mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 21:43:41 +00:00
User playlists cache
This commit is contained in:
@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ final class InvidiousAPI: Service, ObservableObject, VideosAPI {
configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/playlists"), requestMethods: [.post, .patch]) { (content: Entity<Data>) -> Playlist in
// hacky, to verify if possible to get it in easier way
Playlist(JSON(parseJSON: String(data: content.content, encoding: .utf8)!))
self.extractPlaylist(from: JSON(parseJSON: String(data: content.content, encoding: .utf8)!))
configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/feed"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity<JSON>) -> [Video] in
@ -121,8 +121,7 @@ final class PeerTubeAPI: Service, ObservableObject, VideosAPI {
configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/playlists"), requestMethods: [.post, .patch]) { (content: Entity<Data>) -> Playlist in
// hacky, to verify if possible to get it in easier way
Playlist(JSON(parseJSON: String(data: content.content, encoding: .utf8)!))
self.extractPlaylist(from: JSON(parseJSON: String(data: content.content, encoding: .utf8)!))
configureTransformer(pathPattern("auth/feed"), requestMethods: [.get]) { (content: Entity<JSON>) -> [Video] in
@ -13,18 +13,36 @@ struct CacheModel {
func clear() {
var totalSize: Int {
(FeedCacheModel.shared.storage.totalDiskStorageSize ?? 0) +
(VideosCacheModel.shared.storage.totalDiskStorageSize ?? 0)
(VideosCacheModel.shared.storage.totalDiskStorageSize ?? 0) +
(PlaylistsCacheModel.shared.storage.totalDiskStorageSize ?? 0)
var totalSizeFormatted: String {
totalSizeFormatter.string(fromByteCount: Int64(totalSize))
byteCountFormatter.string(fromByteCount: Int64(totalSize))
private var totalSizeFormatter: ByteCountFormatter {
var dateFormatter: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .short
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
var dateFormatterForTimeOnly: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .none
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
var iso8601DateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatter { .init() }
private var byteCountFormatter: ByteCountFormatter { .init() }
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ struct FeedCacheModel {
func storeFeed(account: Account, videos: [Video]) {
let date = iso8601DateFormatter.string(from: Date())
let date = CacheModel.shared.iso8601DateFormatter.string(from: Date())
logger.info("caching feed \(account.feedCacheKey) -- \(date)")
let feedTimeObject: JSON = ["date": date]
let videosObject: JSON = ["videos": videos.prefix(Self.limit).map { $0.json.object }]
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct FeedCacheModel {
func getFeedTime(account: Account) -> Date? {
if let json = try? storage.object(forKey: feedTimeCacheKey(account.feedCacheKey)),
let string = json.dictionaryValue["date"]?.string,
let date = iso8601DateFormatter.date(from: string)
let date = CacheModel.shared.iso8601DateFormatter.date(from: string)
return date
@ -56,24 +56,4 @@ struct FeedCacheModel {
private func feedTimeCacheKey(_ feedCacheKey: String) -> String {
private var iso8601DateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatter {
private var dateFormatter: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .short
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
private var dateFormatterForTimeOnly: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .none
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import Cache
import Foundation
import Logging
import SwiftyJSON
struct PlaylistsCacheModel {
static let shared = PlaylistsCacheModel()
static let limit = 30
let logger = Logger(label: "stream.yattee.cache.playlists")
static let diskConfig = DiskConfig(name: "playlists")
static let memoryConfig = MemoryConfig()
let storage = try! Storage<String, JSON>(
diskConfig: Self.diskConfig,
memoryConfig: Self.memoryConfig,
transformer: CacheModel.jsonTransformer
func storePlaylist(account: Account, playlists: [Playlist]) {
let date = CacheModel.shared.iso8601DateFormatter.string(from: Date())
logger.info("caching \(playlistCacheKey(account)) -- \(date)")
let feedTimeObject: JSON = ["date": date]
let playlistsObject: JSON = ["playlists": playlists.map { $0.json.object }]
try? storage.setObject(feedTimeObject, forKey: playlistTimeCacheKey(account))
try? storage.setObject(playlistsObject, forKey: playlistCacheKey(account))
func retrievePlaylists(account: Account) -> [Playlist] {
logger.info("retrieving cache for \(playlistCacheKey(account))")
if let json = try? storage.object(forKey: playlistCacheKey(account)),
let playlists = json.dictionaryValue["playlists"]
return playlists.arrayValue.map { Playlist.from($0) }
return []
func getPlaylistsTime(account: Account) -> Date? {
if let json = try? storage.object(forKey: playlistTimeCacheKey(account)),
let string = json.dictionaryValue["date"]?.string,
let date = CacheModel.shared.iso8601DateFormatter.date(from: string)
return date
return nil
func getFormattedPlaylistTime(account: Account) -> String {
if let time = getPlaylistsTime(account: account) {
let isSameDay = Calendar(identifier: .iso8601).isDate(time, inSameDayAs: Date())
let formatter = isSameDay ? CacheModel.shared.dateFormatterForTimeOnly : CacheModel.shared.dateFormatter
