# Nexus Dashboard **This is a WIP: For Advanced Users**

Sublime's custom image

# Deployment ## Docker ```bash docker run -d \ -e APP_SECRET_KEY='' \ -e APP_DATABASE_URI='mysql+pymysql://:@:/' \ # you can include other optional Environment Variables from below like this -e REQUIRE_PLAY_KEY=True -p 8000:8000/tcp -v /path/to/unpacked/client:/app/luclient:rw \ -v /path/to/cachedir:/app/cache:rw \ # optional for persistent cache for conversions aronwk/dlu-account_manager:refactor ``` * /app/luclient must be mapped to the location of an unpacked client * you only need `res/` and `locale/` from the client, but dropping the whole cleint in there won't hurt * Use `fdb_to_sqlite.py` in lcdr's utilities on `res/cdclient.fdb` in the unpacked client to convert the client database to `cdclient.sqlite` * Put teh resulting `cdclient.sqlite` in the res folder: `res/cdclient.sqlite` * unzip `res/brickdb.zip` in-place * **Docker will do this for you** * you should have new folders and files in the following places: * `res/Assemblies/../..` with a bunch of sub folders * `res/Primitives/../..` with a bunch of sub folders * `res/info.xml` * `res/Materials.xml` ### Environmental Variables * Required: * APP_SECRET_KEY (Must be provided) * APP_DATABASE_URI (Must be provided) * Optional * USER_ENABLE_REGISTER (Default: True) * USER_ENABLE_EMAIL (Default: True, Needs Mail to be configured) * USER_ENABLE_CONFIRM_EMAIL (Default: True) * USER_ENABLE_INVITE_USER (Default: False) * USER_REQUIRE_INVITATION (Default: False) * REQUIRE_PLAY_KEY (Default: True) * MAIL_SERVER (Default: smtp.gmail.com) * MAIL_PORT (Default: 587) * MAIL_USE_SSL (Default: False) * MAIL_USE_TLS (Default: True) * MAIL_USERNAME (Default: None) * MAIL_PASSWORD (Default: None) * USER_EMAIL_SENDER_NAME (Default: None) * USER_EMAIL_SENDER_EMAIL (Default: None) ## Manual Don't, use Docker /s TODO: Make manual deployment easier to configure # Development Please use [Editor Config](https://editorconfig.org/) * `flask run` to run local dev server