import SwiftUI struct ExportSettings: View { @ObservedObject private var model = ImportExportSettingsModel.shared @State private var presentingShareSheet = false @StateObject private var settings = SettingsModel.shared private var filesToShare = [ImportExportSettingsModel.exportFile] @ObservedObject private var navigation = NavigationModel.shared var body: some View { Group { #if os(macOS) VStack { list importExportButtons } #else list #if os(iOS) .listStyle(.insetGrouped) .sheet( isPresented: $presentingShareSheet, onDismiss: { self.model.isExportInProgress = false } ) { ShareSheet(activityItems: filesToShare) .id("settings-share-\(filesToShare.count)") } #endif #endif } #if os(iOS) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) { exportButton } } #endif .navigationTitle("Export Settings") } var list: some View { List { exportView } .onAppear { model.reset() } } var importExportButtons: some View { HStack { importButton Spacer() exportButton } } @ViewBuilder var importButton: some View { #if os(macOS) Button { navigation.presentingSettingsFileImporter = true } label: { Label("Import", systemImage: "square.and.arrow.down") } #endif } struct ExportGroupRow: View { let group: ImportExportSettingsModel.ExportGroup @ObservedObject private var model = ImportExportSettingsModel.shared var body: some View { Button(action: { model.toggleExportGroupSelection(group) }) { HStack { Text(group.label.localized()) Spacer() Image(systemName: "checkmark") .foregroundColor(.accentColor) .opacity(isGroupInSelectedGroups ? 1 : 0) } .animation(nil, value: isGroupInSelectedGroups) .contentShape(Rectangle()) } } var isGroupInSelectedGroups: Bool { model.selectedExportGroups.contains(group) } } var exportView: some View { Group { Section(header: Text("Settings")) { ForEach(ImportExportSettingsModel.ExportGroup.settingsGroups) { group in ExportGroupRow(group: group) } } Section(header: Text("Locations")) { ForEach(ImportExportSettingsModel.ExportGroup.locationsGroups) { group in ExportGroupRow(group: group) .disabled(!model.isGroupEnabled(group)) } } Section(header: Text("Other"), footer: otherGroupsFooter) { ForEach(ImportExportSettingsModel.ExportGroup.otherGroups) { group in ExportGroupRow(group: group) } } } .buttonStyle(.plain) .disabled(model.isExportInProgress) } var exportButton: some View { Button(action: exportSettings) { Text(model.isExportInProgress ? "In progress..." : "Export") .animation(nil, value: model.isExportInProgress) #if !os(macOS) .foregroundColor(.accentColor) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) .contentShape(Rectangle()) #endif } .disabled(!model.isExportAvailable) } @ViewBuilder var otherGroupsFooter: some View { Text("Other data include last used playback preferences and listing options") } func exportSettings() { let export = { model.isExportInProgress = true { model.exportAction() #if !os(macOS) self.presentingShareSheet = true #endif } } if model.isGroupSelected(.accountsUnencryptedPasswords) { settings.presentAlert(Alert( title: Text("Are you sure you want to export unencrypted passwords?"), message: Text("Do not share this file with anyone or you can lose access to your accounts. If you don't select to export passwords you will be asked to provide them during import"), primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Export"), action: export), secondaryButton: .cancel() )) } else { export() } } } struct ExportSettings_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { NavigationView { ExportSettings() } } }