"Explicit reminders to like, subscribe or interact with them on any paid or free platform(s) (e.g. click on a video)." = "明确提醒你在任何付费或免费平台上点赞、订阅或与他们互动(例如点击视频)。";
"Favorites" = "喜欢";
"Filter" = "过滤器";
"Filter: active" = "过滤器:启用";
"Find Other" = "寻找其他";
"Finding something to play..." = "正在寻找一些视频来播放...";
"Formats will be selected in order as listed.\nHLS is an adaptive format (resolution setting does not apply)." = "格式将按列出的顺序选择。\nHLS是一种自适应格式(不应用分辨率设置)。";
"Frontend URL" = "前端地址";
"Fullscreen size" = "全屏大小";
"Gaming" = "游戏";
"Help" = "帮助";
"Hide sidebar" = "隐藏侧边栏";
"High" = "高度";
"Highest" = "最高";
"Highest quality" = "最高质量";
"History" = "历史记录";
"Honor orientation lock" = "方向锁";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Hour" = "小时";
"I am lost" = "我迷路了";
"I found a bug /" = "我找到一个 bug /";
"I have a feature request" = "我有一个功能建议";
"I like this app!" = "我喜欢这个应用!";
"I want to ask a question" = "我想要问一个问题";
"If you are interested what's coming in future updates, you can track project Milestones." = "如果您对最近的功能更新感兴趣,您可以跟踪我们的项目里程碑。";
"Increase rate" = "增长率";
"Info" = "信息";
"Instance of current account" = "正在使用的帐户实例";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Interaction" = "交互";
"Interface" = "接口";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Intro" = "简介";
"Issues Tracker" = "问题追踪器";
/* Selected video has just finished playing */
"Just watched" = "只观看";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Large" = "大";
"Large layout is not suitable for all devices and using it may cause controls not to fit on the screen." = "大布局并不适合所有设备。使用它可能导致控制按钮在屏幕上并不适合。";
"Playlist \"%@\" will be deleted.\nIt cannot be reverted." = "播放列表 “%@” 将被删除。\n此操作不可恢复。";
"Playlists" = "播放列表";
"Popular" = "流行";
"Preferred Formats" = "首选格式";
"Profiles" = "配置";
"Proxy videos" = "代理的视频";
/* Video date filter in search
Video duration filter in search */
"Any" = "任何";
"Badge & Decreased opacity" = "标记 & 降低透明度";
"Based on system color scheme" = "根据系统配色方案";
"For videos which feature music as the primary content." = "以音乐为主要内容的视频。";
"If you are reporting a bug, include all relevant details (especially: appversion, used device and system version, steps to reproduce)." = "如果你要反馈一个 bug,请包括所有有效信息 (特别是:App 版本,使用设备以及系统版本,复现步骤)。";
"No Playlists" = "没有播放列表";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Offtopic in Music Videos" = "在音乐视频中的无关内容";
"Music" = "音乐";
"Part of a video promoting a product or service not directly related to the creator. The creator will receive payment or compensation in the form of money or free products." = "视频宣传产品或服务的一部分,与创作者没有直接关系。创作者将以金钱或免费产品的形式获得报酬或补偿。";
"Promoting a product or service that is directly related to the creator themselves. This usually includes merchandise or promotion of monetized platforms." = "推广与创作者本身直接相关的产品或服务。这通常包括商品或盈利平台的推广。";
"Restart the app to apply the settings above." = "重启 App 以应用以上设置。";
"Restart/Play next" = "重新播放/播放下一个";
"Typically near or at the end of the video when the credits pop up and/or endcards are shown." = "通常在视频结束时或接近视频结尾时,出现 Credits Pop Up 和结束卡片。";
"Public Locations" = "公共地址";
"Public Manifest" = "公共清单";
"Quality" = "质量";
"Quality Profile" = "质量配置";
"Queue" = "队列";
"Queue is empty" = "队列为空";
"Rate" = "比率";
/* Video sort order in search */
"Rating" = "评级";
"Recents" = "最近";
"Red" = "红色";
"Refresh" = "刷新";
"Regular size" = "规定大小";
"Regular Size" = "规定大小";
"Related" = "相关";
