//go:build !windows // +build !windows /* Copyright 2022 AmidaWare LLC. Licensed under the Tactical RMM License Version 1.0 (the “License”). You may only use the Licensed Software in accordance with the License. A copy of the License is available at: https://license.tacticalrmm.com */ package agent import ( "bufio" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "time" rmm "github.com/amidaware/rmmagent/shared" ps "github.com/elastic/go-sysinfo" "github.com/go-resty/resty/v2" "github.com/jaypipes/ghw" "github.com/kardianos/service" "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3/cpu" "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3/disk" psHost "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3/host" "github.com/spf13/viper" trmm "github.com/wh1te909/trmm-shared" ) func ShowStatus(version string) { fmt.Println(version) } func (a *Agent) GetDisks() []trmm.Disk { ret := make([]trmm.Disk, 0) partitions, err := disk.Partitions(false) if err != nil { a.Logger.Debugln(err) return ret } for _, p := range partitions { if strings.Contains(p.Device, "dev/loop") { continue } usage, err := disk.Usage(p.Mountpoint) if err != nil { a.Logger.Debugln(err) continue } d := trmm.Disk{ Device: p.Device, Fstype: p.Fstype, Total: ByteCountSI(usage.Total), Used: ByteCountSI(usage.Used), Free: ByteCountSI(usage.Free), Percent: int(usage.UsedPercent), } ret = append(ret, d) } return ret } func (a *Agent) SystemRebootRequired() (bool, error) { // deb paths := [2]string{"/var/run/reboot-required", "/run/reboot-required"} for _, p := range paths { if trmm.FileExists(p) { return true, nil } } // rhel bins := [2]string{"/usr/bin/needs-restarting", "/bin/needs-restarting"} for _, bin := range bins { if trmm.FileExists(bin) { opts := a.NewCMDOpts() // https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/needs-restarting.1.html // -r Only report whether a full reboot is required (exit code 1) or not (exit code 0). opts.Command = fmt.Sprintf("%s -r", bin) out := a.CmdV2(opts) if out.Status.Error != nil { a.Logger.Debugln("SystemRebootRequired(): ", out.Status.Error.Error()) continue } if out.Status.Exit == 1 { return true, nil } return false, nil } } return false, nil } func (a *Agent) LoggedOnUser() string { var ret string users, err := psHost.Users() if err != nil { return ret } // return the first logged in user for _, user := range users { if user.User != "" { ret = user.User break } } return ret } func (a *Agent) osString() string { h, err := psHost.Info() if err != nil { return "error getting host info" } return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s", strings.Title(h.Platform), h.PlatformVersion, h.KernelArch, h.KernelVersion) } func NewAgentConfig() *rmm.AgentConfig { viper.SetConfigName("tacticalagent") viper.SetConfigType("json") viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/") viper.AddConfigPath(".") err := viper.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { return &rmm.AgentConfig{} } agentpk := viper.GetString("agentpk") pk, _ := strconv.Atoi(agentpk) ret := &rmm.AgentConfig{ BaseURL: viper.GetString("baseurl"), AgentID: viper.GetString("agentid"), APIURL: viper.GetString("apiurl"), Token: viper.GetString("token"), AgentPK: agentpk, PK: pk, Cert: viper.GetString("cert"), Proxy: viper.GetString("proxy"), CustomMeshDir: viper.GetString("meshdir"), NatsProxyPath: viper.GetString("natsproxypath"), NatsProxyPort: viper.GetString("natsproxyport"), } return ret } func (a *Agent) RunScript(code string, shell string, args []string, timeout int) (stdout, stderr string, exitcode int, e error) { code = removeWinNewLines(code) content := []byte(code) f, err := createTmpFile() if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("RunScript createTmpFile()", err) return "", err.Error(), 85, err } defer os.Remove(f.Name()) if _, err := f.Write(content); err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln(err) return "", err.Error(), 85, err } if err := f.Close(); err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln(err) return "", err.Error(), 85, err } if err := os.Chmod(f.Name(), 0770); err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln(err) return "", err.Error(), 85, err } opts := a.NewCMDOpts() opts.IsScript = true opts.Shell = f.Name() opts.Args = args opts.Timeout = time.Duration(timeout) out := a.CmdV2(opts) retError := "" if out.Status.Error != nil { retError += CleanString(out.Status.Error.Error()) retError += "\n" } if len(out.Stderr) > 0 { retError += out.Stderr } return out.Stdout, retError, out.Status.Exit, nil } func SetDetached() *syscall.SysProcAttr { return &syscall.SysProcAttr{Setpgid: true} } func (a *Agent) AgentUpdate(url, inno, version string) { self, err := os.Executable() if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("AgentUpdate() os.Executable():", err) return } f, err := createTmpFile() if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("AgentUpdate createTmpFile()", err) return } defer os.Remove(f.Name()) a.Logger.Infof("Agent updating from %s to %s", a.Version, version) a.Logger.Infoln("Downloading agent update from", url) rClient := resty.New() rClient.SetCloseConnection(true) rClient.SetTimeout(15 * time.Minute) rClient.SetDebug(a.Debug) if len(a.Proxy) > 0 { rClient.SetProxy(a.Proxy) } r, err := rClient.R().SetOutput(f.Name()).Get(url) if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("AgentUpdate() download:", err) f.Close() return } if r.IsError() { a.Logger.Errorln("AgentUpdate() status code:", r.StatusCode()) f.Close() return } f.Close() os.Chmod(f.Name(), 0755) err = os.Rename(f.Name(), self) if err != nil { a.Logger.Debugln("Detected /tmp on different filesystem") // rename does not work when src and dest are on different filesystems // so we need to manually copy it to the same fs then rename it cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("AgentUpdate() os.Getwd():", err) return } // create a tmpfile in same fs as agent tmpfile := filepath.Join(cwd, GenerateAgentID()) defer os.Remove(tmpfile) a.Logger.Debugln("Copying tmpfile from", f.Name(), "to", tmpfile) cperr := copyFile(f.Name(), tmpfile) if cperr != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("AgentUpdate() copyFile:", cperr) return } os.Chmod(tmpfile, 0755) rerr := os.Rename(tmpfile, self) if rerr != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("AgentUpdate() os.Rename():", rerr) return } } opts := a.NewCMDOpts() opts.Detached = true opts.Command = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" a.CmdV2(opts) } func (a *Agent) AgentUninstall(code string) { f, err := createTmpFile() if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("AgentUninstall createTmpFile():", err) return } f.Write([]byte(code)) f.Close() os.Chmod(f.Name(), 0770) opts := a.NewCMDOpts() opts.IsScript = true opts.Shell = f.Name() opts.Args = []string{"uninstall"} opts.Detached = true a.CmdV2(opts) } func (a *Agent) NixMeshNodeID() string { var meshNodeID string meshSuccess := false a.Logger.Debugln("Getting mesh node id") if !trmm.FileExists(a.MeshSystemEXE) { a.Logger.Debugln(a.MeshSystemEXE, "does not exist. Skipping.") return "" } opts := a.NewCMDOpts() opts.IsExecutable = true opts.Shell = a.MeshSystemEXE opts.Command = "-nodeid" for !meshSuccess { out := a.CmdV2(opts) meshNodeID = out.Stdout a.Logger.Debugln("Stdout:", out.Stdout) a.Logger.Debugln("Stderr:", out.Stderr) if meshNodeID == "" { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) continue } else if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(meshNodeID), "graphical version") || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(meshNodeID), "zenity") { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) continue } meshSuccess = true } return meshNodeID } func (a *Agent) getMeshNodeID() (string, error) { return a.NixMeshNodeID(), nil } func (a *Agent) RecoverMesh() { a.Logger.Infoln("Attempting mesh recovery") opts := a.NewCMDOpts() opts.Command = "systemctl restart meshagent.service" a.CmdV2(opts) a.SyncMeshNodeID() } func (a *Agent) GetWMIInfo() map[string]interface{} { wmiInfo := make(map[string]interface{}) ips := make([]string, 0) disks := make([]string, 0) cpus := make([]string, 0) gpus := make([]string, 0) // local ips host, err := ps.Host() if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("GetWMIInfo() ps.Host()", err) } else { for _, ip := range host.Info().IPs { if strings.Contains(ip, "127.0.") || strings.Contains(ip, "::1/128") { continue } ips = append(ips, ip) } } wmiInfo["local_ips"] = ips // disks block, err := ghw.Block(ghw.WithDisableWarnings()) if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("ghw.Block()", err) } else { for _, disk := range block.Disks { if disk.IsRemovable || strings.Contains(disk.Name, "ram") { continue } ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s %s", disk.Vendor, disk.Model, disk.StorageController, disk.DriveType, disk.Name, ByteCountSI(disk.SizeBytes)) ret = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ReplaceAll(ret, "unknown", "")) disks = append(disks, ret) } } wmiInfo["disks"] = disks // cpus cpuInfo, err := cpu.Info() if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("cpu.Info()", err) } else { if len(cpuInfo) > 0 { if cpuInfo[0].ModelName != "" { cpus = append(cpus, cpuInfo[0].ModelName) } } } wmiInfo["cpus"] = cpus // make/model wmiInfo["make_model"] = "" chassis, err := ghw.Chassis(ghw.WithDisableWarnings()) if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("ghw.Chassis()", err) } else { if chassis.Vendor != "" || chassis.Version != "" { wmiInfo["make_model"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", chassis.Vendor, chassis.Version) } } // gfx cards gpu, err := ghw.GPU(ghw.WithDisableWarnings()) if err != nil { a.Logger.Errorln("ghw.GPU()", err) } else { for _, i := range gpu.GraphicsCards { if i.DeviceInfo != nil { ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", i.DeviceInfo.Vendor.Name, i.DeviceInfo.Product.Name) gpus = append(gpus, ret) } } } wmiInfo["gpus"] = gpus // temp hack for ARM cpu/make/model if rasp pi var makeModel string if strings.Contains(runtime.GOARCH, "arm") { file, _ := os.Open("/proc/cpuinfo") scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) for scanner.Scan() { if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(scanner.Text()), "raspberry") { model := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), ":") if len(model) == 2 { makeModel = strings.TrimSpace(model[1]) break } } } } if len(cpus) == 0 { wmiInfo["cpus"] = []string{makeModel} } if makeModel != "" && (wmiInfo["make_model"] == "" || wmiInfo["make_model"] == "unknown unknown") { wmiInfo["make_model"] = makeModel } if len(gpus) == 1 && gpus[0] == "unknown unknown" { wmiInfo["gpus"] = "" } return wmiInfo } // windows only below TODO add into stub file func (a *Agent) PlatVer() (string, error) { return "", nil } func (a *Agent) SendSoftware() {} func (a *Agent) UninstallCleanup() {} func (a *Agent) RunMigrations() {} func GetServiceStatus(name string) (string, error) { return "", nil } func (a *Agent) GetPython(force bool) {} type SchedTask struct{ Name string } func (a *Agent) PatchMgmnt(enable bool) error { return nil } func (a *Agent) CreateSchedTask(st SchedTask) (bool, error) { return false, nil } func DeleteSchedTask(name string) error { return nil } func ListSchedTasks() []string { return []string{} } func (a *Agent) GetEventLog(logName string, searchLastDays int) []rmm.EventLogMsg { return []rmm.EventLogMsg{} } func (a *Agent) GetServiceDetail(name string) trmm.WindowsService { return trmm.WindowsService{} } func (a *Agent) ControlService(name, action string) rmm.WinSvcResp { return rmm.WinSvcResp{Success: false, ErrorMsg: "/na"} } func (a *Agent) EditService(name, startupType string) rmm.WinSvcResp { return rmm.WinSvcResp{Success: false, ErrorMsg: "/na"} } func (a *Agent) GetInstalledSoftware() []trmm.WinSoftwareList { return []trmm.WinSoftwareList{} } func (a *Agent) ChecksRunning() bool { return false } func (a *Agent) RunTask(id int) error { return nil } func (a *Agent) InstallChoco() {} func (a *Agent) InstallWithChoco(name string) (string, error) { return "", nil } func (a *Agent) GetWinUpdates() {} func (a *Agent) InstallUpdates(guids []string) {} func (a *Agent) installMesh(meshbin, exe, proxy string) (string, error) { return "not implemented", nil } func CMDShell(shell string, cmdArgs []string, command string, timeout int, detached bool) (output [2]string, e error) { return [2]string{"", ""}, nil } func CMD(exe string, args []string, timeout int, detached bool) (output [2]string, e error) { return [2]string{"", ""}, nil } func (a *Agent) GetServices() []trmm.WindowsService { return []trmm.WindowsService{} } func (a *Agent) Start(_ service.Service) error { return nil } func (a *Agent) Stop(_ service.Service) error { return nil } func (a *Agent) InstallService() error { return nil }