""" Server bind ----------- Here place the address and port you would like dash to run on. ADDRESS : str Address to bind to. PORT : int Port to listen on. """ ADDRESS = '' PORT = 3000 """ PostgreSQL credentials ---------------------- Here place the PostgreSQL credentials where your Houdini database is located. """ POSTGRES_HOST = 'db' POSTGRES_NAME = 'postgres' POSTGRES_USER = 'postgres' POSTGRES_PASSWORD = 'postgres' """ Google reCAPTCHA ---------------- GCAPTCHA_URL : str Google captcha verify URL. Normally you do not need to modify this. GSECRET_KEY : str Your reCAPTCHA secret key obtained from Google. .. Google reCAPTCHA registration: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create """ GCAPTCHA_URL = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify' GSECRET_KEY = '' """ Player usernames ---------------- USERNAME_FORCE_CASE : bool Force capitalized username no matter what user has submitted. ex: BASIL -> Basil APPROVE_USERNAME : bool Approves username automatically so they do not have to be approved by an administrator. """ USERNAME_FORCE_CASE = True APPROVE_USERNAME = False """ Player activation ----------------- ACTIVATE_PLAYER : bool Activate player automatically so no email needs to be sent. Enabling this option requires a SendGrid API key. ACTIVATE_LINK : str URL player is taken to for activation. ACTIVATE_REDIRECT : str URL to redirect to when player has activated their account via email. """ ACTIVATE_PLAYER = True ACTIVATE_LINK = 'http://secure.clubpenguin.com/create/activate/' ACTIVATE_REDIRECT = '' """ Email ----- SITE_NAME : str The name of your site. FROM_EMAIL : str Will appear as the sender for emails sent via the SendGrid API. SENDGRID_API_KEY : str Required for sending emails via the SendGrid API. EMAIL_WHITELIST : list List of email domains to accept. If set to an empty list or `None` then dash will assume all email domains are accepted. MAX_ACCOUNT_EMAIL : int Number of accounts which can be tied to a single email address. .. SendGrid registration: https://signup.sendgrid.com/ """ SITE_NAME = 'Houdini' FROM_EMAIL = 'noreply@houdi.ni' SENDGRID_API_KEY = '' EMAIL_WHITELIST = ['gmail.com', 'hotmail.com'] MAX_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = 5 """ Cryptography ------------ STATIC_KEY : str Static key used to hash passwords. Should not be changed unless required by login server auth. """ STATIC_KEY = 'houdini'