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Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class RemoteAppCreateClientConnection
Private RemoteApp As New RemoteAppLib.RemoteApp
Public Sub CreateClientConnection(SelectedRemoteApp As RemoteAppLib.RemoteApp)
RemoteApp = SelectedRemoteApp
Dim rdpSign As New RDPSign.RDPSign
Dim RemoteAppShortName = RemoteApp.Name
Me.Text = "Create Client Connection for " & RemoteAppShortName
If Me.ServerAddress.Text = "" Then Me.ServerAddress.Text = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName
If Me.AltServerAddress.Text = "" Then Me.AltServerAddress.Text = Me.ServerAddress.Text
If Me.ServerPort.Text = "0" Then Me.ServerPort.Text = "3389"
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(RemoteApp.IconPath) Then
CreateRAWebIcon.Checked = False
CreateRAWebIcon.Enabled = False
CreateRAWebIcon.Enabled = RDPRadioButton.Checked
End If
Dim wx As New RDP2MSIlib.RDP
If Not wx.WixInstalled Then
RDPRadioButton.Checked = True
MSIRadioButton.Enabled = False
MSIRadioButton.Text = "MSI installer (requires WiX Toolset)"
End If
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(rdpSign.GetRdpsignExeLocation) Then
GroupBoxSignRDP.Enabled = False
GroupBoxSignRDP.Text += " (requires rdpsign.exe)"
GroupBoxSignRDP.Tag = "noexe"
CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked = False
CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Checked = False
CertificateComboBox.Text = ""
End If
If Not RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations Is Nothing Then _
FTACountLabel.Text = "Count: " & RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations.Count
End Sub
Sub ResetCCWindowSettings()
My.Settings.SavedConnectionModeMSI = False
My.Settings.SavedOpenWithNotepad = False
My.Settings.SavedServerAddress = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName
My.Settings.SavedServerPort = 3389
My.Settings.SavedAltServerAddress = My.Settings.SavedServerAddress
My.Settings.SavedUseRDGateway = False
My.Settings.SavedRDGatewayAddress = ""
My.Settings.SavedAttemptDirectRDGateway = False
My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutDesktop = True
My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutStart = True
My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutStartTopLevel = False
My.Settings.SavedUseShortcutTag = True
My.Settings.SavedShortcutTag = "remote"
My.Settings.SavedClientConnectionOptions = False
My.Settings.SavedCreateRAWebIcon = False
My.Settings.SavedMSIPerUser = False
My.Settings.SavedDisableFTA = False
My.Settings.SavedSignRDP = False
My.Settings.SavedSignedAndUnsigned = False
My.Settings.SavedCertSelected = 0
End Sub
Sub SaveCCWindowSettings()
My.Settings.SavedConnectionModeMSI = MSIRadioButton.Checked
My.Settings.SavedOpenWithNotepad = EditAfterSave.Checked
My.Settings.SavedServerAddress = ServerAddress.Text
My.Settings.SavedServerPort = Val(ServerPort.Text)
My.Settings.SavedAltServerAddress = AltServerAddress.Text
My.Settings.SavedUseRDGateway = UseRDGatewayCheckBox.Checked
My.Settings.SavedRDGatewayAddress = GatewayAddress.Text
My.Settings.SavedAttemptDirectRDGateway = AttemptDirectCheckBox.Checked
My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutDesktop = ShortcutDesktopCheckBox.Checked
My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutStart = ShortcutStartCheckBox.Checked
My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutStartTopLevel = TopLevelRadioButton.Checked
My.Settings.SavedUseShortcutTag = ShortcutTagCheckBox.Checked
My.Settings.SavedShortcutTag = ShortcutTagTextBox.Text
My.Settings.SavedCreateRAWebIcon = CreateRAWebIcon.Checked
My.Settings.SavedMSIPerUser = PerUserRadioButton.Checked
My.Settings.SavedDisableFTA = DisabledFTACheckBox.Checked
