
909 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
Copyright 2022 AmidaWare LLC.
Licensed under the Tactical RMM License Version 1.0 (the License).
You may only use the Licensed Software in accordance with the License.
A copy of the License is available at:
package agent
import (
rmm "github.com/amidaware/rmmagent/shared"
ps "github.com/elastic/go-sysinfo"
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
wapf "github.com/wh1te909/go-win64api"
trmm "github.com/wh1te909/trmm-shared"
var (
getDriveType = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("kernel32.dll").NewProc("GetDriveTypeW")
func NewAgentConfig() *rmm.AgentConfig {
k, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SOFTWARE\TacticalRMM`, registry.ALL_ACCESS)
if err != nil {
return &rmm.AgentConfig{}
baseurl, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("BaseURL")
agentid, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("AgentID")
apiurl, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("ApiURL")
token, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("Token")
agentpk, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("AgentPK")
pk, _ := strconv.Atoi(agentpk)
cert, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("Cert")
proxy, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("Proxy")
customMeshDir, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("MeshDir")
natsProxyPath, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("NatsProxyPath")
natsProxyPort, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("NatsProxyPort")
natsStandardPort, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("NatsStandardPort")
2022-11-29 19:38:17 +00:00
natsPingInterval, _, _ := k.GetStringValue("NatsPingInterval")
npi, _ := strconv.Atoi(natsPingInterval)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
return &rmm.AgentConfig{
BaseURL: baseurl,
AgentID: agentid,
APIURL: apiurl,
Token: token,
AgentPK: agentpk,
PK: pk,
Cert: cert,
Proxy: proxy,
CustomMeshDir: customMeshDir,
NatsProxyPath: natsProxyPath,
NatsProxyPort: natsProxyPort,
NatsStandardPort: natsStandardPort,
2022-11-29 19:38:17 +00:00
NatsPingInterval: npi,
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
2022-11-29 07:18:22 +00:00
func (a *Agent) RunScript(code string, shell string, args []string, timeout int, runasuser bool, envVars []string) (stdout, stderr string, exitcode int, e error) {
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
content := []byte(code)
err := createWinTempDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err.Error(), 85, err
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
const defaultExitCode = 1
var (
outb bytes.Buffer
errb bytes.Buffer
exe string
ext string
cmdArgs []string
switch shell {
case "powershell":
ext = "*.ps1"
case "python":
ext = "*.py"
case "cmd":
ext = "*.bat"
tmpfn, err := ioutil.TempFile(winTempDir, ext)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
if err != nil {
return "", err.Error(), 85, err
defer os.Remove(tmpfn.Name())
if _, err := tmpfn.Write(content); err != nil {
return "", err.Error(), 85, err
if err := tmpfn.Close(); err != nil {
return "", err.Error(), 85, err
switch shell {
case "powershell":
exe = getPowershellExe()
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
cmdArgs = []string{"-NonInteractive", "-NoProfile", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", tmpfn.Name()}
case "python":
exe = a.PyBin
cmdArgs = []string{tmpfn.Name()}
case "cmd":
exe = tmpfn.Name()
if len(args) > 0 {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, args...)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(timeout)*time.Second)
defer cancel()
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
var timedOut = false
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
cmd := exec.Command(exe, cmdArgs...)
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
if runasuser {
2022-08-01 22:42:01 +00:00
token, err := wintoken.GetInteractiveToken(wintoken.TokenImpersonation)
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
if err != nil {
return "", err.Error(), 66, err
defer token.Close()
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{Token: syscall.Token(token.Token()), HideWindow: true}
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
cmd.Stdout = &outb
cmd.Stderr = &errb
2022-11-29 07:18:22 +00:00
if len(envVars) > 0 {
2022-11-25 08:23:31 +00:00
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
2022-11-29 07:18:22 +00:00
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, envVars...)
