2019-07-11 03:11:15 +03:00

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This patch removes restriction on maximum number of simultaneous NVENC video encoding sessions imposed by Nvidia to consumer-grade GPUs.

Main target operating system is GNU/Linux, but for Windows support see win.


Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-23-generic x86_64)


# bash ./patch.sh -h

       patch.sh [OPTION]...

       The patch for Nvidia drivers to increase encoder sessions

       -s    Silent mode (No output)
       -r    Rollback to original (Restore lib from backup)
       -h    Print this help message

Step-by-Step guide

Examples are provided for driver version 430.34. All commands are runned as root.

Download driver


Install driver

mkdir /opt/nvidia && cd /opt/nvidia
wget https://international.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/430.34/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-430.34.run
chmod +x ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-430.34.run

Check driver


Output should show no errors and details about your driver and GPU.

Patch driver

This patch performs backup of original file prior to making changes.

bash ./patch.sh

You're all set!


If something got broken you may restore patched driver from backup:

bash ./patch.sh -r

Docker support

It is possible to use this patch with nvidia-docker containers, even if host machine hasn't patched drivers. See Dockerfile for example.

Essentially all you need to do during build is:

  • COPY the patch.sh and docker-entrypoint.sh files into your container.
  • Make sure docker-entrypoint.sh is invoked on container start.

docker-entrypoint.sh script does on-the-fly patching by means of manipulating dynamic linker to workaround read-only mount of Nvidia runtime. Finally it passes original docker command to shell, like if entrypoint was not restricted by ENTRYPOINT directive. So docker run --runtime=nvidia -it mycontainer echo 123 will print 123. Also it can be just invoked from your entrypoint script, if you have any.

See also

If you experience CreateBitstreamBuffer failed: out of memory (10), then you have to lower buffers number used for every encoding session. If you are using ffmpeg, see option -surfaces ("Number of concurrent surfaces") and try value near -surfaces 8.