mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 09:57:06 +00:00
Fixed a few issues in VendorComponent. - Corrected serialization to only happen on construction. - Added functionality to refresh the vendor based on info from the vendor component table - some whitespaceing inconsistencies. - Sorted includes. Tested the vendor in Nimbus Station and when the player re-enters the world, the vendor inventory refreshes, as opposed to previously where the world would need to reset in order to refresh the inventory.
1025 lines
46 KiB
1025 lines
46 KiB
#include "dCommonVars.h"
#include "RakNetTypes.h"
#include <string>
#include "InventoryComponent.h"
#include "dMessageIdentifiers.h"
#include "AMFFormat.h"
#include "AMFFormat_BitStream.h"
#include "NiQuaternion.h"
#include "PropertySelectQueryProperty.h"
#include "TradingManager.h"
#include "LeaderboardManager.h"
#include "MovingPlatformComponent.h"
class NiQuaternion;
class User;
class Entity;
class NiPoint3;
namespace GameMessages {
class PropertyDataMessage;
void SendFireEventClientSide(const LWOOBJID& objectID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, std::u16string args, const LWOOBJID& object, int64_t param1, int param2, const LWOOBJID& sender);
void SendTeleport(const LWOOBJID& objectID, const NiPoint3& pos, const NiQuaternion& rot, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, bool bSetRotation = false, bool noGravTeleport = true);
void SendPlayAnimation(Entity* entity, const std::u16string& animationName, float fPriority = 0.0f, float fScale = 1.0f);
void SendPlayerReady(Entity * entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPlayerAllowedRespawn(LWOOBJID entityID, bool doNotPromptRespawn, const SystemAddress& systemAddress);
void SendInvalidZoneTransferList(Entity * entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::u16string& feedbackURL, const std::u16string& invalidMapTransferList, bool feedbackOnExit, bool feedbackOnInvalidTransfer);
void SendKnockback(const LWOOBJID& objectID, const LWOOBJID& caster, const LWOOBJID& originator, int knockBackTimeMS, const NiPoint3& vector);
void SendStartArrangingWithItem(
Entity* entity,
const SystemAddress& sysAddr,
bool bFirstTime = true,
NiPoint3 buildStartPOS = NiPoint3::ZERO,
int sourceBAG = 0,
LOT sourceLOT = 0,
int sourceTYPE = 8,
const LWOOBJID& targetID = 0,
LOT targetLOT = 0,
NiPoint3 targetPOS = NiPoint3::ZERO,
int targetTYPE = 0
void SendPlayerSetCameraCyclingMode(const LWOOBJID& objectID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr,
bool bAllowCyclingWhileDeadOnly = true, eCyclingMode cyclingMode = ALLOW_CYCLE_TEAMMATES);
void SendPlayNDAudioEmitter(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, std::string audioGUID);
void SendStartPathing(Entity* entity);
void SendPlatformResync(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, bool bStopAtDesiredWaypoint = false,
int iIndex = 0, int iDesiredWaypointIndex = 1, int nextIndex = 1,
MovementPlatformState movementState = MovementPlatformState::Moving);
void SendRestoreToPostLoadStats(Entity * entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendServerDoneLoadingAllObjects(Entity * entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendGMLevelBroadcast(const LWOOBJID& objectID, uint8_t level);
void SendChatModeUpdate(const LWOOBJID& objectID, uint8_t level);
void SendAddItemToInventoryClientSync(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, Item* item, const LWOOBJID& objectID, bool showFlyingLoot, int itemCount, LWOOBJID subKey = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, eLootSourceType lootSourceType = eLootSourceType::LOOT_SOURCE_NONE);
void SendNotifyClientFlagChange(const LWOOBJID& objectID, int iFlagID, bool bFlag, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendChangeObjectWorldState(const LWOOBJID& objectID, int state, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendOfferMission(const LWOOBJID& entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int32_t missionID, const LWOOBJID& offererID);
void SendNotifyMission(Entity * entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int missionID, int missionState, bool sendingRewards);
void SendNotifyMissionTask(Entity * entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int missionID, int taskMask, std::vector<float> updates);
void NotifyLevelRewards(LWOOBJID objectID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int level, bool sending_rewards);
void SendModifyLEGOScore(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int64_t score, eLootSourceType sourceType);
void SendUIMessageServerToSingleClient(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::string& message, NDGFxValue args);
void SendUIMessageServerToAllClients(const std::string& message, NDGFxValue args);
void SendPlayEmbeddedEffectOnAllClientsNearObject(Entity* entity, std::u16string effectName, const LWOOBJID& fromObjectID, float radius);
void SendPlayFXEffect(Entity* entity, int32_t effectID, const std::u16string& effectType, const std::string& name, LWOOBJID secondary, float priority = 1, float scale = 1, bool serialize = true);
void SendPlayFXEffect(const LWOOBJID& entity, int32_t effectID, const std::u16string& effectType, const std::string& name, LWOOBJID secondary = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, float priority = 1, float scale = 1, bool serialize = true);
