import Alamofire import Defaults import Foundation import Logging import SwiftyJSON final class SponsorBlockAPI: ObservableObject { static let categories = ["sponsor", "selfpromo", "intro", "outro", "interaction", "music_offtopic"] let logger = Logger(label: "") @Published var videoID: String? @Published var segments = [Segment]() static func categoryDescription(_ name: String) -> String? { guard Self.categories.contains(name) else { return nil } switch name { case "sponsor": return "Sponsor".localized() case "selfpromo": return "Self-promotion".localized() case "intro": return "Intro".localized() case "outro": return "Outro".localized() case "interaction": return "Interaction".localized() case "music_offtopic": return "Offtopic in Music Videos".localized() default: return name.capitalized } } static func categoryDetails(_ name: String) -> String? { guard Self.categories.contains(name) else { return nil } switch name { case "sponsor": return ("Part of a video promoting a product or service not directly related to the creator. " + "The creator will receive payment or compensation in the form of money or free products.").localized() case "selfpromo": return ("Promoting a product or service that is directly related to the creator themselves. " + "This usually includes merchandise or promotion of monetized platforms.").localized() case "intro": return ("Segments typically found at the start of a video that include an animation, " + "still frame or clip which are also seen in other videos by the same creator.").localized() case "outro": return "Typically near or at the end of the video when the credits pop up and/or endcards are shown.".localized() case "interaction": return "Explicit reminders to like, subscribe or interact with them on any paid or free platform(s) (e.g. click on a video).".localized() case "music_offtopic": return "For videos which feature music as the primary content.".localized() default: return nil } } func loadSegments(videoID: String, categories: Set<String>, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void = {}) { guard !skipSegmentsURL.isNil, self.videoID != videoID else { completionHandler() return } self.videoID = videoID DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.requestSegments(categories: categories, completionHandler: completionHandler) } } func reset() { videoID = nil segments = [] } private func requestSegments(categories: Set<String>, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void = {}) { guard let url = skipSegmentsURL, !categories.isEmpty else { return } AF.request(url, parameters: parameters(categories: categories)).responseDecodable(of: JSON.self) { [weak self] response in guard let self else { return } switch response.result { case let .success(value): self.segments = JSON(value) { $0.end < $1.end }"loaded \(self.segments.count) SponsorBlock segments") self.segments.forEach {"\($0.start) -> \($0.end)") } case let .failure(error): self.segments = [] self.logger.error("failed to load SponsorBlock segments: \(error.localizedDescription)") } completionHandler() } } private var skipSegmentsURL: String? { let url = Defaults[.sponsorBlockInstance] return url.isEmpty ? nil : "\(url)/api/skipSegments" } private func parameters(categories: Set<String>) -> [String: String] { [ "videoID": videoID!, "categories": JSON(Array(categories)).rawString(String.Encoding.utf8)! ] } }