#!/bin/bash #Linux Onboarding Oneshot script for izebra networks. #Installs fish, starship, and sets up some shell tweaks that are nice to have. #Check script is running as root if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as Root" exit 1 fi #define variables fishconfig="https://git.izebra.net/izebra_projects/rmm-scripts/raw/branch/main/config-files/config.fish" starshipconfig="https://git.izebra.net/izebra_projects/rmm-scripts/raw/branch/main/config-files/starship.toml" #Check for updates sudo apt update #install fish and copy config file to root and all users under /home/ sudo apt install fish -y wget $fishconfig -P "$HOME/.config/fish/config.fish" for homedir in /home/*; do sudo cp -r $HOME/.config/fish/config.fish "$homedir/.config/fish/"; done #install pyenv curl https://pyenv.run | bash #Download starship and copy config file to root and all users under /home/ curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh wget $starshipconfig -P "$HOME/.config/starship.toml" for homedir in /home/*; do sudo cp -r $HOME/.config/starship.toml "$homedir/.config/"; done #Change default shell to fish chsh -s /usr/bin/fish