/* Copyright 2014 Stas'M Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #define MAX_STRING_LEN 255 // Out values struсts typedef struct _INI_VAR_STRING { char Name[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char Value[MAX_STRING_LEN]; } INI_VAR_STRING, *PINI_VAR_STRING; typedef struct _INI_VAR_DWORD { char Name[MAX_STRING_LEN]; #ifndef _WIN64 DWORD ValueDec; DWORD ValueHex; #else DWORD64 ValueDec; DWORD64 ValueHex; #endif } INI_VAR_DWORD, *PINI_VAR_DWORD; typedef struct _INI_VAR_BYTEARRAY { char Name[MAX_STRING_LEN]; byte ArraySize; char Value[MAX_STRING_LEN]; } INI_VAR_BYTEARRAY, *PINI_VAR_BYTEARRAY; typedef struct _INI_SECTION_VARLIST_ENTRY { char String[MAX_STRING_LEN]; } INI_SECTION_VARLIST_ENTRY, *PINI_SECTION_VARLIST_ENTRY; typedef struct _INI_SECTION_VARLIST { DWORD EntriesCount; [length_is(EntriesCount)] INI_SECTION_VARLIST_ENTRY *NamesEntries; [length_is(EntriesCount)] INI_SECTION_VARLIST_ENTRY *ValuesEntries; } INI_SECTION_VARLIST, *PINI_SECTION_VARLIST; // end typedef struct _INI_SECTION_VARIABLE { char VariableName[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char VariableValue[MAX_STRING_LEN]; } INI_SECTION_VARIABLE, *PINI_SECTION_VARIABLE; typedef struct _INI_SECTION { char SectionName[MAX_STRING_LEN]; DWORD VariablesCount; [length_is(SectionCount)] INI_SECTION_VARIABLE *Variables; } INI_SECTION, *PINI_SECTION; typedef struct _INI_DATA { DWORD SectionCount; [length_is(SectionCount)] INI_SECTION *Section; } INI_DATA, *PINI_DATA; class INI_FILE { public: INI_FILE(wchar_t*); ~INI_FILE(); bool SectionExists(char *SectionName); bool VariableExists(char *SectionName, char *VariableName); bool GetVariableInSection(char *SectionName, char *VariableName, INI_VAR_STRING *Variable); bool GetVariableInSection(char *SectionName, char *VariableName, INI_VAR_DWORD *Variable); bool GetVariableInSection(char *SectionName, char *VariableName, bool *Variable); bool GetVariableInSection(char *SectionName, char *VariableName, INI_VAR_BYTEARRAY *Variable); bool GetSectionVariablesList(char *SectionName, INI_SECTION_VARLIST *VariablesList); private: DWORD FileSize; // Ini file size char *FileRaw; // Ini file raw dump DWORD FileStringsCount; // String-map length DWORD *FileStringsMap; // String-map INI_DATA IniData; // Parsed data // Common service functions int StrTrim(char* Str); // Class service functions bool CreateStringsMap(); // Create file string-map bool Parse(); // Parse file to class structures DWORD GetFileStringFromNum(DWORD StringNumber, char *RetString, DWORD Size); // Get string from string-map bool IsVariable(char *Str, DWORD StrSize); bool FillVariable(INI_SECTION_VARIABLE *Variable, char *Str, DWORD StrSize); // Fill INI_SECTION_VARIABLE struct (for Parse) PINI_SECTION GetSection(char *SectionName); bool GetVariableInSectionPrivate(char *SectionName, char *VariableName, INI_SECTION_VARIABLE *RetVariable); };