2021-12-05 18:54:36 +01:00

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/// \file
/// \brief Message filter plugin. Assigns systems to FilterSets. Each FilterSet limits what messages are allowed. This is a security related plugin.
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/SingleApplicationLicense.html
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.
class RakPeerInterface;
#include "RakNetTypes.h"
#include "PluginInterface.h"
#include "DS_OrderedList.h"
#include "Export.h"
/// MessageIdentifier (ID_*) values shoudln't go higher than this. Change it if you do.
/// \internal Has to be public so some of the shittier compilers can use it.
int RAK_DLL_EXPORT MessageFilterStrComp( char *const &key,char *const &data );
/// \internal Has to be public so some of the shittier compilers can use it.
struct FilterSet
bool banOnFilterTimeExceed;
bool kickOnDisallowedMessage;
bool banOnDisallowedMessage;
RakNetTime disallowedMessageBanTimeMS;
RakNetTime timeExceedBanTimeMS;
RakNetTime maxMemberTimeMS;
void (*invalidMessageCallback)(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress, int filterSetID, void *userData, unsigned char messageID);
void *disallowedCallbackUserData;
void (*timeoutCallback)(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress, int filterSetID, void *userData);
void *timeoutUserData;
int filterSetID;
DataStructures::OrderedList<char *, char *, MessageFilterStrComp> allowedRPCs;
/// \internal Has to be public so some of the shittier compilers can use it.
int RAK_DLL_EXPORT FilterSetComp( const int &key, FilterSet * const &data );
/// \internal Has to be public so some of the shittier compilers can use it.
struct FilteredSystem
SystemAddress systemAddress;
FilterSet *filter;
RakNetTime timeEnteredThisSet;
/// \internal Has to be public so some of the shittier compilers can use it.
int RAK_DLL_EXPORT FilteredSystemComp( const SystemAddress &key, const FilteredSystem &data );
/// \defgroup MESSAGEFILTER_GROUP MessageFilter
/// \ingroup PLUGINS_GROUP
/// \brief Assigns systems to FilterSets. Each FilterSet limits what kinds of messages are allowed.
/// The MessageFilter plugin is used for security where you limit what systems can send what kind of messages.
/// You implicitly define FilterSets, and add allowed message IDs and RPC calls to these FilterSets.
/// You then add systems to these filters, such that those systems are limited to sending what the filters allows.
/// You can automatically assign systems to a filter.
/// You can automatically kick and possibly ban users that stay in a filter too long, or send the wrong message.
/// Each system is a member of either zero or one filters.
/// Add this plugin before any plugin you wish to filter (most likely just add this plugin before any other).
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT MessageFilter : public PluginInterface
virtual ~MessageFilter();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// User functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Automatically add all new systems to a particular filter
/// Defaults to -1
/// \param[in] filterSetID Which filter to add new systems to. <0 for do not add.
void SetAutoAddNewConnectionsToFilter(int filterSetID);
/// Allow a range of message IDs
/// Usually you specify a range to make it easier to add new enumerations without having to constantly refer back to this function.
/// \param[in] allow True to allow this message ID, false to disallow. By default, all messageIDs except the noted types are disallowed. This includes messages from other plugins!
/// \param[in] messageIDStart The first ID_* message to allow in the range. Inclusive.
/// \param[in] messageIDEnd The last ID_* message to allow in the range. Inclusive.
/// \param[in] filterSetID A user defined ID to represent a filter set. If no filter with this ID exists, one will be created with default settings.
void SetAllowMessageID(bool allow, int messageIDStart, int messageIDEnd,int filterSetID);
/// Allow an RPC function, by name
/// \param[in] allow True to allow an RPC call with this function name, false to disallow. All RPCs are disabled by default.
/// \param[in] functionName the function name of the RPC call. Must match the function name exactly, including case.
/// \param[in] filterSetID A user defined ID to represent a filter set. If no filter with this ID exists, one will be created with default settings.
void SetAllowRPC(bool allow, const char *functionName, int filterSetID);
/// What action to take on a disallowed message. You can kick or not. You can add them to the ban list for some time
/// By default no action is taken. The message is simply ignored.
/// param[in] 0 for permanent ban, >0 for ban time in milliseconds.
/// \param[in] kickOnDisallowed kick the system that sent a disallowed message.
/// \param[in] banOnDisallowed ban the system that sent a disallowed message. See \a banTimeMS for the ban duration
/// \param[in] banTimeMS Passed to the milliseconds parameter of RakPeer::AddToBanList.