My.Settings.SavedSignRDP = CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked
My.Settings.SavedSignedAndUnsigned = CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Checked
My.Settings.SavedCertSelected = CertificateComboBox.SelectedIndex
End Sub
Sub SetCCWindowSettings()
If My.Settings.SavedConnectionModeMSI = True Then
RDPRadioButton.Checked = False
MSIRadioButton.Checked = True
RDPRadioButton.Checked = True
MSIRadioButton.Checked = False
End If
EditAfterSave.Checked = My.Settings.SavedOpenWithNotepad
ServerAddress.Text = My.Settings.SavedServerAddress
ServerPort.Text = My.Settings.SavedServerPort
AltServerAddress.Text = My.Settings.SavedAltServerAddress
UseRDGatewayCheckBox.Checked = My.Settings.SavedUseRDGateway
GatewayAddress.Text = My.Settings.SavedRDGatewayAddress
AttemptDirectCheckBox.Checked = My.Settings.SavedAttemptDirectRDGateway
ShortcutDesktopCheckBox.Checked = My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutDesktop
ShortcutStartCheckBox.Checked = My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutStart
If My.Settings.SavedMSIShortcutStartTopLevel = True Then
SubfolderRadioButton.Checked = False
TopLevelRadioButton.Checked = True
SubfolderRadioButton.Checked = True
TopLevelRadioButton.Checked = False
End If
ShortcutTagCheckBox.Checked = My.Settings.SavedUseShortcutTag
ShortcutTagTextBox.Text = My.Settings.SavedShortcutTag
MSIGroupBox.Enabled = MSIRadioButton.Checked
CreateRAWebIcon.Checked = My.Settings.SavedCreateRAWebIcon
DisabledFTACheckBox.Checked = My.Settings.SavedDisableFTA
If My.Settings.SavedMSIPerUser = False Then
PerMachineRadioButton.Checked = True
PerUserRadioButton.Checked = False
PerMachineRadioButton.Checked = False
PerUserRadioButton.Checked = True
End If
CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked = My.Settings.SavedSignRDP
CertificateComboBox.Enabled = My.Settings.SavedSignRDP
CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Checked = My.Settings.SavedSignedAndUnsigned
If CertificateComboBox.Items.Count >= (My.Settings.SavedCertSelected + 1) Then
CertificateComboBox.SelectedIndex() = My.Settings.SavedCertSelected
ElseIf CertificateComboBox.Items.Count > 0 Then
CertificateComboBox.SelectedIndex() = 0
ElseIf Not GroupBoxSignRDP.Tag = "noexe" Then
GroupBoxSignRDP.Text += " (No certificates found)"
GroupBoxSignRDP.Enabled = False
CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked = False
CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Checked = False
CertificateComboBox.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UseRDGatewayCheckBox_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles UseRDGatewayCheckBox.CheckedChanged
If UseRDGatewayCheckBox.Checked Then
Me.GatewayAddress.Enabled = True
Me.RDGWLabel.Enabled = True
Me.AttemptDirectCheckBox.Enabled = True
Me.GatewayAddress.Enabled = False
Me.RDGWLabel.Enabled = False
Me.AttemptDirectCheckBox.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RDPRadioButton_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RDPRadioButton.CheckedChanged
MSIGroupBox.Enabled = MSIRadioButton.Checked
EditAfterSave.Enabled = RDPRadioButton.Checked
CreateRAWebIcon.Enabled = RDPRadioButton.Checked
If RDPRadioButton.Checked Then
CreateButton.ImageIndex = 6
CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Enabled = True
CreateButton.ImageIndex = 1
CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Enabled = False
CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Checked = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CreateButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CreateButton.Click
Dim RDPPath = ""
Dim MSIPath = ""
Dim TempMSIPath = ""
If CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked And CertificateComboBox.SelectedItem = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("You must select a certificate to sign the RDP file.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
