import Defaults import Siesta import SwiftUI struct TrendingView: View { @StateObject private var store = Store<[Video]>() private var videos: [Video] @Default(.trendingCategory) private var category @Default(.trendingCountry) private var country @State private var presentingCountrySelection = false @EnvironmentObject private var api init(_ videos: [Video] = [Video]()) { self.videos = videos } var resource: Resource { let resource = api.trending(category: category, country: country) resource.addObserver(store) return resource } var body: some View { Section { VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 0) { #if os(tvOS) toolbar VideosCellsHorizontal(videos: store.collection) .padding(.top, 40) #else VideosCellsVertical(videos: store.collection) #endif #if os(tvOS) Spacer() #endif } } #if os(tvOS) .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $presentingCountrySelection) { TrendingCountry(selectedCountry: $country) } #else .sheet(isPresented: $presentingCountrySelection) { TrendingCountry(selectedCountry: $country) #if os(macOS) .frame(minWidth: 400, minHeight: 400) #endif } .navigationTitle("Trending") #endif .toolbar { #if os(macOS) ToolbarItemGroup { categoryButton countryButton } #elseif os(iOS) ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .bottomBar) { Group { HStack { Text("Category") .foregroundColor(.secondary) categoryButton // only way to disable Menu animation is to // force redraw of the view when it changes .id(UUID()) } HStack { Text("Country") .foregroundColor(.secondary) countryButton } } } #endif } .onChange(of: resource) { _ in resource.load() } .onAppear { if videos.isEmpty { resource.addObserver(store) resource.loadIfNeeded() } else { store.replace(videos) } } } var toolbar: some View { HStack { HStack { Text("Category") .foregroundColor(.secondary) categoryButton } #if os(iOS) Spacer() #endif HStack { Text("Country") .foregroundColor(.secondary) countryButton } } } var categoryButton: some View { #if os(tvOS) Button( { self.category = } .contextMenu { ForEach(TrendingCategory.allCases) { category in Button( { self.category = category } } } #else Picker("Category", selection: $category) { ForEach(TrendingCategory.allCases) { category in Text( } } #endif } var countryButton: some View { Button(action: { presentingCountrySelection.toggle() resource.removeObservers(ownedBy: store) }) { Text("\(country.flag) \(") } } } struct TrendingView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { TrendingView(Video.allFixtures + Video.allFixtures + Video.allFixtures) .environmentObject(InvidiousAPI()) .environmentObject(NavigationModel()) .environmentObject(SubscriptionsModel()) } }