2022-11-25 08:23:31 +00:00
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
if cmdErr := cmd.Start(); cmdErr != nil {
return "", cmdErr.Error(), 65, cmdErr
pid := int32(cmd.Process.Pid)
// custom context handling, we need to kill child procs if this is a batch script,
// otherwise it will hang forever
// the normal exec.CommandContext() doesn't work since it only kills the parent process
go func(p int32) {
_ = KillProc(p)
timedOut = true
cmdErr := cmd.Wait()
if timedOut {
stdout = CleanString(outb.String())
stderr = fmt.Sprintf("%s\nScript timed out after %d seconds", CleanString(errb.String()), timeout)
exitcode = 98
a.Logger.Debugln("Script check timeout:", ctx.Err())
} else {
stdout = CleanString(outb.String())
stderr = CleanString(errb.String())
// get the exit code
if cmdErr != nil {
if exitError, ok := cmdErr.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if ws, ok := exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitcode = ws.ExitStatus()
} else {
exitcode = defaultExitCode
} else {
exitcode = defaultExitCode
} else {
if ws, ok := cmd.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitcode = ws.ExitStatus()
} else {
exitcode = 0
return stdout, stderr, exitcode, nil
func SetDetached() *syscall.SysProcAttr {
return &syscall.SysProcAttr{
func CMD(exe string, args []string, timeout int, detached bool) (output [2]string, e error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(timeout)*time.Second)
defer cancel()
var outb, errb bytes.Buffer
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, exe, args...)
if detached {
cmd.SysProcAttr = &windows.SysProcAttr{
cmd.Stdout = &outb
cmd.Stderr = &errb
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
return [2]string{"", ""}, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", err, CleanString(errb.String()))
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
return [2]string{"", ""}, ctx.Err()
return [2]string{CleanString(outb.String()), CleanString(errb.String())}, nil
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
func CMDShell(shell string, cmdArgs []string, command string, timeout int, detached bool, runasuser bool) (output [2]string, e error) {
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
var (
outb bytes.Buffer
errb bytes.Buffer
cmd *exec.Cmd
timedOut = false
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(timeout)*time.Second)
defer cancel()
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
sysProcAttr := &windows.SysProcAttr{}
cmdExe := getCMDExe()
powershell := getPowershellExe()
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
if len(cmdArgs) > 0 && command == "" {
switch shell {
case "cmd":
cmdArgs = append([]string{"/C"}, cmdArgs...)
cmd = exec.Command(cmdExe, cmdArgs...)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
case "powershell":
cmdArgs = append([]string{"-NonInteractive", "-NoProfile"}, cmdArgs...)
cmd = exec.Command(powershell, cmdArgs...)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
} else {
switch shell {
case "cmd":
cmd = exec.Command(cmdExe)
sysProcAttr.CmdLine = fmt.Sprintf("%s /C %s", cmdExe, command)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
case "powershell":
cmd = exec.Command(powershell, "-NonInteractive", "-NoProfile", command)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/process-creation-flags
if detached {
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
sysProcAttr.CreationFlags = windows.DETACHED_PROCESS | windows.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
if runasuser {
2022-08-01 22:42:01 +00:00
token, err := wintoken.GetInteractiveToken(wintoken.TokenImpersonation)
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
if err != nil {
return [2]string{"", CleanString(err.Error())}, err
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
defer token.Close()
sysProcAttr.Token = syscall.Token(token.Token())
sysProcAttr.HideWindow = true
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
cmd.SysProcAttr = sysProcAttr
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
cmd.Stdout = &outb
cmd.Stderr = &errb
pid := int32(cmd.Process.Pid)
go func(p int32) {
_ = KillProc(p)
timedOut = true
err := cmd.Wait()
if timedOut {
return [2]string{CleanString(outb.String()), CleanString(errb.String())}, ctx.Err()
if err != nil {
return [2]string{CleanString(outb.String()), CleanString(errb.String())}, err
return [2]string{CleanString(outb.String()), CleanString(errb.String())}, nil
// GetDisks returns a list of fixed disks
func (a *Agent) GetDisks() []trmm.Disk {
ret := make([]trmm.Disk, 0)
partitions, err := disk.Partitions(false)
if err != nil {
return ret
for _, p := range partitions {
typepath, _ := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(p.Device)
typeval, _, _ := getDriveType.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typepath)))
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-getdrivetypea
if typeval != 3 {
usage, err := disk.Usage(p.Mountpoint)
if err != nil {
d := trmm.Disk{
Device: p.Device,
