mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:11:34 +00:00

* Don't save the map and char location info if we are in an instanced * LUP worlds will be handled in a future PR * simplify check
592 lines
17 KiB
592 lines
17 KiB
#include "Character.h"
#include "User.h"
#include "Database.h"
#include "GeneralUtils.h"
#include "dLogger.h"
#include "BitStream.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include <chrono>
#include "Entity.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "MissionComponent.h"
#include "dZoneManager.h"
#include "dServer.h"
#include "Zone.h"
#include "ChatPackets.h"
#include "Inventory.h"
Character::Character(uint32_t id, User* parentUser) {
//First load the name, etc:
m_ID = id;
sql::PreparedStatement* stmt = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT name, pending_name, needs_rename, prop_clone_id, permission_map FROM charinfo WHERE id=? LIMIT 1;"
stmt->setInt64(1, id);
sql::ResultSet* res = stmt->executeQuery();
while (res->next()) {
m_Name = res->getString(1).c_str();
m_UnapprovedName = res->getString(2).c_str();
m_NameRejected = res->getBoolean(3);
m_PropertyCloneID = res->getUInt(4);
m_PermissionMap = static_cast<PermissionMap>(res->getUInt64(5));
delete res;
delete stmt;
//Load the xmlData now:
sql::PreparedStatement* xmlStmt = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT xml_data FROM charxml WHERE id=? LIMIT 1;"
xmlStmt->setInt64(1, id);
sql::ResultSet* xmlRes = xmlStmt->executeQuery();
while (xmlRes->next()) {
m_XMLData = xmlRes->getString(1).c_str();
delete xmlRes;
delete xmlStmt;
m_ZoneID = 0; //TEMP! Set back to 0 when done. This is so we can see loading screen progress for testing.
m_ZoneInstanceID = 0; //These values don't really matter, these are only used on the char select screen and seem unused.
m_ZoneCloneID = 0;
m_Doc = nullptr;
//Quickly and dirtly parse the xmlData to get the info we need:
//Set our objectID:
m_ObjectID = m_ID;
m_ObjectID = GeneralUtils::SetBit(m_ObjectID, OBJECT_BIT_CHARACTER);
m_ObjectID = GeneralUtils::SetBit(m_ObjectID, OBJECT_BIT_PERSISTENT);
m_ParentUser = parentUser;
m_OurEntity = nullptr;
m_BuildMode = false;
Character::~Character() {
delete m_Doc;
m_Doc = nullptr;
void Character::UpdateFromDatabase() {
sql::PreparedStatement* stmt = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT name, pending_name, needs_rename, prop_clone_id, permission_map FROM charinfo WHERE id=? LIMIT 1;"
stmt->setInt64(1, m_ID);
sql::ResultSet* res = stmt->executeQuery();
while (res->next()) {
m_Name = res->getString(1).c_str();
m_UnapprovedName = res->getString(2).c_str();
m_NameRejected = res->getBoolean(3);
m_PropertyCloneID = res->getUInt(4);
m_PermissionMap = static_cast<PermissionMap>(res->getUInt64(5));
delete res;
delete stmt;
//Load the xmlData now:
sql::PreparedStatement* xmlStmt = Database::CreatePreppedStmt(
"SELECT xml_data FROM charxml WHERE id=? LIMIT 1;"
xmlStmt->setInt64(1, m_ID);
sql::ResultSet* xmlRes = xmlStmt->executeQuery();
while (xmlRes->next()) {
m_XMLData = xmlRes->getString(1).c_str();
delete xmlRes;
delete xmlStmt;
m_ZoneID = 0; //TEMP! Set back to 0 when done. This is so we can see loading screen progress for testing.
m_ZoneInstanceID = 0; //These values don't really matter, these are only used on the char select screen and seem unused.