void SendStopFXEffect(Entity* entity, bool killImmediate, std::string name);
void SendBroadcastTextToChatbox(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::u16string& attrs, const std::u16string& wsText);
void SendSetCurrency(Entity* entity, int64_t currency, int lootType, const LWOOBJID& sourceID, const LOT& sourceLOT, int sourceTradeID, bool overrideCurrent, eLootSourceType sourceType);
void SendRebuildNotifyState(Entity* entity, int prevState, int state, const LWOOBJID& playerID);
void SendEnableRebuild(Entity* entity, bool enable, bool fail, bool success, int failReason, float duration, const LWOOBJID& playerID);
void AddActivityOwner(Entity* entity, LWOOBJID& ownerID);
void SendTerminateInteraction(const LWOOBJID& objectID, eTerminateType type, const LWOOBJID& terminator);
void SendDieNoImplCode(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& killerID, const LWOOBJID& lootOwnerID, eKillType killType, std::u16string deathType, float directionRelative_AngleY, float directionRelative_AngleXZ, float directionRelative_Force, bool bClientDeath, bool bSpawnLoot);
void SendDie(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& killerID, const LWOOBJID& lootOwnerID, bool bDieAccepted, eKillType killType, std::u16string deathType, float directionRelative_AngleY, float directionRelative_AngleXZ, float directionRelative_Force, bool bClientDeath, bool bSpawnLoot, float coinSpawnTime);
void SendSetInventorySize(Entity* entity, int invType, int size);
void SendSetEmoteLockState(Entity* entity, bool bLock, int emoteID);
void SendSetJetPackMode(Entity* entity, bool use, bool bypassChecks = false, bool doHover = false, int effectID = -1, float airspeed = 10, float maxAirspeed = 15, float verticalVelocity = 1, int warningEffectID = -1);
void SendResurrect(Entity* entity);
void SendStop2DAmbientSound(Entity* entity, bool force, std::string audioGUID, bool result = false);
void SendPlay2DAmbientSound(Entity* entity, std::string audioGUID, bool result = false);
void SendSetNetworkScriptVar(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, std::string data);
void SendDropClientLoot(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& sourceID, LOT item, int currency, NiPoint3 spawnPos = NiPoint3::ZERO, int count = 1);
void SendSetPlayerControlScheme(Entity* entity, eControlSceme controlScheme);
void SendPlayerReachedRespawnCheckpoint(Entity* entity, const NiPoint3& position, const NiQuaternion& rotation);
void SendAddSkill(Entity* entity, TSkillID skillID, int slotID);
void SendRemoveSkill(Entity* entity, TSkillID skillID);
void SendFinishArrangingWithItem(Entity* entity, const LWOOBJID& buildAreaID);
void SendModularBuildEnd(Entity* entity);
void SendVendorOpenWindow(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendVendorStatusUpdate(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, bool bUpdateOnly = false);
void SendVendorTransactionResult(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendRemoveItemFromInventory(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, LWOOBJID iObjID, LOT templateID, int inventoryType, uint32_t stackCount, uint32_t stackRemaining);
void SendConsumeClientItem(Entity* entity, bool bSuccess, LWOOBJID item);
void SendUseItemResult(Entity* entity, LOT templateID, bool useItemResult);
void SendMoveInventoryBatch(Entity* entity, uint32_t stackCount, int srcInv, int dstInv, const LWOOBJID& iObjID);
void SendMatchResponse(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int response);
void SendMatchUpdate(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, std::string data, int type);
void SendStartCelebrationEffect(Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int celebrationID);
// Rails stuff
void SendSetRailMovement(const LWOOBJID& objectID, bool pathGoForward, std::u16string pathName, uint32_t pathStart,
const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS,
int32_t railActivatorComponentID = -1, LWOOBJID railActivatorObjectID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
void SendStartRailMovement(const LWOOBJID& objectID, std::u16string pathName, std::u16string startSound,
std::u16string loopSound, std::u16string stopSound, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS,
uint32_t pathStart = 0, bool goForward = true, bool damageImmune = true, bool noAggro = true,
bool notifyActor = false, bool showNameBillboard = true, bool cameraLocked = true,
bool collisionEnabled = true, bool useDB = true, int32_t railComponentID = -1,
void HandleClientRailMovementReady(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleCancelRailMovement(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePlayerRailArrivedNotification(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyClientObject(const LWOOBJID& objectID, std::u16string name, int param1 = 0, int param2 = 0, const LWOOBJID& paramObj = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, std::string paramStr = "", const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void SendNotifyClientZoneObject(const LWOOBJID& objectID, const std::u16string& name, int param1, int param2, const LWOOBJID& paramObj, const std::string& paramStr, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyClientFailedPrecondition(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const std::u16string& failedReason, int preconditionID);