/* Video sort order in search */
"Relevance" = "相关";
"Remove" = "删除";
"Remove from Favorites" = "从收藏中删除";
"Remove from history" = "从历史列表中删除";
"Replies" = "回复";
"Reset" = "重置";
"Reset search filters" = "重置搜索过滤器";
"Reset watched status when playing again" = "重置播放状态当重新播放时";
"Resolution" = "解决方法";
"Restart" = "重新播放";
"Search history is empty" = "搜索记录为空";
"Restore default profiles..." = "重置默认配置文件...";
"Rotate to portrait when exiting fullscreen" = "离开全屏时旋转到竖屏";
"Round corners" = "圆角";
"Save" = "保存";
"Save history of played videos" = "保存视频播放历史记录";
"Save history of searches, channels and playlists" = "保存搜索、频道、播放列表的历史记录";
"Search" = "搜索";
"Search..." = "搜索...";
"Sections" = "章节";
"Seek gesture sensitivity" = "手势灵敏度";
"Seek gesture speed" = "手势灵敏度速度";
"Seek with horizontal swipe on video" = "视频水平滑动搜索";
"Segments typically found at the start of a video that include an animation, still frame or clip which are also seen in other videos by the same creator." = "通常在视频开头找到的片段,包括动画、静止帧或剪辑,这些片段也可以由同一创作者在其他视频中看到。";
"Select location closest to you:" = "选择离你最近的位置:";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Self-promotion" = "自我推销";
"Settings" = "设置";
"Share %@ link" = "分享 %@ 的链接";
"Share %@ link with time" = "分享 %@ 的链接(包含时间)";
"Share..." = "分享...";
/* Video duration filter in search */
"Short" = "短视频";
"Show account username" = "显示帐户名称";
"Show anonymous accounts" = "显示匿名帐户";
"Show channel name" = "显示频道名称";
"Show history" = "显示历史记录";
"Show keywords" = "显示关键词";
"Show playback statistics" = "显示回放统计信息";
"Show progress of watching on thumbnails" = "在缩略图上显示观看进度";
"Show sidebar when space permits" = "在空间允许时显示侧边栏";
"Show video length" = "显示视频长度";
"Shuffle All" = "打乱所有顺序";
"Shuffle" = "打乱顺序";
"Sidebar" = "侧边栏";
"Sign In Required" = "需要登陆";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Small" = "小";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Smaller" = "更小";
"Sort" = "排序";
"Sort: %@" = "排序: %@";
"Source" = "源";
/* SponsorBlock category name */
"Sponsor" = "Sponsor";
"SponsorBlock API Instance" = "SponsorBlock API 实例";
"Subscribe" = "关注";
/* Subscriptions title */
"Subscriptions" = "关注列表";
"Switch to other public location" = "选择其他公共地址";
"Switch to public locations" = "切换到公共地址";
"System controls buttons" = "系统控制按钮";
"System controls show buttons for %@" = "系统控件显示 %@ 的按钮";
"That's nice to hear. It is fun to deliver apps other people want to use. You can consider donating to the project or help by contributing to new features development." = "很高兴听到您这么说。提供人们想要的应用程序是一件很有趣的事情。您可以考虑为项目捐款,或为新功能开发做出贡献。";
"This cannot be reverted" = "此操作不可还原";
"This cannot be reverted. You might need to switch between views or restart the app to see changes." = "此操作无法恢复。您可能需要在视图之间切换或重新启动 App 以查看更改。";
"This information will be processed only on your device and used to connect you to the server in the specified country." = "此信息将仅在您的设备上处理,并用于将您连接到指定国家/地区的服务器。";
"This will remove all your custom profiles and return their default values. This cannot be reverted." = "这将删除所有自定义配置文件并还原为其默认值。此操作无法恢复。";
"Thumbnails" = "缩略图";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Today" = "今天";
"Trending" = "今日趋势";
/* Player controls layout size for TV */
"TV" = "TV";
"unknown" = "未知";
"Unsubscribe" = "取消关注";
"SponsorBlock" = "SponsorBlock (Skip over YouTube Sponsors)";
"Upload date" = "上传日期";
"URL" = "链接";
"Used to create links from videos, channels and playlists" = "用于从视频、频道和播放列表创建链接";
