import Defaults import Foundation import Siesta import SwiftyJSON final class InvidiousAPI: Service, ObservableObject { static let basePath = "/api/v1" @Published var account: Instance.Account! = .empty @Published var validInstance = false @Published var signedIn = false func setAccount(_ account: Instance.Account) { self.account = account validInstance = false signedIn = false configure() validate() } func validate() { validateInstance() validateSID() } func validateInstance() { guard !validInstance else { return } home .load() .onSuccess { _ in self.validInstance = true } .onFailure { _ in self.validInstance = false } } func validateSID() { guard !signedIn else { return } feed .load() .onSuccess { _ in self.signedIn = true } .onFailure { _ in self.signedIn = false } } static func proxyURLForAsset(_ url: String) -> URL? { URL(string: url) // TODO: Switching instances, move up to player // guard let instanceURLComponents = URLComponents(string: InvidiousAPI.instance), // var urlComponents = URLComponents(string: url) else { return nil } // // urlComponents.scheme = instanceURLComponents.scheme // = // // return urlComponents.url } func configure() { SiestaLog.Category.enabled = .common let SwiftyJSONTransformer = ResponseContentTransformer(transformErrors: true) { JSON($0.content as AnyObject) } configure { $0.headers["Cookie"] = self.cookieHeader $0.pipeline[.parsing].add(SwiftyJSONTransformer, contentTypes: ["*/json"]) } configure("**", requestMethods: [.post]) { $0.pipeline[.parsing].removeTransformers() } configureTransformer(pathPattern("popular"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> [Video] in } configureTransformer(pathPattern("trending"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> [Video] in } configureTransformer(pathPattern("search"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> [Video] in } configureTransformer(pathPattern("search/suggestions"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> [String] in if let suggestions = content.json.dictionaryValue["suggestions"] { return } return [] } configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/playlists"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> [Playlist] in } configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/playlists/*"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> Playlist in Playlist(content.json) } configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/playlists"), requestMethods: [.post, .patch]) { (content: Entity) -> Playlist in // hacky, to verify if possible to get it in easier way Playlist(JSON(parseJSON: String(data: content.content, encoding: .utf8)!)) } configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/feed"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> [Video] in if let feedVideos = content.json.dictionaryValue["videos"] { return } return [] } configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/subscriptions"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> [Channel] in } configureTransformer(pathPattern("channels/*"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> Channel in Channel(json: content.json) } configureTransformer(pathPattern("channels/*/latest"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> [Video] in } configureTransformer(pathPattern("videos/*"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity) -> Video in Video(content.json) } } fileprivate func pathPattern(_ path: String) -> String { "**\(InvidiousAPI.basePath)/\(path)" } fileprivate func basePathAppending(_ path: String) -> String { "\(InvidiousAPI.basePath)/\(path)" } private var cookieHeader: String { "SID=\(account.sid)" } var popular: Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: "\(InvidiousAPI.basePath)/popular") } func trending(category: TrendingCategory, country: Country) -> Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: "\(InvidiousAPI.basePath)/trending") .withParam("type", .withParam("region", country.rawValue) } var home: Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: "/feed/subscriptions") } var feed: Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: "\(InvidiousAPI.basePath)/auth/feed") } var subscriptions: Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("auth/subscriptions")) } func channelSubscription(_ id: String) -> Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("auth/subscriptions")).child(id) } func channel(_ id: String) -> Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("channels/\(id)")) } func channelVideos(_ id: String) -> Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("channels/\(id)/latest")) } func video(_ id: String) -> Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("videos/\(id)")) } var playlists: Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("auth/playlists")) } func playlist(_ id: String) -> Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("auth/playlists/\(id)")) } func playlistVideos(_ id: String) -> Resource { playlist(id).child("videos") } func playlistVideo(_ playlistID: String, _ videoID: String) -> Resource { playlist(playlistID).child("videos").child(videoID) } func search(_ query: SearchQuery) -> Resource { var resource = resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("search")) .withParam("q", searchQuery(query.query)) .withParam("sort_by", query.sortBy.parameter) if let date =, date != .any { resource = resource.withParam("date", date.rawValue) } if let duration = query.duration, duration != .any { resource = resource.withParam("duration", duration.rawValue) } return resource } func searchSuggestions(query: String) -> Resource { resource(baseURL: account.url, path: basePathAppending("search/suggestions")) .withParam("q", query.lowercased()) } private func searchQuery(_ query: String) -> String { var searchQuery = query let url = URLComponents(string: query) if url != nil, url!.host == "" { searchQuery = url!.path.replacingOccurrences(of: "/", with: "") } let queryItem = url?.queryItems?.first { item in == "v" } if let id = queryItem?.value { searchQuery = id } return searchQuery } }