// The success or failure response sent back to the client will preserve the same value for localID.
void SendBBBSaveResponse(const LWOOBJID& objectId, const LWOOBJID& localID, unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t bufferSize, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendAddBuff(LWOOBJID& objectID, const LWOOBJID& casterID, uint32_t buffID, uint32_t msDuration,
bool addImmunity = false, bool cancelOnDamaged = false, bool cancelOnDeath = true,
bool cancelOnLogout = false, bool cancelOnRemoveBuff = true, bool cancelOnUi = false,
bool cancelOnUnequip = false, bool cancelOnZone = false, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void SendToggleGMInvis(LWOOBJID objectId, bool enabled, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendSetName(LWOOBJID objectID, std::u16string name, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
// Property messages
void SendOpenPropertyVendor(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendOpenPropertyManagment(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendDownloadPropertyData(LWOOBJID objectId, const PropertyDataMessage& data, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPropertyRentalResponse(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOCLONEID cloneId, uint32_t code, LWOOBJID propertyId, int64_t rentDue, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendLockNodeRotation(Entity* entity, std::string nodeName);
void SendSetBuildModeConfirmed(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, bool start, bool warnVisitors, bool modePaused, int32_t modeValue, LWOOBJID playerId, NiPoint3 startPos = NiPoint3::ZERO);
void SendGetModelsOnProperty(LWOOBJID objectId, std::map<LWOOBJID, LWOOBJID> models, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendZonePropertyModelEquipped(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID playerId, LWOOBJID propertyId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPlaceModelResponse(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, NiPoint3 position, LWOOBJID plaque, int32_t response, NiQuaternion rotation);
void SendUGCEquipPreCreateBasedOnEditMode(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int modelCount, LWOOBJID model);
void SendUGCEquipPostDeleteBasedOnEditMode(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, LWOOBJID inventoryItem, int itemTotal);
void HandleSetPropertyAccess(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleUpdatePropertyOrModelForFilterCheck(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleQueryPropertyData(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleSetBuildMode(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleStartBuildingWithItem(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePropertyEditorBegin(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePropertyEditorEnd(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePropertyContentsFromClient(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePropertyModelEquipped(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePlacePropertyModel(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleUpdatePropertyModel(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleDeletePropertyModel(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleBBBLoadItemRequest(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleBBBSaveRequest(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePropertyEntranceSync(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleEnterProperty(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleSetConsumableItem(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPlayCinematic(LWOOBJID objectId, std::u16string pathName, const SystemAddress& sysAddr,
bool allowGhostUpdates = true, bool bCloseMultiInteract = true, bool bSendServerNotify = false, bool bUseControlledObjectForAudioListener = false,
int endBehavior = 0, bool hidePlayerDuringCine = false, float leadIn = -1, bool leavePlayerLockedWhenFinished = false,
bool lockPlayer = true, bool result = false, bool skipIfSamePath = false, float startTimeAdvance = 0);
void SendEndCinematic(LWOOBJID objectID, std::u16string pathName, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS,
float leadOut = -1.0f, bool leavePlayerLocked = false);
void HandleCinematicUpdate(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendSetStunned(LWOOBJID objectId, eStunState stateChangeType, const SystemAddress& sysAddr,
LWOOBJID originator = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, bool bCantAttack = false, bool bCantEquip = false,
bool bCantInteract = false, bool bCantJump = false, bool bCantMove = false, bool bCantTurn = false,
bool bCantUseItem = false, bool bDontTerminateInteract = false, bool bIgnoreImmunity = true,
bool bCantAttackOutChangeWasApplied = false, bool bCantEquipOutChangeWasApplied = false,
bool bCantInteractOutChangeWasApplied = false, bool bCantJumpOutChangeWasApplied = false,
bool bCantMoveOutChangeWasApplied = false, bool bCantTurnOutChangeWasApplied = false,
bool bCantUseItemOutChangeWasApplied = false);
