Toni Förster 807c0a1e2e
hopefully fixes #629
should also get rid of empty comments if they couldn't be loaded
2024-04-02 14:28:06 +02:00

115 lines
3.0 KiB

import Defaults
import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON
final class CommentsModel: ObservableObject {
static let shared = CommentsModel()
@Published var all = [Comment]()
@Published var nextPage: String?
@Published var firstPage = true
@Published var loaded = false
@Published var disabled = false
@Published var replies = [Comment]()
@Published var repliesPageID: String?
@Published var repliesLoaded = false
var player = PlayerModel.shared
var accounts = AccountsModel.shared
var instance: Instance? {
var nextPageAvailable: Bool {
!(nextPage?.isEmpty ?? true)
func loadIfNeeded() {
guard !loaded else { return }
func load(page: String? = nil) {
guard let video = player.currentVideo else { return }
guard firstPage || nextPageAvailable else { return }
.comments(video.videoID, page: page)?
.onSuccess { [weak self] response in
guard let self = self else { return }
if let commentsPage: CommentsPage = response.typedContent() {
self.all += commentsPage.comments
self.nextPage = commentsPage.nextPage
self.disabled = commentsPage.disabled
} else {
print("Failed to parse response: \(response)")
.onFailure { [weak self] error in
self?.handleFailure(error: error)
.onCompletion { [weak self] _ in
self?.loaded = true
func handleFailure(error: Error) {
disabled = true
print("Encountered an error: \(error)")
func loadNextPageIfNeeded(current comment: Comment) {
let thresholdIndex = all.index(all.endIndex, offsetBy: -5)
if all.firstIndex(where: { $0 == comment }) == thresholdIndex {
func loadNextPage() {
guard nextPageAvailable else { return }
load(page: nextPage)
func loadReplies(page: String) {
guard !player.currentVideo.isNil else {
if page == repliesPageID {
replies = []
repliesPageID = page
repliesLoaded = false
accounts.api.comments(player.currentVideo!.videoID, page: page)?
.onSuccess { [weak self] response in
if let page: CommentsPage = response.typedContent() {
self?.replies = page.comments
self?.repliesLoaded = true
.onFailure { [weak self] _ in
self?.repliesLoaded = true
func reset() {
all = []
disabled = false
firstPage = true
nextPage = nil
loaded = false
replies = []
repliesLoaded = false