David Markowitz ae349d6b15
feat: Add isolated and simplified path to add components (#1204)
* Components: Make ComponentType inline

Prevents the next commits ODR violation

* Components: Add new components

* Entity: Add headers

inline script component ComponentType

* Components: Flip constructor argument order

Entity comes first always

* Entity: Add generic AddComponent

Allows for much easier adding of components and is error proof by not allowing the user to add more than 1 of a specific component type to an Entity.

* Entity: Migrate all component constructors

Move all to the new variadic templates AddComponent function to reduce clutter and ways the component map is modified.
The new function makes no assumptions.  Component is assumed to not exist and is checked for with operator[].  This will construct a null component which will then be newed if the component didnt exist, or it will just get the current component if it does already exist.  No new component will be allocated or constructed if the component already exists and the already existing pointer is returned instead.

* Entity: Add placement new

For the case where the component may already exist, use a placement new to construct the component again, it would be constructed again, but would not need to go through the allocator.

* Entity: Add comments on likely new code

* Tests: Fix tests

* Update Entity.cpp

* Update SGCannon.cpp

* Entity: call destructor when re-constructing

* Update Entity.cpp

Update Entity.cpp


Co-authored-by: Aaron Kimbrell <aronwk.aaron@gmail.com>
2023-10-22 20:08:49 -05:00