void SendOrientToAngle(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bRelativeToCurrent, float fAngle, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendAddRunSpeedModifier(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID caster, uint32_t modifier, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendRemoveRunSpeedModifier(LWOOBJID objectId, uint32_t modifier, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPropertyEntranceBegin(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPropertySelectQuery(LWOOBJID objectId, int32_t navOffset, bool thereAreMore, int32_t cloneId, bool hasFeaturedProperty, bool wasFriends, const std::vector<PropertySelectQueryProperty>& entries, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyObject(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID objIDSender, std::u16string name, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, int param1 = 0, int param2 = 0);
void HandleVerifyAck(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendTeamPickupItem(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID lootID, LWOOBJID lootOwnerID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendServerTradeInvite(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bNeedInvitePopUp, LWOOBJID i64Requestor, std::u16string wsName, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendServerTradeInitialReply(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID i64Invitee, int32_t resultType, std::u16string wsName, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendServerTradeFinalReply(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bResult, LWOOBJID i64Invitee, std::u16string wsName, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendServerTradeAccept(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bFirst, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendServerTradeCancel(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendServerTradeUpdate(LWOOBJID objectId, uint64_t coins, const std::vector<TradeItem>& items, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleClientTradeRequest(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleClientTradeCancel(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleClientTradeAccept(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleClientTradeUpdate(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyPetTamingMinigame(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID petId, LWOOBJID playerTamingId, bool bForceTeleport, uint32_t notifyType, NiPoint3 petsDestPos, NiPoint3 telePos, NiQuaternion teleRot, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyPetTamingPuzzleSelected(LWOOBJID objectId, std::vector<Brick>& bricks, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyTamingModelLoadedOnServer(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPetTamingTryBuildResult(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bSuccess, int32_t iNumCorrect, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPetResponse(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID objIDPet, int32_t iPetCommandType, int32_t iResponse, int32_t iTypeID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendAddPetToPlayer(LWOOBJID objectId, int32_t iElementalType, std::u16string name, LWOOBJID petDBID, LOT petLOT, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendRegisterPetID(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID objID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendRegisterPetDBID(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID petDBID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendMarkInventoryItemAsActive(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bActive, int32_t iType, LWOOBJID itemID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendClientExitTamingMinigame(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bVoluntaryExit, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendShowPetActionButton(LWOOBJID objectId, int32_t buttonLabel, bool bShow, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPlayEmote(LWOOBJID objectId, int32_t emoteID, LWOOBJID target, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendBouncerActiveStatus(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bActive, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendSetPetName(LWOOBJID objectId, std::u16string name, LWOOBJID petDBID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendSetPetNameModerated(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID petDBID, int32_t nModerationStatus, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendPetNameChanged(LWOOBJID objectId, int32_t moderationStatus, std::u16string name, std::u16string ownerName, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleClientExitTamingMinigame(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleStartServerPetMinigameTimer(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePetTamingTryBuild(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleNotifyTamingBuildSuccess(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleRequestSetPetName(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleCommandPet(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleDespawnPet(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleMessageBoxResponse(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleChoiceBoxRespond(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendDisplayZoneSummary(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, bool isPropertyMap = false, bool isZoneStart = false, LWOOBJID sender = LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
