mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:11:32 +00:00

Some checks are pending
CI / Perform linting checks (3.13) (push) Waiting to run
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CodeQL checks / Analyze (python) (push) Waiting to run
- Make model exclude region for `iot` devices. This is consistent with `smart` and `smartcam` devices. - Make region it's own attribute on `Device`. - Ensure that devices consistently use `_get_device_info` static methods for all information relating to device models. - Fix issue with firmware and hardware being the wrong way round for `smartcam` devices.
734 lines
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734 lines
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# type: ignore
# ruff: noqa: S106
import asyncio
import base64
import json
import logging
import re
import socket
from asyncio import timeout as asyncio_timeout
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import aiohttp
import pytest # type: ignore # https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3342
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding as asymmetric_padding
from kasa import (
from kasa.device_factory import (
from kasa.deviceconfig import (
from kasa.discover import (
from kasa.exceptions import AuthenticationError, UnsupportedDeviceError
from kasa.iot import IotDevice, IotPlug
from kasa.transports.aestransport import AesEncyptionSession
from kasa.transports.xortransport import XorEncryption, XorTransport
from .conftest import (
# A physical device has to respond to discovery for the tests to work.
pytestmark = [pytest.mark.requires_dummy]
"result": {
"device_id": "xx",
"owner": "xx",
"device_type": "SMART.TAPOXMASTREE",
"device_model": "P110(EU)",
"ip": "",
"mac": "48-22xxx",
"is_support_iot_cloud": True,
"obd_src": "tplink",
"factory_default": False,
"mgt_encrypt_schm": {
"is_support_https": False,
"encrypt_type": "AES",
"http_port": 80,
"lv": 2,
"error_code": 0,
async def test_type_detection_switch(dev: Device):
d = Discover._get_device_class(dev._last_update)("localhost")
with pytest.deprecated_call(match="use device_type property instead"):
assert d.is_wallswitch
assert d.device_type is DeviceType.WallSwitch
async def test_type_detection_plug(dev: Device):
d = Discover._get_device_class(dev._last_update)("localhost")
assert d.device_type == DeviceType.Plug
async def test_type_detection_bulb(dev: Device):
d = Discover._get_device_class(dev._last_update)("localhost")
# TODO: light_strip is a special case for now to force bulb tests on it
if d.device_type is not DeviceType.LightStrip:
assert d.device_type == DeviceType.Bulb
async def test_type_detection_strip(dev: Device):
d = Discover._get_device_class(dev._last_update)("localhost")
assert d.device_type == DeviceType.Strip
async def test_type_detection_dimmer(dev: Device):
d = Discover._get_device_class(dev._last_update)("localhost")
assert d.device_type == DeviceType.Dimmer
async def test_type_detection_lightstrip(dev: Device):
d = Discover._get_device_class(dev._last_update)("localhost")
assert d.device_type == DeviceType.LightStrip
async def test_type_unknown(caplog):
invalid_info = {"system": {"get_sysinfo": {"type": "nosuchtype"}}}
assert Discover._get_device_class(invalid_info) is IotPlug
msg = "Unknown device type nosuchtype, falling back to plug"
assert msg in caplog.text
@pytest.mark.parametrize("custom_port", [123, None])
async def test_discover_single(discovery_mock, custom_port, mocker):
"""Make sure that discover_single returns an initialized SmartDevice instance."""
host = ""
discovery_mock.ip = host
discovery_mock.port_override = custom_port
device_class = Discover._get_device_class(discovery_mock.discovery_data)
# discovery_mock patches protocol query methods so use spy here.
update_mock = mocker.spy(device_class, "update")
x = await Discover.discover_single(
host, port=custom_port, credentials=Credentials()
assert issubclass(x.__class__, Device)
assert x._discovery_info is not None
assert x.port == custom_port or x.port == discovery_mock.default_port
# Make sure discovery does not call update()
assert update_mock.call_count == 0
if discovery_mock.default_port == 80:
assert x.alias is None
ct = DeviceConnectionParameters.from_values(
uses_http = discovery_mock.default_port == 80
config = DeviceConfig(
assert x.config == config
async def test_discover_single_hostname(discovery_mock, mocker):
"""Make sure that discover_single returns an initialized SmartDevice instance."""