m_ZoneCloneID = 0;
delete m_Doc;
m_Doc = nullptr;
//Quickly and dirtly parse the xmlData to get the info we need:
//Set our objectID:
m_ObjectID = m_ID;
m_ObjectID = GeneralUtils::SetBit(m_ObjectID, OBJECT_BIT_CHARACTER);
m_ObjectID = GeneralUtils::SetBit(m_ObjectID, OBJECT_BIT_PERSISTENT);
m_OurEntity = nullptr;
m_BuildMode = false;
void Character::DoQuickXMLDataParse() {
if (m_XMLData.size() == 0) return;
delete m_Doc;
m_Doc = new tinyxml2::XMLDocument();
if (!m_Doc) return;
if (m_Doc->Parse(m_XMLData.c_str(), m_XMLData.size()) == 0) {
Game::logger->Log("Character", "Loaded xmlData for character %s (%i)!", m_Name.c_str(), m_ID);
} else {
Game::logger->Log("Character", "Failed to load xmlData!");
//Server::rakServer->CloseConnection(m_ParentUser->GetSystemAddress(), true);
tinyxml2::XMLElement* mf = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("mf");
if (!mf) {
Game::logger->Log("Character", "Failed to find mf tag!");
mf->QueryAttribute("hc", &m_HairColor);
mf->QueryAttribute("hs", &m_HairStyle);
mf->QueryAttribute("t", &m_ShirtColor);
mf->QueryAttribute("l", &m_PantsColor);
mf->QueryAttribute("lh", &m_LeftHand);
mf->QueryAttribute("rh", &m_RightHand);
mf->QueryAttribute("es", &m_Eyebrows);
mf->QueryAttribute("ess", &m_Eyes);
mf->QueryAttribute("ms", &m_Mouth);
tinyxml2::XMLElement* inv = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("inv");
if (!inv) {
Game::logger->Log("Character", "Char has no inv!");
tinyxml2::XMLElement* bag = inv->FirstChildElement("items")->FirstChildElement("in");
if (!bag) {
Game::logger->Log("Character", "Couldn't find bag0!");
while (bag != nullptr) {
auto* sib = bag->FirstChildElement();
while (sib != nullptr) {
bool eq = false;
sib->QueryAttribute("eq", &eq);
LOT lot = 0;
sib->QueryAttribute("l", &lot);
if (eq) {
if (lot != 0) m_EquippedItems.push_back(lot);
sib = sib->NextSiblingElement();
bag = bag->NextSiblingElement();
tinyxml2::XMLElement* character = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("char");
if (character) {
character->QueryAttribute("cc", &m_Coins);
character->QueryAttribute("gm", &m_GMLevel);
uint64_t lzidConcat = 0;
if (character->FindAttribute("lzid")) {
character->QueryAttribute("lzid", &lzidConcat);
m_ZoneID = lzidConcat & ((1 << 16) - 1);
m_ZoneInstanceID = (lzidConcat >> 16) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
m_ZoneCloneID = (lzidConcat >> 32) & ((1 << 30) - 1);
//Darwin's backup
if (character->FindAttribute("lwid")) {
uint32_t worldID = 0;
character->QueryAttribute("lwid", &worldID);
m_ZoneID = worldID;
if (character->FindAttribute("lnzid")) {
uint32_t lastNonInstanceZoneID = 0;
character->QueryAttribute("lnzid", &lastNonInstanceZoneID);
m_LastNonInstanceZoneID = lastNonInstanceZoneID;
if (character->FindAttribute("tscene")) {
const char* tscene = nullptr;
character->QueryStringAttribute("tscene", &tscene);
m_TargetScene = std::string(tscene);
//To try and fix the AG landing into:
if (m_ZoneID == 1000 && Game::server->GetZoneID() == 1100) {
//sneakily insert our position:
auto pos = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZone()->GetSpawnPos();
character->SetAttribute("lzx", pos.x);
character->SetAttribute("lzy", pos.y);
character->SetAttribute("lzz", pos.z);
auto emotes = character->FirstChildElement("ue");
if (emotes) {
auto currentChild = emotes->FirstChildElement();
while (currentChild) {
int emoteID;
currentChild->QueryAttribute("id", &emoteID);
currentChild = currentChild->NextSiblingElement();
character->QueryAttribute("lzx", &m_OriginalPosition.x);
character->QueryAttribute("lzy", &m_OriginalPosition.y);
character->QueryAttribute("lzz", &m_OriginalPosition.z);
character->QueryAttribute("lzrx", &m_OriginalRotation.x);
character->QueryAttribute("lzry", &m_OriginalRotation.y);
character->QueryAttribute("lzrz", &m_OriginalRotation.z);
character->QueryAttribute("lzrw", &m_OriginalRotation.w);
auto* flags = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("flag");
if (flags) {
auto* currentChild = flags->FirstChildElement();
while (currentChild) {
uint32_t index = 0;
uint64_t value = 0;
const auto* temp = currentChild->Attribute("v");
index = std::stoul(currentChild->Attribute("id"));
value = std::stoull(temp);
m_PlayerFlags.insert(std::make_pair(index, value));
currentChild = currentChild->NextSiblingElement();
void Character::UnlockEmote(int emoteID) {
GameMessages::SendSetEmoteLockState(EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(m_ObjectID), false, emoteID);
void Character::SetBuildMode(bool buildMode) {
