import Defaults import SwiftUI struct HistorySettings: View { static let watchedThresholds = [50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100] private var player = PlayerModel.shared private var settings = SettingsModel.shared @Default(.saveRecents) private var saveRecents @Default(.saveLastPlayed) private var saveLastPlayed @Default(.saveHistory) private var saveHistory @Default(.showRecents) private var showRecents @Default(.limitRecents) private var limitRecents @Default(.limitRecentsAmount) private var limitRecentsAmount @Default(.showWatchingProgress) private var showWatchingProgress @Default(.watchedThreshold) private var watchedThreshold @Default(.watchedVideoStyle) private var watchedVideoStyle @Default(.watchedVideoBadgeColor) private var watchedVideoBadgeColor @Default(.watchedVideoPlayNowBehavior) private var watchedVideoPlayNowBehavior @Default(.resetWatchedStatusOnPlaying) private var resetWatchedStatusOnPlaying @Default(.showToggleWatchedStatusButton) private var showToggleWatchedStatusButton var body: some View { Group { #if os(macOS) sections #else List { sections } #endif } #if os(tvOS) .frame(maxWidth: 1000) #elseif os(iOS) .listStyle(.insetGrouped) #endif .navigationTitle("History") } private var sections: some View { Group { #if os(tvOS) Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "History".localized())) { Toggle("Save history of searches, channels and playlists", isOn: $saveRecents) Toggle("Save history of played videos", isOn: $saveHistory) Toggle("Show progress of watching on thumbnails", isOn: $showWatchingProgress) .disabled(!saveHistory) watchedVideoPlayNowBehaviorPicker watchedThresholdPicker resetWatchedStatusOnPlayingToggle watchedVideoStylePicker watchedVideoBadgeColorPicker } #else Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "History".localized())) { Toggle("Save history of searches, channels and playlists", isOn: $saveRecents) Toggle("Save history of played videos", isOn: $saveHistory) Toggle("Show recents in sidebar", isOn: $showRecents) #if os(macOS) HStack { Toggle("Limit recents shown", isOn: $limitRecents) .frame(minWidth: 140, alignment: .leading) .disabled(!showRecents) Spacer() counterButtons(for: $limitRecentsAmount) .disabled(!limitRecents) } #else Toggle("Limit recents shown", isOn: $limitRecents) .disabled(!showRecents) HStack { Text("Recents shown") Spacer() counterButtons(for: $limitRecentsAmount) .disabled(!limitRecents) } #endif Toggle("Show progress of watching on thumbnails", isOn: $showWatchingProgress) .disabled(!saveHistory) Toggle("Keep last played video in the queue after restart", isOn: $saveLastPlayed) } Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "Watched".localized())) { watchedVideoPlayNowBehaviorPicker #if os(macOS) .padding(.top, 1) #endif watchedThresholdPicker resetWatchedStatusOnPlayingToggle } Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "Interface".localized())) { watchedVideoStylePicker #if os(macOS) .padding(.top, 1) #endif watchedVideoBadgeColorPicker showToggleWatchedStatusButtonToggle .disabled(watchedVideoStyle != .badge) } #if os(macOS) Spacer() #endif #endif clearHistoryButton } } private var watchedThresholdPicker: some View { Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "Mark video as watched after playing".localized(), secondary: true)) { Picker("Mark video as watched after playing", selection: $watchedThreshold) { ForEach(Self.watchedThresholds, id: \.self) { threshold in Text("\(threshold)%").tag(threshold) } } .disabled(!saveHistory) .modifier(SettingsPickerModifier()) } } private var watchedVideoStylePicker: some View { Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "Mark watched videos with".localized(), secondary: true)) { Picker("Mark watched videos with", selection: $watchedVideoStyle) { Text("Nothing").tag(WatchedVideoStyle.nothing) Text("Badge").tag(WatchedVideoStyle.badge) Text("Decreased opacity").tag(WatchedVideoStyle.decreasedOpacity) Text("Badge & Decreased opacity").tag(WatchedVideoStyle.both) } .disabled(!saveHistory) .modifier(SettingsPickerModifier()) } } @ViewBuilder private var showToggleWatchedStatusButtonToggle: some View { #if !os(tvOS) Toggle("Show toggle watch status button", isOn: $showToggleWatchedStatusButton) #endif } private var watchedVideoBadgeColorPicker: some View { Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "Badge color".localized(), secondary: true)) { Picker("Badge color", selection: $watchedVideoBadgeColor) { Text("Based on system color scheme").tag(WatchedVideoBadgeColor.colorSchemeBased) Text("Blue").tag( Text("Red").tag( } .disabled(!saveHistory) .disabled(watchedVideoStyle == .decreasedOpacity) .disabled(watchedVideoStyle == .nothing) .modifier(SettingsPickerModifier()) } } private var watchedVideoPlayNowBehaviorPicker: some View { Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "When partially watched video is played".localized(), secondary: true)) { Picker("When partially watched video is played", selection: $watchedVideoPlayNowBehavior) { Text("Continue").tag(WatchedVideoPlayNowBehavior.continue) Text("Restart").tag(WatchedVideoPlayNowBehavior.restart) } .disabled(!saveHistory) .modifier(SettingsPickerModifier()) } } private var resetWatchedStatusOnPlayingToggle: some View { Toggle("Reset watched status when playing again", isOn: $resetWatchedStatusOnPlaying) .disabled(!saveHistory) } private var clearHistoryButton: some View { Button { settings.presentAlert( Alert( title: Text( "Are you sure you want to clear history of watched videos?" ), message: Text( "This cannot be reverted. You might need to switch between views or restart the app to see changes." ), primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Clear All"), action: player.removeHistory), secondaryButton: .cancel() ) ) } label: { Text("Clear History") .foregroundColor(.red) } } private func counterButtons(for _value: Binding) -> some View { var value: Binding { Binding( get: { _value.wrappedValue }, set: { if $0 < 1 { _value.wrappedValue = 1 } else { _value.wrappedValue = $0 } } ) } return HStack { #if !os(tvOS) Label("Minus", systemImage: "minus") .imageScale(.large) .labelStyle(.iconOnly) .padding(7) .foregroundColor(limitRecents ? .accentColor : .gray) .accessibilityAddTraits(.isButton) #if os(iOS) .frame(minHeight: 35) .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 4).strokeBorder(lineWidth: 1).foregroundColor(.accentColor)) #endif .contentShape(Rectangle()) .onTapGesture { value.wrappedValue -= 1 } #endif #if os(tvOS) let textFieldWidth = 100.00 #else let textFieldWidth = 30.00 #endif TextField("Duration", value: value, formatter: NumberFormatter()) .frame(width: textFieldWidth, alignment: .trailing) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .labelsHidden() .foregroundColor(limitRecents ? .accentColor : .gray) #if !os(macOS) .keyboardType(.numberPad) #endif #if !os(tvOS) Label("Plus", systemImage: "plus") .imageScale(.large) .labelStyle(.iconOnly) .padding(7) .foregroundColor(limitRecents ? .accentColor : .gray) .accessibilityAddTraits(.isButton) #if os(iOS) .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 4).strokeBorder(lineWidth: 1).foregroundColor(.accentColor)) #endif .contentShape(Rectangle()) .onTapGesture { value.wrappedValue += 1 } #endif } } } struct HistorySettings_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { HistorySettings() } .frame(minHeight: 500) } }