# Rotary Phone Audio Guestbook - [Rotary Phone Audio Guestbook](#rotary-phone-audio-guestbook) - [Background](#background) - [Post-Event](#post-event) - [Future Work (Action Items)](#future-work-action-items) - [Materials](#materials) - [Hardware](#hardware) - [Wiring](#wiring) - [Hook](#hook) - [Phone Cord](#phone-cord) - [Microphone Replacement (Optional)](#microphone-replacement-optional) - [Software](#software) - [Dev Environment](#dev-environment) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Config](#config) - [AudioInterface Class](#audiointerface-class) - [audioGuestBook systemctl service](#audioguestbook-systemctl-service) - [Operation Mode 1: audioGuestBook](#operation-mode-1-audioguestbook) - [Operation Mode 2: audioGuestBookwithRotaryDialer](#operation-mode-2-audioguestbookwithrotarydialer) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Support](#support) This project transforms a rotary phone into a voice recorder for use at special events (i.e. wedding audio guestbook, etc.). ![image](images/final_result_2.jpg) ## Background I was inspired by my own upcoming wedding to put together a DIY solution for an audio guestbook using a rotary phone. Most online rentals were charging $600 for an experience that didn't even offer the ability to add a custom voice mail and took about 4-6 weeks of turn around time to process the audio after the event. I tried to use as many parts that I had laying around to keep costs down. It worked out quite well and we were able to gather some very special voice messages. Below you will find a parts list and detailed setup guide. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. ## Post-Event Since this was a trial by fire type of scenario there ended up being a few gotchas at the real event which I've since accounted for. Namely setting a time limit on the recording length as we had some youngsters leaving 5+ minute messages repeatedly and this ended up draining the battery. Alternatively, depending on your scenario, it might be preferable to attach directly to a 5V power supply. ### Future Work (Action Items) A few weeks before the wedding I had the code registering dialed numbers from the rotary encoder with the goal of playing back special messages for certain guests who dialed a certain combination (i.e. dial an area code to hear a special message to my old roomates). The details of this operation mode are described in [Mode 2](#operation-mode-2-rotaryguestbookwithrotarydialer) below. In order to activate this mode I had to wait for input when the phone was off the hook. This required an extra step of dialing zero before leaving a normal voice message. In the end we decided to keep it simple and I've thus migrated this code to the dev branch along with the code to run through post-porcessing the audio in a separate process. If any one is interested in expanding this please feel free. I would also like to thread the audio playback so I can have a monitor/watchdog service terminate the thread upon hook callback so that the message doesn't continue playing once the user hangs up. ## Materials | Part|Notes|Quantity|Cost| | - | - | - | - | | [rotary phone](https://www.ebay.com/b/Rotary-Dial-Telephone/38038/bn_55192308) | Estate/garage/yard sales are probably the best places to find once of these. Ideally one with a phone jack since we will be using these four wires extensively. | 1 | $0.00-$60.00 | | [raspberry pi zero](https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-zero/) | I didn't realize how hard these are to find these days. You can use any rpi or arduino style single-board computer but be aware of size constraints (i.e. must fit inside the rotary phone enclosure) | 1 | $9.99 | | [raspberry pi zero case](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3252) | Optional: added for protection. One of the cases on Amazon has a heat-sink cutout which might be nice for better heat dissapation since it will all be enclosed in the end. | 1 | $4.95 | | [micro SD card](https://a.co/d/1gb2zhC) | Any high capacity/throughput micro SD card that is rpi compatible | 1 | $8.99 | | [USB Audio Adapter](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1475) | Note: I removed the external plastic shell and directly soldered the wires instead of using the female 3.5mm receptacle. | 1 | $4.95 | | [USB OTG Host Cable - MicroB OTG male to A female](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1099) | | 1 | $2.50 | | --- | **--- If you don't want to solder anything ---** | --- | --- | | [3.5mm Male to Screw Terminal Connector](https://www.parts-express.com/3.5mm-Male-to-Screw-Terminal-Connector-090-110?quantity=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18395892906&utm_content=145242146127&gadid=623430178298&gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCztl7aVb18WP4hDxnlQUCHsb62oIcnduFCSCbn9LFkZovYTQdr6omb3RoCD_gQAvD_BwE) | Optional: