Added folder and updated output espacially the logo

This commit is contained in:
Neocky 2021-02-27 01:36:16 +01:00
parent 34e53f4861
commit 29706eb795
3 changed files with 92 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# Handles the console output
from os import system
from os import name
def consoleTitle():
system("title " + "🧱 pluGET by Neocky")
def clearConsole():
system('cls' if name=='nt' else 'clear')
def printLogo():
print(r" ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ")
print(r" /\ \ /\__\ /\__\ /\ \ /\ \ /\ "'\\ ')
print(r" /::\ \ /:/ / /:/ / /::\ \ /::\ \ \:\ "'\\ ')
print(r" /:/\:\ \ /:/ / /:/ / /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ \:\ "'\\ ')
print(r" /::\~\:\ \ /:/ / /:/ / ___ /:/ \:\ \ /::\~\:\ \ /::\ "'\\')
print(r" /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ /:/__/ /\__\ /:/__/_\:\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/\:\__\ ")
print(r" \/__\:\/:/ / \:\ \ \:\ \ /:/ / \:\ /\ \/__/ \:\~\:\ \/__/ /:/ \/__/")
print(r" \::/ / \:\ \ \:\ /:/ / \:\ \:\__\ \:\ \:\__\ /:/ / ")
print(r" \/__/ \:\ \ \:\/:/ / \:\/:/ / \:\ \/__/ \/__/ ")
print(r" \:\__\ \::/ / \::/ / \:\__\ ")
print(r" \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ ")
print(" by Neocky ")
def printMainMenu():
print(" ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────")
print(" [1] Download a specific package")
print(" [2] Get update info of package")

pluGET/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# Handles the console output
from os import system
from os import name
def consoleTitle():
system("title " + "🧱 pluGET │ by Neocky")
def clearConsole():
system('cls' if name=='nt' else 'clear')
class oColors:
standardWhite = "\033[0m"
brightYellow = "\033[93m"
brightMagenta = "\033[95m"
darkMagenta = "\033[35m"
def printLogo():
print(oColors.brightYellow + r" ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ")
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" /\ " + oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/"'\\' +
oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/"'\\' + oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"/\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/\ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r""'\\ ')
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" /::\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ " +
oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"/::\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/::\ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r""'\\ ')
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" /:/\:\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/\:\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/\:\ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r""'\\ ')
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" /::"'\\' + oColors.brightYellow + r"~" + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ ___ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ \:\ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/::"'\\'+ oColors.brightYellow + r"~" +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/::\ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r""'\\')
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" /:/\:\ \:"'\\'+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/"+
oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/"+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"/"'\\'+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/"+
oColors.brightYellow + r"__/_" + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:"'\\'+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/\:\ \:"'\\' + oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/\:"'\\'+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ ")
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\/"+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__" +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\/:/"+ oColors.brightYellow + r" / " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:"'\\'+
oColors.brightYellow + r" \ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:"'\\' + oColors.brightYellow + r" \ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ /\ \/" +
oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:"'\\' + oColors.brightYellow + r"~" +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ \/" + oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ \/"+
oColors.brightYellow + r"__/")
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" \::/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ /:/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ \:"'\\'+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ \:"'\\'+
oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"/:/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ ")
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" \/"+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ " + oColors.brightYellow + r"\ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\/:/ "+
oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\/:/ "+ oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:\ \/"+ oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\/"+
oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ ")
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" \:"'\\' + oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"\::/ " + oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\::/ " +
oColors.brightYellow + r"/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\:"'\\' + oColors.brightYellow + r"__\ ")
print(oColors.brightMagenta + r" \/" + oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " +
oColors.brightMagenta + r"\/" + oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\/" +
oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " + oColors.brightMagenta + r"\/" + oColors.brightYellow + r"__/ " +
print(" " + oColors.darkMagenta + "by Neocky" + oColors.standardWhite+ " ")
def printMainMenu():
print(" ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────")
print(" [1] Download a specific package")
print(" [2] Get update info of package")

View File

@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ def calculateFileSize(downloadFileSize):
print("if you see this clearConsole dont work")
choice = input("pluGET >> ")
choice = input(" pluGET >> ")
if choice == "1":
ressourceId = input("SpigotMC Ressource ID: ")
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ value, params = cgi.parse_header(filecontent)
filename = params["filename"]
# creating file path
path = r"C:\\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\\"
path = r"C:\\Users\USER\Desktop\\"
ppath = path + filename
# download file
@ -55,5 +56,12 @@ print("Waiting still seconds: 2", end='\r')
print("Waiting still seconds: 1", end='\r')
print("Done ✅")
input("Taste drücken zum Beenden...")
print("Done ✅☑✔ ")
input("Press key to end program...")
# get latest update >
# this also >
# get latest download with correct name >
# query for a plugin