return formatter.string(from: time)
return ""
func clear() {
try? storage.removeAll()
private func playlistCacheKey(_ account: Account) -> String {
private func playlistTimeCacheKey(_ account: Account) -> String {
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ final class FeedModel: ObservableObject {
var formattedFeedTime: String {
if let feedTime {
let isSameDay = Calendar(identifier: .iso8601).isDate(feedTime, inSameDayAs: Date())
let formatter = isSameDay ? dateFormatterForTimeOnly : dateFormatter
let formatter = isSameDay ? CacheModel.shared.dateFormatterForTimeOnly : CacheModel.shared.dateFormatter
return formatter.string(from: feedTime)
@ -123,22 +123,6 @@ final class FeedModel: ObservableObject {
private var dateFormatter: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .short
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
private var dateFormatterForTimeOnly: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .none
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
private func request(_ resource: Resource, force: Bool = false) -> Request? {
if force {
return resource.load()
@ -23,7 +23,14 @@ struct Playlist: Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable {
var videos = [Video]()
init(id: String, title: String, visibility: Visibility, editable: Bool = true, updated: TimeInterval? = nil, videos: [Video] = []) {
id: String,
title: String,
visibility: Visibility,
editable: Bool = true,
updated: TimeInterval? = nil,
videos: [Video] = []
) {
self.id = id
self.title = title
self.visibility = visibility
@ -32,11 +39,29 @@ struct Playlist: Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable {
self.videos = videos
init(_ json: JSON) {
id = json["playlistId"].stringValue
title = json["title"].stringValue
visibility = json["isListed"].boolValue ? .public : .private
updated = json["updated"].doubleValue
var json: JSON {
let dateFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
return [
"id": id,
"title": title,
"visibility": visibility.rawValue,
"editable": editable ? "editable" : "",
"updated": updated ?? "",
"videos": videos.map(\.json).map(\.object)
static func from(_ json: JSON) -> Self {
let dateFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
return .init(
id: json["id"].stringValue,
title: json["title"].stringValue,
visibility: .init(rawValue: json["visibility"].stringValue) ?? .public,
updated: json["updated"].doubleValue,
videos: json["videos"].arrayValue.map { Video.from($0) }
static func == (lhs: Playlist, rhs: Playlist) -> Bool {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import SwiftUI
final class PlaylistsModel: ObservableObject {
static var shared = PlaylistsModel()
@Published var isLoading = false
@Published var playlists = [Playlist]()
@Published var reloadPlaylists = false
@ -36,22 +37,32 @@ final class PlaylistsModel: ObservableObject {
func load(force: Bool = false, onSuccess: @escaping () -> Void = {}) {
guard accounts.app.supportsUserPlaylists, accounts.signedIn else {
guard accounts.app.supportsUserPlaylists, accounts.signedIn, let account = accounts.current else {
playlists = []
let request = force ? resource?.load() : resource?.loadIfNeeded()
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }
let request = force ? self.resource?.load() : self.resource?.loadIfNeeded()
guard !request.isNil else {
self.isLoading = true
.onCompletion { [weak self] _ in
self?.isLoading = false
.onSuccess { resource in
if let playlists: [Playlist] = resource.typedContent() {
self.playlists = playlists
PlaylistsCacheModel.shared.storePlaylist(account: account, playlists: playlists)
@ -60,6 +71,16 @@ final class PlaylistsModel: ObservableObject {
NavigationModel.shared.presentAlert(title: "Could not refresh Playlists", message: error.userMessage)
private func loadCachedPlaylists(_ account: Account) {
let cache = PlaylistsCacheModel.shared.retrievePlaylists(account: account)
if !cache.isEmpty {
DispatchQueue.main.async(qos: .userInteractive) {
self.playlists = cache
func addVideo(
playlistID: Playlist.ID,
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ final class SubscribedChannelsModel: ObservableObject {
func storeChannels(account: Account, channels: [Channel]) {
let date = iso8601DateFormatter.string(from: Date())
let date = CacheModel.shared.iso8601DateFormatter.string(from: Date())
logger.info("caching channels \(channelsDateCacheKey(account)) -- \(date)")
let dateObject: JSON = ["date": date]
@ -117,10 +117,6 @@ final class SubscribedChannelsModel: ObservableObject {
private var iso8601DateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatter {
private func channelsCacheKey(_ account: Account) -> String {
@ -132,7 +128,7 @@ final class SubscribedChannelsModel: ObservableObject {
func getFeedTime(account: Account) -> Date? {
if let json = try? storage.object(forKey: channelsDateCacheKey(account)),
let string = json.dictionaryValue["date"]?.string,
let date = iso8601DateFormatter.date(from: string)
let date = CacheModel.shared.iso8601DateFormatter.date(from: string)
return date
@ -151,26 +147,10 @@ final class SubscribedChannelsModel: ObservableObject {
var formattedCacheTime: String {
if let feedTime {
let isSameDay = Calendar(identifier: .iso8601).isDate(feedTime, inSameDayAs: Date())
let formatter = isSameDay ? dateFormatterForTimeOnly : dateFormatter
