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synced 2025-03-14 12:31:27 +00:00

I added a new feature. When instances are not proxied, Yattee first checks the URL to make sure it is not a restricted video. Usually, music videos and sports content can only be played back by the same IP address that requested the URL in the first place. That is why some videos do not play when the proxy is disabled. This approach has multiple advantages. First and foremost, It reduced the load on Invidious/Piped instances, since users can now directly access the videos without going through the instance, which might be severely bandwidth limited. Secondly, users don't need to manually turn on the proxy when they want to watch IP address bound content, since Yattee automatically proxies such content. Furthermore, adding the proxy option allows mitigating some severe playback issues with invidious instances. Invidious by default returns proxied URLs for videos, and due to some bug in the Invidious proxy, scrubbing or continuing playback at a random timestamp can lead to severe wait times for the users. This should fix numerous playback issues: #666, #626, #590, #585, #498, #457, #400
630 lines
30 KiB
630 lines
30 KiB
" subscribers" = " subscribers";
"%@ Channel" = "%@ Channel";
"%@ Playlist" = "%@ Playlist";
"%@ subscribers" = "%@ subscribers";
"%lld videos" = "%lld videos";
"10 seconds forwards/backwards" = "10 seconds forwards/backwards";
"Accounts" = "Accounts";
"Accounts are not supported for the application of this instance" = "Accounts are not supported for the application of this instance";
"Add Account" = "Add Account";
"Add Account..." = "Add Account...";
"Add Location" = "Add Location";
"Add Location..." = "Add Location..";
"Add profile..." = "Add profile...";
"Add Quality Profile" = "Add Quality Profile";
"Add to %@" = "Add to %@";
"Add to Favorites" = "Add to Favorites";
"Add to Playlist" = "Add to Playlist";
"Add to Playlist..." = "Add to Playlist...";
"Advanced" = "Advanced";
/* Trending category, section containing all kinds of videos */
"All" = "All";
"Always use AVPlayer for live videos" = "Always use AVPlayer for live videos";
"Anonymous" = "Anonymous";
/* Video date filter in search
Video duration filter in search */
"Any" = "Any";
"Apply to all" = "Apply to all";
"Are you sure you want to clear history of watched videos?" = "Are you sure you want to clear history of watched videos?";
"Are you sure you want to clear search history?" = "Are you sure you want to clear search history?";
"Are you sure you want to delete playlist?" = "Are you sure you want to delete playlist?";
"Are you sure you want to restore default quality profiles?" = "Are you sure you want to restore default quality profiles?";
"Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from %@?" = "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from %@?";
"Automatic" = "Automatic";
"Autoplaying Next" = "Autoplaying Next";
"Backend" = "Backend";
"Badge" = "Badge";
"Badge & Decreased opacity" = "Badge & Decreased opacity";
"Badge color" = "Badge color";
"Based on system color scheme" = "Based on system color scheme";
"Battery" = "Battery";
"Blue" = "Blue";
"Browsing" = "Browsing";
"Buffering stream..." = "Buffering stream...";
"Bugs and great feature ideas can be sent to the GitHub issues tracker. " = "Bugs and great feature ideas can be sent to the GitHub issues tracker. ";
"Button" = "Button";
"Cancel" = "Cancel";
"Captions" = "Captions";
"Categories to Skip" = "Categories to Skip";
"Category" = "Category";
"Cellular" = "Cellular";
"Chapters" = "Chapters";
"Charging" = "Charging";
"Clear" = "Clear";
"Clear All" = "Clear All";
"Clear All Recents" = "Clear All Recents";
"Clear History" = "Clear History";
"Clear Search History" = "Clear Search History";
"Clear Search History..." = "Clear Search History...";
"Clear the queue" = "Clear the queue";
"Close" = "Close";
"Close PiP and open player when application enters foreground" = "Close PiP and open player when application enters foreground";
"Close PiP when player is opened" = "Close PiP when player is opened";
"Close PiP when starting playing other video" = "Close PiP when starting playing other video";
"Close player when closing video" = "Close player when closing video";
"Close player when starting PiP" = "Close player when starting PiP";
"Close Video" = "Close Video";
"Close video after playing last in the queue" = "Close video after playing last in the queue";
"Comments" = "Comments";
"Connected successfully (%@)" = "Connected successfully (%@)";