335 lines
12 KiB

#include "PropertyEntranceComponent.h"
#include <CDPropertyEntranceComponentTable.h>
#include "Character.h"
#include "Database.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "PropertyManagementComponent.h"
#include "PropertySelectQueryProperty.h"
#include "RocketLaunchpadControlComponent.h"
#include "CharacterComponent.h"
#include "UserManager.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "Amf3.h"
#include "eObjectBits.h"
#include "eGameMasterLevel.h"
PropertyEntranceComponent::PropertyEntranceComponent(Entity* parent, uint32_t componentID) : Component(parent) {
this->propertyQueries = {};
auto table = CDClientManager::Instance().GetTable<CDPropertyEntranceComponentTable>();
const auto& entry = table->GetByID(componentID);
this->m_MapID = entry.mapID;
this->m_PropertyName = entry.propertyName;
void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnUse(Entity* entity) {
auto* characterComponent = entity->GetComponent<CharacterComponent>();
if (!characterComponent) return;
auto* rocket = entity->GetComponent<CharacterComponent>()->RocketEquip(entity);
if (!rocket) return;
GameMessages::SendPropertyEntranceBegin(m_Parent->GetObjectID(), entity->GetSystemAddress());
AMFArrayValue args;
args.Insert("state", "property_menu");
GameMessages::SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(entity, entity->GetSystemAddress(), "pushGameState", args);
void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnEnterProperty(Entity* entity, uint32_t index, bool returnToZone, const SystemAddress& sysAddr) {
LWOCLONEID cloneId = 0;
if (index == -1 && !returnToZone) {
cloneId = entity->GetCharacter()->GetPropertyCloneID();
} else if (index == -1 && returnToZone) {
cloneId = 0;
} else if (index >= 0) {
// Increment index once here because the first index of other player properties is 2 in the propertyQueries cache.
const auto& pair = propertyQueries.find(entity->GetObjectID());
if (pair == propertyQueries.end()) return;
const auto& query = pair->second;
if (index >= query.size()) return;
cloneId = query[index].CloneId;
auto* launcher = m_Parent->GetComponent<RocketLaunchpadControlComponent>();
if (launcher == nullptr) {
launcher->SetSelectedCloneId(entity->GetObjectID(), cloneId);
launcher->Launch(entity, launcher->GetTargetZone(), cloneId);
PropertySelectQueryProperty PropertyEntranceComponent::SetPropertyValues(PropertySelectQueryProperty property, LWOCLONEID cloneId, std::string ownerName, std::string propertyName, std::string propertyDescription, float reputation, bool isBFF, bool isFriend, bool isModeratorApproved, bool isAlt, bool isOwned, uint32_t privacyOption, uint32_t timeLastUpdated, float performanceCost) {
property.CloneId = cloneId;
property.OwnerName = ownerName;
property.Name = propertyName;
property.Description = propertyDescription;
property.Reputation = reputation;
property.IsBestFriend = isBFF;
property.IsFriend = isFriend;
property.IsModeratorApproved = isModeratorApproved;
property.IsAlt = isAlt;
property.IsOwned = isOwned;
property.AccessType = privacyOption;
property.DateLastPublished = timeLastUpdated;
property.PerformanceCost = performanceCost;
return property;
std::string PropertyEntranceComponent::BuildQuery(Entity* entity, int32_t sortMethod, Character* character, std::string customQuery, bool wantLimits) {
std::string base;
if (customQuery == "") {
base = baseQueryForProperties;
} else {
base = customQuery;
std::string orderBy = "";
if (sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FEATURED || sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FRIENDS) {
std::string friendsList = " AND p.owner_id IN (";
auto friendsListQuery = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN player_id = ? THEN friend_id WHEN friend_id = ? THEN player_id END AS requested_player FROM friends ) AS fr WHERE requested_player IS NOT NULL ORDER BY requested_player DESC;");
friendsListQuery->setUInt(1, character->GetID());
friendsListQuery->setUInt(2, character->GetID());
auto friendsListQueryResult = friendsListQuery->executeQuery();
while (friendsListQueryResult->next()) {
auto playerIDToConvert = friendsListQueryResult->getInt(1);
friendsList = friendsList + std::to_string(playerIDToConvert) + ",";
// Replace trailing comma with the closing parenthesis.
if (friendsList.at(friendsList.size() - 1) == ',') friendsList.erase(friendsList.size() - 1, 1);
friendsList += ") ";
// If we have no friends then use a -1 for the query.
if (friendsList.find("()") != std::string::npos) friendsList = " AND p.owner_id IN (-1) ";
orderBy += friendsList + "ORDER BY ci.name ASC ";
delete friendsListQueryResult;
friendsListQueryResult = nullptr;
delete friendsListQuery;
friendsListQuery = nullptr;
} else if (sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_RECENT) {
orderBy = "ORDER BY p.last_updated DESC ";
} else if (sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_REPUTATION) {
orderBy = "ORDER BY p.reputation DESC, p.last_updated DESC ";
} else {
orderBy = "ORDER BY p.last_updated DESC ";
return base + orderBy + (wantLimits ? "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;" : ";");
void PropertyEntranceComponent::OnPropertyEntranceSync(Entity* entity, bool includeNullAddress, bool includeNullDescription, bool playerOwn, bool updateUi, int32_t numResults, int32_t lReputationTime, int32_t sortMethod, int32_t startIndex, std::string filterText, const SystemAddress& sysAddr) {
std::vector<PropertySelectQueryProperty> entries{};
PropertySelectQueryProperty playerEntry{};
auto character = entity->GetCharacter();
if (!character) return;
// Player property goes in index 1 of the vector. This is how the client expects it.
auto playerPropertyLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT * FROM properties WHERE owner_id = ? AND zone_id = ?");
playerPropertyLookup->setInt(1, character->GetID());
playerPropertyLookup->setInt(2, this->m_MapID);
auto playerPropertyLookupResults = playerPropertyLookup->executeQuery();
// If the player has a property this query will have a single result.
if (playerPropertyLookupResults->next()) {
const auto cloneId = playerPropertyLookupResults->getUInt64(4);
const auto propertyName = std::string(playerPropertyLookupResults->getString(5).c_str());
const auto propertyDescription = std::string(playerPropertyLookupResults->getString(6).c_str());