/// \param[in] filterSetID A user defined ID to represent a filter set. If no filter with this ID exists, one will be created with default settings.
void SetActionOnDisallowedMessage(bool kickOnDisallowed, bool banOnDisallowed, RakNetTime banTimeMS, int filterSetID);
/// Set a user callback to be called on an invalid message for a particular filterSet
/// \param[in] filterSetID A user defined ID to represent a filter set. If no filter with this ID exists, one will be created with default settings.
/// \param[in] userData A pointer passed with the callback
/// \param[in] invalidMessageCallback A pointer to a C function to be called back with the specified parameters.
void SetDisallowedMessageCallback(int filterSetID, void *userData, void (*invalidMessageCallback)(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress, int filterSetID, void *userData, unsigned char messageID));
/// Set a user callback to be called when a user is disconnected due to SetFilterMaxTime
/// \param[in] filterSetID A user defined ID to represent a filter set. If no filter with this ID exists, one will be created with default settings.
/// \param[in] userData A pointer passed with the callback
/// \param[in] invalidMessageCallback A pointer to a C function to be called back with the specified parameters.
void SetTimeoutCallback(int filterSetID, void *userData, void (*invalidMessageCallback)(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress, int filterSetID, void *userData));
/// Limit how long a connection can stay in a particular filterSetID. After this time, the connection is kicked and possibly banned.
/// By default there is no limit to how long a connection can stay in a particular filter set.
/// \param[in] allowedTimeMS How many milliseconds to allow a connection to stay in this filter set.
/// \param[in] banOnExceed True or false to ban the system, or not, when \a allowedTimeMS is exceeded
/// \param[in] banTimeMS Passed to the milliseconds parameter of RakPeer::AddToBanList.
/// \param[in] filterSetID A user defined ID to represent a filter set. If no filter with this ID exists, one will be created with default settings.
void SetFilterMaxTime(int allowedTimeMS, bool banOnExceed, RakNetTime banTimeMS, int filterSetID);
/// Get the filterSetID a system is using. Returns -1 for none.
/// \param[in] systemAddress The system we are referring to
int GetSystemFilterSet(SystemAddress systemAddress);
/// Assign a system to a filter set.
/// Systems are automatically added to filter sets (or not) based on SetAutoAddNewConnectionsToFilter()
/// This function is used to change the filter set a system is using, to add it to a new filter set, or to remove it from all existin filter sets.
/// \param[in] systemAddress The system we are referring to
/// \param[in] filterSetID A user defined ID to represent a filter set. If no filter with this ID exists, one will be created with default settings. If -1, the system will be removed from all filter sets.
void SetSystemFilterSet(SystemAddress systemAddress, int filterSetID);
/// Returns the number of systems subscribed to a particular filter set
/// Using anything other than -1 for \a filterSetID is slow, so you should store the returned value.
/// \param[in] filterSetID The filter set to limit to. Use -1 for none (just returns the total number of filter systems in that case).
unsigned GetSystemCount(int filterSetID) const;
/// Returns a system subscribed to a particular filter set,by index.
/// index should be between 0 and the GetSystemCount(filterSetID)-1;
/// \param[in] filterSetID The filter set to limit to. Use -1 for none (just indexes all the filtered systems in that case).
/// \param[in] index A number between 0 and GetSystemCount(filterSetID)-1;
SystemAddress GetSystemByIndex(int filterSetID, unsigned index);
/// Returns the total number of filter sets.
/// \return The total number of filter sets.
unsigned GetFilterSetCount(void) const;
/// Returns the ID of a filter set, by index
/// \param[in] An index between 0 and GetFilterSetCount()-1 inclusive
int GetFilterSetIDByIndex(unsigned index);
/// Delete a FilterSet. All systems formerly subscribed to this filter are now unrestricted.
/// \param[in] filterSetID The ID of the filter set to delete.
void DeleteFilterSet(int filterSetID);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Packet handling functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void OnAttach(RakPeerInterface *peer);
virtual void OnDetach(RakPeerInterface *peer);
virtual void OnShutdown(RakPeerInterface *peer);
virtual void Update(RakPeerInterface *peer);
virtual PluginReceiveResult OnReceive(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet);
virtual void OnCloseConnection(RakPeerInterface *peer, SystemAddress systemAddress);
void Clear(void);
void DeallocateFilterSet(FilterSet *filterSet);
FilterSet* GetFilterSetByID(int filterSetID);
void OnInvalidMessage(RakPeerInterface *peer, FilterSet *filterSet, SystemAddress systemAddress, unsigned char messageID);
DataStructures::OrderedList<int, FilterSet*, FilterSetComp> filterList;
DataStructures::OrderedList<SystemAddress, FilteredSystem, FilteredSystemComp> systemList;
int autoAddNewConnectionsToFilter;