m_BuildMode = buildMode;
auto* controller = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZoneControlObject();
controller->OnFireEventServerSide(m_OurEntity, buildMode ? "OnBuildModeEnter" : "OnBuildModeLeave");
void Character::SaveXMLToDatabase() {
if (!m_Doc) return;
//For metrics, we'll record the time it took to save:
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
tinyxml2::XMLElement* character = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("char");
if (character) {
character->SetAttribute("gm", m_GMLevel);
character->SetAttribute("cc", m_Coins);
auto zoneInfo = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetZone()->GetZoneID();
// lzid garbage, binary concat of zoneID, zoneInstance and zoneClone
if (zoneInfo.GetMapID() != 0 && zoneInfo.GetCloneID() == 0) {
uint64_t lzidConcat = zoneInfo.GetCloneID();
lzidConcat = (lzidConcat << 16) | uint16_t(zoneInfo.GetInstanceID());
lzidConcat = (lzidConcat << 16) | uint16_t(zoneInfo.GetMapID());
character->SetAttribute("lzid", lzidConcat);
character->SetAttribute("lnzid", GetLastNonInstanceZoneID());
//Darwin's backup:
character->SetAttribute("lwid", Game::server->GetZoneID());
// Set the target scene, custom attribute
character->SetAttribute("tscene", m_TargetScene.c_str());
auto emotes = character->FirstChildElement("ue");
if (!emotes) emotes = m_Doc->NewElement("ue");
for (int emoteID : m_UnlockedEmotes) {
auto emote = m_Doc->NewElement("e");
emote->SetAttribute("id", emoteID);
//Export our flags:
auto* flags = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("flag");
if (!flags) {
flags = m_Doc->NewElement("flag"); //Create a flags tag if we don't have one
m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->LinkEndChild(flags); //Link it to the obj tag so we can find next time
flags->DeleteChildren(); //Clear it if we have anything, so that we can fill it up again without dupes
for (std::pair<uint32_t, uint64_t> flag : m_PlayerFlags) {
auto* f = m_Doc->NewElement("f");
f->SetAttribute("id", flag.first);
//Because of the joy that is tinyxml2, it doesn't offer a function to set a uint64 as an attribute.
//Only signed 64-bits ints would work.
std::string v = std::to_string(flag.second);
f->SetAttribute("v", v.c_str());
//Call upon the entity to update our xmlDoc:
if (!m_OurEntity) {
Game::logger->Log("Character", "We didn't have an entity set while saving! CHARACTER WILL NOT BE SAVED!");
//Dump our xml into m_XMLData:
auto* printer = new tinyxml2::XMLPrinter(0, true, 0);
m_XMLData = printer->CStr();
//Finally, save to db:
sql::PreparedStatement* stmt = Database::CreatePreppedStmt("UPDATE charxml SET xml_data=? WHERE id=?");
stmt->setString(1, m_XMLData.c_str());
stmt->setUInt(2, m_ID);
delete stmt;
//For metrics, log the time it took to save:
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = end - start;
Game::logger->Log("Character", "Saved character to Database in: %fs", elapsed.count());
delete printer;
void Character::SetPlayerFlag(const uint32_t flagId, const bool value) {
// If the flag is already set, we don't have to recalculate it
if (GetPlayerFlag(flagId) == value) return;
if (value) {
// Update the mission component:
auto* player = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(m_ObjectID);
if (player != nullptr) {
auto* missionComponent = player->GetComponent<MissionComponent>();
if (missionComponent != nullptr) {
missionComponent->Progress(MissionTaskType::MISSION_TASK_TYPE_PLAYER_FLAG, flagId);
// Calculate the index first
auto flagIndex = uint32_t(std::floor(flagId / 64));
const auto shiftedValue = 1ULL << flagId % 64;
auto it = m_PlayerFlags.find(flagIndex);
// Check if flag index exists
if (it != m_PlayerFlags.end()) {
// Update the value
if (value) {
it->second |= shiftedValue;
} else {
it->second &= ~shiftedValue;
} else {
if (value) {
// Otherwise, insert the value
uint64_t flagValue = 0;
flagValue |= shiftedValue;
m_PlayerFlags.insert(std::make_pair(flagIndex, flagValue));
// Notify the client that a flag has changed server-side
GameMessages::SendNotifyClientFlagChange(m_ObjectID, flagId, value, m_ParentUser->GetSystemAddress());
bool Character::GetPlayerFlag(const uint32_t flagId) const {
// Calculate the index first
const auto flagIndex = uint32_t(std::floor(flagId / 64));
const auto shiftedValue = 1ULL << flagId % 64;
auto it = m_PlayerFlags.find(flagIndex);
if (it != m_PlayerFlags.end()) {
// Don't set the data if we don't have to
return (it->second & shiftedValue) != 0;
return false; //by def, return false.