"Username" = "用户名";
/* Player controls layout size */
"Very Large" = "非常大";
"Videos" = "视频";
/* Video sort order in search */
"Views" = "观看";
"Watched" = "观看";
/* Selected video was played on given date */
"Watched %@" = "观看了 %@";
/* Selected video is being played */
"Watching now" = "现在观看";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Week" = "周";
"Welcome" = "欢迎";
"When partially watched video is played" = "播放未完全观看的视频时";
"Wi-Fi" = "Wi-Fi";
"Wiki" = "Wiki";
"Yattee" = "Yattee";
/* Video date filter in search */
"Year" = "年";
"You can find information about using Yattee in the Wiki pages." = "您可以在 Wiki 相关页面中找到有关使用 Yattee 的信息。";
"Yattee %@ (build %@)" = "Yattee %@ (内部构建版本 %@)";
"You can use automatic profile selection based on current device status or switch it in video playback settings controls." = "您可以使用基于当前设备状态的自动配置文件选择,或在视频播放设置控件中进行切换。";
"You have no Playlists" = "你没有播放列表";
"You have no playlists\n\nTap on \"New Playlist\" to create one" = "你还没有播放列表啦~\n\n点击 「新建播放列表」 来创建一个";
"You need to create an instance and accounts\nto access %@ section" = "你需要创建一个实例和账号\n才能访问 %@ 的部分";
"You need to select an account\nto access %@ section" = "你需要选择一个账号\n来访问 %@ 的部分";
"Public" = "公开";
"Unlisted" = "未列出";
"Now Playing" = "正在播放";
"Current Location" = "当前地址";
"Private" = "私有";
"Playback queue is empty" = "回放列表空空如也";
"Playing Next" = "播放下一个";
"You can switch between profiles in playback settings controls." = "您可以在回放设置控件中切换配置文件。";
"Add Channels, Playlists and Searches to Favorites using" = "添加将频道、播放列表和搜索到收藏夹";
"Make default" = "设置默认值";
"Visibility" = "可见性";
"Current Playlist" = "当前播放列表";
"Stream & Player" = "播放流 & 播放器";
"Statistics" = "统计";
"Hardware decoder" = "硬件解码";
"Stream FPS" = "流 FPS";
"Cached time" = "缓存时间";
"Rate & Captions" = "速率 & 标题";
"Dropped frames" = "丢失的帧";
"Any format" = "任何格式";
"%@ formats" = "%@ 格式";
"Keep last played video in the queue after restart" = "重新启动后在队列中保留上次播放的视频";
"Playlist is empty\n\nTap and hold on a video and then \n\"Add to Playlist\"" = "播放列表空空如也\n\n点击并按住视频,然后\n「添加到播放列表」";
"It can be changed later in settings. You can use your own locations too." = "稍后可以在设置中更改。你也可以使用自己的地址。";
"Press and hold remote button to open captions and quality menus" = "按住遥控按钮打开字幕和质量菜单";
"Comments are disabled" = "评论区已被关闭";
"No comments" = "没有评论";
"No chapters information available" = "没有可用的章节信息";
"Share Logs..." = "分享日志…";
"Open logs in Finder" = "在 Finder 中打开日志";
"Could not refresh Subscriptions" = "无法刷新关注列表";
"Could not load streams" = "无法加载视频流";
"Could not open video" = "无法打开视频";
"Channel could not be found" = "无法找到频道";
"Could not extract channel information" = "无法获取频道信息";
"Could not extract SID from received cookies: %@" = "无法从收到的 Cookie 中提取 SID:%@";
"Could not update your token." = "无法更新你的令牌(Token)。";
"Could not refresh Trending" = "无法刷新今日趋势";
"For custom locations you can configure Frontend URL in Locations settings" = "对于自定义位置,您可以在设置中配置前端 URL";
"This URL could not be opened" = "无法打开此 URL";
"Could not open channel" = "无法打开频道";
"Could not refresh Popular" = "无法刷新「流行」";
"Could not create share link" = "无法创建分享链接";
"Could not open playlist" = "无法打开播放列表";
"Could not extract video ID" = "无法获取视频 ID";
"This video could not be opened" = "无法打开这个视频";
"Could not extract playlist ID" = "无法获取播放列表 ID";
"Could not load video" = "无法加载视频";
"No locations available at the moment" = "此时没有地址可用";
