2021-12-05 18:54:36 +01:00

419 lines
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/// \file
/// \brief \b [Internal] A queue used by RakNet.
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/SingleApplicationLicense.html
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.
#ifndef __QUEUE_H
#define __QUEUE_H
// Template classes have to have all the code in the header file
#include <assert.h>
#include "Export.h"
/// The namespace DataStructures was only added to avoid compiler errors for commonly named data structures
/// As these data structures are stand-alone, you can use them outside of RakNet for your own projects if you wish.
namespace DataStructures
/// \brief A queue implemented as an array with a read and write index.
template <class queue_type>
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT Queue
Queue( Queue& original_copy );
bool operator= ( const Queue& original_copy );
void Push( const queue_type& input );
void PushAtHead( const queue_type& input, unsigned index=0 );
queue_type& operator[] ( unsigned int position ) const; // Not a normal thing you do with a queue but can be used for efficiency
void RemoveAtIndex( unsigned int position ); // Not a normal thing you do with a queue but can be used for efficiency
inline queue_type Peek( void ) const;
inline queue_type PeekTail( void ) const;
inline queue_type Pop( void );
inline unsigned int Size( void ) const;
inline bool IsEmpty(void) const;
inline unsigned int AllocationSize( void ) const;
inline void Clear( void );
void Compress( void );
bool Find ( queue_type q );
void ClearAndForceAllocation( int size ); // Force a memory allocation to a certain larger size
queue_type* array;
unsigned int head; // Array index for the head of the queue
unsigned int tail; // Array index for the tail of the queue
unsigned int allocation_size;
template <class queue_type>
inline unsigned int Queue<queue_type>::Size( void ) const
if ( head <= tail )
return tail -head;
return allocation_size -head + tail;
template <class queue_type>
inline bool Queue<queue_type>::IsEmpty(void) const
return head==tail;
template <class queue_type>
inline unsigned int Queue<queue_type>::AllocationSize( void ) const
return allocation_size;
template <class queue_type>
allocation_size = 16;
array = new queue_type[ allocation_size ];
head = 0;
tail = 0;
template <class queue_type>
if (allocation_size>0)
delete [] array;
template <class queue_type>
inline queue_type Queue<queue_type>::Pop( void )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( allocation_size > 0 && Size() >= 0 && head != tail);
//head=(head+1) % allocation_size;
if ( ++head == allocation_size )
head = 0;
if ( head == 0 )
return ( queue_type ) array[ allocation_size -1 ];
return ( queue_type ) array[ head -1 ];
template <class queue_type>
void Queue<queue_type>::PushAtHead( const queue_type& input, unsigned index )
assert(index <= Size());
// Just force a reallocation, will be overwritten
if (Size()==1)
unsigned writeIndex, readIndex, trueWriteIndex, trueReadIndex;
while (readIndex >= index)
if ( head + writeIndex >= allocation_size )
trueWriteIndex = head + writeIndex - allocation_size;
trueWriteIndex = head + writeIndex;
if ( head + readIndex >= allocation_size )
trueReadIndex = head + readIndex - allocation_size;
trueReadIndex = head + readIndex;
if (readIndex==0)
if ( head + index >= allocation_size )
trueWriteIndex = head + index - allocation_size;
trueWriteIndex = head + index;
template <class queue_type>
inline queue_type Queue<queue_type>::Peek( void ) const
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( head != tail );
assert( allocation_size > 0 && Size() >= 0 );
return ( queue_type ) array[ head ];
template <class queue_type>
inline queue_type Queue<queue_type>::PeekTail( void ) const
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( head != tail );
assert( allocation_size > 0 && Size() >= 0 );
if (tail!=0)
return ( queue_type ) array[ tail-1 ];
return ( queue_type ) array[ allocation_size-1 ];
template <class queue_type>
void Queue<queue_type>::Push( const queue_type& input )
if ( allocation_size == 0 )
array = new queue_type[ 16 ];
head = 0;
tail = 1;
array[ 0 ] = input;
allocation_size = 16;
return ;
array[ tail++ ] = input;
if ( tail == allocation_size )
tail = 0;
if ( tail == head )
// unsigned int index=tail;
// Need to allocate more memory.