void SendNotifyNotEnoughInvSpace(LWOOBJID objectId, uint32_t freeSlotsNeeded, eInventoryType inventoryType, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendDisplayMessageBox(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bShow, LWOOBJID callbackClient, const std::u16string& identifier, int32_t imageID, const std::u16string& text, const std::u16string& userData, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendDisplayChatBubble(LWOOBJID objectId, const std::u16string& text, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleModuleAssemblyQueryData(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleModularAssemblyNIFCompleted(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleVehicleSetWheelLockState(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleRacingClientReady(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleAcknowledgePossession(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleRequestDie(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleVehicleNotifyServerAddPassiveBoostAction(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleVehicleNotifyServerRemovePassiveBoostAction(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleRacingPlayerInfoResetFinished(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleVehicleNotifyHitImaginationServer(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendModuleAssemblyDBDataForClient(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID assemblyID, const std::u16string& data, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyVehicleOfRacingObject(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID racingObjectID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendRacingPlayerLoaded(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID playerID, LWOOBJID vehicleID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendVehicleUnlockInput(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bLockWheels, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendVehicleSetWheelLockState(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bExtraFriction, bool bLocked, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendRacingSetPlayerResetInfo(LWOOBJID objectId, int32_t currentLap, uint32_t furthestResetPlane, LWOOBJID playerID, NiPoint3 respawnPos, uint32_t upcomingPlane, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendRacingResetPlayerToLastReset(LWOOBJID objectId, LWOOBJID playerID, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyRacingClient(LWOOBJID objectId, int32_t eventType, int32_t param1, LWOOBJID paramObj, std::u16string paramStr, LWOOBJID singleClient, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendActivityEnter(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendActivityStart(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendActivityExit(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendActivityStop(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bExit, bool bUserCancel, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendActivityPause(LWOOBJID objectId, bool pause = false, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void SendStartActivityTime(LWOOBJID objectId, float_t startTime, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void SendRequestActivityEnter(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr, bool bStart, LWOOBJID userID);
// SG:
void SendSetShootingGalleryParams(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr,
float cameraFOV,
float cooldown,
float minDistance,
NiPoint3 muzzlePosOffset,
NiPoint3 playerPosOffset,
float projectileVelocity,
float timeLimit,
bool bUseLeaderboards
void HandleUpdatePropertyPerformanceCost(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendNotifyClientShootingGalleryScore(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr,
float addTime,
int32_t score,
LWOOBJID target,
NiPoint3 targetPos
void HandleUpdateShootingGalleryRotation(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendUpdateReputation(const LWOOBJID objectId, const int64_t reputation, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
// Leaderboards
void SendActivitySummaryLeaderboardData(const LWOOBJID& objectID, const Leaderboard* leaderboard,
const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
void HandleActivitySummaryLeaderboardData(RakNet::BitStream* instream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendRequestActivitySummaryLeaderboardData(const LWOOBJID& objectID, const LWOOBJID& targetID,
const SystemAddress& sysAddr, const int32_t& gameID = 0,
const int32_t& queryType = 1, const int32_t& resultsEnd = 10,
const int32_t& resultsStart = 0, bool weekly = false);
