import Defaults import Siesta import SwiftUI struct PlaylistsView: View { @ObservedObject private var store = Store<[Playlist]>() @Default(.selectedPlaylistID) private var selectedPlaylistID @State private var showingNewPlaylist = false @State private var createdPlaylist: Playlist? @State private var showingEditPlaylist = false @State private var editedPlaylist: Playlist? var resource: Resource { InvidiousAPI.shared.playlists } init() { resource.addObserver(store) } var videos: [Video] { currentPlaylist?.videos ?? [] } var videosViewMaxHeight: Double { #if os(tvOS) videos.isEmpty ? 150 : .infinity #else videos.isEmpty ? 0 : .infinity #endif } var body: some View { VStack { #if os(tvOS) toolbar .font(.system(size: 28)) #endif if currentPlaylist != nil, videos.isEmpty { hintText("Playlist is empty\n\nTap and hold on a video and then tap \"Add to Playlist\"") } else if store.collection.isEmpty { hintText("You have no playlists\n\nTap on \"New Playlist\" to create one") } else { VideosView(videos: videos) } #if os(iOS) toolbar .font(.system(size: 14)) .padding(.horizontal) .padding(.vertical, 10) .overlay(Divider().offset(x: 0, y: -2), alignment: .topTrailing) .transaction { t in t.animation = .none } #endif } #if os(tvOS) .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showingNewPlaylist, onDismiss: selectCreatedPlaylist) { PlaylistFormView(playlist: $createdPlaylist) } .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showingEditPlaylist, onDismiss: selectEditedPlaylist) { PlaylistFormView(playlist: $editedPlaylist) } #else .sheet(isPresented: $showingNewPlaylist, onDismiss: selectCreatedPlaylist) { PlaylistFormView(playlist: $createdPlaylist) } .sheet(isPresented: $showingEditPlaylist, onDismiss: selectEditedPlaylist) { PlaylistFormView(playlist: $editedPlaylist) } #endif .toolbar { ToolbarItemGroup { #if !os(iOS) if !store.collection.isEmpty { selectPlaylistButton } if currentPlaylist != nil { editPlaylistButton } #endif newPlaylistButton } } .onAppear { resource.loadIfNeeded()?.onSuccess { _ in selectPlaylist(selectedPlaylistID) } } #if !os(tvOS) .navigationTitle("Playlists") #elseif os(iOS) .navigationBarItems(trailing: newPlaylistButton) #endif } var scaledToolbar: some View { toolbar.scaleEffect(0.85) } var toolbar: some View { HStack { if store.collection.isEmpty { Text("No Playlists") .foregroundColor(.secondary) } else { Text("Current Playlist") .foregroundColor(.secondary) selectPlaylistButton } #if os(iOS) Spacer() #endif if currentPlaylist != nil { editPlaylistButton } #if !os(iOS) newPlaylistButton .padding(.leading, 40) #endif } } func hintText(_ text: String) -> some View { VStack { Spacer() Text(text) .foregroundColor(.secondary) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) Spacer() } .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity) #if os(macOS) .background() #endif } func selectPlaylist(_ id: String?) { selectedPlaylistID = id } func selectCreatedPlaylist() { guard createdPlaylist != nil else { return } resource.load().onSuccess { _ in self.selectPlaylist(createdPlaylist?.id) self.createdPlaylist = nil } } func selectEditedPlaylist() { if editedPlaylist == nil { selectPlaylist(nil) } resource.load().onSuccess { _ in selectPlaylist(editedPlaylist?.id) self.editedPlaylist = nil } } var currentPlaylist: Playlist? { store.collection.first { $ == selectedPlaylistID } ?? store.collection.first } var selectPlaylistButton: some View { #if os(tvOS) Button(currentPlaylist?.title ?? "Select playlist") { guard currentPlaylist != nil else { return } selectPlaylist( currentPlaylist!)?.id) } .contextMenu { ForEach(store.collection) { playlist in Button(playlist.title) { selectPlaylist( } } } #else Menu(currentPlaylist?.title ?? "Select playlist") { ForEach(store.collection) { playlist in Button(action: { selectPlaylist( }) { if playlist == self.currentPlaylist { Label(playlist.title, systemImage: "checkmark") } else { Text(playlist.title) } } } } #endif } var editPlaylistButton: some View { Button(action: { self.editedPlaylist = self.currentPlaylist self.showingEditPlaylist = true }) { HStack(spacing: 8) { Image(systemName: "slider.horizontal.3") Text("Edit") } } } var newPlaylistButton: some View { Button(action: { self.showingNewPlaylist = true }) { HStack(spacing: 8) { Image(systemName: "plus") #if os(tvOS) Text("New Playlist") #endif } } } } struct PlaylistsView_Provider: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { PlaylistsView() .environmentObject(NavigationState()) } }