import Defaults import Foundation import SwiftUI #if os(iOS) import UIKit #endif extension Defaults.Keys { // MARK: GROUP - Browsing static let showHome = Key("showHome", default: true) static let showOpenActionsInHome = Key("showOpenActionsInHome", default: true) static let showQueueInHome = Key("showQueueInHome", default: true) static let showFavoritesInHome = Key("showFavoritesInHome", default: true) static let favorites = Key<[FavoriteItem]>("favorites", default: []) static let widgetsSettings = Key<[WidgetSettings]>("widgetsSettings", default: []) static let startupSection = Key("startupSection", default: .home) static let visibleSections = Key>("visibleSections", default: [.subscriptions, .trending, .playlists]) static let showOpenActionsToolbarItem = Key("showOpenActionsToolbarItem", default: false) #if os(iOS) static let showDocuments = Key("showDocuments", default: false) static let lockPortraitWhenBrowsing = Key("lockPortraitWhenBrowsing", default: UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone) #endif #if !os(tvOS) #if os(macOS) static let accountPickerDisplaysUsernameDefault = true #else static let accountPickerDisplaysUsernameDefault = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad #endif static let accountPickerDisplaysUsername = Key("accountPickerDisplaysUsername", default: accountPickerDisplaysUsernameDefault) #endif static let accountPickerDisplaysAnonymousAccounts = Key("accountPickerDisplaysAnonymousAccounts", default: true) static let showUnwatchedFeedBadges = Key("showUnwatchedFeedBadges", default: false) static let expandChannelDescription = Key("expandChannelDescription", default: false) static let keepChannelsWithUnwatchedFeedOnTop = Key("keepChannelsWithUnwatchedFeedOnTop", default: true) static let showChannelAvatarInChannelsLists = Key("showChannelAvatarInChannelsLists", default: true) static let showChannelAvatarInVideosListing = Key("showChannelAvatarInVideosListing", default: true) static let playerButtonSingleTapGesture = Key("playerButtonSingleTapGesture", default: .togglePlayer) static let playerButtonDoubleTapGesture = Key("playerButtonDoubleTapGesture", default: .nothing) static let playerButtonShowsControlButtonsWhenMinimized = Key("playerButtonShowsControlButtonsWhenMinimized", default: false) static let playerButtonIsExpanded = Key("playerButtonIsExpanded", default: false) static let playerBarMaxWidth = Key("playerBarMaxWidth", default: "600") static let channelOnThumbnail = Key("channelOnThumbnail", default: false) static let timeOnThumbnail = Key("timeOnThumbnail", default: true) static let roundedThumbnails = Key("roundedThumbnails", default: true) static let thumbnailsQuality = Key("thumbnailsQuality", default: .highest) // MARK: GROUP - Player static let playerInstanceID = Key("playerInstance") #if os(tvOS) static let pauseOnHidingPlayerDefault = true #else static let pauseOnHidingPlayerDefault = false #endif static let pauseOnHidingPlayer = Key("pauseOnHidingPlayer", default: pauseOnHidingPlayerDefault) static let closeVideoOnEOF = Key("closeVideoOnEOF", default: false) #if !os(macOS) static let pauseOnEnteringBackground = Key("pauseOnEnteringBackground", default: true) #endif #if os(iOS) static let expandVideoDescriptionDefault = Constants.isIPad #else static let expandVideoDescriptionDefault = true #endif static let expandVideoDescription = Key("expandVideoDescription", default: expandVideoDescriptionDefault) static let collapsedLinesDescription = Key("collapsedLinesDescription", default: 5) static let showChapters = Key("showChapters", default: true) static let showChapterThumbnails = Key("showChapterThumbnails", default: true) static let showChapterThumbnailsOnlyWhenDifferent = Key("showChapterThumbnailsOnlyWhenDifferent", default: true) static let expandChapters = Key("expandChapters", default: true) static let showRelated = Key("showRelated", default: true) static let showInspector = Key("showInspector", default: .onlyLocal) static let playerSidebar = Key("playerSidebar", default: .defaultValue) static let showKeywords = Key("showKeywords", default: false) #if !os(tvOS) static let showScrollToTopInComments = Key("showScrollToTopInComments", default: true) #endif static let enableReturnYouTubeDislike = Key("enableReturnYouTubeDislike", default: false) #if os(iOS) static let honorSystemOrientationLock = Key("honorSystemOrientationLock", default: true) static let enterFullscreenInLandscape = Key("enterFullscreenInLandscape", default: UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone) static let rotateToLandscapeOnEnterFullScreen = Key( "rotateToLandscapeOnEnterFullScreen", default: UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone ? .landscapeRight : .disabled ) #endif static let closePiPOnNavigation = Key("closePiPOnNavigation", default: false) static let closePiPOnOpeningPlayer = Key("closePiPOnOpeningPlayer", default: false) static let closePlayerOnOpeningPiP = Key("closePlayerOnOpeningPiP", default: false) #if !os(macOS) static let closePiPAndOpenPlayerOnEnteringForeground = Key("closePiPAndOpenPlayerOnEnteringForeground", default: false) #endif // MARK: GROUP - Controls static let avPlayerUsesSystemControls = Key("avPlayerUsesSystemControls", default: true) static let horizontalPlayerGestureEnabled = Key("horizontalPlayerGestureEnabled", default: true) static let seekGestureSensitivity = Key("seekGestureSensitivity", default: 30.0) static let seekGestureSpeed = Key("seekGestureSpeed", default: 0.5) #if os(iOS) static let playerControlsLayoutDefault = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad ? PlayerControlsLayout.medium : .small static let fullScreenPlayerControlsLayoutDefault = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad ? PlayerControlsLayout.medium : .small #elseif os(tvOS) static let playerControlsLayoutDefault = PlayerControlsLayout.tvRegular static let fullScreenPlayerControlsLayoutDefault = PlayerControlsLayout.tvRegular #else static let playerControlsLayoutDefault = PlayerControlsLayout.medium static let fullScreenPlayerControlsLayoutDefault = PlayerControlsLayout.medium #endif static let playerControlsLayout = Key("playerControlsLayout", default: playerControlsLayoutDefault) static let fullScreenPlayerControlsLayout = Key("fullScreenPlayerControlsLayout", default: fullScreenPlayerControlsLayoutDefault) static let systemControlsCommands = Key("systemControlsCommands", default: .restartAndAdvanceToNext) static let buttonBackwardSeekDuration = Key("buttonBackwardSeekDuration", default: "10") static let buttonForwardSeekDuration = Key("buttonForwardSeekDuration", default: "10") static let gestureBackwardSeekDuration = Key("gestureBackwardSeekDuration", default: "10") static let gestureForwardSeekDuration = Key("gestureForwardSeekDuration", default: "10") static let systemControlsSeekDuration = Key("systemControlsBackwardSeekDuration", default: "10") #if os(iOS) static let playerControlsLockOrientationEnabled = Key("playerControlsLockOrientationEnabled", default: true) #endif #if os(tvOS) static let playerControlsSettingsEnabledDefault = true #else static let playerControlsSettingsEnabledDefault = false #endif static let playerControlsSettingsEnabled = Key("playerControlsSettingsEnabled", default: playerControlsSettingsEnabledDefault) static let playerControlsCloseEnabled = Key("playerControlsCloseEnabled", default: true) static let playerControlsRestartEnabled = Key("playerControlsRestartEnabled", default: false) static let playerControlsAdvanceToNextEnabled = Key("playerControlsAdvanceToNextEnabled", default: false) static let playerControlsPlaybackModeEnabled = Key("playerControlsPlaybackModeEnabled", default: false) static let playerControlsMusicModeEnabled = Key("playerControlsMusicModeEnabled", default: false) static let playerActionsButtonLabelStyle = Key("playerActionsButtonLabelStyle", default: .iconAndText) static let actionButtonShareEnabled = Key("actionButtonShareEnabled", default: true) static let actionButtonAddToPlaylistEnabled = Key("actionButtonAddToPlaylistEnabled", default: true) static let actionButtonSubscribeEnabled = Key("actionButtonSubscribeEnabled", default: false) static let actionButtonSettingsEnabled = Key("actionButtonSettingsEnabled", default: true) static let actionButtonHideEnabled = Key("actionButtonHideEnabled", default: false) static let actionButtonCloseEnabled = Key("actionButtonCloseEnabled", default: true) static let actionButtonFullScreenEnabled = Key("actionButtonFullScreenEnabled", default: false) static let actionButtonPipEnabled = Key("actionButtonPipEnabled", default: false) static let actionButtonLockOrientationEnabled = Key("actionButtonLockOrientationEnabled", default: false) static let actionButtonRestartEnabled = Key("actionButtonRestartEnabled", default: false) static let actionButtonAdvanceToNextItemEnabled = Key("actionButtonAdvanceToNextItemEnabled", default: false) static let actionButtonMusicModeEnabled = Key("actionButtonMusicModeEnabled", default: true) // MARK: GROUP - Quality static let hd2160pMPVProfile = QualityProfile(id: "hd2160pMPVProfile", backend: .mpv, resolution: .hd2160p60, formats: QualityProfile.Format.allCases, order: Array(QualityProfile.Format.allCases.indices)) static let hd1080pMPVProfile = QualityProfile(id: "hd1080pMPVProfile", backend: .mpv, resolution: .hd1080p60, formats: QualityProfile.Format.allCases, order: Array(QualityProfile.Format.allCases.indices)) static let hd720pMPVProfile = QualityProfile(id: "hd720pMPVProfile", backend: .mpv, resolution: .hd720p60, formats: QualityProfile.Format.allCases, order: Array(QualityProfile.Format.allCases.indices)) static let hd720pAVPlayerProfile = QualityProfile(id: "hd720pAVPlayerProfile", backend: .appleAVPlayer, resolution: .hd720p30, formats: [.hls, .stream], order: Array(QualityProfile.Format.allCases.indices)) static let sd360pAVPlayerProfile = QualityProfile(id: "sd360pAVPlayerProfile", backend: .appleAVPlayer, resolution: .sd360p30, formats: [.hls, .stream], order: Array(QualityProfile.Format.allCases.indices)) #if os(iOS) static let qualityProfilesDefault = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad ? [ hd2160pMPVProfile, hd1080pMPVProfile, hd720pMPVProfile, hd720pAVPlayerProfile, sd360pAVPlayerProfile ] : [ hd1080pMPVProfile, hd720pMPVProfile, hd720pAVPlayerProfile, sd360pAVPlayerProfile ] static let batteryCellularProfileDefault = static let batteryNonCellularProfileDefault = static let chargingCellularProfileDefault = static let chargingNonCellularProfileDefault = #elseif os(tvOS) static let qualityProfilesDefault = [ hd2160pMPVProfile, hd1080pMPVProfile, hd720pMPVProfile, hd720pAVPlayerProfile ] static let batteryCellularProfileDefault = static let batteryNonCellularProfileDefault = static let chargingCellularProfileDefault = static let chargingNonCellularProfileDefault = #else static let qualityProfilesDefault = [ hd2160pMPVProfile, hd1080pMPVProfile, hd720pMPVProfile, hd720pAVPlayerProfile ] static let batteryCellularProfileDefault = static let batteryNonCellularProfileDefault = static let chargingCellularProfileDefault = static let chargingNonCellularProfileDefault = #endif static let batteryCellularProfile = Key("batteryCellularProfile", default: batteryCellularProfileDefault) static let batteryNonCellularProfile = Key("batteryNonCellularProfile", default: batteryNonCellularProfileDefault) static let chargingCellularProfile = Key("chargingCellularProfile", default: chargingCellularProfileDefault) static let chargingNonCellularProfile = Key("chargingNonCellularProfile", default: chargingNonCellularProfileDefault) static let forceAVPlayerForLiveStreams = Key("forceAVPlayerForLiveStreams", default: true) static let qualityProfiles = Key<[QualityProfile]>("qualityProfiles", default: qualityProfilesDefault) // MARK: GROUP - History static let saveRecents = Key("saveRecents", default: true) static let saveHistory = Key("saveHistory", default: true) static let showRecents = Key("showRecents", default: true) static let limitRecents = Key("limitRecents", default: false) static let limitRecentsAmount = Key("limitRecentsAmount", default: 10) static let showWatchingProgress = Key("showWatchingProgress", default: true) static let saveLastPlayed = Key("saveLastPlayed", default: false) static let watchedVideoPlayNowBehavior = Key("watchedVideoPlayNowBehavior", default: .continue) static let watchedThreshold = Key("watchedThreshold", default: 90) static let resetWatchedStatusOnPlaying = Key("resetWatchedStatusOnPlaying", default: false) static let watchedVideoStyle = Key("watchedVideoStyle", default: .badge) static let watchedVideoBadgeColor = Key("WatchedVideoBadgeColor", default: .red) static let showToggleWatchedStatusButton = Key("showToggleWatchedStatusButton", default: false) // MARK: GROUP - SponsorBlock static let sponsorBlockInstance = Key("sponsorBlockInstance", default: "") static let sponsorBlockCategories = Key>("sponsorBlockCategories", default: Set(SponsorBlockAPI.categories)) static let sponsorBlockColors = Key<[String: String]>("sponsorBlockColors", default: SponsorBlockColors.dictionary) static let sponsorBlockShowTimeWithSkipsRemoved = Key("sponsorBlockShowTimeWithSkipsRemoved", default: false) static let sponsorBlockShowCategoriesInTimeline = Key("sponsorBlockShowCategoriesInTimeline", default: true) static let sponsorBlockShowNoticeAfterSkip = Key("sponsorBlockShowNoticeAfterSkip", default: true) // MARK: GROUP - Locations static let instancesManifest = Key("instancesManifest", default: "") static