host = "foobar"
ip = ""
discovery_mock.ip = ip
device_class = Discover._get_device_class(discovery_mock.discovery_data)
update_mock = mocker.patch.object(device_class, "update")
x = await Discover.discover_single(host, credentials=Credentials())
assert issubclass(x.__class__, Device)
assert x._discovery_info is not None
assert x.host == host
assert update_mock.call_count == 0
mocker.patch("socket.getaddrinfo", side_effect=socket.gaierror())
with pytest.raises(KasaException):
x = await Discover.discover_single(host, credentials=Credentials())
async def test_discover_credentials(mocker):
"""Make sure that discover gives credentials precedence over un and pw."""
host = ""
async def mock_discover(self, *_, **__):
self.discovered_devices = {host: MagicMock()}
mocker.patch.object(_DiscoverProtocol, "do_discover", new=mock_discover)
dp = mocker.spy(_DiscoverProtocol, "__init__")
# Only credentials passed
await Discover.discover(credentials=Credentials(), timeout=0)
assert dp.mock_calls[0].kwargs["credentials"] == Credentials()
# Credentials and un/pw passed
await Discover.discover(
credentials=Credentials(), username="Foo", password="Bar", timeout=0
assert dp.mock_calls[1].kwargs["credentials"] == Credentials()
# Only un/pw passed
await Discover.discover(username="Foo", password="Bar", timeout=0)
assert dp.mock_calls[2].kwargs["credentials"] == Credentials("Foo", "Bar")
# Only un passed, credentials should be None
await Discover.discover(username="Foo", timeout=0)
assert dp.mock_calls[3].kwargs["credentials"] is None
async def test_discover_single_credentials(mocker):
"""Make sure that discover_single gives credentials precedence over un and pw."""
host = ""
async def mock_discover(self, *_, **__):
self.discovered_devices = {host: MagicMock()}
mocker.patch.object(_DiscoverProtocol, "do_discover", new=mock_discover)
dp = mocker.spy(_DiscoverProtocol, "__init__")
# Only credentials passed
await Discover.discover_single(host, credentials=Credentials(), timeout=0)
assert dp.mock_calls[0].kwargs["credentials"] == Credentials()
# Credentials and un/pw passed
await Discover.discover_single(
host, credentials=Credentials(), username="Foo", password="Bar", timeout=0
assert dp.mock_calls[1].kwargs["credentials"] == Credentials()
# Only un/pw passed
await Discover.discover_single(host, username="Foo", password="Bar", timeout=0)
assert dp.mock_calls[2].kwargs["credentials"] == Credentials("Foo", "Bar")
# Only un passed, credentials should be None
await Discover.discover_single(host, username="Foo", timeout=0)
assert dp.mock_calls[3].kwargs["credentials"] is None
async def test_discover_single_unsupported(unsupported_device_info, mocker):
"""Make sure that discover_single handles unsupported devices correctly."""
host = ""
# Test with a valid unsupported response
with pytest.raises(
await Discover.discover_single(host)
async def test_discover_single_no_response(mocker):
"""Make sure that discover_single handles no response correctly."""
host = ""
mocker.patch.object(_DiscoverProtocol, "do_discover")
with pytest.raises(
KasaException, match=f"Timed out getting discovery response for {host}"
await Discover.discover_single(host, discovery_timeout=0)
("No 'system' or 'get_sysinfo' in response", {"no": "data"}),
"Unable to find the device type field",
{"system": {"get_sysinfo": {"missing_type": 1}}},
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("msg", "data"), INVALIDS)
async def test_discover_invalid_info(msg, data, mocker):
"""Make sure that invalid discovery information raises an exception."""
host = ""
async def mock_discover(self):
XorEncryption.encrypt(json_dumps(data))[4:], (host, 9999)
mocker.patch.object(_DiscoverProtocol, "do_discover", mock_discover)
with pytest.raises(KasaException, match=msg):
await Discover.discover_single(host)
async def test_discover_send(mocker):
"""Test discovery parameters."""