"Connection failed" = "Connection failed";
"Contact" = "Contact";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"Continue from %@" = "Continue from %@";
"Contributing" = "Contributing";
"Controls" = "Controls";
"Copy %@ link" = "Copy %@ link";
"Copy %@ link with time" = "Copy %@ link with time";
"Could not load locations manifest" = "Could not load locations manifest";
"Country" = "Country";
"Country Name or Code" = "Country Name or Code";
"Create Playlist" = "Create Playlist";
"Current: %@\n%@" = "Current: %@\n%@";
/* Locations settings, custom instance is selected as current */
"Custom" = "Custom";
"Custom Locations" = "Custom Locations";
/* Video sort order in search */
"Date" = "Date";
"Decrease rate" = "Decrease rate";
"Decreased opacity" = "Decreased opacity";
"Delete" = "Delete";
"Disabled" = "Disabled";
"Discord Server" = "Discord Server";
"Discussions take place in Discord and Matrix. It's a good spot for general questions." = "Discussions take place in Discord and Matrix. It's a good spot for general questions.";
"Don't use public locations" = "Don't use public locations";
"Donations" = "Donations";
"Done" = "Done";
"Duration" = "Duration";
"Edit" = "Edit";
"Edit Playlist" = "Edit Playlist";
"Edit Quality Profile" = "Edit Quality Profile";
"Edit..." = "Edit...";
"Enable logging" = "Enable logging";
"Enable Return YouTube Dislike" = "Enable Return YouTube Dislike";
"Enter fullscreen in landscape" = "Enter fullscreen in landscape";
"Error" = "Error";
"Error when accessing playlist" = "Error when accessing playlist";
"Explicit reminders to like, subscribe or interact with them on any paid or free platform(s) (e.g. click on a video)." = "Explicit reminders to like, subscribe or interact with them on any paid or free platform(s) (e.g. click on a video).";
"Favorites" = "Favorites";
"Filter" = "Filter";
"Filter: active" = "Filter: active";
"Find Other" = "Find Other";
"Finding something to play..." = "Finding something to play...";
"For videos which feature music as the primary content." = "For videos which feature music as the primary content.";
"Formats will be selected in order as listed.\nHLS is an adaptive format (resolution setting does not apply)." = "Formats will be selected in order as listed.\nHLS is an adaptive format (resolution setting does not apply).";
"Frontend URL" = "Frontend URL";
"Fullscreen size" = "Fullscreen size";
"Gaming" = "Gaming";
"Help" = "Help";
"Hide sidebar" = "Hide sidebar";
"High" = "High";
"Highest" = "Highest";
"Highest quality" = "Highest quality";
"History" = "History";
"Honor orientation lock" = "Honor orientation lock";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Hour" = "Hour";
"I am lost" = "I am lost";
"I found a bug /" = "I found a bug /";
"I have a feature request" = "I have a feature request";
"I like this app!" = "I like this app!";
"I want to ask a question" = "I want to ask a question";
"If you are interested what's coming in future updates, you can track project Milestones." = "If you are interested what's coming in future updates, you can track project Milestones.";
"If you are reporting a bug, include all relevant details (especially: app version, used device and system version, steps to reproduce)." = "If you are reporting a bug, include all relevant details (especially: app version, used device and system version, steps to reproduce).";
"Increase rate" = "Increase rate";
"Info" = "Info";
"Instance of current account" = "Instance of current account";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Interaction" = "Interaction";
"Interface" = "Interface";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Intro" = "Intro";
"Issues Tracker" = "Issues Tracker";
/* Selected video has just finished playing */
"Just watched" = "Just watched";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Large" = "Large";
"Large layout is not suitable for all devices and using it may cause controls not to fit on the screen." = "Large layout is not suitable for all devices and using it may cause controls not to fit on the screen.";
"LIVE" = "LIVE";
/* Loading stream OSD */
"Loading streams…" = "Loading streams…";
"Loading..." = "Loading...";
"Locations" = "Locations";
"Lock portrait mode" = "Lock portrait mode";
/* Video duration filter in search */
"Long" = "Long";
"Low" = "Low";
"Low quality" = "Low quality";
"Lowest" = "Lowest";
"Mark as watched" = "Mark as watched";
"Mark video as watched after playing" = "Mark video as watched after playing";
"Mark watched videos with" = "Mark watched videos with";
"Matrix Channel" = "Matrix Channel";