let countryOfPublicInstances = Key("countryOfPublicInstances") static let instances = Key<[Instance]>("instances", default: []) static let accounts = Key<[Account]>("accounts", default: []) // MARK: Group - Advanced static let showPlayNowInBackendContextMenu = Key("showPlayNowInBackendContextMenu", default: false) static let showMPVPlaybackStats = Key("showMPVPlaybackStats", default: false) static let mpvEnableLogging = Key("mpvEnableLogging", default: false) static let mpvCacheSecs = Key("mpvCacheSecs", default: "120") static let mpvCachePauseWait = Key("mpvCachePauseWait", default: "3") static let mpvCachePauseInital = Key("cache-pause-initial", default: true) static let mpvDeinterlace = Key("mpvDeinterlace", default: false) static let showCacheStatus = Key("showCacheStatus", default: false) static let feedCacheSize = Key("feedCacheSize", default: "50") // MARK: GROUP - Other exportable static let lastAccountID = Key("lastAccountID") static let lastInstanceID = Key("lastInstanceID") static let playerRate = Key("playerRate", default: 1.0) static let recentlyOpened = Key<[RecentItem]>("recentlyOpened", default: []) static let trendingCategory = Key("trendingCategory", default: .default) static let trendingCountry = Key("trendingCountry", default: .us) static let subscriptionsViewPage = Key("subscriptionsViewPage", default: .feed) static let subscriptionsListingStyle = Key("subscriptionsListingStyle", default: .cells) static let popularListingStyle = Key("popularListingStyle", default: .cells) static let trendingListingStyle = Key("trendingListingStyle", default: .cells) static let playlistListingStyle = Key("playlistListingStyle", default: .list) static let channelPlaylistListingStyle = Key("channelPlaylistListingStyle", default: .cells) static let searchListingStyle = Key("searchListingStyle", default: .cells) static let hideShorts = Key("hideShorts", default: false) static let hideWatched = Key("hideWatched", default: false) // MARK: GROUP - Not exportable static let queue = Key<[PlayerQueueItem]>("queue", default: []) static let playbackMode = Key("playbackMode", default: .queue) static let lastPlayed = Key("lastPlayed") static let activeBackend = Key("activeBackend", default: .mpv) static let captionsAutoShow = Key("captionsAutoShow", default: false) static let captionsLanguageCode = Key("captionsLanguageCode") static let captionsDefaultLanguageCode = Key("captionsDefaultLanguageCode", default: LanguageCodes.English.rawValue) static let captionsFallbackLanguageCode = Key("captionsDefaultFallbackCode", default: LanguageCodes.English.rawValue) static let captionsFontScaleSize = Key("captionsFontScale", default: "1.0") static let captionsFontColor = Key("captionsFontColor", default: "#FFFFFF") static let lastUsedPlaylistID = Key("lastPlaylistID") static let lastAccountIsPublic = Key("lastAccountIsPublic", default: false) // MARK: LEGACY static let homeHistoryItems = Key("homeHistoryItems", default: 10) } enum ResolutionSetting: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case hd2160p60 case hd2160p30 case hd1440p60 case hd1440p30 case hd1080p60 case hd1080p30 case hd720p60 case hd720p30 case sd480p30 case sd360p30 case sd240p30 case sd144p30 var value: Stream.Resolution! { .init(rawValue: rawValue) } var description: String { switch self { case .hd2160p60: return "4K, 60fps" case .hd2160p30: return "4K" default: return } } } enum PlayerSidebarSetting: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case always, whenFits, never static var defaultValue: Self { #if os(macOS) .always #else .whenFits #endif } } enum VisibleSection: String, CaseIterable, Comparable, Defaults.Serializable { case subscriptions, popular, trending, playlists var title: String { rawValue.capitalized.localized() } var tabSelection: TabSelection { switch self { case .subscriptions: return TabSelection.subscriptions case .popular: return TabSelection.popular case .trending: return TabSelection.trending case .playlists: return TabSelection.playlists } } private var sortOrder: Int { switch self { case .subscriptions: return 0 case .popular: return 1 case .trending: return 2 case .playlists: return 3 } } static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { lhs.sortOrder < rhs.sortOrder } } enum StartupSection: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case home, subscriptions, popular, trending, playlists, search var label: String { rawValue.capitalized.localized() } var tabSelection: TabSelection { switch self { case .home: return .home case .subscriptions: return .subscriptions case .popular: return .popular case .trending: return .trending case .playlists: return .playlists case .search: return .search } } } enum WatchedVideoStyle: String, Defaults.Serializable { case nothing, badge, decreasedOpacity, both var isShowingBadge: Bool { self == .badge || self == .both } var isDecreasingOpacity: Bool { self == .decreasedOpacity || self == .both } } enum WatchedVideoBadgeColor: String, Defaults.Serializable { case colorSchemeBased, red, blue } enum WatchedVideoPlayNowBehavior: String, Defaults.Serializable { case `continue`, restart } enum ButtonLabelStyle: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case iconOnly, iconAndText var text: Bool { self == .iconAndText } var description: String { switch self { case .iconOnly: return "Icon only".localized() case .iconAndText: return "Icon and text".localized() } } } enum ThumbnailsQuality: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case highest, medium, low var description: String { switch self { case .highest: return "Highest quality".localized() case .medium: return "Medium quality".localized() case .low: return "Low quality".localized() } } } enum SystemControlsCommands: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case seek, restartAndAdvanceToNext } enum ShowInspectorSetting: String, Defaults.Serializable { case always, onlyLocal } enum DetailsToolbarPositionSetting: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case left, center, right var needsLeftSpacer: Bool { self == .center || self == .right } var needsRightSpacer: Bool { self == .center || self == .left } } enum PlayerTapGestureAction: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case togglePlayerVisibility case togglePlayer case openChannel case nothing var label: String { switch self { case .togglePlayerVisibility: return "Toggle size" case .togglePlayer: return "Toggle player" case .openChannel: return "Open channel" case .nothing: return "Do nothing" } } } enum FullScreenRotationSetting: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case disabled case landscapeLeft case landscapeRight #if os(iOS) var interaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation { switch self { case .landscapeLeft: return .landscapeLeft case .landscapeRight: return .landscapeRight default: return .portrait } } #endif var isRotating: Bool { self != .disabled } } struct WidgetSettings: Defaults.Serializable { static let defaultLimit = 10 static let maxLimit: [WidgetListingStyle: Int] = [ .horizontalCells: 50, .list: 50 ] static var bridge = WidgetSettingsBridge() var id: String var listingStyle = WidgetListingStyle.horizontalCells var limit = Self.defaultLimit var viewID: String { "\(id)-\(listingStyle.rawValue)-\(limit)" } static func maxLimit(_ style: WidgetListingStyle) -> Int { maxLimit[style] ?? defaultLimit } } struct WidgetSettingsBridge: Defaults.Bridge { typealias Value = WidgetSettings typealias Serializable = [String: String] func serialize(_ value: Value?) -> Serializable? { guard let value else { return nil } return [ "id":, "listingStyle": value.listingStyle.rawValue, "limit": String(value.limit) ] } func deserialize(_ object: Serializable?) -> Value? { guard let object, let id = object["id"], !id.isEmpty else { return nil } var listingStyle = WidgetListingStyle.horizontalCells if let style = object["listingStyle"] { listingStyle = WidgetListingStyle(rawValue: style) ?? .horizontalCells } let limit = Int(object["limit"] ?? "\(WidgetSettings.defaultLimit)") ?? WidgetSettings.defaultLimit return Value( id: id, listingStyle: listingStyle, limit: limit ) } } enum WidgetListingStyle: String, CaseIterable, Defaults.Serializable { case horizontalCells case list } enum SponsorBlockColors: String { case sponsor = "#00D400" // Green case selfpromo = "#FFFF00" // Yellow case interaction = "#CC00FF" // Purple case intro = "#00FFFF" // Cyan case outro = "#0202ED" // Dark Blue case preview = "#008FD6" // Light Blue case filler = "#7300FF" // Violet case music_offtopic = "#FF9900" // Orange // Define all cases, can be used to iterate over the colors static let allCases: [SponsorBlockColors] = [.sponsor, .selfpromo, .interaction, .intro, .outro, .preview, .filler, .music_offtopic] // Create a dictionary with the category names as keys and colors as values static let dictionary: [String: String] = { var dict = [String: String]() for item in allCases { dict[String(describing: item)] = item.rawValue } return dict }() }