mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 13:27:08 +00:00
This should reduce the number of falsely matched chapters, e.g., when time-code-like numbers appear in the middle of the text, like 16:9 or sports results. It also checks for chapters that have an end time and omits the end time code from the title. Track lists in music videos are now also properly displayed as chapters.
207 lines
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207 lines
7.4 KiB
import AVFoundation
import Foundation
import Siesta
protocol VideosAPI {
var account: Account! { get }
var signedIn: Bool { get }
static func withAnonymousAccountForInstanceURL(_ url: URL) -> Self
func channel(_ id: String, contentType: Channel.ContentType, data: String?, page: String?) -> Resource
func channelByName(_ name: String) -> Resource?
func channelByUsername(_ username: String) -> Resource?
func channelVideos(_ id: String) -> Resource
func trending(country: Country, category: TrendingCategory?) -> Resource
func search(_ query: SearchQuery, page: String?) -> Resource
func searchSuggestions(query: String) -> Resource
func video(_ id: Video.ID) -> Resource
func feed(_ page: Int?) -> Resource?
var subscriptions: Resource? { get }
var home: Resource? { get }
var popular: Resource? { get }
var playlists: Resource? { get }
func subscribe(_ channelID: String, onCompletion: @escaping () -> Void)
func unsubscribe(_ channelID: String, onCompletion: @escaping () -> Void)
func playlist(_ id: String) -> Resource?
func playlistVideo(_ playlistID: String, _ videoID: String) -> Resource?
func playlistVideos(_ id: String) -> Resource?
func addVideoToPlaylist(
_ videoID: String,
_ playlistID: String,
onFailure: @escaping (RequestError) -> Void,
onSuccess: @escaping () -> Void
func removeVideoFromPlaylist(
_ index: String,
_ playlistID: String,
onFailure: @escaping (RequestError) -> Void,
onSuccess: @escaping () -> Void
func playlistForm(
_ name: String,
_ visibility: String,
playlist: Playlist?,
onFailure: @escaping (RequestError) -> Void,
onSuccess: @escaping (Playlist?) -> Void
func deletePlaylist(
_ playlist: Playlist,
onFailure: @escaping (RequestError) -> Void,
onSuccess: @escaping () -> Void
func channelPlaylist(_ id: String) -> Resource?
func loadDetails(
_ item: PlayerQueueItem,
failureHandler: ((RequestError) -> Void)?,
completionHandler: @escaping (PlayerQueueItem) -> Void
func shareURL(_ item: ContentItem, frontendHost: String?, time: CMTime?) -> URL?
func comments(_ id: Video.ID, page: String?) -> Resource?
extension VideosAPI {
func channel(_ id: String, contentType: Channel.ContentType, data: String? = nil, page: String? = nil) -> Resource {
channel(id, contentType: contentType, data: data, page: page)
func loadDetails(
_ item: PlayerQueueItem,
failureHandler: ((RequestError) -> Void)? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping (PlayerQueueItem) -> Void = { _ in }
) {
guard (item.video?.streams ?? []).isEmpty else {
if let video = item.video, video.isLocal {
.onSuccess { response in
guard let video: Video = response.typedContent() else {
var newItem = item
newItem.id = UUID()
newItem.video = video
.onFailure { failureHandler?($0) }
func shareURL(_ item: ContentItem, frontendHost: String? = nil, time: CMTime? = nil) -> URL? {
guard let frontendHost = frontendHost ?? account?.instance?.frontendHost,
var urlComponents = account?.instance?.urlComponents
else {
return nil
urlComponents.host = frontendHost
var queryItems = [URLQueryItem]()
switch item.contentType {
case .video:
urlComponents.path = "/watch"
queryItems.append(.init(name: "v", value: item.video.videoID))
case .channel:
urlComponents.path = "/channel/\(item.channel.id)"
case .playlist:
urlComponents.path = "/playlist"
queryItems.append(.init(name: "list", value: item.playlist.id))
return nil
if !time.isNil, time!.seconds.isFinite {
queryItems.append(.init(name: "t", value: "\(Int(time!.seconds))s"))
if !queryItems.isEmpty {
urlComponents.queryItems = queryItems
return urlComponents.url
func extractChapters(from description: String) -> [Chapter] {
The following chapter patterns are covered:
start - end - title / start - end: Title / start - end title
start - title / start: title / start title / [start] - title / [start]: title / [start] title
index. title - start / index. title start
title: (start)
The order is important!
let patterns = [
for pattern in patterns {
guard let chaptersRegularExpression = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: .caseInsensitive) else { continue }
let chapterLines = chaptersRegularExpression.matches(in: description, range: NSRange(description.startIndex..., in: description))
if !chapterLines.isEmpty {
return chapterLines.compactMap { line in
let titleRange = line.range(withName: "title")
let startRange = line.range(withName: "start")
guard let titleSubstringRange = Range(titleRange, in: description),
let startSubstringRange = Range(startRange, in: description)
else {
return nil
let titleCapture = String(description[titleSubstringRange]).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let startCapture = String(description[startSubstringRange])
let startComponents = startCapture.components(separatedBy: ":")
guard startComponents.count <= 3 else { return nil }
var hours: Double?
var minutes: Double?
var seconds: Double?
if startComponents.count == 3 {
hours = Double(startComponents[0])
minutes = Double(startComponents[1])
seconds = Double(startComponents[2])
} else if startComponents.count == 2 {
minutes = Double(startComponents[0])
seconds = Double(startComponents[1])
guard var startSeconds = seconds else { return nil }
startSeconds += (minutes ?? 0) * 60
startSeconds += (hours ?? 0) * 60 * 60
return .init(title: titleCapture, start: startSeconds)
return []