2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
// swiftlint:disable switch_case_on_newline
2021-09-27 00:19:50 +02:00
import Defaults
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
2021-09-27 00:19:50 +02:00
enum Country: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable, Hashable, Defaults.Serializable {
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
var id: String {
2021-08-01 00:10:56 +02:00
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
case dz = "DZ"
case ar = "AR"
case au = "AU"
case at = "AT"
case az = "AZ"
case bh = "BH"
case bd = "BD"
case by = "BY"
case be = "BE"
case bo = "BO"
case ba = "BA"
case br = "BR"
case bg = "BG"
case ca = "CA"
case cl = "CL"
case co = "CO"
case cr = "CR"
case hr = "HR"
case cy = "CY"
case cz = "CZ"
case dk = "DK"
case `do` = "DO"
case ec = "EC"
case eg = "EG"
case sv = "SV"
case ee = "EE"
case fi = "FI"
case fr = "FR"
case ge = "GE"
case de = "DE"
case gh = "GH"
case gr = "GR"
case gt = "GT"
case hn = "HN"
case hk = "HK"
case hu = "HU"
case `is` = "IS"
case `in` = "IN"
case id = "ID"
case iq = "IQ"
case ie = "IE"
case il = "IL"
case it = "IT"
case jm = "JM"
case jp = "JP"
case jo = "JO"
case kz = "KZ"
case ke = "KE"
case kr = "KR"
case kw = "KW"
case lv = "LV"
case lb = "LB"
case ly = "LY"
case li = "LI"
case lt = "LT"
case lu = "LU"
case mk = "MK"
case my = "MY"
case mt = "MT"
case mx = "MX"
case me = "ME"
case ma = "MA"
case np = "NP"
case nl = "NL"
case nz = "NZ"
case ni = "NI"
case ng = "NG"
case no = "NO"
case om = "OM"
case pk = "PK"
case pa = "PA"
case pg = "PG"
case py = "PY"
case pe = "PE"
case ph = "PH"
case pl = "PL"
case pt = "PT"
case pr = "PR"
case qa = "QA"
case ro = "RO"
case ru = "RU"
case sa = "SA"
case sn = "SN"
case rs = "RS"
case sg = "SG"
case sk = "SK"
case si = "SI"
case za = "ZA"
case es = "ES"
case lk = "LK"
case se = "SE"
case ch = "CH"
case tw = "TW"
case tz = "TZ"
case th = "TH"
case tn = "TN"
case tr = "TR"
case ug = "UG"
case ua = "UA"
case ae = "AE"
case gb = "GB"
case us = "US"
case uy = "UY"
case ve = "VE"
case vn = "VN"
case vi = "VI"
case ye = "YE"
case zw = "ZW"
extension Country {
var name: String {
switch self {
case .dz: return "Algeria"
case .ar: return "Argentina"
case .au: return "Australia"
case .at: return "Austria"
case .az: return "Azerbaijan"
case .bh: return "Bahrain"
case .bd: return "Bangladesh"
case .by: return "Belarus"
case .be: return "Belgium"
case .bo: return "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)"
case .ba: return "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
case .br: return "Brazil"
case .bg: return "Bulgaria"
case .ca: return "Canada"
case .cl: return "Chile"
case .co: return "Colombia"
case .cr: return "Costa Rica"
case .hr: return "Croatia"
case .cy: return "Cyprus"
case .cz: return "Czechia"
case .dk: return "Denmark"
case .do: return "Dominican Republic"
case .ec: return "Ecuador"
case .eg: return "Egypt"
case .sv: return "El Salvador"
case .ee: return "Estonia"
case .fi: return "Finland"
case .fr: return "France"
case .ge: return "Georgia"
case .de: return "Germany"
case .gh: return "Ghana"
case .gr: return "Greece"
case .gt: return "Guatemala"
case .hn: return "Honduras"
case .hk: return "Hong Kong"
case .hu: return "Hungary"
case .is: return "Iceland"
case .in: return "India"
case .id: return "Indonesia"
case .iq: return "Iraq"
case .ie: return "Ireland"
case .il: return "Israel"
case .it: return "Italy"
case .jm: return "Jamaica"
case .jp: return "Japan"
case .jo: return "Jordan"
case .kz: return "Kazakhstan"
