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#pragma once
#ifndef __NIPOINT3_H__
#error "This should only be included inline in NiPoint3.h: Do not include directly!"
#include "NiQuaternion.h"
// MARK: Getters / Setters
//! Gets the X coordinate
constexpr float NiPoint3::GetX() const noexcept {
return this->x;
//! Sets the X coordinate
constexpr void NiPoint3::SetX(const float x) noexcept {
this->x = x;
//! Gets the Y coordinate
constexpr float NiPoint3::GetY() const noexcept {
return this->y;
//! Sets the Y coordinate
constexpr void NiPoint3::SetY(const float y) noexcept {
this->y = y;
//! Gets the Z coordinate
constexpr float NiPoint3::GetZ() const noexcept {
return this->z;
//! Sets the Z coordinate
constexpr void NiPoint3::SetZ(const float z) noexcept {
this->z = z;
// MARK: Member Functions
//! Gets the squared length of a vector
constexpr float NiPoint3::SquaredLength() const noexcept {
return (x * x + y * y + z * z);
//! Returns the dot product of the vector dotted with another vector
constexpr float NiPoint3::DotProduct(const Vector3& vec) const noexcept {
return ((this->x * vec.x) + (this->y * vec.y) + (this->z * vec.z));
//! Returns the cross product of the vector crossed with another vector
constexpr Vector3 NiPoint3::CrossProduct(const Vector3& vec) const noexcept {
return Vector3(((this->y * vec.z) - (this->z * vec.y)),
((this->z * vec.x) - (this->x * vec.z)),
((this->x * vec.y) - (this->y * vec.x)));
// MARK: Operators
//! Operator to check for equality
constexpr bool NiPoint3::operator==(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept {
return point.x == this->x && point.y == this->y && point.z == this->z;
//! Operator to check for inequality
constexpr bool NiPoint3::operator!=(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept {
return !(*this == point);
//! Operator for subscripting
constexpr float& NiPoint3::operator[](const int i) noexcept {
float* base = &x;
return base[i];
//! Operator for subscripting
constexpr const float& NiPoint3::operator[](const int i) const noexcept {
const float* base = &x;
return base[i];
//! Operator for addition of vectors
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator+(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x + point.x, this->y + point.y, this->z + point.z);
//! Operator for addition of vectors
constexpr NiPoint3& NiPoint3::operator+=(const NiPoint3& point) noexcept {
this->x += point.x;
this->y += point.y;
this->z += point.z;
return *this;
constexpr NiPoint3& NiPoint3::operator*=(const float scalar) noexcept {
this->x *= scalar;
this->y *= scalar;
this->z *= scalar;
return *this;
//! Operator for subtraction of vectors
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator-(const NiPoint3& point) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x - point.x, this->y - point.y, this->z - point.z);
//! Operator for addition of a scalar on all vector components
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator+(const float fScalar) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x + fScalar, this->y + fScalar, this->z + fScalar);
//! Operator for subtraction of a scalar on all vector components
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator-(const float fScalar) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x - fScalar, this->y - fScalar, this->z - fScalar);
//! Operator for scalar multiplication of a vector
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator*(const float fScalar) const noexcept {
return NiPoint3(this->x * fScalar, this->y * fScalar, this->z * fScalar);
//! Operator for scalar division of a vector
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::operator/(const float fScalar) const noexcept {
float retX = this->x != 0 ? this->x / fScalar : 0;
float retY = this->y != 0 ? this->y / fScalar : 0;
float retZ = this->z != 0 ? this->z / fScalar : 0;
return NiPoint3(retX, retY, retZ);
// MARK: Helper Functions
//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is with an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
constexpr bool NiPoint3::IsWithinAxisAlignedBox(const NiPoint3& minPoint, const NiPoint3& maxPoint) noexcept {
if (this->x < minPoint.x) return false;
if (this->x > maxPoint.x) return false;
if (this->y < minPoint.y) return false;
if (this->y > maxPoint.y) return false;
return (this->z < maxPoint.z && this->z > minPoint.z);
//! Checks to see if the point (or vector) is within a sphere
constexpr bool NiPoint3::IsWithinSphere(const NiPoint3& sphereCenter, const float radius) noexcept {
Vector3 diffVec = Vector3(x - sphereCenter.GetX(), y - sphereCenter.GetY(), z - sphereCenter.GetZ());
return (diffVec.SquaredLength() <= (radius * radius));
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::ClosestPointOnLine(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b, const NiPoint3& p) noexcept {
if (a == b) return a;
const auto pa = p - a;
const auto ab = b - a;
const auto t = pa.DotProduct(ab) / ab.SquaredLength();
if (t <= 0.0f) return a;
if (t >= 1.0f) return b;
return a + ab * t;
constexpr float NiPoint3::DistanceSquared(const NiPoint3& a, const NiPoint3& b) noexcept {
const auto dx = a.x - b.x;
const auto dy = a.y - b.y;
const auto dz = a.z - b.z;
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
//This code is yoinked from the MS XNA code, so it should be right, even if it's horrible.
constexpr NiPoint3 NiPoint3::RotateByQuaternion(const NiQuaternion& rotation) noexcept {
Vector3 vector;
float num12 = rotation.x + rotation.x;
float num2 = rotation.y + rotation.y;
float num = rotation.z + rotation.z;
float num11 = rotation.w * num12;
float num10 = rotation.w * num2;
float num9 = rotation.w * num;
float num8 = rotation.x * num12;
float num7 = rotation.x * num2;
float num6 = rotation.x * num;
float num5 = rotation.y * num2;
float num4 = rotation.y * num;
float num3 = rotation.z * num;
NiPoint3 value = *this;
float num15 = ((value.x * ((1.0f - num5) - num3)) + (value.y * (num7 - num9))) + (value.z * (num6 + num10));
float num14 = ((value.x * (num7 + num9)) + (value.y * ((1.0f - num8) - num3))) + (value.z * (num4 - num11));
float num13 = ((value.x * (num6 - num10)) + (value.y * (num4 + num11))) + (value.z * ((1.0f - num8) - num5));
vector.x = num15;
vector.y = num14;
vector.z = num13;
return vector;