import Defaults import SDWebImageSwiftUI import SwiftUI import SwiftUIPager struct ControlsBar: View { enum Pages: CaseIterable { case details, controls } @Environment(\.navigationStyle) private var navigationStyle @EnvironmentObject private var accounts @EnvironmentObject private var navigation @EnvironmentObject private var playerControls @EnvironmentObject private var model @EnvironmentObject private var playlists @EnvironmentObject private var recents @StateObject private var controlsPage = Page.first() var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 0) { Pager(page: controlsPage, data: Pages.allCases, id: \.self) { index in switch index { case .details: details default: controls } } .pagingPriority(.simultaneous) } .buttonStyle(.plain) .labelStyle(.iconOnly) .padding(.horizontal) .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: barHeight) .borderTop(height: 0.4, color: Color("ControlsBorderColor")) .borderBottom(height: navigationStyle == .sidebar ? 0 : 0.4, color: Color("ControlsBorderColor")) .modifier(ControlBackgroundModifier(edgesIgnoringSafeArea: .bottom)) } var controls: some View { HStack(spacing: 4) { Group { Button { model.closeCurrentItem() model.closePiP() } label: { Label("Close Video", systemImage: "xmark") .padding(.horizontal, 4) .contentShape(Rectangle()) } Spacer() Button(action: { 0) }) { Label("Restart", systemImage: "backward.end.fill") .contentShape(Rectangle()) } Spacer() Button { .secondsInDefaultTimescale(-10)) } label: { Label("Backward", systemImage: "gobackward.10") } Spacer() if playerControls.isPlaying { Button(action: { model.pause() }) { Label("Pause", systemImage: "pause.fill") .padding(.horizontal, 4) .contentShape(Rectangle()) } } else { Button(action: { }) { Label("Play", systemImage: "play.fill") .padding(.horizontal, 4) .contentShape(Rectangle()) } } Spacer() Button { .secondsInDefaultTimescale(10)) } label: { Label("Forward", systemImage: "goforward.10") } Spacer() } .disabled(playerControls.isLoadingVideo || model.currentItem.isNil) Button(action: { model.advanceToNextItem() }) { Label("Next", systemImage: "forward.fill") .contentShape(Rectangle()) } .disabled(model.queue.isEmpty) Spacer() } .padding(.vertical) .font(.system(size: 24)) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) } var barHeight: Double { 75 } var details: some View { HStack { HStack(spacing: 8) { authorAvatar .contextMenu { if let video = model.currentVideo { Group { Section { Text(video.title) if && accounts.signedIn { Section { Button { navigation.presentAddToPlaylist(video) } label: { Label("Add to Playlist...", systemImage: "") } if let playlist = playlists.lastUsed, let video = model.currentVideo { Button { playlists.addVideo(playlistID:, videoID: video.videoID, navigation: navigation) } label: { Label("Add to \(playlist.title)", systemImage: "") } } Button {} label: { Label("Share", systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up") } } } Section { Button { NavigationModel.openChannel(, player: model, recents: recents, navigation: navigation, navigationStyle: navigationStyle ) } label: { Label("\( Channel", systemImage: "rectangle.stack.fill.badge.person.crop") } Button {} label: { Label("Unsubscribe", systemImage: "") } } } } .labelStyle(.automatic) } } VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 5) { Text(model.currentVideo?.title ?? "Not playing") .font(.system(size: 14)) .fontWeight(.semibold) .foregroundColor(model.currentVideo.isNil ? .secondary : .accentColor) .lineLimit(1) Text(model.currentVideo?.author ?? "") .font(.system(size: 12)) .foregroundColor(.secondary) .lineLimit(1) } } .buttonStyle(.plain) .padding(.vertical) Spacer() } } private var authorAvatar: some View { Button { model.togglePlayer() } label: { if let video = model.currentItem?.video, let url = { WebImage(url: url) .resizable() .placeholder { Rectangle().fill(Color("PlaceholderColor")) } .retryOnAppear(true) .indicator(.activity) } else { Image(systemName: "play.rectangle") .foregroundColor(.accentColor) .font(.system(size: 30)) } } .frame(width: 44, height: 44, alignment: .leading) .clipShape(Circle()) } } struct ControlsBar_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ControlsBar() .injectFixtureEnvironmentObjects() } }