case .ke: return "Kenya"
case .kr: return "Korea (Republic of)"
case .kw: return "Kuwait"
case .lv: return "Latvia"
case .lb: return "Lebanon"
case .ly: return "Libya"
case .li: return "Liechtenstein"
case .lt: return "Lithuania"
case .lu: return "Luxembourg"
case .mk: return "Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)"
case .my: return "Malaysia"
case .mt: return "Malta"
case .mx: return "Mexico"
case .me: return "Montenegro"
case .ma: return "Morocco"
case .np: return "Nepal"
case .nl: return "Netherlands"
case .nz: return "New Zealand"
case .ni: return "Nicaragua"
case .ng: return "Nigeria"
case .no: return "Norway"
case .om: return "Oman"
case .pk: return "Pakistan"
case .pa: return "Panama"
case .pg: return "Papua New Guinea"
case .py: return "Paraguay"
case .pe: return "Peru"
case .ph: return "Philippines"
case .pl: return "Poland"
case .pt: return "Portugal"
case .pr: return "Puerto Rico"
case .qa: return "Qatar"
case .ro: return "Romania"
case .ru: return "Russian Federation"
case .sa: return "Saudi Arabia"
case .sn: return "Senegal"
case .rs: return "Serbia"
case .sg: return "Singapore"
case .sk: return "Slovakia"
case .si: return "Slovenia"
case .za: return "South Africa"
case .es: return "Spain"
case .lk: return "Sri Lanka"
case .se: return "Sweden"
case .ch: return "Switzerland"
2023-07-19 17:27:03 +02:00
case .tw: return "Taiwan"
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
case .tz: return "Tanzania, United Republic of"
case .th: return "Thailand"
case .tn: return "Tunisia"
case .tr: return "Turkey"
case .ug: return "Uganda"
case .ua: return "Ukraine"
case .ae: return "United Arab Emirates"
case .gb: return "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
case .us: return "United States of America"
case .uy: return "Uruguay"
case .ve: return "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)"
case .vn: return "Viet Nam"
case .vi: return "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"
case .ye: return "Yemen"
case .zw: return "Zimbabwe"
2023-04-22 15:08:33 +02:00
// swiftlint:enable switch_case_on_newline
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
var flag: String {
let unicodeScalars = rawValue
.map { $0.value + 0x1F1E6 - 65 }
var result = ""
result.unicodeScalars.append(contentsOf: unicodeScalars)
return result
2021-06-18 00:43:29 +02:00
static func search(_ query: String) -> [Country] {
if let country = searchByCode(query) {
return [country]
let countries = filteredCountries { stringFolding($0) == stringFolding(query) }
return countries.isEmpty ? searchByPartialName(query) : countries
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
2021-06-18 00:43:29 +02:00
static func searchByCode(_ code: String) -> Country? {
Country(rawValue: code.uppercased())
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
static func searchByPartialName(_ name: String) -> [Country] {
2021-08-01 00:10:56 +02:00
guard !name.isEmpty else {
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
return []
2021-08-01 00:10:56 +02:00
return filteredCountries { stringFolding($0).contains(stringFolding(name)) }
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
private static func stringFolding(_ string: String) -> String {
string.folding(options: [.diacriticInsensitive, .caseInsensitive], locale: .current)
private static func filteredCountries(_ predicate: (String) -> Bool) -> [Country] {
2021-06-18 00:43:29 +02:00
.map { $0.name }
2021-06-17 12:02:39 +02:00
.compactMap { string in Country.allCases.first { $0.name == string } }