void HandleRequestActivitySummaryLeaderboardData(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleActivityStateChangeRequest(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void SendVehicleAddPassiveBoostAction(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendVehicleRemovePassiveBoostAction(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendVehicleNotifyFinishedRace(LWOOBJID objectId, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleRequestMoveItemBetweenInventoryTypes(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void SendShowActivityCountdown(LWOOBJID objectId, bool bPlayAdditionalSound, bool bPlayCountdownSound, std::u16string sndName, int32_t stateToPlaySoundOn, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleToggleGhostReferenceOverride(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleSetGhostReferencePosition(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleBuyFromVendor(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleSellToVendor(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleBuybackFromVendor(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleParseChatMessage(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleToggleGhostReffrenceOverride(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleSetGhostReffrenceOverride(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleFireEventServerSide(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleRequestPlatformResync(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleRebuildCancel(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleRequestUse(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePlayEmote(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleModularBuildConvertModel(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleSetFlag(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleRespondToMission(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleMissionDialogOK(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleRequestLinkedMission(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleHasBeenCollected(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleNotifyServerLevelProcessingComplete(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandlePickupCurrency(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleRequestDie(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleEquipItem(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleUnequipItem(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleRemoveItemFromInventory(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleMoveItemInInventory(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleMoveItemBetweenInventoryTypes(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleBuildModeSet(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleModularBuildFinish(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleDoneArrangingWithItem(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandleModularBuildMoveAndEquip(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
void HandlePickupItem(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleResurrect(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleModifyPlayerZoneStatistic(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleUpdatePlayerStatistic(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandlePushEquippedItemsState(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandlePopEquippedItemsState(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleClientItemConsumed(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleUseNonEquipmentItem(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleMatchRequest(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
void HandleReportBug(RakNet::BitStream* inStream, Entity* entity);
/* Message to synchronize a skill cast */
class EchoSyncSkill {
EchoSyncSkill() {
bDone = false;
EchoSyncSkill(std::string _sBitStream, unsigned int _uiBehaviorHandle, unsigned int _uiSkillHandle, bool _bDone = false) {
bDone = _bDone;
sBitStream = _sBitStream;
uiBehaviorHandle = _uiBehaviorHandle;
uiSkillHandle = _uiSkillHandle;
EchoSyncSkill(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
bDone = false;
~EchoSyncSkill() {
void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
stream->Write((unsigned short)MsgID);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength = sBitStream.length();
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
bool Deserialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
uint32_t sBitStreamLength{};
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
unsigned char character;
return true;
bool bDone{};
std::string sBitStream{};
unsigned int uiBehaviorHandle{};
unsigned int uiSkillHandle{};
/* Message to synchronize a skill cast */
class SyncSkill {
SyncSkill() {
bDone = false;
SyncSkill(std::string _sBitStream, unsigned int _uiBehaviorHandle, unsigned int _uiSkillHandle, bool _bDone = false) {
bDone = _bDone;
sBitStream = _sBitStream;
uiBehaviorHandle = _uiBehaviorHandle;
uiSkillHandle = _uiSkillHandle;
SyncSkill(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
bDone = false;
~SyncSkill() {
void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
stream->Write((unsigned short)MsgID);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength = sBitStream.length();
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
bool Deserialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
uint32_t sBitStreamLength{};
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
unsigned char character;
return true;
bool bDone{};
std::string sBitStream{};
unsigned int uiBehaviorHandle{};
unsigned int uiSkillHandle{};
/* Notifying the server that a locally owned projectil impacted. Sent to the caster of the projectile
should always be the local char. */
class RequestServerProjectileImpact {
RequestServerProjectileImpact() {
RequestServerProjectileImpact(std::string _sBitStream, LWOOBJID _i64LocalID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, LWOOBJID _i64TargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