void Character::SetRetroactiveFlags() {
// Retroactive check for if player has joined a faction to set their 'joined a faction' flag to true.
if (GetPlayerFlag(ePlayerFlags::VENTURE_FACTION) || GetPlayerFlag(ePlayerFlags::ASSEMBLY_FACTION) || GetPlayerFlag(ePlayerFlags::PARADOX_FACTION) || GetPlayerFlag(ePlayerFlags::SENTINEL_FACTION)) {
SetPlayerFlag(ePlayerFlags::JOINED_A_FACTION, true);
void Character::SaveXmlRespawnCheckpoints() {
//Export our respawn points:
auto* points = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("res");
if (!points) {
points = m_Doc->NewElement("res");
for (const auto& point : m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints) {
auto* r = m_Doc->NewElement("r");
r->SetAttribute("w", point.first);
r->SetAttribute("x", point.second.x);
r->SetAttribute("y", point.second.y);
r->SetAttribute("z", point.second.z);
void Character::LoadXmlRespawnCheckpoints() {
auto* points = m_Doc->FirstChildElement("obj")->FirstChildElement("res");
if (!points) {
auto* r = points->FirstChildElement("r");
while (r != nullptr) {
int32_t map = 0;
NiPoint3 point = NiPoint3::ZERO;
r->QueryAttribute("w", &map);
r->QueryAttribute("x", &point.x);
r->QueryAttribute("y", &point.y);
r->QueryAttribute("z", &point.z);
r = r->NextSiblingElement("r");
m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints[map] = point;
void Character::OnZoneLoad() {
if (m_OurEntity == nullptr) {
auto* missionComponent = m_OurEntity->GetComponent<MissionComponent>();
if (missionComponent != nullptr) {
// Fix the monument race flag
if (missionComponent->GetMissionState(319) >= MissionState::MISSION_STATE_READY_TO_COMPLETE) {
SetPlayerFlag(33, true);
const auto maxGMLevel = m_ParentUser->GetMaxGMLevel();
// This does not apply to the GMs
* Restrict old character to 1 million coins
if (HasPermission(PermissionMap::Old)) {
if (GetCoins() > 1000000) {
SetCoins(1000000, eLootSourceType::LOOT_SOURCE_NONE);
auto* inventoryComponent = m_OurEntity->GetComponent<InventoryComponent>();
if (inventoryComponent == nullptr) {
// Remove all GM items
for (const auto lot : Inventory::GetAllGMItems()) {
inventoryComponent->RemoveItem(lot, inventoryComponent->GetLotCount(lot));
PermissionMap Character::GetPermissionMap() const {
return m_PermissionMap;
bool Character::HasPermission(PermissionMap permission) const {
return (static_cast<uint64_t>(m_PermissionMap) & static_cast<uint64_t>(permission)) != 0;
void Character::SetRespawnPoint(LWOMAPID map, const NiPoint3& point) {
m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints[map] = point;
const NiPoint3& Character::GetRespawnPoint(LWOMAPID map) const {
const auto& pair = m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints.find(map);
if (pair == m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints.end()) return NiPoint3::ZERO;
return pair->second;
void Character::SetCoins(int64_t newCoins, eLootSourceType lootSource) {
if (newCoins < 0) {
newCoins = 0;
m_Coins = newCoins;
GameMessages::SendSetCurrency(EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(m_ObjectID), m_Coins, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, lootSource);
bool Character::HasBeenToWorld(LWOMAPID mapID) const {
return m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints.find(mapID) != m_WorldRespawnCheckpoints.end();
void Character::SendMuteNotice() const {
if (!m_ParentUser->GetIsMuted()) return;
time_t expire = m_ParentUser->GetMuteExpire();
char buffer[32] = "brought up for review.\0";
if (expire != 1) {
std::tm* ptm = std::localtime(&expire);
// Format: Mo, 15.06.2009 20:20:00
std::strftime(buffer, 32, "%a, %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", ptm);
const auto timeStr = GeneralUtils::ASCIIToUTF16(std::string(buffer));
ChatPackets::SendSystemMessage(GetEntity()->GetSystemAddress(), u"You are muted until " + timeStr);