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synced 2025-03-13 20:11:34 +00:00
540 lines
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540 lines
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#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "NiPoint3.h"
#include "NiQuaternion.h"
#include "LDFFormat.h"
#include "eKillType.h"
namespace Loot {
class Info;
namespace tinyxml2 {
class XMLDocument;
class Player;
class EntityInfo;
class User;
class Spawner;
class ScriptComponent;
class dpEntity;
class EntityTimer;
class Component;
class Item;
class Character;
class EntityCallbackTimer;
enum class eTriggerEventType;
enum class eGameMasterLevel : uint8_t;
enum class eReplicaComponentType : uint32_t;
enum class eReplicaPacketType : uint8_t;
enum class eCinematicEvent : uint32_t;
namespace CppScripts {
class Script;
* An entity in the world. Has multiple components.
class Entity {
explicit Entity(const LWOOBJID& objectID, EntityInfo info, Entity* parentEntity = nullptr);
virtual ~Entity();
virtual void Initialize();
bool operator==(const Entity& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Entity& other) const;
* Getters
const LWOOBJID& GetObjectID() const { return m_ObjectID; }
const LOT GetLOT() const { return m_TemplateID; }
Character* GetCharacter() const { return m_Character; }
eGameMasterLevel GetGMLevel() const { return m_GMLevel; }
uint8_t GetCollectibleID() const;
Entity* GetParentEntity() const { return m_ParentEntity; }
std::vector<std::string>& GetGroups() { return m_Groups; };
Spawner* GetSpawner() const { return m_Spawner; }
LWOOBJID GetSpawnerID() const { return m_SpawnerID; }
const std::vector<LDFBaseData*>& GetSettings() const { return m_Settings; }
const std::vector<LDFBaseData*>& GetNetworkSettings() const { return m_NetworkSettings; }
bool GetIsDead() const;
bool GetPlayerReadyForUpdates() const { return m_PlayerIsReadyForUpdates; }
bool GetIsGhostingCandidate() const;
void SetIsGhostingCandidate(bool value) { m_IsGhostingCandidate = value; };
int8_t GetObservers() const;
uint16_t GetNetworkId() const;
Entity* GetOwner() const;
const NiPoint3& GetDefaultPosition() const;
const NiQuaternion& GetDefaultRotation() const;
float GetDefaultScale() const;
const NiPoint3& GetPosition() const;
const NiQuaternion& GetRotation() const;
virtual User* GetParentUser() const;
virtual SystemAddress GetSystemAddress() const { return UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS; };
* Setters
void SetCharacter(Character* value) { m_Character = value; }
void SetGMLevel(eGameMasterLevel value);
void SetOwnerOverride(LWOOBJID value);
void SetPlayerReadyForUpdates() { m_PlayerIsReadyForUpdates = true; }
void SetObservers(int8_t value);
void SetNetworkId(uint16_t id);
void SetPosition(NiPoint3 position);
void SetRotation(NiQuaternion rotation);
virtual void SetRespawnPos(NiPoint3 position) {}
virtual void SetRespawnRot(NiQuaternion rotation) {}
virtual void SetSystemAddress(const SystemAddress& value) {};
* Component management
Component* GetComponent(eReplicaComponentType componentID) const;
template<typename T>
T* GetComponent() const;
template<typename T>
bool TryGetComponent(eReplicaComponentType componentId, T*& component) const;
bool HasComponent(eReplicaComponentType componentId) const;
void AddComponent(eReplicaComponentType componentId, Component* component);
std::vector<ScriptComponent*> GetScriptComponents();
void Subscribe(LWOOBJID scriptObjId, CppScripts::Script* scriptToAdd, const std::string& notificationName);
void Unsubscribe(LWOOBJID scriptObjId, const std::string& notificationName);
void SetProximityRadius(float proxRadius, std::string name);
void SetProximityRadius(dpEntity* entity, std::string name);
void AddChild(Entity* child);
void RemoveChild(Entity* child);
void RemoveParent();
void AddTimer(std::string name, float time);
void AddCallbackTimer(float time, std::function<void()> callback);
bool HasTimer(const std::string& name);
void CancelCallbackTimers();
void CancelAllTimers();
void CancelTimer(const std::string& name);
void AddToGroup(const std::string& group);
bool IsPlayer() const;
std::unordered_map<eReplicaComponentType, Component*>& GetComponents() { return m_Components; } // TODO: Remove
void WriteBaseReplicaData(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, eReplicaPacketType packetType);
void WriteComponents(RakNet::BitStream* outBitStream, eReplicaPacketType packetType);
void UpdateXMLDoc(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc);
void Update(float deltaTime);
// Events
void OnCollisionProximity(LWOOBJID otherEntity, const std::string& proxName, const std::string& status);
void OnCollisionPhantom(LWOOBJID otherEntity);
void OnCollisionLeavePhantom(LWOOBJID otherEntity);
void OnFireEventServerSide(Entity* sender, std::string args, int32_t param1 = -1, int32_t param2 = -1, int32_t param3 = -1);
void OnActivityStateChangeRequest(const LWOOBJID senderID, const int32_t value1, const int32_t value2,
