import CoreData import CoreMedia import Defaults import SwiftUI struct VideoContextMenuView: View { let video: Video @Environment(\.inChannelView) private var inChannelView @Environment(\.inChannelPlaylistView) private var inChannelPlaylistView @Environment(\.inQueueListing) private var inQueueListing @Environment(\.navigationStyle) private var navigationStyle @Environment(\.currentPlaylistID) private var playlistID @ObservedObject private var accounts = AccountsModel.shared @ObservedObject private var navigation = NavigationModel.shared @ObservedObject private var player = PlayerModel.shared @ObservedObject private var playlists = PlaylistsModel.shared @ObservedObject private var subscriptions = SubscribedChannelsModel.shared @FetchRequest private var watchRequest: FetchedResults<Watch> @Default(.saveHistory) private var saveHistory private var backgroundContext = PersistenceController.shared.container.newBackgroundContext() init(video: Video) { = video _watchRequest = video.watchFetchRequest } var body: some View { if video.videoID != Video.fixtureID { contextMenu } } @ViewBuilder var contextMenu: some View { if inQueueListing { if let item = player.queue.first(where: { $0.videoID == video.videoID }) { removeFromQueueButton(item) } removeAllFromQueueButton() } if !video.localStreamIsDirectory { if saveHistory { Section { if let watchedAtString { Text(watchedAtString) } if !watch.isNil, !watch!.finished, !watchingNow { continueButton } if !(watch?.finished ?? false) { markAsWatchedButton } if !watch.isNil, !watchingNow { removeFromHistoryButton } } } Section { playNowButton #if !os(tvOS) playNowInPictureInPictureButton playNowInMusicMode #endif } Section { playNextButton addToQueueButton } if, accounts.signedIn, !video.isLocal { Section { #if os(tvOS) addToPlaylistButton #else addToPlaylistMenu #endif addToLastPlaylistButton if let id = navigation.tabSelection?.playlistID ?? playlistID { removeFromPlaylistButton(playlistID: id) } } } #if !os(tvOS) Section { ShareButton(contentItem: .init(video: video)) } #endif } #if os(iOS) if video.isLocal, let url = video.localStream?.localURL, DocumentsModel.shared.isDocument(url) { Section { removeDocumentButton } } #endif if !inChannelView, !inChannelPlaylistView, !video.isLocal { Section { openChannelButton if, accounts.api.signedIn { subscriptionButton } } } #if os(tvOS) Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {} #endif } private var watch: Watch? { watchRequest.first } private var watchingNow: Bool { player.currentVideo == video } private var watchedAtString: String? { if watchingNow { return "Watching now".localized() } if let watch, let watchedAtString = watch.watchedAtString { if watchedAtString == "in 0 seconds" { return "Just watched".localized() } let localizedWatchedString = "Watched %@".localized() return String(format: localizedWatchedString, watchedAtString) } return nil } private var continueButton: some View { Button {, at: .secondsInDefaultTimescale(watch!.stoppedAt)) } label: { Label("Continue from \(watch!.stoppedAt.formattedAsPlaybackTime(allowZero: true) ?? "where I left off")", systemImage: "playpause") } } var markAsWatchedButton: some View { Button { Watch.markAsWatched(videoID: video.videoID, account: accounts.current, duration: video.length, context: backgroundContext) FeedModel.shared.calculateUnwatchedFeed() WatchModel.shared.watchesChanged() } label: { Label("Mark as watched", systemImage: "") } } var removeFromHistoryButton: some View { Button { guard let watch else { return } player.removeWatch(watch) } label: { Label("Remove from history", systemImage: "delete.left.fill") } } private var playNowButton: some View { Button { if player.musicMode { player.toggleMusicMode() } } label: { Label("Play Now", systemImage: "play") } } private var playNowInPictureInPictureButton: some View { Button { player.avPlayerBackend.startPictureInPictureOnPlay = true #if !os(macOS) player.exitFullScreen() #endif if player.activeBackend != PlayerBackendType.appleAVPlayer { player.changeActiveBackend(from: .mpv, to: .appleAVPlayer) } player.hide() DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {, at: watch?.timeToRestart, showingPlayer: false) } } label: { Label("Play in PiP", systemImage: "pip") } } private var playNowInMusicMode: some View { Button { if !player.musicMode { player.toggleMusicMode() }, at: watch?.timeToRestart, showingPlayer: false) } label: { Label("Play Music", systemImage: "music.note") } } private var playNextButton: some View { Button { player.playNext(video) } label: { Label("Play Next", systemImage: "text.insert") } } private var addToQueueButton: some View { Button { player.enqueueVideo(video) } label: { Label("Play Last", systemImage: "text.append") } } #if os(iOS) @ViewBuilder private var removeDocumentButton: some View { let action = { if let url = video.localStream?.localURL { NavigationModel.shared.presentAlert( Alert( title: Text("Are you sure you want to remove this document?"), message: Text(String(format: "\"%@\" will be irreversibly removed from this device.", video.displayTitle)), primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Remove")) { do { try DocumentsModel.shared.removeDocument(url) } catch { NavigationModel.shared.presentAlert(title: "Could not delete document", message: error.localizedDescription) } }, secondaryButton: .cancel() ) ) } } let label = Label("Removeā¦", systemImage: "trash.fill") .foregroundColor(Color("AppRedColor")) if #available(iOS 15, macOS 12, *) { Button(role: .destructive, action: action) { label } } else { Button(action: action) { label } } } #endif private var openChannelButton: some View { Button { NavigationModel.shared.openChannel(, navigationStyle: navigationStyle ) } label: { Label("\( Channel", systemImage: "rectangle.stack.fill.badge.person.crop") } } private var subscriptionButton: some View { Group { if subscriptions.isSubscribing( { Button { #if os(tvOS) subscriptions.unsubscribe( #else navigation.presentUnsubscribeAlert(, subscriptions: subscriptions) #endif } label: { Label("Unsubscribe", systemImage: "") } } else { Button { subscriptions.subscribe( { navigation.sidebarSectionChanged.toggle() } } label: { Label("Subscribe", systemImage: "") } } } } private var addToPlaylistButton: some View { Button { navigation.presentAddToPlaylist(video) } label: { Label("Add to Playlist...", systemImage: "") } } @ViewBuilder private var addToLastPlaylistButton: some View { if let playlist = playlists.lastUsed { Button { playlists.addVideo(playlistID:, videoID: video.videoID) } label: { Label("Add to \(playlist.title)", systemImage: "") } } } #if !os(tvOS) @ViewBuilder private var addToPlaylistMenu: some View { if playlists.playlists.isEmpty { Text("No Playlists") } else { Menu { ForEach(playlists.editable) { playlist in Button { playlists.addVideo(playlistID:, videoID: video.videoID) } label: { Text(playlist.title).tag( } } } label: { Label("Add to Playlist...", systemImage: "") } } } #endif func removeFromPlaylistButton(playlistID: String) -> some View { Button { playlists.removeVideo(index: video.indexID!, playlistID: playlistID) } label: { Label("Remove from Playlist", systemImage: "text.badge.minus") } } private func removeFromQueueButton(_ item: PlayerQueueItem) -> some View { Button { player.remove(item) } label: { Label("Remove from the queue", systemImage: "trash") } } private func removeAllFromQueueButton() -> some View { Button { player.removeQueueItems() } label: { Label("Clear the queue", systemImage: "trash.fill") } } }