If DisabledFTACheckBox.Checked And Not RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations Is Nothing Then RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations.Clear()
If RDPRadioButton.Checked Then
FileSaveRDP.FileName = RemoteApp.Name
If Not FileSaveRDP.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Return
RDPPath = FileSaveRDP.FileName
FileSaveMSI.FileName = RemoteApp.Name
If Not FileSaveMSI.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Return
MSIPath = FileSaveMSI.FileName
RDPPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") & "\" & RemoteApp.Name & ".rdp"
TempMSIPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") & "\" & RemoteApp.Name & ".msi"
End If
Dim gwaddress As String = ""
Dim trydirect As Boolean = False
If UseRDGatewayCheckBox.Checked Then
gwaddress = GatewayAddress.Text
trydirect = AttemptDirectCheckBox.Checked
End If
If RDPRadioButton.Checked Then
CreateRDPFile(RDPPath, RemoteApp)
'!!!!!!! If it's an RDP file
If EditAfterSave.Checked Then
Dim CmdLine = GetSysDir() & "\notepad.exe"
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(CmdLine, FileSaveRDP.FileName)
End If
If CreateRAWebIcon.Checked Then
Dim IconFilePath = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(RDPPath, RDPPath.Length - 4) & ".ico"
If ExtractToIco(RemoteApp.IconPath, RemoteApp.IconIndex, IconFilePath) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Icon could not be created the RemoteApp. RDP file will still be created.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
' Check if there are file type associations before trying to work with the file type association icons
If Not (RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations Is Nothing) Then
For Each FTA As RemoteAppLib.FileTypeAssociation In RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations
Dim ProductFileName = VB.Left(RDPPath, RDPPath.Length - 4)
ExtractFTIcon(ProductFileName, FTA)
End If
End If
'!!!!!!! If it's an MSI
CreateRDPFile(RDPPath, RemoteApp)
RDP.rdpPath = RDPPath
RDP.ShortcutOnDesktop = ShortcutDesktopCheckBox.Checked
RDP.ShortcutInStart = ShortcutStartCheckBox.Checked
RDP.ShortcutSubfolderInStart = SubfolderRadioButton.Checked
RDP.ProductRemoteTag = ShortcutTagTextBox.Text
RDP.PerUser = PerUserRadioButton.Checked
Dim FilesToDelete As New ArrayList
Dim ProductFileName = VB.Left(RDPPath, RDPPath.Length - 4)
Dim IconFilePath = ProductFileName & ".ico"
If ExtractToIco(RemoteApp.IconPath, RemoteApp.IconIndex, IconFilePath) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("There was an error loading icon:" & vbCrLf & RemoteApp.IconPath & "," & RemoteApp.IconIndex & vbCrLf & "The MSI will still be created but the main icon will be missing.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
If Not RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations Is Nothing Then
For Each FTA As RemoteAppLib.FileTypeAssociation In RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations
ExtractFTIcon(ProductFileName, FTA)
FilesToDelete.Add(ProductFileName & "." & FTA.Extension & ".ico")
RDP.FlatFileTypes = RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations.GetFlatFileTypes
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ExtractFTIcon(ProductFileName As String, FTA As RemoteAppLib.FileTypeAssociation)
'Extract icon for filetype
If ExtractToIco(FTA.IconPath, FTA.IconIndex, ProductFileName & "." & FTA.Extension & ".ico") = False Then
'If filetype icon fails to extract, then grab the default document icon from Shell32.dll
ExtractToIco(GetSysDir() & "\shell32.dll", 0, ProductFileName & "." & FTA.Extension & ".ico")
'Possibly show an error here??
