David Markowitz b432a3f5da Remove inlines
Clean up macros

more tomorrow

Cleanup and optimize CDActivities table

Remove unused include

Further work on CDActivityRewards

Update MasterServer.cpp

Further animations work

Activities still needs work for a better PK.

fix type

All of these replacements worked

Create internal interface for animations

Allows for user to just call GetAnimationTIme or PlayAnimation rather than passing in arbitrary true false statements
2023-03-26 02:59:46 -07:00

217 lines
6.0 KiB

#include "CavePrisonCage.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "RebuildComponent.h"
#include "GameMessages.h"
#include "Character.h"
#include "dZoneManager.h"
#include "RenderComponent.h"
void CavePrisonCage::OnStartup(Entity* self) {
const auto& myNum = self->GetVar<std::u16string>(u"myNumber");
if (myNum.empty()) {
auto* spawner = dZoneManager::Instance()->GetSpawnersByName("PrisonCounterweight_0" + GeneralUtils::UTF16ToWTF8(myNum))[0];
self->SetVar<Spawner*>(u"CWSpawner", spawner);
Setup(self, spawner);
void CavePrisonCage::Setup(Entity* self, Spawner* spawner) {
SpawnCounterweight(self, spawner);
NiPoint3 mypos = self->GetPosition();
NiQuaternion myrot = self->GetRotation();
mypos.y += 1.5;
mypos.z -= 0.5;
EntityInfo info{};
info.lot = m_Villagers[self->GetVarAs<int32_t>(u"myNumber") - 1];
info.pos = mypos;
info.rot = myrot;
info.spawnerID = self->GetObjectID();
// Spawn the villager inside the jail
auto* entity = EntityManager::Instance()->CreateEntity(info);
// Save the villeger ID
self->SetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"villager", entity->GetObjectID());
// Construct the entity
void CavePrisonCage::OnRebuildNotifyState(Entity* self, eRebuildState state) {
if (state != eRebuildState::REBUILD_RESETTING) {
auto* spawner = self->GetVar<Spawner*>(u"CWSpawner");
if (spawner == nullptr) {
SpawnCounterweight(self, spawner);
void CavePrisonCage::SpawnCounterweight(Entity* self, Spawner* spawner) {
auto* counterweight = spawner->Spawn();
self->SetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Counterweight", counterweight->GetObjectID());
auto* rebuildComponent = counterweight->GetComponent<RebuildComponent>();
if (rebuildComponent != nullptr) {
rebuildComponent->AddRebuildStateCallback([this, self](eRebuildState state) {
OnRebuildNotifyState(self, state);
rebuildComponent->AddRebuildCompleteCallback([this, self](Entity* user) {
// The counterweight is a simple mover, which is not implemented, so we'll just set it's position
auto* counterweight = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Counterweight"));
if (counterweight == nullptr) {
// Move the counterweight down 2 units
counterweight->SetPosition(counterweight->GetPosition() + NiPoint3(0, -2, 0));
// Serialize the counterweight
// notifyPlatformAtLastWaypoint
// Save the userID as Builder
self->SetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Builder", user->GetObjectID());
// Get the button and make sure it still exists
auto* button = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Button"));
if (button == nullptr) {
// Play the 'down' animation on the button
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(button, u"down");
// Setup a timer named 'buttonGoingDown' to be triggered in 5 seconds
self->AddTimer("buttonGoingDown", 5.0f);
if (self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Button")) {
void CavePrisonCage::GetButton(Entity* self) {
const auto buttons = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntitiesInGroup("PrisonButton_0" + std::to_string(self->GetVarAs<int32_t>(u"myNumber")));
if (buttons.size() == 0) {
// Try again in 0.5 seconds
self->AddCallbackTimer(0.5, [this, self]() {
auto* button = buttons[0];
self->SetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Button", button->GetObjectID());
void CavePrisonCage::OnTimerDone(Entity* self, std::string timerName) {
// the anim of the button down is over
if (timerName == "buttonGoingDown") {
// Play the 'up' animation
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(self, u"up");
// Setup a timer named 'CageOpen' to be triggered in 1 second
self->AddTimer("CageOpen", 1.0f);
} else if (timerName == "CageOpen") {
// play the idle open anim
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(self, u"idle-up");
// Get the villeger
auto* villager = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"villager"));
if (villager == nullptr) {
GameMessages::SendNotifyClientObject(villager->GetObjectID(), u"TimeToChat", 0, 0, LWOOBJID_EMPTY, "", UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
// Get the builder and make sure it still exists
auto* builder = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Builder"));
if (builder == nullptr) {
const auto flagNum = 2020 + self->GetVarAs<int32_t>(u"myNumber");
// Set the flag on the builder character
builder->GetCharacter()->SetPlayerFlag(flagNum, true);
// Setup a timer named 'VillagerEscape' to be triggered in 5 seconds
self->AddTimer("VillagerEscape", 5.0f);
} else if (timerName == "VillagerEscape") {
// Get the villeger and make sure it still exists
auto* villager = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"villager"));
if (villager == nullptr) {
// Kill the villager
// Setup a timer named 'SmashCounterweight' to be triggered in 2 seconds
self->AddTimer("SmashCounterweight", 2.0f);
} else if (timerName == "SmashCounterweight") {
// Get the counterweight and make sure it still exists
auto* counterweight = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Counterweight"));
if (counterweight == nullptr) {
// Smash the counterweight
// Get the button and make sure it still exists
auto* button = EntityManager::Instance()->GetEntity(self->GetVar<LWOOBJID>(u"Button"));
if (button == nullptr) {
// Play the 'up' animation on the button
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(button, u"up");
// Setup a timer named 'CageClosed' to be triggered in 1 second
self->AddTimer("CageClosed", 1.0f);
} else if (timerName == "CageClosed") {
// play the idle closed anim
RenderComponent::PlayAnimation(self, u"idle");
// Setup a timer named 'ResetPrison' to be triggered in 10 seconds
self->AddTimer("ResetPrison", 10.0f);
} else if (timerName == "ResetPrison") {
Setup(self, self->GetVar<Spawner*>(u"CWSpawner"));