i64LocalID = _i64LocalID;
i64TargetID = _i64TargetID;
sBitStream = _sBitStream;
RequestServerProjectileImpact(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
~RequestServerProjectileImpact() {
void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
stream->Write((unsigned short)MsgID);
stream->Write(i64LocalID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (i64LocalID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(i64LocalID);
stream->Write(i64TargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (i64TargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(i64TargetID);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength = sBitStream.length();
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
bool Deserialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
bool i64LocalIDIsDefault{};
if (i64LocalIDIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(i64LocalID);
bool i64TargetIDIsDefault{};
if (i64TargetIDIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(i64TargetID);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength{};
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
unsigned char character;
return true;
std::string sBitStream;
/* Tell a client local projectile to impact */
class DoClientProjectileImpact {
DoClientProjectileImpact() {
DoClientProjectileImpact(std::string _sBitStream, LWOOBJID _i64OrgID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, LWOOBJID _i64OwnerID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, LWOOBJID _i64TargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY) {
i64OrgID = _i64OrgID;
i64OwnerID = _i64OwnerID;
i64TargetID = _i64TargetID;
sBitStream = _sBitStream;
DoClientProjectileImpact(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
~DoClientProjectileImpact() {
void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
stream->Write((unsigned short)MsgID);
stream->Write(i64OrgID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (i64OrgID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(i64OrgID);
stream->Write(i64OwnerID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (i64OwnerID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(i64OwnerID);
stream->Write(i64TargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (i64TargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(i64TargetID);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength = sBitStream.length();
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
bool Deserialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
bool i64OrgIDIsDefault{};
if (i64OrgIDIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(i64OrgID);
bool i64OwnerIDIsDefault{};
if (i64OwnerIDIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(i64OwnerID);
bool i64TargetIDIsDefault{};
if (i64TargetIDIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(i64TargetID);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength{};
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
unsigned char character;
return true;
std::string sBitStream;
/* Same as start skill but with different network options. An echo down to other clients that need to play the skill. */
class EchoStartSkill {
EchoStartSkill() {
bUsedMouse = false;
fCasterLatency = 0.0f;
iCastType = 0;
lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO;
optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
uiSkillHandle = 0;
EchoStartSkill(LWOOBJID _optionalOriginatorID, std::string _sBitStream, TSkillID _skillID, bool _bUsedMouse = false, float _fCasterLatency = 0.0f, int _iCastType = 0, NiPoint3 _lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID _optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, NiQuaternion _originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY, unsigned int _uiSkillHandle = 0) {
bUsedMouse = _bUsedMouse;
fCasterLatency = _fCasterLatency;
iCastType = _iCastType;
lastClickedPosit = _lastClickedPosit;
optionalOriginatorID = _optionalOriginatorID;
optionalTargetID = _optionalTargetID;
originatorRot = _originatorRot;
sBitStream = _sBitStream;
skillID = _skillID;
uiSkillHandle = _uiSkillHandle;
EchoStartSkill(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
bUsedMouse = false;
fCasterLatency = 0.0f;
iCastType = 0;
lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO;
optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
uiSkillHandle = 0;
~EchoStartSkill() {
void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
stream->Write((unsigned short)MsgID);
stream->Write(fCasterLatency != 0.0f);
if (fCasterLatency != 0.0f) stream->Write(fCasterLatency);
stream->Write(iCastType != 0);
if (iCastType != 0) stream->Write(iCastType);
stream->Write(lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3::ZERO);
if (lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3::ZERO) stream->Write(lastClickedPosit);
stream->Write(optionalTargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (optionalTargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(optionalTargetID);
stream->Write(originatorRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (originatorRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) stream->Write(originatorRot);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength = sBitStream.length();
