#!/bin/bash #Zebra - 3/18/2024 #Uses nvidia-smi to query the GPU Temperature of one or more installed NVIDIA GPUs on linux. # Check if nvidia-smi command is available if ! command -v nvidia-smi &> /dev/null; then echo "NVIDIA driver not found" exit 0 fi # Run nvidia-smi command and store the output output=$(nvidia-smi) # Extract GPU temperatures using grep and awk gpu_temps=$(echo "$output" | grep -oP '(\d+)C' | awk 'NR%3==1') # Check if no GPU temperatures were found if [ -z "$gpu_temps" ]; then echo "No GPUs found" exit 0 fi # If multiple GPUs exist, we concatenate GPU indices and load into a single line gpu_info="" gpu_index=0 for temp in $gpu_temps; do if [ $gpu_index == 0 ]; then gpu_info+="$temp" ((gpu_index++)) else gpu_info+=" | gpu$gpu_index: $temp" ((gpu_index++)) fi done # Remove trailing "| " from the concatenated string gpu_info="${gpu_info% | }" # Output the concatenated GPU info echo "$gpu_info" #Build CURL variables - Specific to TacticalRMM AGENTID=$(cat /etc/tacticalagent | jq -r .agentid) URL="https://your.RMM.api.here/agents DATA=$(echo {}|jq -n --arg TEMP "$gpu_temps" '{"custom_fields":[{"field":18,"string_value":$TEMP}]}') # Make sure to declare an API key in a secure fashion. curl -s -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-API-KEY:$API" $URL --data "$DATA" >NUL # Check GPU temperature and exit with appropriate exit code if echo "$gpu_temps" | grep -q -E '([8-9][5-9]|[9][0-9])'; then exit 3 elif echo "$gpu_temps" | grep -q -E '[7-9][5-9]'; then exit 2 else exit 0 fi