"Matrix Chat" = "Matrix Chat";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Medium" = "Medium";
"Medium quality" = "Medium quality";
"Milestones" = "Milestones";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Month" = "Month";
"More info can be found in:" = "More info can be found in:";
"Movies" = "Movies";
"MPV Documentation" = "MPV Documentation";
"Music" = "Music";
"Name" = "Name";
"New Playlist" = "New Playlist";
"Next" = "Next";
"No description" = "No description";
"No Playlists" = "No Playlists";
"No results" = "No results";
"Normal" = "Normal";
"Not available" = "Not available";
"Not Playing" = "Not Playing";
"Nothing" = "Nothing";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Offtopic in Music Videos" = "Offtopic in Music Videos";
"Only when signed in" = "Only when signed in";
"Open \"Playlists\" tab to create new one" = "Open \"Playlists\" tab to create new one";
"Open Settings" = "Open Settings";
/* Loading stream OSD */
"Opening %@ stream…" = "Opening %@ stream…";
"Opening audio stream…" = "Opening audio stream…";
"Orientation" = "Orientation";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Outro" = "Outro";
"Part of a video promoting a product or service not directly related to the creator. The creator will receive payment or compensation in the form of money or free products." = "Part of a video promoting a product or service not directly related to the creator. The creator will receive payment or compensation in the form of money or free products.";
"Password" = "Password";
"Pause" = "Pause";
"Pause when entering background" = "Pause when entering background";
"Pause when player is closed" = "Pause when player is closed";
"Picture in Picture" = "Picture in Picture";
"Play" = "Play";
"Play All" = "Play All";
"Play in PiP" = "Play in PiP";
"Play Last" = "Play Last";
"Play Music" = "Play Music";
"Play Next" = "Play Next";
"Play Now" = "Play Now";
"Playback" = "Playback";
"Player" = "Player";
"Playlist" = "Playlist";
"Playlist \"%@\" will be deleted.\nIt cannot be reverted." = "Playlist \"%@\" will be deleted.\nIt cannot be reverted.";
"Playlists" = "Playlists";
"Popular" = "Popular";
"Preferred Formats" = "Preferred Formats";
"Profiles" = "Profiles";
"Promoting a product or service that is directly related to the creator themselves. This usually includes merchandise or promotion of monetized platforms." = "Promoting a product or service that is directly related to the creator themselves. This usually includes merchandise or promotion of monetized platforms.";
"Proxy videos" = "Proxy videos";
"Public Locations" = "Public Locations";
"Public Manifest" = "Public Manifest";
"Quality" = "Quality";
"Quality Profile" = "Quality Profile";
"Queue" = "Queue";
"Queue is empty" = "Queue is empty";
"Rate" = "Rate";
/* Video sort order in search */
"Rating" = "Rating";
"Recents" = "Recents";
"Red" = "Red";
"Refresh" = "Refresh";
"Regular size" = "Regular size";
"Regular Size" = "Regular Size";
"Related" = "Related";
/* Video sort order in search */
"Relevance" = "Relevance";
"Remove" = "Remove";
"Remove from Favorites" = "Remove from Favorites";
"Remove from history" = "Remove from history";
"Remove from Playlist" = "Remove from Playlist";
"Remove from the queue" = "Remove from the queue";
"Replies" = "Replies";
"Reset" = "Reset";
"Reset search filters" = "Reset search filters";
"Reset watched status when playing again" = "Reset watched status when playing again";
"Resolution" = "Resolution";
"Restart" = "Restart";
"Restart the app to apply the settings above." = "Restart the app to apply the settings above.";
"Restart/Play next" = "Restart/Play next";
"Restore default profiles..." = "Restore default profiles...";
"Rotate to portrait when exiting fullscreen" = "Rotate to portrait when exiting fullscreen";
"Round corners" = "Round corners";
"Save" = "Save";
"Save history of played videos" = "Save history of played videos";
"Save history of searches, channels and playlists" = "Save history of searches, channels and playlists";
"Search" = "Search";
"Search history is empty" = "Search history is empty";
"Search..." = "Search...";
"Sections" = "Sections";
"Seek gesture sensitivity" = "Seek gesture sensitivity";
"Seek gesture speed" = "Seek gesture speed";
"Seek with horizontal swipe on video" = "Seek with horizontal swipe on video";
"Segments typically found at the start of a video that include an animation, still frame or clip which are also seen in other videos by the same creator." = "Segments typically found at the start of a video that include an animation, still frame or clip which are also seen in other videos by the same creator.";