queue_type * new_array;
new_array = new queue_type[ allocation_size * 2 ];
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( new_array );
if (new_array==0)
for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < allocation_size; ++counter )
new_array[ counter ] = array[ ( head + counter ) % ( allocation_size ) ];
head = 0;
tail = allocation_size;
allocation_size *= 2;
// Delete the old array and move the pointer to the new array
delete [] array;
array = new_array;
template <class queue_type>
Queue<queue_type>::Queue( Queue& original_copy )
// Allocate memory for copy
if ( original_copy.Size() == 0 )
allocation_size = 0;
array = new queue_type [ original_copy.Size() + 1 ];
for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < original_copy.Size(); ++counter )
array[ counter ] = original_copy.array[ ( original_copy.head + counter ) % ( original_copy.allocation_size ) ];
head = 0;
tail = original_copy.Size();
allocation_size = original_copy.Size() + 1;
template <class queue_type>
bool Queue<queue_type>::operator= ( const Queue& original_copy )
if ( ( &original_copy ) == this )
return false;
// Allocate memory for copy
if ( original_copy.Size() == 0 )
allocation_size = 0;
array = new queue_type [ original_copy.Size() + 1 ];
for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < original_copy.Size(); ++counter )
array[ counter ] = original_copy.array[ ( original_copy.head + counter ) % ( original_copy.allocation_size ) ];
head = 0;
tail = original_copy.Size();
allocation_size = original_copy.Size() + 1;
return true;
template <class queue_type>
inline void Queue<queue_type>::Clear ( void )
if ( allocation_size == 0 )
return ;
if (allocation_size > 32)
delete[] array;
allocation_size = 0;
head = 0;
tail = 0;
template <class queue_type>
void Queue<queue_type>::Compress ( void )
queue_type* new_array;
unsigned int newAllocationSize;
if (allocation_size==0)
while (newAllocationSize <= Size())
newAllocationSize<<=1; // Must be a better way to do this but I'm too dumb to figure it out quickly :)
new_array = new queue_type [newAllocationSize];
for (unsigned int counter=0; counter < Size(); ++counter)
new_array[counter] = array[(head + counter)%(allocation_size)];
// Delete the old array and move the pointer to the new array
delete [] array;
template <class queue_type>
bool Queue<queue_type>::Find ( queue_type q )
if ( allocation_size == 0 )
return false;
unsigned int counter = head;
while ( counter != tail )
if ( array[ counter ] == q )
return true;
counter = ( counter + 1 ) % allocation_size;
return false;
template <class queue_type>
void Queue<queue_type>::ClearAndForceAllocation( int size )
delete [] array;
array = new queue_type[ size ];
allocation_size = size;
head = 0;
tail = 0;
template <class queue_type>
inline queue_type& Queue<queue_type>::operator[] ( unsigned int position ) const
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( position < Size() );
//return array[(head + position) % allocation_size];
if ( head + position >= allocation_size )
return array[ head + position - allocation_size ];
return array[ head + position ];
template <class queue_type>
void Queue<queue_type>::RemoveAtIndex( unsigned int position )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( position < Size() );
assert( head != tail );
if ( head == tail || position >= Size() )
return ;
unsigned int index;
unsigned int next;
//index = (head + position) % allocation_size;
if ( head + position >= allocation_size )
index = head + position - allocation_size;
index = head + position;
//next = (index + 1) % allocation_size;
next = index + 1;
if ( next == allocation_size )
next = 0;
while ( next != tail )
// Overwrite the previous element
array[ index ] = array[ next ];
index = next;
//next = (next + 1) % allocation_size;
if ( ++next == allocation_size )
next = 0;
// Move the tail back
if ( tail == 0 )
tail = allocation_size - 1;
} // End namespace