import SwiftUI struct InstanceSettings: View { let instanceID: Instance.ID? @State private var accountsChanged = false @State private var presentingAccountForm = false @State private var frontendURL = "" @EnvironmentObject private var model @EnvironmentObject private var instances var instance: Instance! { InstancesModel.find(instanceID) } var body: some View { List { if { Section(header: Text("Frontend URL")) { TextField( "Frontend URL", text: $frontendURL ) .onAppear { frontendURL = instance.frontendURL ?? "" } .onChange(of: frontendURL) { newValue in InstancesModel.setFrontendURL(instance, newValue) } .labelsHidden() .autocapitalization(.none) .keyboardType(.URL) } } Section(header: Text("Accounts"), footer: sectionFooter) { if { ForEach(InstancesModel.accounts(instanceID), id: \.self) { account in #if os(tvOS) Button(account.description) {} .contextMenu { Button("Remove") { removeAccount(account) } Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {} } #else ZStack { NavigationLink(destination: EmptyView()) { EmptyView() } .disabled(true) .hidden() HStack { Text(account.description) Spacer() } .contextMenu { Button("Remove") { removeAccount(account) } } } #endif } .redrawOn(change: accountsChanged) Button("Add account...") { presentingAccountForm = true } .sheet(isPresented: $presentingAccountForm, onDismiss: { accountsChanged.toggle() }) { AccountForm(instance: instance) } #if !os(tvOS) .listStyle(.insetGrouped) #endif } else { Text("Accounts are not supported for the application of this instance") .foregroundColor(.secondary) } } } #if os(tvOS) .frame(maxWidth: 1000) #elseif os(iOS) .listStyle(.insetGrouped) #endif .navigationTitle(instance.description) } private var sectionFooter: some View { if ! { return Text("") } return Text("Tap and hold to remove account") .foregroundColor(.secondary) } private func removeAccount(_ account: Account) { AccountsModel.remove(account) accountsChanged.toggle() } }