import Defaults import Siesta import SwiftUI struct PlaylistsView: View { @State private var selectedPlaylistID: Playlist.ID = "" @State private var showingNewPlaylist = false @State private var createdPlaylist: Playlist? @State private var showingEditPlaylist = false @State private var editedPlaylist: Playlist? @StateObject private var channelPlaylist = Store() @StateObject private var userPlaylist = Store() @ObservedObject private var accounts = AccountsModel.shared private var player = PlayerModel.shared @ObservedObject private var model = PlaylistsModel.shared private var cache = PlaylistsCacheModel.shared @Namespace private var focusNamespace @Default(.playlistListingStyle) private var playlistListingStyle @Default(.showCacheStatus) private var showCacheStatus var items: [ContentItem] { var videos = currentPlaylist?.videos ?? [] if videos.isEmpty { videos = userPlaylist.item?.videos ?? channelPlaylist.item?.videos ?? [] if ! { var i = 0 for index in videos.indices { var video = videos[index] video.indexID = "\(i)" i += 1 videos[index] = video } } } return ContentItem.array(of: videos) } private var resource: Resource? { guard let playlist = currentPlaylist else { return nil } let resource = accounts.api.playlist( if { resource?.addObserver(channelPlaylist) } else { resource?.addObserver(userPlaylist) } return resource } var body: some View { SignInRequiredView(title: "Playlists".localized()) { Section { VStack { #if os(tvOS) toolbar #endif if currentPlaylist != nil, items.isEmpty { hintText("Playlist is empty\n\nTap and hold on a video and then \n\"Add to Playlist\"".localized()) } else if model.all.isEmpty { hintText("You have no playlists\n\nTap on \"New Playlist\" to create one".localized()) } else { Group { #if os(tvOS) HorizontalCells(items: items) .padding(.top, 40) Spacer() #else VerticalCells(items: items) { if showCacheStatus { HStack { Spacer() CacheStatusHeader( refreshTime: cache.getFormattedPlaylistTime(account: accounts.current), isLoading: model.isLoading ) } } } .environment(\.scrollViewBottomPadding, 70) #endif } .environment(\.currentPlaylistID, currentPlaylist?.id) .environment(\.listingStyle, playlistListingStyle) } } } } .onAppear { model.load() loadResource() } .onChange(of: accounts.current) { _ in model.load(force: true) loadResource() } .onChange(of: currentPlaylist) { _ in channelPlaylist.clear() userPlaylist.clear() loadResource() } .onChange(of: model.reloadPlaylists) { _ in loadResource() } #if os(iOS) .refreshControl { refreshControl in model.load(force: true) { model.reloadPlaylists.toggle() refreshControl.endRefreshing() } } .backport .refreshable { DispatchQueue.main.async { model.load(force: true) { model.reloadPlaylists.toggle() } } } .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) { playlistsMenu } } #endif #if os(tvOS) .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showingNewPlaylist, onDismiss: selectCreatedPlaylist) { PlaylistFormView(playlist: $createdPlaylist) } .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showingEditPlaylist, onDismiss: selectEditedPlaylist) { PlaylistFormView(playlist: $editedPlaylist) } .focusScope(focusNamespace) #else .background( EmptyView() .sheet(isPresented: $showingNewPlaylist, onDismiss: selectCreatedPlaylist) { PlaylistFormView(playlist: $createdPlaylist) } ) .background( EmptyView() .sheet(isPresented: $showingEditPlaylist, onDismiss: selectEditedPlaylist) { PlaylistFormView(playlist: $editedPlaylist) } ) #endif #if os(macOS) .toolbar { ToolbarItem { ListingStyleButtons(listingStyle: $playlistListingStyle) } } #else .onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification)) { _ in model.load() loadResource() } #endif #if !os(tvOS) .background( Button("Refresh") { resource?.load() } .keyboardShortcut("r") .opacity(0) ) #endif } func loadResource() { loadCachedResource() resource?.load() .onSuccess { response in if let playlist: Playlist = response.typedContent() { ChannelPlaylistsCacheModel.shared.storePlaylist(playlist: playlist.channelPlaylist) } } } func loadCachedResource() { if !selectedPlaylistID.isEmpty, let cache = ChannelPlaylistsCacheModel.shared.retrievePlaylist(selectedPlaylistID) { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.channelPlaylist.replace(cache) } } } #if os(iOS) var playlistsMenu: some View { let title = currentPlaylist?.title ?? "Playlists" return Menu { Menu { selectPlaylistButton } label: { Label(title, systemImage: "") } Section { if let currentPlaylist { playButtons editPlaylistButton if let account = accounts.current { FavoriteButton(item: FavoriteItem(section: .playlist(, } } } if accounts.signedIn { newPlaylistButton } ListingStyleButtons(listingStyle: $playlistListingStyle) Section { SettingsButtons() } } label: { HStack(spacing: 12) { HStack(spacing: 6) { Image(systemName: "") Text(title) .font(.headline) } .foregroundColor(.primary) Image(systemName: "") .foregroundColor(.accentColor) } .imageScale(.small) .lineLimit(1) .frame(maxWidth: 320) .transaction { t in t.animation = nil } } .disabled(!accounts.signedIn) } #endif #if os(tvOS) var toolbar: some View { HStack { if model.isEmpty { Text("No Playlists") .foregroundColor(.secondary) } else { Text("Current Playlist") .foregroundColor(.secondary) selectPlaylistButton } if let playlist = currentPlaylist { editPlaylistButton FavoriteButton(item: FavoriteItem(section: .playlist(, .labelStyle(.iconOnly) playButtons } Spacer() newPlaylistButton .padding(.leading, 40) } .labelStyle(.iconOnly) } #endif func hintText(_ text: String) -> some View { VStack { Spacer() Text(text) .foregroundColor(.secondary) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) Spacer() } .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity) #if os(macOS) .background(Color.secondaryBackground) #endif } func selectCreatedPlaylist() { guard createdPlaylist != nil else { return } model.load(force: true) { if let id = createdPlaylist?.id { selectedPlaylistID = id } self.createdPlaylist = nil } } func selectEditedPlaylist() { if editedPlaylist.isNil { selectedPlaylistID = "" } model.load(force: true) { self.selectedPlaylistID = editedPlaylist?.id ?? "" self.editedPlaylist = nil } } var selectPlaylistButton: some View { #if os(tvOS) Button(currentPlaylist?.title ?? "Select playlist") { guard currentPlaylist != nil else { return } selectedPlaylistID = currentPlaylist!)?.id ?? "" } .lineLimit(1) .contextMenu { ForEach(model.all) { playlist in Button(playlist.title) { selectedPlaylistID = } } Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {} } #else Picker("Current Playlist", selection: $selectedPlaylistID) { ForEach(model.all) { playlist in Text(playlist.title).tag( } } #endif } var editPlaylistButton: some View { Button(action: { self.editedPlaylist = self.currentPlaylist self.showingEditPlaylist = true }) { Label("Edit Playlist", systemImage: "rectangle.and.pencil.and.ellipsis") } } var newPlaylistButton: some View { Button(action: { self.showingNewPlaylist = true }) { Label("New Playlist", systemImage: "plus") } } private var playButtons: some View { Group { Button {\.video)) } label: { Label("Play", systemImage: "play") } Button {\.video), shuffling: true) } label: { Label("Shuffle", systemImage: "shuffle") } } } private var currentPlaylist: Playlist? { if selectedPlaylistID.isEmpty { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.selectedPlaylistID = model.all.first?.id ?? "" } } return model.find(id: selectedPlaylistID) ?? model.all.first } } struct PlaylistsView_Provider: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { NavigationView { PlaylistsView() } } }