"Could not refresh Playlists" = "无法刷新播放列表";
"If you want this app to be available in your language, join translation project." = "如果你想让此 App 在你的语言中可用,或翻译存在错误,请加入翻译项目。";
"Translations" = "翻译";
"No documents" = "没有文档";
"Are you sure you want to remove this document?" = "你确定想要删除这个文档吗?";
"\"%@\" will be irreversibly removed from this device." = "“%@” 将会从这个设备中删除。此操作不可逆。";
"Could not delete document" = "无法删除文档";
"Are you sure you want to remove %@ location?" = "你确定想要删除 %@ 地址?";
"Show video context menu options to force selected backend" = "显示视频内容目录选项来强制选择的后端";
"Gesture: backwards" = "手势:向后";
"Maximum width expanded" = "最大宽度展开";
"Clear all" = "清除所有APP缓存";
"Total size: %@" = "总大小:%@";
"Gesture settings control skipping interval for double tap gesture on left/right side of the player. Changing system controls settings requires restart." = "手势设置控制玩家左右两侧双击手势的跳过间隔。更改系统控制设置需要重新启动。";
"Play next item" = "播放下一个";
"Subscribe/Unsubscribe" = "关注/取消关注";
"Autoplay next" = "自动播放下一个";
"Enter location address to connect..." = "输入链接地址以连接...";
"Keep channels with unwatched videos on top of subscriptions list" = "保留频道,并且未观看视频放在关注列表最上面";
"Play Now in AVPlayer" = "在 AVPlayer 中播放当前项目";
"Play Now in MPV" = "在 MPV 中播放当前项目";
"Seek" = "探索";
"Enter account credentials to connect..." = "输入账户凭据来连接...";
"Show scroll to top button in comments" = "在评论中显示“滚动到顶部”按钮";
"Right click channel thumbnail to open context menu with more actions" = "右键单击频道缩略图以打开具有更多操作的上下文菜单";
"Show unwatched feed badges" = "显示未观看的 Feed 标志";
"Seeking" = "探索";
"Gesture: fowards" = "手势:向前";
"System controls" = "系统控制";
"Controls button: backwards" = "控制按钮:向后";
"Controls button: forwards" = "控制按钮:向前";
"Hide player" = "隐藏播放器";
"Gesture settings control skipping interval for double click on left/right side of the player. Changing system controls settings requires restart." = "手势设置控制双击播放器左/右的跳跃间隔。更改系统控制设置需要重新启动。";
"Gesture settings control skipping interval for remote arrow buttons (for 2nd generation Siri Remote or newer). Changing system controls settings requires restart." = "手势设置控制远程箭头按钮的跳过间隔(用于第二代 Siri Remote 或更新版本)。更改系统控制设置需要重新启动。";
"Controls Buttons" = "控制按钮";
"Actions Buttons" = "动作按钮";
"Lock orientation" = "锁定屏幕方向";
"Music Mode" = "音乐模式";
"Close video" = "关闭视频";
"Cache" = "缓存";
"Show cache status" = "显示缓存状态";
"Maximum feed items" = "最大 Feed 项目";
"Open channels with description expanded" = "打开描述展开的频道";
"Are you sure you want to clear cache?" = "你确定要清除缓存吗?";
"Close video and player on end" = "在播放结束时关闭播放器和视频";
"Use system controls with AVPlayer" = "使用 AVPlayer 与系统控制按钮";
"Public account" = "公共账号";
"Your Accounts" = "你的账号";
"Browse without account" = "匿名浏览";
"Rotate when entering fullscreen on landscape video" = "当观看全景视频,进入全屏时旋转";
"Landscape left" = "全景视频左边";
"Landscape right" = "全景视频右边";
"No rotation" = "不旋转";
"Available" = "可用";
"Startup section" = "启动部分";
"Watched: hidden" = "观看过:隐藏";
"Watched: visible" = "观看后:显示";
"Disable filters" = "禁用过滤器";
"Home Settings" = "主页设置";
"(watched and shorts hidden)" = "(观看后与短视频隐藏)";
"No videos to show" = "没有可以显示的视频";
"(watched hidden)" = "(已观看已隐藏)";
"(shorts hidden)" = "(短视频已隐藏)";
"Limit" = "限制";
"Are you sure you want to remove %@ from Favorites?" = "你确定要从收藏夹中删除 %@ 吗?";
"List" = "列表";
"Cells" = "Cells";
"Toggle size" = "总大小";
"Toggle player" = "切换播放器";
"Do nothing" = "什么也不做(*^_^*)";
"Show Next in Queue" = "在队列中显示下一个";
"Show toggle watch status button" = "显示“切换观看状态”按钮";