can connect the handset cables directly to the USB audio interface via these screw terminals | 2 | $1.37 | | --- | **--- If running off a battery ---** | --- | --- | | [LiPo Battery](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2011)| Optional: maximize capacity based on what will fit within your rotary enclosure. |1| $12.50 | | [LiPo Shim](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3196)| Optional: if you plan to run this off a LiPo I would recommend something like this to interface with the rpi zero. |1| $9.95 | | [LiPo Charger](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1904) | Optional: for re-charging the LiPo. |1| $6.95 | | --- | **--- If replacing the built-it microphone ---** | --- | --- | | [LavMic](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N6P80OQ?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder-t1_ypp_rep_k3_1_9&=&crid=15WZEWMZ17EM9&=&sprefix=saramonic) | Optional: if you'd like to replace the carbon microphone. This is an omnidirectional lavalier mic and outputs via a 3.5mm TRS | 1 | $24.95 | ## Hardware ### Wiring #### Hook - Use multimeter to do a continuity check to find out which pins control the hook: | On-hook --> Open circuit (Value == 1) | Off-hook --> Current flowing | | ------------- | ------------- | | ![image](images/hook_test_1.jpg) | ![image](images/hook_test_2.jpg) | - The B screw terminal on the rotary phone is connected to the black wire which is grounded to the rpi. - The L2 screw terminal on the rotary phone is connected to the white wire which is connected to GPIO pin 22 on the rpi. ![image](images/pi_block_terminal_wiring.jpg) - *Note: the green wire was used for the experimental rotary encoder feature identified in the [future work](#future-work-action-items) section.* | Rotary Phone Block Terminal | Top-down view | | ------------- | ------------- | | ![image](images/block_terminal.jpg) | ![image](images/top_view_block_terminal.jpg) | #### Phone Cord - The wires from the handset cord need to be connected to the USB audio interface - I soldered it but you can alternatively use 2x [3.5mm Male to Screw Terminal Connector](https://www.parts-express.com/3.5mm-Male-to-Screw-Terminal-Connector-090-110?quantity=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18395892906&utm_content=145242146127&gadid=623430178298&gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCztl7aVb18WP4hDxnlQUCHsb62oIcnduFCSCbn9LFkZovYTQdr6omb3RoCD_gQAvD_BwE) which plug directly into the rpi. - *Note: The USB audio interface looks weird in the pics since I stripped the plastic shell off in order to solder directly to the mic/speaker leads* ![image](images/dissected_view_1.jpg) - Use this ALSA command from the command line to test if the mic is working on the rpi before you set up the rotary phone: `aplay -l` - You might have a different hardware mapping than I did, in which case you would change the `alsa_hw_mapping` in the [config.yaml](config.yaml). - [Here's](https://superuser.com/questions/53957/what-do-alsa-devices-like-hw0-0-mean-how-do-i-figure-out-which-to-use) a good reference to device selection. - You can also check [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32838279/getting-list-of-audio-input-devices-in-python) from Python. ### Microphone Replacement (Optional) I found the sound quality of the built-in [carbon microphone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_microphone) on the rotary phone to be quite lacking in terms of amplitude, dynamic range and overall vocal quality. I tried boosting the gain from the digital (ALSA driver) side but this introduced an incredible amount of noise as expected. I then approached this from the analog domain and tried alternative circuitry to boost the sound quality based off this [carbon-to-dynamic converter](https://www.circuits-diy.com/mic-converter-circuit/). Might be worth a further investigation in the future since it retains the integrity of the original rotary phone. My final attempt involved the introduction of some post-proceesing (see dev branch) to bandpass some of the freqs outside the speech domain and add some normalization. The processing was costly in terms of processing and power consumption/rendering time and I ultimately decided it was worth acquiring something that yielded a better capture right out the gate. Crap in, crap out - as they say in the sound recording industry. To replace: - Unscrew mouthpiece and remove the carbon mic - Pop out the plastic terminal housing with the two metal leads - Unscrew red and black wires from terminal - Prepare your lav mic - I pulled off the 3.5mm male headphone pin since it is usually coated and annoyingly difficult to solder directly on to. - Carefully separate the two wires from the lav mic and spiral up the surrounding copper. This will act as our ground signal. - Extend the green wire from the phone cord clip to