"Select location closest to you:" = "Select location closest to you:";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Self-promotion" = "Self-promotion";
"Settings" = "Settings";
"Share %@ link" = "Share %@ link";
"Share %@ link with time" = "Share %@ link with time";
"Share..." = "Share...";
/* Video duration filter in search */
"Short" = "Short";
"Show account username" = "Show account username";
"Show anonymous accounts" = "Show anonymous accounts";
"Show channel name" = "Show channel name";
"Show history" = "Show history";
"Show keywords" = "Show keywords";
"Show playback statistics" = "Show playback statistics";
"Show progress of watching on thumbnails" = "Show progress of watching on thumbnails";
"Show sidebar when space permits" = "Show sidebar when space permits";
"Show video length" = "Show video length";
"Shuffle" = "Shuffle";
"Shuffle All" = "Shuffle All";
"Sidebar" = "Sidebar";
"Sign In Required" = "Sign In Required";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Small" = "Small";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Smaller" = "Smaller";
"Sort" = "Sort";
"Sort: %@" = "Sort: %@";
"Source" = "Source";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Sponsor" = "Sponsor";
"SponsorBlock" = "SponsorBlock";
"SponsorBlock API Instance" = "SponsorBlock API Instance";
"Subscribe" = "Subscribe";
/* Subscriptions title */
"Subscriptions" = "Subscriptions";
"Switch to other public location" = "Switch to other public location";
"Switch to public locations" = "Switch to public locations";
"System controls buttons" = "System controls buttons";
"System controls show buttons for %@" = "System controls show buttons for %@";
"That's nice to hear. It is fun to deliver apps other people want to use. You can consider donating to the project or help by contributing to new features development." = "That's nice to hear. It is fun to deliver apps other people want to use. You can consider donating to the project or help by contributing to new features development.";
"This cannot be reverted" = "This cannot be reverted";
"This cannot be reverted. You might need to switch between views or restart the app to see changes." = "This cannot be reverted. You might need to switch between views or restart the app to see changes.";
"This information will be processed only on your device and used to connect you to the server in the specified country." = "This information will be processed only on your device and used to connect you to the server in the specified country.";
"This will remove all your custom profiles and return their default values. This cannot be reverted." = "This will remove all your custom profiles and return their default values. This cannot be reverted.";
"Thumbnails" = "Thumbnails";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Today" = "Today";
"Trending" = "Trending";
/* Player controls layout size for TV */
"TV" = "TV";
"Typically near or at the end of the video when the credits pop up and/or endcards are shown." = "Typically near or at the end of the video when the credits pop up and/or endcards are shown.";
"unknown" = "unknown";
"Unsubscribe" = "Unsubscribe";
"Upload date" = "Upload date";
"URL" = "URL";
"Used to create links from videos, channels and playlists" = "Used to create links from videos, channels and playlists";
"Username" = "Username";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Very Large" = "Very Large";
"Videos" = "Videos";
/* Video sort order in search */
"Views" = "Views";
"Watched" = "Watched";
/* Selected video was played on given date */
"Watched %@" = "Watched %@";
/* Selected video is being played */
"Watching now" = "Watching now";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Week" = "Week";
"Welcome" = "Welcome";
"When partially watched video is played" = "When partially watched video is played";
"Wi-Fi" = "Wi-Fi";
"Wiki" = "Wiki";
"Yattee" = "Yattee";
"Yattee %@ (build %@)" = "Yattee %@ (build %@)";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Year" = "Year";
"You can find information about using Yattee in the Wiki pages." = "You can find information about using Yattee in the Wiki pages.";
"You can use automatic profile selection based on current device status or switch it in video playback settings controls." = "You can use automatic profile selection based on current device status or switch it in video playback settings controls.";
"You have no Playlists" = "You have no Playlists";