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CreateRDPFile(RDPPath As String, RemoteApp As RemoteAppLib.RemoteApp)
Dim App As New RemoteAppLib.RemoteApp
App = RemoteApp
Dim FileTypeAssociations As RemoteAppLib.FileTypeAssociationCollection
FileTypeAssociations = App.FileTypeAssociations
Dim ServerAddress = Me.ServerAddress.Text
Dim AltServerAddress = Me.AltServerAddress.Text
Dim ServerPort = Me.ServerPort.Text
Dim FlatFileTypes = ""
If Not FileTypeAssociations Is Nothing Then FlatFileTypes = FileTypeAssociations.GetFlatFileTypes
Dim RDPfile As New RDPFileLib.RDPFile
RDPfile.full_address = ServerAddress
RDPfile.alternate_full_address = AltServerAddress
RDPfile.server_port = Val(ServerPort)
RDPfile.remoteapplicationname = App.FullName
RDPfile.remoteapplicationprogram = "||" & App.Name
RDPfile.remoteapplicationmode = 1
RDPfile.disableremoteappcapscheck = 1
RDPfile.alternate_shell = "rdpinit.exe"
If UseRDGatewayCheckBox.Checked Then
RDPfile.gatewayhostname = Me.GatewayAddress.Text
If Me.AttemptDirectCheckBox.CheckAlign Then RDPfile.gatewayusagemethod = 2 Else RDPfile.gatewayusagemethod = 1
RDPfile.gatewayprofileusagemethod = 1
End If
RDPfile.prompt_for_credentials_on_client = 1
RDPfile.promptcredentialonce = 0
RDPfile.devicestoredirect = "*"
RDPfile.drivestoredirect = "*"
RDPfile.redirectcomports = 1
RDPfile.redirectdrives = 1
RDPfile.allow_desktop_composition = 1
RDPfile.allow_font_smoothing = 1
RDPfile.span_monitors = 1
RDPfile.use_multimon = 1
RDPfile.remoteapplicationfileextensions = FlatFileTypes
If CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked Then
Dim rdpSign As New RDPSign.RDPSign
Dim Thumbprint As String = rdpSign.GetThumbprint(CertificateComboBox.Text)
rdpSign.SignRDP(Thumbprint, RDPPath, CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Checked)
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetFlatFileTypesList(AppName As String, Optional Delim As String = ",") As String
Dim BaseKeyName As String = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\TSAppAllowList\Applications\" & AppName & "\Filetypes"
Dim FlatFTList = ""
Dim BaseKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(BaseKeyName)
For Each FT As String In BaseKey.GetSubKeyNames
FlatFTList &= "." & FT & Delim
FlatFTList = FlatFTList.TrimEnd(Delim)
Catch Ex As Exception
End Try
Return FlatFTList
End Function
Private Sub FTAButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FTAButton.Click
MessageBox.Show(Me, "Changes made here to File Type Associations are for this client connection only and will not be saved for next time." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
"To make permanent changes to the File Type Associations for this RemoteApp, edit the RemoteApp.", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
RemoteApp = RemoteAppFileTypeAssociation.EditFileTypes(RemoteApp)
If Not RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations Is Nothing Then _
FTACountLabel.Text = "Count: " & RemoteApp.FileTypeAssociations.Count
End Sub
Private Sub ShortcutStartCheckBox_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShortcutStartCheckBox.CheckedChanged
SubfolderRadioButton.Enabled = ShortcutStartCheckBox.Checked
TopLevelRadioButton.Enabled = ShortcutStartCheckBox.Checked
End Sub
Private Sub ShortcutTagCheckBox_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShortcutTagCheckBox.CheckedChanged
ShortcutTagTextBox.Enabled = ShortcutTagCheckBox.Checked
End Sub
Private Sub ServerAddress_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ServerAddress.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub AltServerAddress_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AltServerAddress.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub ServerPort_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ServerPort.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub ResetButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ResetButton.Click
End Sub
Private Sub SaveButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click
End Sub
Private Sub DisabledFTACheckBox_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DisabledFTACheckBox.CheckedChanged
If Me.DisabledFTACheckBox.Checked Then
Me.FTAButton.Enabled = False
Me.FTACountLabel.Enabled = False
Me.FTAButton.Enabled = True
Me.FTACountLabel.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.CheckedChanged
CertificateComboBox.Enabled = CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked
If (EditAfterSave.Checked And CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked) Then
If MessageBox.Show("You have selected ""Sign RDP file"" and ""Manually edit RDP file""." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If you save any changes to a signed RDP file it will stop working." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Are you sure you want the RDP file to be signed?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) = DialogResult.Yes Then
CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked = True
CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EditAfterSave_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles EditAfterSave.CheckedChanged
If (EditAfterSave.Checked And CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked) Then
If MessageBox.Show("You have selected ""Sign RDP file"" and ""Manually edit RDP file""." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If you save any changes to a signed RDP file it will stop working." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Are you sure you want to edit after saving?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) = DialogResult.Yes Then
EditAfterSave.Checked = True
EditAfterSave.Checked = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.CheckedChanged
If CheckBoxCreateSignedAndUnsigned.Checked = True Then
CheckBoxSignRDPEnabled.Checked = True
End If
End Sub
End Class |