Fstype: p.Fstype,
Total: ByteCountSI(usage.Total),
Used: ByteCountSI(usage.Used),
Free: ByteCountSI(usage.Free),
Percent: int(usage.UsedPercent),
ret = append(ret, d)
return ret
// LoggedOnUser returns the first logged on user it finds
func (a *Agent) LoggedOnUser() string {
pyCode := `
import psutil
u = psutil.users()[0].name
if u.isascii():
print(u, end='')
print('notascii', end='')
except Exception as e:
print("None", end='')
// try with psutil first, if fails, fallback to golang
user, err := a.RunPythonCode(pyCode, 5, []string{})
if err == nil && user != "notascii" {
return user
users, err := wapf.ListLoggedInUsers()
if err != nil {
a.Logger.Debugln("LoggedOnUser error", err)
return "None"
if len(users) == 0 {
return "None"
for _, u := range users {
// remove the computername or domain
return strings.Split(u.FullUser(), `\`)[1]
return "None"
// ShowStatus prints windows service status
// If called from an interactive desktop, pops up a message box
// Otherwise prints to the console
func ShowStatus(version string) {
statusMap := make(map[string]string)
svcs := []string{winSvcName, meshSvcName}
for _, service := range svcs {
status, err := GetServiceStatus(service)
if err != nil {
statusMap[service] = "Not Installed"
statusMap[service] = status
window := w32.GetForegroundWindow()
if window != 0 {
_, consoleProcID := w32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(window)
if w32.GetCurrentProcessId() == consoleProcID {
w32.ShowWindow(window, w32.SW_HIDE)
var handle w32.HWND
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Agent: %s\n\nMesh Agent: %s", statusMap[winSvcName], statusMap[meshSvcName])
w32.MessageBox(handle, msg, fmt.Sprintf("Tactical RMM v%s", version), w32.MB_OK|w32.MB_ICONINFORMATION)
} else {
fmt.Println("Tactical RMM Version", version)
fmt.Println("Tactical Agent:", statusMap[winSvcName])
fmt.Println("Mesh Agent:", statusMap[meshSvcName])
// PatchMgmnt enables/disables automatic update
// 0 - Enable Automatic Updates (Default)
// 1 - Disable Automatic Updates
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2008-R2-and-2008/dd939844(v=ws.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
func (a *Agent) PatchMgmnt(enable bool) error {
var val uint32
k, _, err := registry.CreateKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU`, registry.ALL_ACCESS)
if err != nil {
return err
if enable {
val = 1
} else {
val = 0
err = k.SetDWordValue("AUOptions", val)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *Agent) PlatVer() (string, error) {
k, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion`, registry.ALL_ACCESS)
if err != nil {
return "n/a", err
defer k.Close()
dv, _, err := k.GetStringValue("DisplayVersion")
if err == nil {
return dv, nil
relid, _, err := k.GetStringValue("ReleaseId")
if err != nil {
return "n/a", err
return relid, nil
// EnablePing enables ping
func EnablePing() {
args := make([]string, 0)
cmd := `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow`
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
_, err := CMDShell("cmd", args, cmd, 10, false, false)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
if err != nil {
// EnableRDP enables Remote Desktop
func EnableRDP() {
k, _, err := registry.CreateKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server`, registry.ALL_ACCESS)
if err != nil {
defer k.Close()
err = k.SetDWordValue("fDenyTSConnections", 0)
if err != nil {
args := make([]string, 0)
cmd := `netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=Yes`
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
_, cerr := CMDShell("cmd", args, cmd, 10, false, false)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
if cerr != nil {
// DisableSleepHibernate disables sleep and hibernate
func DisableSleepHibernate() {
k, _, err := registry.CreateKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power`, registry.ALL_ACCESS)
if err != nil {
defer k.Close()
err = k.SetDWordValue("HiberbootEnabled", 0)
if err != nil {
args := make([]string, 0)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
currents := []string{"ac", "dc"}
for _, i := range currents {
go func(c string) {
defer wg.Done()
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
_, _ = CMDShell("cmd", args, fmt.Sprintf("powercfg /set%svalueindex scheme_current sub_buttons lidaction 0", c), 5, false, false)
_, _ = CMDShell("cmd", args, fmt.Sprintf("powercfg /x -standby-timeout-%s 0", c), 5, false, false)
_, _ = CMDShell("cmd", args, fmt.Sprintf("powercfg /x -hibernate-timeout-%s 0", c), 5, false, false)
_, _ = CMDShell("cmd", args, fmt.Sprintf("powercfg /x -disk-timeout-%s 0", c), 5, false, false)
_, _ = CMDShell("cmd", args, fmt.Sprintf("powercfg /x -monitor-timeout-%s 0", c), 5, false, false)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
2022-07-31 22:14:05 +00:00
_, _ = CMDShell("cmd", args, "powercfg -S SCHEME_CURRENT", 5, false, false)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
// NewCOMObject creates a new COM object for the specifed ProgramID.