"You have no playlists\n\nTap on \"New Playlist\" to create one" = "You have no playlists\n\nTap on \"New Playlist\" to create one";
"You need to create an instance and accounts\nto access %@ section" = "You need to create an instance and accounts\nto access %@ section";
"You need to select an account\nto access %@ section" = "You need to select an account\nto access %@ section";
"Public" = "Public";
"Unlisted" = "Unlisted";
"Now Playing" = "Now Playing";
"Current Location" = "Current Location";
"Private" = "Private";
"Playback queue is empty" = "Playback queue is empty";
"Playing Next" = "Playing Next";
"You can switch between profiles in playback settings controls." = "You can switch between profiles in playback settings controls.";
"Add Channels, Playlists and Searches to Favorites using" = "Add Channels, Playlists and Searches to Favorites using";
"Make default" = "Make default";
"Visibility" = "Visibility";
"Current Playlist" = "Current Playlist";
"Stream & Player" = "Stream & Player";
"Statistics" = "Statistics";
"Hardware decoder" = "Hardware decoder";
"Stream FPS" = "Stream FPS";
"Cached time" = "Cached time";
"Rate & Captions" = "Rate & Captions";
"Dropped frames" = "Dropped frames";
"Any format" = "Any format";
"%@ formats" = "%@ formats";
"Keep last played video in the queue after restart" = "Keep last played video in the queue after restart";
"Playlist is empty\n\nTap and hold on a video and then \n\"Add to Playlist\"" = "Playlist is empty\n\nTap and hold on a video and then\n\"Add to Playlist\"";
"It can be changed later in settings. You can use your own locations too." = "It can be changed later in settings. You can use your own locations too.";
"Press and hold remote button to open captions and quality menus" = "Press and hold remote button to open captions and quality menus";
"Comments are disabled" = "Comments are disabled";
"No comments" = "No comments";
"No chapters information available" = "No chapters information available";
"Share Logs..." = "Share Logs…";
"Open logs in Finder" = "Open logs in Finder";
"Could not refresh Subscriptions" = "Could not refresh Subscriptions";
"Could not load streams" = "Could not load streams";
"Could not open video" = "Could not open video";
"Channel could not be found" = "Channel could not be found";
"Could not extract channel information" = "Could not extract channel information";
"Could not extract SID from received cookies: %@" = "Could not extract SID from received cookies: %@";
"Could not update your token." = "Could not update your token.";
"Could not refresh Trending" = "Could not refresh Trending";
"For custom locations you can configure Frontend URL in Locations settings" = "For custom locations you can configure Frontend URL in Locations settings";
"This URL could not be opened" = "This URL could not be opened";
"Could not open channel" = "Could not open channel";
"Could not refresh Popular" = "Could not refresh Popular";
"Could not create share link" = "Could not create share link";
"Could not open playlist" = "Could not open playlist";
"Could not extract video ID" = "Could not extract video ID";
"This video could not be opened" = "This video could not be opened";
"Could not extract playlist ID" = "Could not extract playlist ID";
"Could not load video" = "Could not load video";
"No locations available at the moment" = "No locations available at the moment";
"Could not refresh Playlists" = "Could not refresh Playlists";
"If you want this app to be available in your language, join translation project." = "If you want this app to be available in your language, join translation project.";
"Translations" = "Translations";
"No documents" = "No documents";
"Recent Documents" = "Recent Documents";
"Home" = "Home";
"Share files from Finder on a Mac\nor iTunes on Windows" = "Share files from Finder on a Mac\nor iTunes on Windows";
"Show Home" = "Show Home";
"Show Open Videos quick actions" = "Show Open Videos quick actions";
"Recent History" = "Recent History";
"Show Favorites" = "Show Favorites";
"Inspector visibility" = "Inspector visibility";
"Edit Favorites…" = "Edit Favorites…";
"Show Open Videos toolbar button" = "Show Open Videos toolbar button";
"Buttons labels" = "Buttons labels";
"Files" = "Files";
"Show Documents" = "Show Documents";
"Pages toolbar position" = "Pages toolbar position";
"Video Details" = "Video Details";
"Show Inspector" = "Show Inspector";
"Reload manifest" = "Reload manifest";
"Clear Queue before opening" = "Clear Queue before opening";
"Open" = "Open";
"Video actions buttons" = "Video actions buttons";
"Pages buttons" = "Pages buttons";