discovery_timeout = 0
proto = _DiscoverProtocol(discovery_timeout=discovery_timeout)
assert proto.discovery_packets == 3
assert proto.target_1 == ("", 9999)
transport = mocker.patch.object(proto, "transport")
await proto.do_discover()
assert transport.sendto.call_count == proto.discovery_packets * 2
async def test_discover_datagram_received(mocker, discovery_data):
"""Verify that datagram received fills discovered_devices."""
proto = _DiscoverProtocol()
mocker.patch.object(XorEncryption, "decrypt")
addr = ""
port = 20002 if "result" in discovery_data else 9999
mocker.patch("kasa.discover.json_loads", return_value=discovery_data)
proto.datagram_received("<placeholder data>", (addr, port))
addr2 = ""
mocker.patch("kasa.discover.json_loads", return_value=UNSUPPORTED)
proto.datagram_received("<placeholder data>", (addr2, 20002))
# Check that device in discovered_devices is initialized correctly
assert len(proto.discovered_devices) == 1
# Check that unsupported device is 1
assert len(proto.unsupported_device_exceptions) == 1
dev = proto.discovered_devices[addr]
assert issubclass(dev.__class__, Device)
assert dev.host == addr
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("msg", "data"), INVALIDS)
async def test_discover_invalid_responses(msg, data, mocker):
"""Verify that we don't crash whole discovery if some devices in the network are sending unexpected data."""
proto = _DiscoverProtocol()
mocker.patch("kasa.discover.json_loads", return_value=data)
mocker.patch.object(XorEncryption, "encrypt")
mocker.patch.object(XorEncryption, "decrypt")
proto.datagram_received(data, ("", 9999))
assert len(proto.discovered_devices) == 0
"result": {
"device_id": "xx",
"owner": "xx",
"device_type": "IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH",
"device_model": "HS100(UK)",
"ip": "",
"mac": "12-34-56-78-90-AB",
"is_support_iot_cloud": True,
"obd_src": "tplink",
"factory_default": False,
"mgt_encrypt_schm": {
"is_support_https": False,
"encrypt_type": "KLAP",
"http_port": 80,
"error_code": 0,
async def test_discover_single_authentication(discovery_mock, mocker):
"""Make sure that discover_single handles authenticating devices correctly."""
host = ""
discovery_mock.ip = host
device_class = Discover._get_device_class(discovery_mock.discovery_data)
side_effect=AuthenticationError("Failed to authenticate"),
with pytest.raises( # noqa: PT012
match="Failed to authenticate",
device = await Discover.discover_single(
host, credentials=Credentials("foo", "bar")
await device.update()
mocker.patch.object(device_class, "update")
device = await Discover.discover_single(host, credentials=Credentials("foo", "bar"))
await device.update()
assert isinstance(device, device_class)
async def test_device_update_from_new_discovery_info(discovery_mock):
"""Make sure that new discovery devices update from discovery info correctly."""
discovery_data = discovery_mock.discovery_data
device_class = Discover._get_device_class(discovery_data)
device = device_class("")
discover_info = DiscoveryResult.from_dict(discovery_data["result"])
assert device.mac == discover_info.mac.replace("-", ":")
no_region_model, _, _ = discover_info.device_model.partition("(")
assert device.model == no_region_model
# TODO implement requires_update for SmartDevice
if isinstance(device, IotDevice):
with pytest.raises(
match=re.escape("You need to await update() to access the data"),
assert device.supported_modules
async def test_discover_single_http_client(discovery_mock, mocker):
"""Make sure that discover_single returns an initialized SmartDevice instance."""
host = ""
discovery_mock.ip = host
http_client = aiohttp.ClientSession()
x: Device = await Discover.discover_single(host)
assert x.config.uses_http == (discovery_mock.default_port == 80)
if discovery_mock.default_port == 80:
assert x.protocol._transport._http_client.client != http_client
x.config.http_client = http_client
assert x.protocol._transport._http_client.client == http_client
async def test_discover_http_client(discovery_mock, mocker):
"""Make sure that discover returns an initialized SmartDevice instance."""
