import Defaults import SwiftUI struct LocationsSettings: View { @State private var countries = [String]() @State private var presentingInstanceForm = false @State private var savedFormInstanceID: Instance.ID? @EnvironmentObject private var accounts @EnvironmentObject private var navigation @EnvironmentObject private var model @Default(.countryOfPublicInstances) private var countryOfPublicInstances @Default(.instances) private var instances var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { #if os(macOS) settings Spacer() #else Group { settings } #if os(iOS) .listStyle(.insetGrouped) #endif #endif } .onAppear(perform: loadCountries) .onChange(of: countryOfPublicInstances) { newCountry in InstancesManifest.shared.setPublicAccount(newCountry, accounts: accounts, asCurrent: accounts.current?.isPublic ?? true) } .sheet(isPresented: $presentingInstanceForm) { InstanceForm(savedInstanceID: $savedFormInstanceID) } #if os(tvOS) .frame(maxWidth: 1000) #endif .navigationTitle("Locations") } @ViewBuilder var settings: some View { if !InstancesManifest.shared.manifestURL.isNil { Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "Public Locations".localized()), footer: countryFooter) { Picker("Country", selection: $countryOfPublicInstances) { Text("Don't use public locations").tag(String?.none) ForEach(countries, id: \.self) { country in Text(country).tag(Optional(country)) } } #if os(tvOS) .pickerStyle(.inline) #endif .disabled(countries.isEmpty) Button { InstancesManifest.shared.changePublicAccount(accounts, settings: model) } label: { if let account = accounts.current, account.isPublic { Text("Switch to other public location") } else { Text("Switch to public locations") } } .disabled(countryOfPublicInstances.isNil) } } Section(header: SettingsHeader(text: "Custom Locations".localized())) { #if os(macOS) InstancesSettings() .environmentObject(model) #else ForEach(instances) { instance in AccountsNavigationLink(instance: instance) } addInstanceButton #endif } } @ViewBuilder var countryFooter: some View { if let account = accounts.current { let locationType = account.isPublic ? ( ?? "Unknown") : "Custom".localized() let description = account.isPublic ? account.url : account.instance?.description ?? "unknown".localized() Text("Current: \(locationType)\n\(description)") .foregroundColor(.secondary) #if os(macOS) .padding(.bottom, 10) #endif } } func loadCountries() { InstancesManifest.shared.configure() InstancesManifest.shared.instancesList?.load() .onSuccess { response in if let instances: [ManifestedInstance] = response.typedContent() { self.countries =\.country).unique().sorted() } } .onFailure { _ in model.presentAlert(title: "Could not load locations manifest".localized()) } } private var addInstanceButton: some View { Button { presentingInstanceForm = true } label: { Label("Add Location...", systemImage: "plus") } } } struct LocationsSettings_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { LocationsSettings() .environmentObject(AccountsModel()) .environmentObject(NavigationModel()) } }