import CoreMedia import Defaults import Foundation import SDWebImageSwiftUI import SwiftUI struct VideoBanner: View { var id: String? let video: Video? var playbackTime: CMTime? var videoDuration: TimeInterval? var watch: Watch? @Default(.saveHistory) private var saveHistory @Default(.watchedVideoStyle) private var watchedVideoStyle @Default(.watchedVideoBadgeColor) private var watchedVideoBadgeColor @Default(.timeOnThumbnail) private var timeOnThumbnail @Environment(\.inChannelView) private var inChannelView @Environment(\.inNavigationView) private var inNavigationView @Environment(\.navigationStyle) private var navigationStyle init( id: String? = nil, video: Video? = nil, playbackTime: CMTime? = nil, videoDuration: TimeInterval? = nil, watch: Watch? = nil ) { = id = video self.playbackTime = playbackTime self.videoDuration = videoDuration = watch } var body: some View { HStack(alignment: .top, spacing: 12) { VStack(alignment: .trailing, spacing: 2) { smallThumbnail #if !os(tvOS) progressView #endif if !timeOnThumbnail, let timeLabel { Text(timeLabel) .font(.caption.monospacedDigit()) .foregroundColor(.secondary) } } VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) { Group { if let video { HStack(alignment: .top) { Text(video.displayTitle) if video.isLocal, let fileExtension = video.localStreamFileExtension { Spacer() Text(fileExtension) .foregroundColor(.secondary) } } } else { Text("Loading contents of the video, please wait") .redacted(reason: .placeholder) } } .truncationMode(.middle) .lineLimit(5) .font(.headline) Spacer() HStack { HStack { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Group { if let video { if !inChannelView, !video.isLocal || video.localStreamIsRemoteURL { ChannelLinkView(channel: { HStack(spacing: Constants.channelDetailsStackSpacing) { if let url =, video != .fixture { ThumbnailView(url: url) .frame(width: Constants.channelThumbnailSize, height: Constants.channelThumbnailSize) .clipShape(Circle()) } channelLabel .font(.subheadline) } } } else { #if os(iOS) if DocumentsModel.shared.isDocument(video) { HStack(spacing: 6) { if let date = DocumentsModel.shared.formattedCreationDate(video) { Text(date) } if let size = DocumentsModel.shared.formattedSize(video) { Text("•") Text(size) } Spacer() } .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) } #endif } } else { Text("Video Author") .redacted(reason: .placeholder) } } extraAttributes } } .foregroundColor(.secondary) } } .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) .frame(maxHeight: .infinity) #if os(tvOS) .padding(.vertical) #endif } .fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true) .contentShape(Rectangle()) #if os(tvOS) .buttonStyle(.card) #else .buttonStyle(.plain) #endif #if os(tvOS) .padding(.trailing, 10) #endif .opacity(contentOpacity) .id(id ?? video?.videoID ?? video?.id) } private var extraAttributes: some View { HStack(spacing: 16) { if let video { if let date = video.publishedDate { HStack(spacing: 2) { Text(date) .allowsTightening(true) } } if video.views > 0 { HStack(spacing: 2) { Image(systemName: "eye") Text(video.viewsCount!) } } } } .font(.caption) .lineLimit(1) .foregroundColor(.secondary) } @ViewBuilder private var smallThumbnail: some View { ZStack(alignment: .bottomTrailing) { ZStack(alignment: .bottomLeading) { ZStack { Color("PlaceholderColor") if let video { if let thumbnail = video.thumbnailURL(quality: .medium) { ThumbnailView(url: thumbnail) } else if video.isLocal { Image(systemName: video.localStreamImageSystemName) } } else { Image(systemName: "ellipsis") } } if saveHistory, watchedVideoStyle.isShowingBadge, watch?.finished ?? false { Image(systemName: "") .foregroundColor(Color( watchedVideoBadgeColor == .colorSchemeBased ? "WatchProgressBarColor" : watchedVideoBadgeColor == .red ? "AppRedColor" : "AppBlueColor" )) .background(Color.white) .clipShape(Circle()) .imageScale(.medium) .offset(x: 5, y: -5) } } if timeOnThumbnail { timeView } } .frame(width: thumbnailWidth, height: thumbnailHeight) #if os(tvOS) .mask(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12)) #else .mask(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 6)) #endif } private var contentOpacity: Double { guard saveHistory, !watch.isNil, watchedVideoStyle == .decreasedOpacity || watchedVideoStyle == .both else { return 1 } return watch!.finished ? 0.5 : 1 } private var thumbnailWidth: Double { #if os(tvOS) 356 #else 120 #endif } private var thumbnailHeight: Double { #if os(tvOS) 200 #else 72 #endif } private var videoDurationLabel: String? { guard videoDuration != 0 else { return nil } return (videoDuration ?? video?.length)?.formattedAsPlaybackTime() } private var watchStoppedAtLabel: String? { guard let watch else { return nil } return watch.stoppedAt.formattedAsPlaybackTime(allowZero: true) } var timeInfo: Bool { videoDurationLabel != nil && (video == nil || !video!.localStreamIsDirectory) } private var timeLabel: String? { if let watch, let watchStoppedAtLabel, let videoDurationLabel, !watch.finished { return "\(watchStoppedAtLabel) / \(videoDurationLabel)" } else if let videoDurationLabel { return videoDurationLabel } else { return nil } } @ViewBuilder private var timeView: some View { if let timeLabel { Text(timeLabel) .font(.caption2.weight(.semibold).monospacedDigit()) .allowsTightening(true) .padding(2) .modifier(ControlBackgroundModifier()) } } private var progressView: some View { ProgressView(value: watchValue, total: progressViewTotal) .progressViewStyle(.linear) .frame(maxWidth: thumbnailWidth) .opacity(showProgressView ? 1 : 0) .frame(height: 12) } private var showProgressView: Bool { guard playbackTime != nil, let video, ! else { return false } return true } private var watchValue: Double { if finished { return progressViewTotal } return progressViewValue } private var progressViewValue: Double { guard videoDuration != 0 else { return 1 } return [playbackTime?.seconds, videoDuration].compactMap { $0 }.min() ?? 0 } private var progressViewTotal: Double { guard videoDuration != 0 else { return 1 } return videoDuration ?? video?.length ?? 1 } private var finished: Bool { (progressViewValue / progressViewTotal) * 100 > Double(Defaults[.watchedThreshold]) } @ViewBuilder private var channelLabel: some View { if let video, !video.displayAuthor.isEmpty { Text(video.displayAuthor) .fontWeight(.semibold) .foregroundColor(.secondary) } } } struct VideoBanner_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { VStack(spacing: 2) { VideoBanner(video: Video.fixture, playbackTime: CMTime(seconds: 400, preferredTimescale: 10000)) VideoBanner(video: Video.fixtureUpcomingWithoutPublishedOrViews) VideoBanner(video: .local(URL(string: "")!)) VideoBanner(video: .local(URL(string: "file://a/b/c/d/e/f.mkv")!)) VideoBanner() } .frame(maxWidth: 1300) } }