"URL to Open" = "URL to Open";
"Enter link to open" = "Enter link to open";
"Could not open Files" = "Could not open Files";
"Paste" = "Paste";
"Open Videos" = "Open Videos";
"Enter links to open, one per line" = "Enter links to open, one per line";
"Playback Mode" = "Playback Mode";
"Add" = "Add";
"Hide" = "Hide";
"Always" = "Always";
"Only for local files and URLs" = "Only for local files and URLs";
"Right" = "Right";
"Channels" = "Channels";
"Open Files" = "Open Files";
"Share" = "Share";
"Show icons and text when space permits" = "Show icons and text when space permits";
"Left" = "Left";
"Format" = "Format";
"Driver" = "Driver";
"Show only icons" = "Show only icons";
"Center" = "Center";
"Documents" = "Documents";
"Audio" = "Audio";
"File" = "File";
"Video" = "Video";
"Codec" = "Codec";
"Size" = "Size";
"FPS" = "FPS";
"Sample Rate" = "Sample Rate";
"Could not find any links to open in your clipboard" = "Could not find any links to open in your clipboard";
"Address" = "Address";
"Remove…" = "Remove…";
"Actions buttons" = "Actions buttons";
"Show sidebar" = "Show sidebar";
"Locations Manifest" = "Locations Manifest";
"Remove Location" = "Remove Location";
"Open Video" = "Open Video";
"Default Profile" = "Default Profile";
"Playback history is empty" = "Playback history is empty";
"Copy%@link" = "Copy%@link";
"Share%@link" = "Share%@link";
"Are you sure you want to remove this document?" = "Are you sure you want to remove this document?";
"\"%@\" will be irreversibly removed from this device." = "\"%@\" will be irreversibly removed from this device.";
"Could not delete document" = "Could not delete document";
"Are you sure you want to remove %@ location?" = "Are you sure you want to remove %@ location?";
"Live Streams" = "Live Streams";
"Shorts" = "Shorts";
"Verified" = "Verified";
"Channel" = "Channel";
"Open expanded" = "Open expanded";
"Mark channel feed as unwatched" = "Mark channel feed as unwatched";
"Mark channel feed as watched" = "Mark channel feed as watched";
"Short videos: visible" = "Short videos: visible";
"Player Bar" = "Player Bar";
"Short videos: hidden" = "Short videos: hidden";
"Play all unwatched" = "Play all unwatched";
"Double tap gesture" = "Double tap gesture";
"Tap and hold channel thumbnail to open context menu with more actions" = "Tap and hold channel thumbnail to open context menu with more actions";
"Always show controls buttons" = "Always show controls buttons";
"Single tap gesture" = "Single tap gesture";
"Maximum width expanded" = "Maximum width expanded";
"Clear all" = "Clear all";
"Right click channel thumbnail to open context menu with more actions" = "Right click channel thumbnail to open context menu with more actions";
"Show unwatched feed badges" = "Show unwatched feed badges";
"Seeking" = "Seeking";
"Gesture: fowards" = "Gesture: fowards";
"Controls Buttons" = "Controls Buttons";
"System controls" = "System controls";
"Controls button: backwards" = "Controls button: backwards";
"Controls button: forwards" = "Controls button: forwards";
"Gesture: backwards" = "Gesture: backwards";
"Gesture settings control skipping interval for double tap gesture on left/right side of the player. Changing system controls settings requires restart." = "Gesture settings control skipping interval for double tap gesture on left/right side of the player. Changing system controls settings requires restart.";
"Hide player" = "Hide player";
"Gesture settings control skipping interval for double click on left/right side of the player. Changing system controls settings requires restart." = "Gesture settings control skipping interval for double click on left/right side of the player. Changing system controls settings requires restart.";
"Gesture settings control skipping interval for remote arrow buttons (for 2nd generation Siri Remote or newer). Changing system controls settings requires restart." = "Gesture settings control skipping interval for remote arrow buttons (for 2nd generation Siri Remote or newer). Changing system controls settings requires restart.";
"Actions Buttons" = "Actions Buttons";
"Play next item" = "Play next item";
"Lock orientation" = "Lock orientation";
"Music Mode" = "Music Mode";
"Close video" = "Close video";
"Total size: %@" = "Total size: %@";
"Open channels with description expanded" = "Open channels with description expanded";
"Cache" = "Cache";
"Subscribe/Unsubscribe" = "Subscribe/Unsubscribe";
"Show cache status" = "Show cache status";
"Maximum feed items" = "Maximum feed items";
"Are you sure you want to clear cache?" = "Are you sure you want to clear cache?";