let formatter = isSameDay ? CacheModel.shared.dateFormatterForTimeOnly : CacheModel.shared.dateFormatter
return formatter.string(from: feedTime)
return ""
private var dateFormatter: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .short
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
private var dateFormatterForTimeOnly: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .none
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ struct PlaylistsView: View {
@ObservedObject private var accounts = AccountsModel.shared
private var player = PlayerModel.shared
@ObservedObject private var model = PlaylistsModel.shared
private var cache = PlaylistsCacheModel.shared
@Namespace private var focusNamespace
@ -73,7 +74,16 @@ struct PlaylistsView: View {
.padding(.top, 40)
VerticalCells(items: items)
VerticalCells(items: items) {
HStack {
refreshTime: cache.getFormattedPlaylistTime(account: accounts.current),
isLoading: model.isLoading
.environment(\.scrollViewBottomPadding, 70)
@ -534,6 +534,9 @@
3776924E294630110055EC18 /* ChannelAvatarView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776924D294630110055EC18 /* ChannelAvatarView.swift */; };
3776924F294630110055EC18 /* ChannelAvatarView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776924D294630110055EC18 /* ChannelAvatarView.swift */; };
37769250294630110055EC18 /* ChannelAvatarView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776924D294630110055EC18 /* ChannelAvatarView.swift */; };
3776925229463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776925129463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift */; };
3776925329463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776925129463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift */; };
3776925429463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776925129463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift */; };
3776ADD6287381240078EBC4 /* Captions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776ADD5287381240078EBC4 /* Captions.swift */; };
3776ADD7287381240078EBC4 /* Captions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776ADD5287381240078EBC4 /* Captions.swift */; };
3776ADD8287381240078EBC4 /* Captions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3776ADD5287381240078EBC4 /* Captions.swift */; };
@ -1252,6 +1255,7 @@
37732FF32703D32400F04329 /* Sidebar.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Sidebar.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
37737785276F9858000521C1 /* Windows.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Windows.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3776924D294630110055EC18 /* ChannelAvatarView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ChannelAvatarView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3776925129463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PlaylistsCacheModel.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3776ADD5287381240078EBC4 /* Captions.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; name = Captions.swift; path = Model/Captions.swift; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
377A20A82693C9A2002842B8 /* TypedContentAccessors.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TypedContentAccessors.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
377ABC3F286E4AD5009C986F /* InstancesManifest.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = InstancesManifest.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -2019,6 +2023,7 @@
3738535329451DC800D2D0CB /* BookmarksCacheModel.swift */,
37F5E8B9291BEF69006C15F5 /* CacheModel.swift */,
377F9F7E2944175F0043F856 /* FeedCacheModel.swift */,
3776925129463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift */,
377F9F7A294403F20043F856 /* VideosCacheModel.swift */,
path = Cache;
@ -2959,6 +2964,7 @@
377ABC40286E4AD5009C986F /* InstancesManifest.swift in Sources */,
37BD07B52698AA4D003EBB87 /* ContentView.swift in Sources */,
37D2E0D428B67EFC00F64D52 /* Delay.swift in Sources */,
3776925229463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift in Sources */,
3759234628C26C7B00C052EC /* Refreshable+Backport.swift in Sources */,
374924ED2921669B0017D862 /* PreferenceKeys.swift in Sources */,
37130A5B277657090033018A /* Yattee.xcdatamodeld in Sources */,
@ -3253,6 +3259,7 @@
3752069A285E8DD300CA655F /* Chapter.swift in Sources */,
373EBD69291F252D002ADB9C /* EditFavorites.swift in Sources */,
37484C1A26FC837400287258 /* PlayerSettings.swift in Sources */,
3776925329463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift in Sources */,
37BD07C32698AD4F003EBB87 /* ContentView.swift in Sources */,
37484C3226FCB8F900287258 /* AccountValidator.swift in Sources */,
378E9C4129455A5800B2D696 /* ChannelsView.swift in Sources */,
@ -3523,6 +3530,7 @@
3782B95727557E6E00990149 /* SearchSuggestions.swift in Sources */,
3776ADD8287381240078EBC4 /* Captions.swift in Sources */,
37F0F4EC286F397E00C06C2E /* SettingsModel.swift in Sources */,
3776925429463C310055EC18 /* PlaylistsCacheModel.swift in Sources */,
37BD07C92698FBDB003EBB87 /* ContentView.swift in Sources */,
37BC50AA2778A84700510953 /* HistorySettings.swift in Sources */,
37F13B64285E43C000B137E4 /* ControlsOverlay.swift in Sources */,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user