
poetry update

Run pre-commit and tests

pre-commit run --all-files
pytest kasa

Create release summary (skip for dev releases)

Write a short and understandable summary for the release. Can include images.

Create $NEW_RELEASE milestone in github

If not already created

Create new issue linked to the milestone

gh issue create --label "release-summary" --milestone $NEW_RELEASE --title "$NEW_RELEASE Release Summary" --body "## Release Summary"

You can exclude the --body option to get an interactive editor or go into the issue on github and edit there.

Close the issue

Either via github or:

gh issue close ISSUE_NUMBER

Generate changelog

For pre-release

EXCLUDE_TAGS will exclude all dev tags except for the current release dev tags.

Regex should be something like this ^((?!0\.7\.0)(.*dev\d))+. The first match group negative matches on the current release and the second matches on releases ending with dev.

github_changelog_generator --base --user python-kasa --project python-kasa --since-tag $PREVIOUS_RELEASE --future-release $NEW_RELEASE -o --no-issues --exclude-tags-regex "$EXCLUDE_TAGS"

For production

github_changelog_generator --base --user python-kasa --project python-kasa --since-tag $PREVIOUS_RELEASE --future-release $NEW_RELEASE -o --no-issues --exclude-tags-regex 'dev\d$'

You can ignore warnings about missing PR commits like below as these relate to PRs to branches other than master:

Warning: PR 908 merge commit was not found in the release branch or tagged git history and no rebased SHA comment was found

Export new release notes to variable

export RELEASE_NOTES=$(grep -Poz '(?<=\# Changelog\n\n)(.|\n)+?(?=\#\#)' | tr '\0' '\n' )
echo "$RELEASE_NOTES"  # Check the output and copy paste if neccessary

Commit and push the changed files

git commit --all --verbose -m "Prepare $NEW_RELEASE"
git push upstream release/$NEW_RELEASE -u

Create a PR for the release, merge it, and re-fetch the master

Create the PR

gh pr create --title "Prepare $NEW_RELEASE" --body "$RELEASE_NOTES" --label release-prep --base master

Merge the PR once the CI passes

Create a squash commit and add the markdown from the PR description to the commit description.

gh pr merge --squash --body "$RELEASE_NOTES"

Rebase local master

git checkout master
git fetch upstream master
git rebase upstream/master

Create a release tag

Note, add changelog release notes as the tag commit message so gh release create --notes-from-tag can be used to create a release draft.

git tag --annotate $NEW_RELEASE -m "$RELEASE_NOTES"
git push upstream $NEW_RELEASE

Create release


gh release create "$NEW_RELEASE" --verify-tag --notes-from-tag --title "$NEW_RELEASE" --draft --latest=false --prerelease

Production release

gh release create "$NEW_RELEASE" --verify-tag --notes-from-tag --title "$NEW_RELEASE" --draft --latest=true

Manually publish the release

Go to the linked URL, verify the contents, and click "release" button to trigger the release CI.