host = ""
discovery_mock.ip = host
http_client = aiohttp.ClientSession()
devices = await Discover.discover(discovery_timeout=0)
x: Device = devices[host]
assert x.config.uses_http == (discovery_mock.default_port == 80)
if discovery_mock.default_port == 80:
assert x.protocol._transport._http_client.client != http_client
x.config.http_client = http_client
assert x.protocol._transport._http_client.client == http_client
"system": {
"get_sysinfo": {
"alias": "#MASKED_NAME#",
"dev_name": "Smart Wi-Fi Plug",
"deviceId": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"err_code": 0,
"hwId": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
"hw_ver": "0.0",
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"model": "HS100(UK)",
"sw_ver": "1.1.0 Build 201016 Rel.175121",
"updating": 0,
class FakeDatagramTransport(asyncio.DatagramTransport):
def __init__(self, dp, port, do_not_reply_count, unsupported=False):
self.dp = dp
self.port = port
self.do_not_reply_count = do_not_reply_count
self.send_count = 0
if port == 9999:
self.datagram = XorEncryption.encrypt(json_dumps(LEGACY_DISCOVER_DATA))[4:]
elif port == 20002:
discovery_data = UNSUPPORTED if unsupported else AUTHENTICATION_DATA_KLAP
self.datagram = (
+ json_dumps(discovery_data).encode()
self.datagram = {"foo": "bar"}
def get_extra_info(self, name, default=None):
return MagicMock()
def sendto(self, data, addr=None):
ip, port = addr
if port == self.port or self.port == self.GHOST_PORT:
self.send_count += 1
if self.send_count > self.do_not_reply_count:
self.dp.datagram_received(self.datagram, (ip, self.port))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("port", [9999, 20002])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("do_not_reply_count", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
async def test_do_discover_drop_packets(mocker, port, do_not_reply_count):
"""Make sure that _DiscoverProtocol handles authenticating devices correctly."""
host = ""
discovery_timeout = 0
dp = _DiscoverProtocol(
ft = FakeDatagramTransport(dp, port, do_not_reply_count)
await dp.wait_for_discovery_to_complete()
await asyncio.sleep(0)
assert ft.send_count == do_not_reply_count + 1
assert dp.discover_task.done()
assert dp.discover_task.cancelled()
("port", "will_timeout"),
[(FakeDatagramTransport.GHOST_PORT, True), (20002, False)],
ids=["unknownport", "unsupporteddevice"],
async def test_do_discover_invalid(mocker, port, will_timeout):
"""Make sure that _DiscoverProtocol handles invalid devices correctly."""
host = ""
discovery_timeout = 0
dp = _DiscoverProtocol(
ft = FakeDatagramTransport(dp, port, 0, unsupported=True)
await dp.wait_for_discovery_to_complete()
await asyncio.sleep(0)
assert dp.discover_task.done()
assert dp.discover_task.cancelled() != will_timeout
async def test_discover_propogates_task_exceptions(discovery_mock):
"""Make sure that discover propogates callback exceptions."""
discovery_timeout = 0
async def on_discovered(dev):
raise KasaException("Dummy exception")
with pytest.raises(KasaException):
await Discover.discover(
discovery_timeout=discovery_timeout, on_discovered=on_discovered
async def test_do_discover_no_connection(mocker):
"""Make sure that if the datagram connection doesnt start a TimeoutError is raised."""
host = ""
discovery_timeout = 0
mocker.patch.object(_DiscoverProtocol, "DISCOVERY_START_TIMEOUT", 0)
dp = _DiscoverProtocol(
# Normally tests would simulate connection as per below
# ft = FakeDatagramTransport(dp, port, 0, unsupported=True)
# dp.connection_made(ft)
with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError):
await dp.wait_for_discovery_to_complete()
async def test_do_discover_external_cancel(mocker):
"""Make sure that a cancel other than when target is discovered propogates."""
host = ""
discovery_timeout = 1
dp = _DiscoverProtocol(
# Normally tests would simulate connection as per below
ft = FakeDatagramTransport(dp, 9999, 1, unsupported=True)
with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError):
async with asyncio_timeout(0):
await dp.wait_for_discovery_to_complete()
async def test_discovery_redaction(discovery_mock, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture):
"""Test query sensitive info redaction."""
