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#pragma once
#include "BitStream.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Component.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include "PossessorComponent.h"
#include "eAnimationFlags.h"
#include "eReplicaComponentType.h"
* Represents an entity that can be controlled by some other entity, generally used by cars to indicate that some
* player is controlling it.
class PossessableComponent final : public Component {
static constexpr eReplicaComponentType ComponentType = eReplicaComponentType::POSSESSABLE;
PossessableComponent(Entity* parentEntity, uint32_t componentId);
void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream& outBitStream, bool bIsInitialUpdate) override;
* @brief mounts the Entity
void Mount();
* @brief dismounts the Entity
void Dismount();
* Sets the possessor of this Entity
* @param value the ID of the possessor to set
void SetPossessor(LWOOBJID value) { m_Possessor = value; m_DirtyPossessable = true; };
* Returns the possessor of this Entity
* @return the possessor of this Entity
LWOOBJID GetPossessor() const { return m_Possessor; };
* Sets the animation Flag of the possessable
* @param value the animation flag to set to
void SetAnimationFlag(eAnimationFlags value) { m_AnimationFlag = value; m_DirtyPossessable = true; };
* Returns the possession type of this Entity
* @return the possession type of this Entity
ePossessionType GetPossessionType() const { return m_PossessionType; };
* Returns if the Entity should deposses on hit
* @return if the Entity should deposses on hit
bool GetDepossessOnHit() const { return m_DepossessOnHit; };
* Forcibly depossess the Entity
void ForceDepossess() { m_ImmediatelyDepossess = true; m_DirtyPossessable = true; };
* Set if the parent entity was spawned from an item
* @param value if the parent entity was spawned from an item
void SetIsItemSpawned(bool value) { m_ItemSpawned = value; };
* Returns if the parent entity was spawned from an item
* @return if the parent entity was spawned from an item
LWOOBJID GetIsItemSpawned() const { return m_ItemSpawned; };
* Handles an OnUsed event by some other entity, if said entity has a Possessor it becomes the possessor
* of this entity
* @param originator the entity that caused the event to trigger
void OnUse(Entity* originator) override;
* @brief Whether the possessor is dirty
bool m_DirtyPossessable = true;
* @brief The possessor of this entity, e.g. the entity that controls this entity
* @brief The type of possesstion to use on this entity
ePossessionType m_PossessionType = ePossessionType::NO_POSSESSION;
* @brief Should the possessable be dismount on hit
bool m_DepossessOnHit = false;
* @brief What animaiton flag to use
eAnimationFlags m_AnimationFlag = eAnimationFlags::IDLE_NONE;
* @brief Should this be immediately depossessed
bool m_ImmediatelyDepossess = false;
* @brief Whether the parent entity was spawned from an item
bool m_ItemSpawned = false;