func NewCOMObject(id string) (*ole.IDispatch, error) {
unknown, err := oleutil.CreateObject(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create initial unknown object: %v", err)
defer unknown.Release()
obj, err := unknown.QueryInterface(ole.IID_IDispatch)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create query interface: %v", err)
return obj, nil
// SystemRebootRequired checks whether a system reboot is required.
func (a *Agent) SystemRebootRequired() (bool, error) {
regKeys := []string{
`SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired`,
for _, key := range regKeys {
k, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, key, registry.QUERY_VALUE)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
} else if err != registry.ErrNotExist {
return false, err
return false, nil
func (a *Agent) SendSoftware() {
sw := a.GetInstalledSoftware()
payload := map[string]interface{}{"agent_id": a.AgentID, "software": sw}
_, err := a.rClient.R().SetBody(payload).Post("/api/v3/software/")
if err != nil {
func (a *Agent) UninstallCleanup() {
registry.DeleteKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SOFTWARE\TacticalRMM`)
2022-08-09 19:41:07 +00:00
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
func (a *Agent) AgentUpdate(url, inno, version string) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(randRange(1, 15)) * time.Second)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
updater := filepath.Join(winTempDir, inno)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
a.Logger.Infof("Agent updating from %s to %s", a.Version, version)
2022-07-26 04:31:52 +00:00
a.Logger.Debugln("Downloading agent update from", url)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
rClient := resty.New()
rClient.SetTimeout(15 * time.Minute)
if len(a.Proxy) > 0 {
r, err := rClient.R().SetOutput(updater).Get(url)
if err != nil {
CMD("net", []string{"start", winSvcName}, 10, false)
if r.IsError() {
a.Logger.Errorln("Download failed with status code", r.StatusCode())
CMD("net", []string{"start", winSvcName}, 10, false)
innoLogFile := filepath.Join(winTempDir, fmt.Sprintf("tacticalagent_update_v%s.txt", version))
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
args := []string{"/C", updater, "/VERYSILENT", fmt.Sprintf("/LOG=%s", innoLogFile)}
cmd := exec.Command("cmd.exe", args...)
cmd.SysProcAttr = &windows.SysProcAttr{
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
func (a *Agent) osString() string {
host, _ := ps.Host()
info := host.Info()
osInf := info.OS
var arch string
switch info.Architecture {
case "x86_64":
arch = "64 bit"
case "x86":
arch = "32 bit"
var osFullName string
platver, err := a.PlatVer()
if err != nil {
osFullName = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s (build %s)", osInf.Name, arch, osInf.Build)
} else {
osFullName = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s v%s (build %s)", osInf.Name, arch, platver, osInf.Build)
return osFullName
func (a *Agent) AgentUninstall(code string) {
tacUninst := filepath.Join(a.ProgramDir, a.GetUninstallExe())
args := []string{"/C", tacUninst, "/VERYSILENT"}
cmd := exec.Command("cmd.exe", args...)
cmd.SysProcAttr = &windows.SysProcAttr{
// RunMigrations cleans up unused stuff from older agents
func (a *Agent) RunMigrations() {
for _, i := range []string{"nssm.exe", "nssm-x86.exe"} {
nssm := filepath.Join(a.ProgramDir, i)
if trmm.FileExists(nssm) {
func (a *Agent) installMesh(meshbin, exe, proxy string) (string, error) {
var meshNodeID string
meshInstallArgs := []string{"-fullinstall"}
if len(proxy) > 0 {
meshProxy := fmt.Sprintf("--WebProxy=%s", proxy)
meshInstallArgs = append(meshInstallArgs, meshProxy)
a.Logger.Debugln("Mesh install args:", meshInstallArgs)
meshOut, meshErr := CMD(meshbin, meshInstallArgs, int(90), false)
if meshErr != nil {
a.Logger.Debugln("Sleeping for 5")
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
meshSuccess := false
for !meshSuccess {
a.Logger.Debugln("Getting mesh node id")
pMesh, pErr := CMD(exe, []string{"-nodeid"}, int(30), false)
if pErr != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if pMesh[1] != "" {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
meshNodeID = StripAll(pMesh[0])
a.Logger.Debugln("Node id:", meshNodeID)
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(meshNodeID), "not defined") {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