"Show Next in Queue" = "Show Next in Queue";
"Show toggle watch status button" = "Show toggle watch status button";
"Next in Queue" = "Next in Queue";
"List" = "List";
"Cells" = "Cells";
"Toggle size" = "Toggle size";
"Toggle player" = "Toggle player";
"Do nothing" = "Do nothing";
"Feed" = "Feed";
"Open channel" = "Open channel";
"Inspector" = "Inspector";
"Open video description expanded" = "Open video description expanded";
"Mark all as unwatched" = "Mark all as unwatched";
"Mark all as watched" = "Mark all as watched";
"Queue - shuffled" = "Queue - shuffled";
"Playback Settings" = "Playback Settings";
"Replay" = "Replay";
"Fullscreen" = "Fullscreen";
"Lock" = "Lock";
"Description" = "Description";
"Loop one" = "Loop one";
"Autoplay next" = "Autoplay next";
"Stream" = "Stream";
"Show scroll to top button in comments" = "Show scroll to top button in comments";
"Enter account credentials to connect..." = "Enter account credentials to connect...";
"Enter location address to connect..." = "Enter location address to connect...";
"Seek" = "Seek";
"Opened File" = "Opened File";
"File Extension" = "File Extension";
"Opening file…" = "Opening file…";
"Public account" = "Public account";
"Your Accounts" = "Your Accounts";
"Browse without account" = "Browse without account";
"Close video and player on end" = "Close video and player on end";
"Use system controls with AVPlayer" = "Use system controls with AVPlayer";
"Rotate when entering fullscreen on landscape video" = "Rotate when entering fullscreen on landscape video";
"Landscape left" = "Landscape left";
"Landscape right" = "Landscape right";
"No rotation" = "No rotation";
"Available" = "Available";
"Startup section" = "Startup section";
"Home Settings" = "Home Settings";
"Watched: hidden" = "Watched: hidden";
"(watched and shorts hidden)" = "(watched and shorts hidden)";
"Watched: visible" = "Watched: visible";
"No videos to show" = "No videos to show";
"(watched hidden)" = "(watched hidden)";
"(shorts hidden)" = "(shorts hidden)";
"Disable filters" = "Disable filters";
"Limit" = "Limit";
"Are you sure you want to remove %@ from Favorites?" = "Are you sure you want to remove %@ from Favorites?";
"Keep channels with unwatched videos on top of subscriptions list" = "Keep channels with unwatched videos on top of subscriptions list";
"Show video context menu options to force selected backend" = "Show video context menu options to force selected backend";
"Play Now in MPV" = "Play Now in MPV";
"Play Now in AVPlayer" = "Play Now in AVPlayer";
"Show channel avatars in videos lists" = "Show channel avatars in videos lists";
"Show channel avatars in channels lists" = "Show channel avatars in channels lists";
"Podcasts" = "Podcasts";
"Releases" = "Releases";
"Add %@" = "Add %@";
"Description preview" = "Description preview";
"No preview" = "No preview";
"Open vertical chapters expanded" = "Open vertical chapters expanded";
"Chapters (if available)" = "Chapters (if available)";
"Import Settings..." = "Import Settings...";
"Export Settings" = "Export Settings";
"Accounts passwords (unencrypted)" = "Accounts passwords (unencrypted)";
"Other" = "Other";
"Other data" = "Other data";
"Export..." = "Export…";
"Other data include last used playback preferences and listing options" = "Other data include last used playback preferences and listing options";
"Are you sure you want to export unencrypted passwords?" = "Are you sure you want to export unencrypted passwords?";
"Do not share this file with anyone or you can lose access to your accounts. If you don't select to export passwords you will be asked to provide them during import" = "Do not share this file with anyone or you can lose access to your accounts. If you don't select to export passwords you will be asked to provide them during import";
"Icon only" = "Icon only";
"Export" = "Export";
"File information" = "File information";
"Build" = "Build";
"Import" = "Import";
"Platform" = "Platform";
"Action button labels" = "Action button labels";
"Icon and text" = "Icon and text";
"Password required to import" = "Password required to import";
"Custom Location already exists" = "Custom Location already exists";
"Custom Location selected for import" = "Custom Location selected for import";
"Custom Location not selected for import" = "Custom Location not selected for import";
"Account already exists" = "Account already exists";
"Password saved in import file" = "Password saved in import file";
"Export in progress..." = "Export in progress...";
"In progress..." = "In progress…";