# wz_mini_hacks -> USB Direct Implementation There's a lot of confusing information about usb direct. There are several different standards and several different arrangements you can find information about: This is *ethernet over usb* -- not *usb over ethernet* and not *an ethernet adapter over usb*. ## On the Device set: ``` ENABLE_USB_DIRECT="true" ``` make sure that `ENABLE_USB_ETH="false"` and `ENABLE_USB_RNDIS="false"` as you can't use them all at once. I also strongly recommend setting ``` USB_DIRECT_MAC_ADDR="02:FF:FF:FF:FF:01" ``` for each device both to avoid conflicts and to be able to assign ip addresses. ## The Cable The cable supplied with the wyze v3 is a power-only cable. It will not work for USB DIRECT because it doesn't have the data lines ## On Your Host I'm using Raspbian "Buster" but much of what I'm writing will apply to most modern linux distributions. When you plug in a usb direct NCM device, it will create a **network.** Assuming you have no other usb-based networks, it will be usb0. Since it is a **network**, the host will have a *host ip* and the wyze cam will be accessible via its *client ip*. If you don't set any options beforehand, the *host ip* will be a private ip (169.254.xxx.xxx/16). **In other words, you won't be able to access the camera**. ### One-Camera Setup To resolve this for *one camera*, you need to give the network interface: 1. a static *host ip* address 2. an ip range for the network 3. assign an ip address for the *client ip*. #### One-Camera with /etc/network/interfaces if you are using /etc/network/interfaces, this looks like: ``` allow-hotplug usb0 auto usb0 iface usb0 inet manual address netmask ``` and then for dnsmasq.conf: ``` interface=usb0 dhcp-range=usb0,,,,24h dhcp-host=usb0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:01, ``` #### One-Camera with dhcpcd.conf / dnsmasq.conf if you are using /etc/dhcpcd.conf, this looks like: ``` interface usb0 static ip_address= nohook wpa_supplicant ``` in conjunction with /etc/dnsmasq.conf : ``` interface=usb0 dhcp-range=usb0,,,,24h dhcp-host=usb0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:01, ``` after that, restart dhcdpcd and dnsmasq and connect your wyze v3 and it should work. #### One-camera with systemd-networkd (Unfortunately I don't have a system with this configuration). ### Multiple-Camera Setup Since each usb direct device will create its own **network interface**, if you use the above solution for multiple cameras, you're going to wind up with quite a few different networks that can't see each other. WORSE: Depending on the order in which you turn on the usb direct devices, they will be assigned to different **network interfaces**. E.g., * On Monday: Camera 1 turns on first = usb0; Camera 2 turns on second = usb1 ... * On Tuesday: Camera 2 turns on first = usb0; Camera 2 turns on second = usb2 ... This will break the dhcp behavior above and make your cameras inaccessible. You could play whack-a-mole by setting up assignments for each camera in each subnet and then trying them all ... The solution is to bridge together all of your usb direct devices so they appear as a single subnet. This will make it so that all *client ip* addresses are visible in the same subnet and can be assigned using the same dhcp-range. #### Multiple Camera bridge setup systemd-networkd I think this is also possible using systemd-networkd using for instance: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=298451 The systemd-networkd solution has the added bonus of being less lengthy since you can use wildcards #### Multiple Camera bridge setup : dhcpcd.conf , dnsmasq.conf , /etc/network/interfaces In my case, I was wary to switch to networkd since my pi is already running a few other network related items. As far as I can tell, this cannot be done using *only* dhcpcd.conf because the usb direct interfaces hotplug. First, Install bridging or make sure its installed Second, start the bridge: ``` $ brctl addbr br0 $ ip link add name br0 type bridge $ ip link set dev br0 up ``` Third, edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf: ``` denyinterfaces br0 usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3 usb4 usb5 usb6 interface br0 static ip_address= nohook wpa_supplicant ``` Deny interfaces tells dhcpcd not to control those items. Fourth, add network interfaces to the /etc/network/interfaces system In my case, I had to put them in a different file /etc/network/interfaces.d/10-bridge.conf to avoid a check that dhcpcd does: ``` auto br0 iface br0 inet static address netmask bridge_ports usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3 usb4 usb5 usb6 allow-hotplug usb0 allow-hotplug usb1 allow-hotplug usb2 allow-hotplug usb3 allow-hotplug usb4 allow-hotplug usb5 allow-hotplug usb6 auto usb0 iface usb0 inet manual address netmask up ifconfig usb0 up up brctl addif br0 usb0 auto usb1 iface usb1 inet manual address netmask up ifconfig usb1 up up brctl addif br0 usb1 auto usb2 iface usb2 inet manual address netmask up ifconfig usb2 up up brctl addif br0 usb2 auto usb3 iface usb3 inet manual address netmask up ifconfig usb3 up up brctl addif br0 usb3 auto usb4 iface usb4 inet manual address netmask up ifconfig usb4 up up brctl addif br0 usb4 auto usb5 iface usb5 inet manual address netmask up ifconfig usb5 up up brctl addif br0 usb5 auto usb6 iface usb6 inet manual address netmask up ifconfig usb6 up up brctl addif br0 usb6 ``` Fifth, dnsmasq.conf: ``` interface=br0 dhcp-range=br0,,,,24h dhcp-host=br0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:01, dhcp-host=br0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:02, dhcp-host=br0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:03, dhcp-host=br0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:04, dhcp-host=br0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:05, dhcp-host=br0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:06, dhcp-host=br0,02:FF:FF:FF:FF:07, ``` **interface** tells dnsmasq what network interface to monitor **dhcp-range** tells it what range it assigns over **dhcp-host** tells what interface / what mac address gets what ip address (apparently in *very* old version of dnsmasq you could not set the interface at the beginning) Finally, restart dhcpcd and dnsmasq and turn on your usb direct device You should be able to access the cameras at - (you would need to modify /etc/network/interfaces and dnsmasq.conf to expand past 7 cameras )