const std::u16string& stringValue);
void OnCinematicUpdate(Entity* self, Entity* sender, eCinematicEvent event, const std::u16string& pathName,
float_t pathTime, float_t totalTime, int32_t waypoint);
void NotifyObject(Entity* sender, const std::string& name, int32_t param1 = 0, int32_t param2 = 0);
void OnEmoteReceived(int32_t emote, Entity* target);
void OnUse(Entity* originator);
void OnHitOrHealResult(Entity* attacker, int32_t damage);
void OnHit(Entity* attacker);
void OnZonePropertyEditBegin();
void OnZonePropertyEditEnd();
void OnZonePropertyModelEquipped();
void OnZonePropertyModelPlaced(Entity* player);
void OnZonePropertyModelPickedUp(Entity* player);
void OnZonePropertyModelRemoved(Entity* player);
void OnZonePropertyModelRemovedWhileEquipped(Entity* player);
void OnZonePropertyModelRotated(Entity* player);
void OnMessageBoxResponse(Entity* sender, int32_t button, const std::u16string& identifier, const std::u16string& userData);
void OnChoiceBoxResponse(Entity* sender, int32_t button, const std::u16string& buttonIdentifier, const std::u16string& identifier);
void RequestActivityExit(Entity* sender, LWOOBJID player, bool canceled);
void Smash(const LWOOBJID source = LWOOBJID_EMPTY, const eKillType killType = eKillType::VIOLENT, const std::u16string& deathType = u"");
void Kill(Entity* murderer = nullptr, const eKillType killType = eKillType::SILENT);
void AddQuickBuildCompleteCallback(const std::function<void(Entity* user)>& callback) const;
void AddCollisionPhantomCallback(const std::function<void(Entity* target)>& callback);
void AddDieCallback(const std::function<void()>& callback);
void Resurrect();
void AddLootItem(const Loot::Info& info);
void PickupItem(const LWOOBJID& objectID);
bool CanPickupCoins(uint64_t count);
void RegisterCoinDrop(uint64_t count);
void ScheduleKillAfterUpdate(Entity* murderer = nullptr);
void TriggerEvent(eTriggerEventType event, Entity* optionalTarget = nullptr);
void ScheduleDestructionAfterUpdate() { m_ShouldDestroyAfterUpdate = true; }
virtual NiPoint3 GetRespawnPosition() const { return NiPoint3::ZERO; }
virtual NiQuaternion GetRespawnRotation() const { return NiQuaternion::IDENTITY; }
void Sleep();
void Wake();
bool IsSleeping() const;
* Utility
* Retroactively corrects the model vault size due to incorrect initialization in a previous patch.
void RetroactiveVaultSize();
bool GetBoolean(const std::u16string& name) const;
int32_t GetI32(const std::u16string& name) const;
int64_t GetI64(const std::u16string& name) const;
void SetBoolean(const std::u16string& name, bool value);
void SetI32(const std::u16string& name, int32_t value);
void SetI64(const std::u16string& name, int64_t value);
bool HasVar(const std::u16string& name) const;
template<typename T>
const T& GetVar(const std::u16string& name) const;
template<typename T>
void SetVar(const std::u16string& name, T value);
void SendNetworkVar(const std::string& data, const SystemAddress& sysAddr);
template<typename T>
void SetNetworkVar(const std::u16string& name, T value, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
template<typename T>
void SetNetworkVar(const std::u16string& name, std::vector<T> value, const SystemAddress& sysAddr = UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);
template<typename T>
T GetNetworkVar(const std::u16string& name);
* Get the LDF value and cast it as T.
template<typename T>
T GetVarAs(const std::u16string& name) const;
template<typename ComponentType, typename... VaArgs>
ComponentType* AddComponent(VaArgs... args);
* Get the LDF data.
LDFBaseData* GetVarData(const std::u16string& name) const;
* Get the LDF value and convert it to a string.
std::string GetVarAsString(const std::u16string& name) const;
* Collision
std::vector<LWOOBJID>& GetTargetsInPhantom();
Entity* GetScheduledKiller() { return m_ScheduleKiller; }
LOT m_TemplateID;
std::vector<LDFBaseData*> m_Settings;
std::vector<LDFBaseData*> m_NetworkSettings;
NiPoint3 m_DefaultPosition;
NiQuaternion m_DefaultRotation;
float m_Scale;
Spawner* m_Spawner;
bool m_HasSpawnerNodeID;
uint32_t m_SpawnerNodeID;
Character* m_Character;
Entity* m_ParentEntity; //For spawners and the like
std::vector<Entity*> m_ChildEntities;
eGameMasterLevel m_GMLevel;
uint16_t m_CollectibleID;
std::vector<std::string> m_Groups;
uint16_t m_NetworkID;
std::vector<std::function<void()>> m_DieCallbacks;
std::vector<std::function<void(Entity* target)>> m_PhantomCollisionCallbacks;
std::unordered_map<eReplicaComponentType, Component*> m_Components;
std::vector<EntityTimer*> m_Timers;
std::vector<EntityTimer*> m_PendingTimers;
std::vector<EntityCallbackTimer*> m_CallbackTimers;
bool m_ShouldDestroyAfterUpdate = false;
LWOOBJID m_OwnerOverride;
Entity* m_ScheduleKiller;
bool m_PlayerIsReadyForUpdates = false;
bool m_IsGhostingCandidate = false;
int8_t m_Observers = 0;
bool m_IsParentChildDirty = true;
* Collision
std::vector<LWOOBJID> m_TargetsInPhantom;
* Template definitions.
