Preliminary support for Piped playlist (listing playlists and videos)

This commit is contained in:
Arkadiusz Fal 2022-04-10 17:07:10 +02:00
parent 836057578f
commit 8d36f57271
6 changed files with 56 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Siesta
import SwiftyJSON
final class PipedAPI: Service, ObservableObject, VideosAPI {
static var authorizedEndpoints = ["subscriptions", "subscribe", "unsubscribe"]
static var authorizedEndpoints = ["subscriptions", "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "user/playlists"]
@Published var account: Account!
@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ final class PipedAPI: Service, ObservableObject, VideosAPI {
return CommentsPage(comments: comments, nextPage: nextPage, disabled: disabled)
configureTransformer(pathPattern("user/playlists")) { (content: Entity<JSON>) -> [Playlist] in { self.extractUserPlaylist(from: $0)! }
if account.token.isNil {
@ -166,7 +170,9 @@ final class PipedAPI: Service, ObservableObject, VideosAPI {
var home: Resource? { nil }
var popular: Resource? { nil }
var playlists: Resource? { nil }
var playlists: Resource? {
resource(baseURL: account.instance.apiURL, path: "user/playlists")
func subscribe(_ channelID: String, onCompletion: @escaping () -> Void = {}) {
resource(baseURL: account.instance.apiURL, path: "subscribe")
@ -180,7 +186,10 @@ final class PipedAPI: Service, ObservableObject, VideosAPI {
.onCompletion { _ in onCompletion() }
func playlist(_: String) -> Resource? { nil }
func playlist(_ id: String) -> Resource? {
func playlistVideo(_: String, _: String) -> Resource? { nil }
func playlistVideos(_: String) -> Resource? { nil }
@ -359,6 +368,14 @@ final class PipedAPI: Service, ObservableObject, VideosAPI {
private func extractUserPlaylist(from json: JSON) -> Playlist? {
let id = json["id"].stringValue
let title = json["name"].stringValue
let visibility = Playlist.Visibility.private
return Playlist(id: id, title: title, visibility: visibility)
private func extractDescription(from content: JSON) -> String? {
guard var description = content.dictionaryValue["description"]?.string else {
return nil

View File

@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ enum VideosApp: String, CaseIterable {
var supportsUserPlaylists: Bool {
var userPlaylistsEndpointIncludesVideos: Bool {
self == .invidious

View File

@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ struct Playlist: Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable {
var title: String
var visibility: Visibility
var updated: TimeInterval
var updated: TimeInterval?
var videos = [Video]()
init(id: String, title: String, visibility: Visibility, updated: TimeInterval, videos: [Video] = []) {
init(id: String, title: String, visibility: Visibility, updated: TimeInterval? = nil, videos: [Video] = []) { = id
self.title = title
self.visibility = visibility

View File

@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ struct AppSidebarPlaylists: View {
NavigationLink(tag: TabSelection.playlist(, selection: $navigation.tabSelection) {
} label: {
Label(playlist.title, systemImage: RecentsModel.symbolSystemImage(playlist.title))
.contextMenu {
@ -34,6 +32,18 @@ struct AppSidebarPlaylists: View {
@ViewBuilder func playlistLabel(_ playlist: Playlist) -> some View {
let label = Label(playlist.title, systemImage: RecentsModel.symbolSystemImage(playlist.title))
if {
} else {
var newPlaylistButton: some View {
Button(action: { navigation.presentNewPlaylistForm() }) {
Label("New Playlist", systemImage: "")

View File

@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ struct PlaybackBar: View {
guard let video = player.currentVideo,
let time = player.time else {
let time = player.time
else {
return ""

View File

@ -7,8 +7,17 @@ struct PlaylistVideosView: View {
@Environment(\.inNavigationView) private var inNavigationView
@EnvironmentObject<PlayerModel> private var player
@StateObject private var store = Store<ChannelPlaylist>()
var contentItems: [ContentItem] {
ContentItem.array(of: playlist.videos)
ContentItem.array(of: playlist.videos.isEmpty ? (store.item?.videos ?? []) : playlist.videos)
private var resource: Resource? {
let resource = player.accounts.api.playlist(
return resource
var videos: [Video] {
@ -22,6 +31,11 @@ struct PlaylistVideosView: View {
var body: some View {
PlayerControlsView {
VerticalCells(items: contentItems)
.onAppear {
if ! {
#if !os(tvOS)
.navigationTitle("\(playlist.title) Playlist")