meshSuccess = true
return meshNodeID, nil
// ChecksRunning prevents duplicate checks from running
// Have to do it this way, can't use atomic because they can run from both rpc and tacticalagent services
func (a *Agent) ChecksRunning() bool {
running := false
procs, err := ps.Processes()
if err != nil {
return running
for _, process := range procs {
p, err := process.Info()
if err != nil {
if p.PID == 0 {
if p.Exe != a.EXE {
for _, arg := range p.Args {
if arg == "runchecks" || arg == "checkrunner" {
running = true
break Out
return running
func (a *Agent) GetPython(force bool) {
if trmm.FileExists(a.PyBin) && !force {
var archZip string
var folder string
switch runtime.GOARCH {
case "amd64":
archZip = "py38-x64.zip"
folder = "py38-x64"
case "386":
archZip = "py38-x32.zip"
folder = "py38-x32"
pyFolder := filepath.Join(a.ProgramDir, folder)
pyZip := filepath.Join(a.ProgramDir, archZip)
defer os.Remove(pyZip)
if force {
rClient := resty.New()
rClient.SetTimeout(20 * time.Minute)
rClient.SetRetryWaitTime(1 * time.Minute)
rClient.SetRetryMaxWaitTime(15 * time.Minute)
if len(a.Proxy) > 0 {
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://github.com/amidaware/rmmagent/releases/download/v2.0.0/%s", archZip)
r, err := rClient.R().SetOutput(pyZip).Get(url)
if err != nil {
a.Logger.Errorln("Unable to download py3.zip from github.", err)
if r.IsError() {
a.Logger.Errorln("Unable to download py3.zip from github. Status code", r.StatusCode())
err = Unzip(pyZip, a.ProgramDir)
if err != nil {
func (a *Agent) RecoverMesh() {
a.Logger.Infoln("Attempting mesh recovery")
defer CMD("net", []string{"start", a.MeshSVC}, 60, false)
_, _ = CMD("net", []string{"stop", a.MeshSVC}, 60, false)
func (a *Agent) getMeshNodeID() (string, error) {
2022-06-17 05:14:44 +00:00
out, err := CMD(a.MeshSystemEXE, []string{"-nodeid"}, 10, false)
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
if err != nil {
return "", err
stdout := out[0]
stderr := out[1]
if stderr != "" {
return "", err
if stdout == "" || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(StripAll(stdout)), "not defined") {
a.Logger.Debugln("Failed getting mesh node id", stdout)
return "", errors.New("failed to get mesh node id")
return stdout, nil
func (a *Agent) Start(_ service.Service) error {
go a.RunRPC()
return nil
func (a *Agent) Stop(_ service.Service) error {
return nil
func (a *Agent) InstallService() error {
if serviceExists(winSvcName) {
return nil
// skip on first call of inno setup if this is a new install
_, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SOFTWARE\TacticalRMM`, registry.ALL_ACCESS)
if err != nil {
return nil
s, err := service.New(a, a.ServiceConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
return service.Control(s, "install")
2022-12-03 07:22:14 +00:00
func (a *Agent) GetAgentCheckInConfig(ret AgentCheckInConfig) AgentCheckInConfig {
// if local config present, overwrite
k, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, `SOFTWARE\TacticalRMM`, registry.ALL_ACCESS)
if err == nil {
if checkInHello, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInHello"); err == nil {
ret.Hello = regRangeToInt(checkInHello)
if checkInAgentInfo, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInAgentInfo"); err == nil {
ret.AgentInfo = regRangeToInt(checkInAgentInfo)
if checkInWinSvc, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInWinSvc"); err == nil {
ret.WinSvc = regRangeToInt(checkInWinSvc)
if checkInPubIP, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInPubIP"); err == nil {
ret.PubIP = regRangeToInt(checkInPubIP)
if checkInDisks, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInDisks"); err == nil {
ret.Disks = regRangeToInt(checkInDisks)
if checkInSW, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInSW"); err == nil {
ret.SW = regRangeToInt(checkInSW)
if checkInWMI, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInWMI"); err == nil {
ret.WMI = regRangeToInt(checkInWMI)
if checkInSyncMesh, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInSyncMesh"); err == nil {
ret.SyncMesh = regRangeToInt(checkInSyncMesh)
if checkInLimitData, _, err := k.GetStringValue("CheckInLimitData"); err == nil {
if checkInLimitData == "true" {
ret.LimitData = true
return ret
2022-03-19 18:55:43 +00:00
// TODO add to stub
func (a *Agent) NixMeshNodeID() string {
return "not implemented"