const auto privacyOption = playerPropertyLookupResults->getInt(9);
const auto modApproved = playerPropertyLookupResults->getBoolean(10);
const auto dateLastUpdated = playerPropertyLookupResults->getInt64(11);
const auto reputation = playerPropertyLookupResults->getUInt(14);
const auto performanceCost = (float)playerPropertyLookupResults->getDouble(16);
playerEntry = SetPropertyValues(playerEntry, cloneId, character->GetName(), propertyName, propertyDescription, reputation, true, true, modApproved, true, true, privacyOption, dateLastUpdated, performanceCost);
} else {
playerEntry = SetPropertyValues(playerEntry, character->GetPropertyCloneID(), character->GetName(), "", "", 0, true, true);
delete playerPropertyLookupResults;
playerPropertyLookupResults = nullptr;
delete playerPropertyLookup;
playerPropertyLookup = nullptr;
const auto query = BuildQuery(entity, sortMethod, character);
auto propertyLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(query);
const auto searchString = "%" + filterText + "%";
propertyLookup->setUInt(1, this->m_MapID);
propertyLookup->setString(2, searchString.c_str());
propertyLookup->setString(3, searchString.c_str());
propertyLookup->setString(4, searchString.c_str());
propertyLookup->setInt(5, sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FEATURED || sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FRIENDS ? (uint32_t)PropertyPrivacyOption::Friends : (uint32_t)PropertyPrivacyOption::Public);
propertyLookup->setInt(6, numResults);
propertyLookup->setInt(7, startIndex);
auto propertyEntry = propertyLookup->executeQuery();
while (propertyEntry->next()) {
const auto propertyId = propertyEntry->getUInt64(1);
const auto owner = propertyEntry->getInt(2);
const auto cloneId = propertyEntry->getUInt64(4);
const auto propertyNameFromDb = std::string(propertyEntry->getString(5).c_str());
const auto propertyDescriptionFromDb = std::string(propertyEntry->getString(6).c_str());
const auto privacyOption = propertyEntry->getInt(9);
const auto modApproved = propertyEntry->getBoolean(10);
const auto dateLastUpdated = propertyEntry->getInt(11);
const float reputation = propertyEntry->getInt(14);
const auto performanceCost = (float)propertyEntry->getDouble(16);
PropertySelectQueryProperty entry{};
std::string ownerName = "";
bool isOwned = true;
auto nameLookup = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT name FROM charinfo WHERE prop_clone_id = ?;");
nameLookup->setUInt64(1, cloneId);
auto nameResult = nameLookup->executeQuery();
if (!nameResult->next()) {
delete nameLookup;
nameLookup = nullptr;
LOG("Failed to find property owner name for %llu!", cloneId);
} else {
isOwned = cloneId == character->GetPropertyCloneID();
ownerName = std::string(nameResult->getString(1).c_str());
delete nameResult;
nameResult = nullptr;
delete nameLookup;
nameLookup = nullptr;
std::string propertyName = propertyNameFromDb;
std::string propertyDescription = propertyDescriptionFromDb;
bool isBestFriend = false;
bool isFriend = false;
// Convert owner char id to LWOOBJID
LWOOBJID ownerObjId = owner;
GeneralUtils::SetBit(ownerObjId, eObjectBits::CHARACTER);
GeneralUtils::SetBit(ownerObjId, eObjectBits::PERSISTENT);
// Query to get friend and best friend fields
auto friendCheck = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT best_friend FROM friends WHERE (player_id = ? AND friend_id = ?) OR (player_id = ? AND friend_id = ?)");
friendCheck->setUInt(1, character->GetID());
friendCheck->setUInt(2, ownerObjId);
friendCheck->setUInt(3, ownerObjId);
friendCheck->setUInt(4, character->GetID());
auto friendResult = friendCheck->executeQuery();
// If we got a result than the two players are friends.
if (friendResult->next()) {
isFriend = true;
if (friendResult->getInt(1) == 3) {
isBestFriend = true;
delete friendCheck;
friendCheck = nullptr;
delete friendResult;
friendResult = nullptr;
bool isModeratorApproved = propertyEntry->getBoolean(10);
if (!isModeratorApproved && entity->GetGMLevel() >= eGameMasterLevel::LEAD_MODERATOR) {
propertyName = "[AWAITING APPROVAL]";
propertyDescription = "[AWAITING APPROVAL]";
isModeratorApproved = true;
bool isAlt = false;
// Query to determine whether this property is an alt character of the entity.
auto isAltQuery = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("SELECT id FROM charinfo where account_id in (SELECT account_id from charinfo WHERE id = ?) AND id = ?;");
isAltQuery->setInt(1, character->GetID());
isAltQuery->setInt(2, owner);
auto isAltQueryResults = isAltQuery->executeQuery();
if (isAltQueryResults->next()) {
isAlt = true;
delete isAltQueryResults;
isAltQueryResults = nullptr;
delete isAltQuery;
isAltQuery = nullptr;
entry = SetPropertyValues(entry, cloneId, ownerName, propertyName, propertyDescription, reputation, isBestFriend, isFriend, isModeratorApproved, isAlt, isOwned, privacyOption, dateLastUpdated, performanceCost);
delete propertyEntry;
propertyEntry = nullptr;
delete propertyLookup;
propertyLookup = nullptr;
propertyQueries[entity->GetObjectID()] = entries;
// Query here is to figure out whether or not to display the button to go to the next page or not.
int32_t numberOfProperties = 0;
auto buttonQuery = BuildQuery(entity, sortMethod, character, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM properties as p JOIN charinfo as ci ON ci.prop_clone_id = p.clone_id where p.zone_id = ? AND (p.description LIKE ? OR p.name LIKE ? OR ci.name LIKE ?) AND p.privacy_option >= ? ", false);
auto propertiesLeft = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(buttonQuery);
propertiesLeft->setUInt(1, this->m_MapID);
propertiesLeft->setString(2, searchString.c_str());
propertiesLeft->setString(3, searchString.c_str());
propertiesLeft->setString(4, searchString.c_str());
propertiesLeft->setInt(5, sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FEATURED || sortMethod == SORT_TYPE_FRIENDS ? 1 : 2);
auto result = propertiesLeft->executeQuery();
numberOfProperties = result->getInt(1);
delete result;
result = nullptr;
delete propertiesLeft;
propertiesLeft = nullptr;
GameMessages::SendPropertySelectQuery(m_Parent->GetObjectID(), startIndex, numberOfProperties - (startIndex + numResults) > 0, character->GetPropertyCloneID(), false, true, entries, sysAddr);