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
stream->Write(uiSkillHandle != 0);
if (uiSkillHandle != 0) stream->Write(uiSkillHandle);
bool Deserialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
bool fCasterLatencyIsDefault{};
if (fCasterLatencyIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(fCasterLatency);
bool iCastTypeIsDefault{};
if (iCastTypeIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(iCastType);
bool lastClickedPositIsDefault{};
if (lastClickedPositIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(lastClickedPosit);
bool optionalTargetIDIsDefault{};
if (optionalTargetIDIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(optionalTargetID);
bool originatorRotIsDefault{};
if (originatorRotIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(originatorRot);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength{};
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
unsigned char character;
bool uiSkillHandleIsDefault{};
if (uiSkillHandleIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(uiSkillHandle);
return true;
bool bUsedMouse;
float fCasterLatency;
int iCastType;
NiPoint3 lastClickedPosit;
LWOOBJID optionalOriginatorID;
LWOOBJID optionalTargetID;
NiQuaternion originatorRot;
std::string sBitStream;
TSkillID skillID;
unsigned int uiSkillHandle;
/* Same as sync skill but with different network options. An echo down to other clients that need to play the skill. */
class StartSkill {
StartSkill() {
bUsedMouse = false;
consumableItemID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
fCasterLatency = 0.0f;
iCastType = 0;
lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO;
optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
uiSkillHandle = 0;
StartSkill(LWOOBJID _optionalOriginatorID, std::string _sBitStream, TSkillID _skillID, bool _bUsedMouse = false, LWOOBJID _consumableItemID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, float _fCasterLatency = 0.0f, int _iCastType = 0, NiPoint3 _lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO, LWOOBJID _optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, NiQuaternion _originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY, unsigned int _uiSkillHandle = 0) {
bUsedMouse = _bUsedMouse;
consumableItemID = _consumableItemID;
fCasterLatency = _fCasterLatency;
iCastType = _iCastType;
lastClickedPosit = _lastClickedPosit;
optionalOriginatorID = _optionalOriginatorID;
optionalTargetID = _optionalTargetID;
originatorRot = _originatorRot;
sBitStream = _sBitStream;
skillID = _skillID;
uiSkillHandle = _uiSkillHandle;
StartSkill(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
bUsedMouse = false;
consumableItemID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
fCasterLatency = 0.0f;
iCastType = 0;
lastClickedPosit = NiPoint3::ZERO;
optionalTargetID = LWOOBJID_EMPTY;
originatorRot = NiQuaternion::IDENTITY;
uiSkillHandle = 0;
~StartSkill() {
void Serialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
stream->Write((unsigned short)MsgID);
stream->Write(consumableItemID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (consumableItemID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(consumableItemID);
stream->Write(fCasterLatency != 0.0f);
if (fCasterLatency != 0.0f) stream->Write(fCasterLatency);
stream->Write(iCastType != 0);
if (iCastType != 0) stream->Write(iCastType);
stream->Write(lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3::ZERO);
if (lastClickedPosit != NiPoint3::ZERO) stream->Write(lastClickedPosit);
stream->Write(optionalTargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY);
if (optionalTargetID != LWOOBJID_EMPTY) stream->Write(optionalTargetID);
stream->Write(originatorRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY);
if (originatorRot != NiQuaternion::IDENTITY) stream->Write(originatorRot);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength = sBitStream.length();
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
stream->Write(uiSkillHandle != 0);
if (uiSkillHandle != 0) stream->Write(uiSkillHandle);
bool Deserialize(RakNet::BitStream* stream) {
bool consumableItemIDIsDefault{};
if (consumableItemIDIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(consumableItemID);
bool fCasterLatencyIsDefault{};
if (fCasterLatencyIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(fCasterLatency);
bool iCastTypeIsDefault{};
if (iCastTypeIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(iCastType);
bool lastClickedPositIsDefault{};
if (lastClickedPositIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(lastClickedPosit);
bool optionalTargetIDIsDefault{};
if (optionalTargetIDIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(optionalTargetID);
bool originatorRotIsDefault{};
if (originatorRotIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(originatorRot);
uint32_t sBitStreamLength{};
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sBitStreamLength; k++) {
unsigned char character;
bool uiSkillHandleIsDefault{};
if (uiSkillHandleIsDefault != 0) stream->Read(uiSkillHandle);
return true;
bool bUsedMouse = false;
LWOOBJID consumableItemID{};
float fCasterLatency{};
int iCastType{};
NiPoint3 lastClickedPosit{};
LWOOBJID optionalOriginatorID{};
LWOOBJID optionalTargetID{};
NiQuaternion originatorRot{};
std::string sBitStream = "";
TSkillID skillID = 0;
unsigned int uiSkillHandle = 0;