template<typename T>
bool Entity::TryGetComponent(const eReplicaComponentType componentId, T*& component) const {
const auto& index = m_Components.find(componentId);
if (index == m_Components.end()) {
component = nullptr;
return false;
component = dynamic_cast<T*>(index->second);
return true;
template <typename T>
T* Entity::GetComponent() const {
return dynamic_cast<T*>(GetComponent(T::ComponentType));
template<typename T>
const T& Entity::GetVar(const std::u16string& name) const {
auto* data = GetVarData(name);
if (data == nullptr) {
return LDFData<T>::Default;
auto* typed = dynamic_cast<LDFData<T>*>(data);
if (typed == nullptr) {
return LDFData<T>::Default;
return typed->GetValue();
template<typename T>
T Entity::GetVarAs(const std::u16string& name) const {
const auto data = GetVarAsString(name);
T value;
if (!GeneralUtils::TryParse(data, value)) {
return LDFData<T>::Default;
return value;
template<typename T>
void Entity::SetVar(const std::u16string& name, T value) {
auto* data = GetVarData(name);
if (data == nullptr) {
auto* data = new LDFData<T>(name, value);
auto* typed = dynamic_cast<LDFData<T>*>(data);
if (typed == nullptr) {
template<typename T>
void Entity::SetNetworkVar(const std::u16string& name, T value, const SystemAddress& sysAddr) {
LDFData<T>* newData = nullptr;
for (auto* data : m_NetworkSettings) {
if (data->GetKey() != name)
newData = dynamic_cast<LDFData<T>*>(data);
if (newData != nullptr) {
} else { // If we're changing types
std::remove(m_NetworkSettings.begin(), m_NetworkSettings.end(), data), m_NetworkSettings.end()
delete data;
if (newData == nullptr) {
newData = new LDFData<T>(name, value);
SendNetworkVar(newData->GetString(true), sysAddr);
template<typename T>
void Entity::SetNetworkVar(const std::u16string& name, std::vector<T> values, const SystemAddress& sysAddr) {
std::stringstream updates;
auto index = 1;
for (const auto& value : values) {
LDFData<T>* newData = nullptr;
const auto& indexedName = name + u"." + GeneralUtils::to_u16string(index);
for (auto* data : m_NetworkSettings) {
if (data->GetKey() != indexedName)
newData = dynamic_cast<LDFData<T>*>(data);
if (newData == nullptr) {
newData = new LDFData<T>(indexedName, value);
if (index == values.size()) {
updates << newData->GetString(true);
} else {
updates << newData->GetString(true) << "\n";
SendNetworkVar(updates.str(), sysAddr);
template<typename T>
T Entity::GetNetworkVar(const std::u16string& name) {
for (auto* data : m_NetworkSettings) {
if (data == nullptr || data->GetKey() != name)
auto* typed = dynamic_cast<LDFData<T>*>(data);
if (typed == nullptr)
return typed->GetValue();
return LDFData<T>::Default;
* @brief Adds a component of type ComponentType to this entity and forwards the arguments to the constructor.
* @tparam ComponentType The component class type to add. Must derive from Component.
* @tparam VaArgs The argument types to forward to the constructor.
* @param args The arguments to forward to the constructor. The first argument passed to the ComponentType constructor will be this entity.
* @return ComponentType* The added component. Will never return null.
template<typename ComponentType, typename... VaArgs>
inline ComponentType* Entity::AddComponent(VaArgs... args) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<Component, ComponentType>, "ComponentType must be a Component");
// Get the component if it already exists, or default construct a nullptr
auto*& componentToReturn = m_Components[ComponentType::ComponentType];
// If it doesn't exist, create it and forward the arguments to the constructor
if (!componentToReturn) {
componentToReturn = new ComponentType(this, std::forward<VaArgs>(args)...);
} else {
// In this case the block is already allocated and ready for use
// so we use a placement new to construct the component again as was requested by the caller.
// Placement new means we already have memory allocated for the object, so this just calls its constructor again.
// This is useful for when we want to create a new object in the same memory location as an old one.
new(componentToReturn) ComponentType(this, std::forward<VaArgs>(args)...);
// Finally return the created or already existing component.
// Because of the assert above, this should always be a ComponentType* but I need a way to guarantee the map cannot be modifed outside this function
// To allow a static cast here instead of a dynamic one.
return dynamic_cast<ComponentType*>(componentToReturn);