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/// \file
/// \brief \b Compresses/Decompresses ASCII strings and writes/reads them to BitStream class instances. You can use this to easily serialize and deserialize your own strings.
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/SingleApplicationLicense.html
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.
#include "Export.h"
#include "DS_Map.h"
#include "RakMemoryOverride.h"
//#include <string>
/// Forward declaration
namespace RakNet
class BitStream;
class RakString;
class HuffmanEncodingTree;
/// \brief Writes and reads strings to and from bitstreams.
/// Only works with ASCII strings. The default compression is for English.
/// You can call GenerateTreeFromStrings to compress and decompress other languages efficiently as well.
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT StringCompressor : public RakNet::RakMemoryOverride
/// Destructor
/// static function because only static functions can access static members
/// The RakPeer constructor adds a reference to this class, so don't call this until an instance of RakPeer exists, or unless you call AddReference yourself.
/// \return the unique instance of the StringCompressor
static StringCompressor* Instance(void);
/// Given an array of strings, such as a chat log, generate the optimal encoding tree for it.
/// This function is optional and if it is not called a default tree will be used instead.
/// \param[in] input An array of bytes which should point to text.
/// \param[in] inputLength Length of \a input
/// \param[in] languageID An identifier for the language / string table to generate the tree for. English is automatically created with ID 0 in the constructor.
void GenerateTreeFromStrings( unsigned char *input, unsigned inputLength, int languageID );
/// Writes input to output, compressed. Takes care of the null terminator for you.
/// \param[in] input Pointer to an ASCII string
/// \param[in] maxCharsToWrite The max number of bytes to write of \a input. Use 0 to mean no limit.
/// \param[out] output The bitstream to write the compressed string to
/// \param[in] languageID Which language to use
void EncodeString( const char *input, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *output, int languageID=0 );
/// Writes input to output, uncompressed. Takes care of the null terminator for you.
/// \param[out] output A block of bytes to receive the output
/// \param[in] maxCharsToWrite Size, in bytes, of \a output . A NULL terminator will always be appended to the output string. If the maxCharsToWrite is not large enough, the string will be truncated.
/// \param[in] input The bitstream containing the compressed string
/// \param[in] languageID Which language to use
bool DecodeString( char *output, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *input, int languageID=0 );
void EncodeString( const CString &input, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *output, int languageID=0 );
bool DecodeString( CString &output, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *input, int languageID=0 );
void EncodeString( const std::string &input, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *output, int languageID=0 );
bool DecodeString( std::string *output, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *input, int languageID=0 );
void EncodeString( const RakNet::RakString *input, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *output, int languageID=0 );
bool DecodeString( RakNet::RakString *output, int maxCharsToWrite, RakNet::BitStream *input, int languageID=0 );
/// Used so I can allocate and deallocate this singleton at runtime
static void AddReference(void);
/// Used so I can allocate and deallocate this singleton at runtime
static void RemoveReference(void);
/// Private Constructor
/// Singleton instance
static StringCompressor *instance;
/// Pointer to the huffman encoding trees.
DataStructures::Map<int, HuffmanEncodingTree *> huffmanEncodingTrees;
static int referenceCount;
/// Define to more easily reference the string compressor instance.
/// The RakPeer constructor adds a reference to this class, so don't call this until an instance of RakPeer exists, or unless you call AddReference yourself.
#define stringCompressor StringCompressor::Instance()