the ground point of the lav mic. - Red to red, black to blue as per the following diagram: ![image](images/phone_wiring.jpg) ![image](images/handset_mic_wiring.jpg) ![image](images/handset_mic_positioning.jpg) ## Software ### Dev Environment - rpi image: [Rasbian](https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/getting-started.html) w/ SSH enabled - rpi on same network as development machine - Desktop IDE: vscode w/ [SSH FS extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Kelvin.vscode-sshfs) [Here's](https://jayproulx.medium.com/headless-raspberry-pi-zero-w-setup-with-ssh-and-wi-fi-8ddd8c4d2742) a great guide to get the rpi setup headless w/ SSH & WiFi dialed in. ### Dependencies - `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` or pip install each manually: - [GPIOZero](https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io) - [Pydub](http://pydub.com/) - [PyAudio](https://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/) - [PyYAML](https://pyyaml.org/) ### [Config](config.yaml) - This file allows you to customize your own set up (edit rpi pins, audio reduction, alsa mapping, etc), modify the yaml as necessary. - Ensure the sample rate is supported by your audio interface (default = 44100 Hz (decimal not required)) - For GPIO mapping, refer to the wiring diagram specific to your rpi: ![image](images/rpi_GPIO.png) ### [AudioInterface Class](audioInterface.py) - Utilizes pydub and pyaudio extensively. - Houses the main playback/record logic and has future #TODO expansion for postprocessing the audio. Would like to test on an rpi4 to see if it can handle it better for real-time applications. #### [audioGuestBook systemctl service](/audioGuestBook.service) This service starts the python script on boot. Place it in the `/etc/systemd/system` directory and modify the **WorkingDirectoy** and **ExecStart** paths below according to the specific directory in which you cloned the project, i.e.: ```sh [Unit] Description=Rotary Phone Guest Book Project After=multi-user.target [Service] WorkingDirectory=/home//Desktop/rotaryGuestBook User= Type=simple Restart=always ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 /home//Desktop/rotaryGuestBook/rotaryGuestBook.py [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` ```sh systemctl enable audioGuestBook.service systemctl start audioGuestBook.service ``` ### Operation Mode 1: [audioGuestBook](/audioGuestBook.py) - This is the main operation mode of the device. - There are two callbacks in main which poll the gpio pins for the specified activity (hook depressed, hook released). - Once triggered the appropriate function is called. - On hook (depressed) - Nothing happens - Off hook (released) - Plays back your own welcome message located in `/sounds/voicemail.wav` followed by the beep indicating ready to record. - Begins recording the guests voice message. - Guest hangs up, recording is stopped and stored to the `/recordings/` directory. ### Operation Mode 2: [audioGuestBookwithRotaryDialer](./todo/audioGuestBookwithRotaryDialer.py) ***Note*:** Untested - decided not to go this route for my own wedding - This mode is a special modification of the normal operation and requires a slightly different wiring connection since it accepts input from the rotary dialer. - The idea was to playback special messages when particular users dial a certain number combination (i.e. 909 would play back a message for certain guests who lived with the groom in that area code). - In this mode of operation the users will need to dial 0 on the rotary dialer in order to initiate the voicemail. - The rotary dialer is a bit more complex to set up, you need a pull up resistor connected between the F screw terminal and 5V on the rpi and the other end on GPIO 23. #TODO: Diagram ## Troubleshooting ### Verify default audio interface A few users had issues where audio I/O was defaulting to HDMI. To alleviate this, check the following: #### Check the Sound Card Configuration: Verify the available sound devices using the following command: ```bash aplay -l ``` _Ensure that your USB audio interface is listed and note the card and device numbers._ #### Set the Default Sound Card: If you want to route audio through your USB audio interface, you'll need to make it the default sound card. Edit the ALSA configuration file (usually located at `/etc/asound.conf` or `~/.asoundrc`) and add the following: ```bash defaults.pcm.card X defaults.ctl.card X ``` _Replace X with the card number of your USB audio interface obtained from the previous step._ #### Restart ALSA ```bash sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart ``` ## Support If this code helped you or if you have some feedback, I'd be thrilled to [hear about it](mailto:dillpicholas@duck.com)! Feel like saying thanks? You can [buy me a coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dillpicholas) ☕.