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import json
import asyncclick as click
import pytest
from asyncclick.testing import CliRunner
from kasa import SmartDevice, TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol
from kasa.cli import alias, brightness, cli, emeter, raw_command, state, sysinfo, toggle
from import Discover
from .conftest import handle_turn_on, turn_on
from .newfakes import FakeTransportProtocol
async def test_sysinfo(dev):
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(sysinfo, obj=dev)
assert "System info" in res.output
assert dev.alias in res.output
async def test_state(dev, turn_on):
await handle_turn_on(dev, turn_on)
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(state, obj=dev)
await dev.update()
if dev.is_on:
assert "Device state: True" in res.output
assert "Device state: False" in res.output
2023-08-26 12:21:38 +00:00
async def test_toggle(dev, turn_on, mocker):
await handle_turn_on(dev, turn_on)
runner = CliRunner()
await runner.invoke(toggle, obj=dev)
if turn_on:
assert not dev.is_on
assert dev.is_on
async def test_alias(dev):
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(alias, obj=dev)
assert f"Alias: {dev.alias}" in res.output
old_alias = dev.alias
new_alias = "new alias"
res = await runner.invoke(alias, [new_alias], obj=dev)
assert f"Setting alias to {new_alias}" in res.output
res = await runner.invoke(alias, obj=dev)
assert f"Alias: {new_alias}" in res.output
await dev.set_alias(old_alias)
async def test_raw_command(dev):
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(raw_command, ["system", "get_sysinfo"], obj=dev)
assert res.exit_code == 0
assert dev.alias in res.output
res = await runner.invoke(raw_command, obj=dev)
assert res.exit_code != 0
assert "Usage" in res.output
async def test_emeter(dev: SmartDevice, mocker):
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(emeter, obj=dev)
if not dev.has_emeter:
assert "Device has no emeter" in res.output
assert "== Emeter ==" in res.output
monthly = mocker.patch.object(dev, "get_emeter_monthly")
monthly.return_value = {1: 1234}
res = await runner.invoke(emeter, ["--year", "1900"], obj=dev)
assert "For year" in res.output
assert "1, 1234" in res.output
daily = mocker.patch.object(dev, "get_emeter_daily")
daily.return_value = {1: 1234}
res = await runner.invoke(emeter, ["--month", "1900-12"], obj=dev)
assert "For month" in res.output
assert "1, 1234" in res.output
daily.assert_called_with(year=1900, month=12)
async def test_brightness(dev):
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(brightness, obj=dev)
if not dev.is_dimmable:
assert "This device does not support brightness." in res.output
res = await runner.invoke(brightness, obj=dev)
assert f"Brightness: {dev.brightness}" in res.output
res = await runner.invoke(brightness, ["12"], obj=dev)
assert "Setting brightness" in res.output
res = await runner.invoke(brightness, obj=dev)
assert "Brightness: 12" in res.output
async def test_json_output(dev: SmartDevice, mocker):
"""Test that the json output produces correct output."""
mocker.patch("", return_value=[dev])
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(cli, ["--json", "state"], obj=dev)
assert res.exit_code == 0
assert json.loads(res.output) == dev.internal_state
async def test_credentials(discovery_data: dict, mocker):
"""Test credentials are passed correctly from cli to device."""
# As this is testing the device constructor need to explicitly wire in
# the FakeTransportProtocol
ftp = FakeTransportProtocol(discovery_data)
mocker.patch.object(TPLinkSmartHomeProtocol, "query", ftp.query)
# Patch state to echo username and password
pass_dev = click.make_pass_decorator(SmartDevice)
async def _state(dev: SmartDevice):
if dev.credentials:
f"Username:{dev.credentials.username} Password:{dev.credentials.password}"
mocker.patch("kasa.cli.state", new=_state)
cli_device_type = Discover._get_device_class(discovery_data)(
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(
assert res.exit_code == 0
assert res.output == "Username:foo Password:bar\n"
async def test_without_device_type(discovery_data: dict, dev, mocker):
"""Test connecting without the device type."""
runner = CliRunner()
mocker.patch("", return_value=dev)
res = await runner.invoke(
assert res.exit_code == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("auth_param", ["--username", "--password"])
async def test_invalid_credential_params(auth_param):
"""Test for handling only one of username or password supplied."""
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(
assert res.exit_code == 2
assert (
"Error: Using authentication requires both --username and --password"
in res.output
async def test_duplicate_target_device():
"""Test that defining both --host or --alias gives an error."""
runner = CliRunner()
res = await runner.invoke(
assert res.exit_code == 2
assert "Error: Use either --alias or --host, not both." in res.output