mac = "12:34:56:78:9A:BC"
if discovery_mock.default_port == 9999:
sysinfo = discovery_mock.discovery_data["system"]["get_sysinfo"]
if "mac" in sysinfo:
sysinfo["mac"] = mac
elif "mic_mac" in sysinfo:
sysinfo["mic_mac"] = mac
discovery_mock.discovery_data["result"]["mac"] = mac
# Info no message logging
await Discover.discover()
assert mac not in caplog.text
# Debug no redaction
Discover._redact_data = False
await Discover.discover()
assert mac in caplog.text
# Debug redaction
Discover._redact_data = True
await Discover.discover()
assert mac not in caplog.text
assert "12:34:56:00:00:00" in caplog.text
async def test_discovery_decryption():
"""Test discovery decryption."""
key = b"8\x89\x02\xfa\xf5Xs\x1c\xa1 H\x9a\x82\xc7\xd9\t"
iv = b"9=\xf8\x1bS\xcd0\xb5\x89i\xba\xfd^9\x9f\xfa"
key_iv = key + iv
keypair = _AesDiscoveryQuery.keypair
padding = asymmetric_padding.OAEP(
mgf=asymmetric_padding.MGF1(algorithm=hashes.SHA1()), # noqa: S303
algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), # noqa: S303
encrypted_key_iv = keypair.public_key.encrypt(key_iv, padding)
encrypted_key_iv_b4 = base64.b64encode(encrypted_key_iv)
encryption_session = AesEncyptionSession(key_iv[:16], key_iv[16:])
data_dict = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}
data = json.dumps(data_dict)
encypted_data = encryption_session.encrypt(data.encode())
encrypt_info = {
"data": encypted_data.decode(),
"key": encrypted_key_iv_b4.decode(),
"sym_schm": "AES",
info = {**UNSUPPORTED["result"], "encrypt_info": encrypt_info}
dr = DiscoveryResult.from_dict(info)
assert dr.decrypted_data == data_dict
async def test_discover_try_connect_all(discovery_mock, mocker):
"""Test that device update is called on main."""
if "result" in discovery_mock.discovery_data:
dev_class = get_device_class_from_family(
discovery_mock.device_type, https=discovery_mock.https
cparams = DeviceConnectionParameters.from_values(
protocol = get_protocol(
DeviceConfig(discovery_mock.ip, connection_type=cparams)
protocol_class = protocol.__class__
transport_class = protocol._transport.__class__
dev_class = get_device_class_from_sys_info(discovery_mock.discovery_data)
protocol_class = IotProtocol
transport_class = XorTransport
async def _query(self, *args, **kwargs):
if (
self.__class__ is protocol_class
and self._transport.__class__ is transport_class
return discovery_mock.query_data
raise KasaException()
async def _update(self, *args, **kwargs):
if (
self.protocol.__class__ is protocol_class
and self.protocol._transport.__class__ is transport_class
raise KasaException()
mocker.patch("kasa.IotProtocol.query", new=_query)
mocker.patch("kasa.SmartProtocol.query", new=_query)
mocker.patch.object(dev_class, "update", new=_update)
session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
dev = await Discover.try_connect_all(discovery_mock.ip, http_client=session)
assert dev
assert isinstance(dev, dev_class)
assert isinstance(dev.protocol, protocol_class)
assert isinstance(dev.protocol._transport, transport_class)
assert dev.config.uses_http is (transport_class != XorTransport)
if transport_class != XorTransport:
assert dev.protocol._transport._http_client.client == session
async def test_discovery_device_repr(discovery_mock, mocker):
"""Test that repr works when only discovery data is available."""
host = "foobar"
ip = ""
discovery_mock.ip = ip
device_class = Discover._get_device_class(discovery_mock.discovery_data)
update_mock = mocker.patch.object(device_class, "update")
dev = await Discover.discover_single(host, credentials=Credentials())
assert update_mock.call_count == 0
repr_ = repr(dev)
assert dev.host in repr_
assert str(dev.device_type) in repr_
assert dev.model in repr_
# For IOT devices, _last_update is filled from the discovery data
if dev._last_update:
assert "update() needed" not in repr_
assert "update() needed" in repr_