Teemu R. 7b1b14d1e6
Some checks failed
CI / Perform linting checks (3.13) (push) Waiting to run
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CodeQL checks / Analyze (python) (push) Has been cancelled
Allow https for klaptransport (#1415)
Later firmware versions on robovacs use `KLAP` over https instead of ssltransport (reported as AES)
2025-01-22 10:54:32 +00:00

201 lines
6.4 KiB

"""Configuration for connecting directly to a device without discovery.
If you are connecting to a newer KASA or TAPO device you can get the device
via discovery or connect directly with :class:`DeviceConfig`.
Discovery returns a list of discovered devices:
>>> from kasa import Discover, Device
>>> device = await Discover.discover_single(
>>> "",
>>> username="",
>>> password="great_password",
>>> )
>>> print(device.alias) # Alias is None because update() has not been called
>>> config_dict = device.config.to_dict()
>>> # DeviceConfig.to_dict() can be used to store for later
>>> print(config_dict)
{'host': '', 'timeout': 5, 'credentials': {'username': '', \
'password': 'great_password'}, 'connection_type'\
: {'device_family': 'SMART.TAPOBULB', 'encryption_type': 'KLAP', 'login_version': 2, \
'https': False, 'http_port': 80}}
>>> later_device = await Device.connect(config=Device.Config.from_dict(config_dict))
>>> print(later_device.alias) # Alias is available as connect() calls update()
Living Room Bulb
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from mashumaro import field_options, pass_through
from mashumaro.config import BaseConfig
from .credentials import Credentials
from .exceptions import KasaException
from .json import DataClassJSONMixin
from aiohttp import ClientSession
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KeyPairDict(TypedDict):
"""Class to represent a public/private key pair."""
private: str
public: str
class DeviceEncryptionType(Enum):
"""Encrypt type enum."""
Klap = "KLAP"
Aes = "AES"
Xor = "XOR"
class DeviceFamily(Enum):
"""Encrypt type enum."""
IotSmartBulb = "IOT.SMARTBULB"
IotIpCamera = "IOT.IPCAMERA"
SmartKasaPlug = "SMART.KASAPLUG"
SmartKasaSwitch = "SMART.KASASWITCH"
SmartTapoPlug = "SMART.TAPOPLUG"
SmartTapoBulb = "SMART.TAPOBULB"
SmartTapoSwitch = "SMART.TAPOSWITCH"
SmartTapoHub = "SMART.TAPOHUB"
SmartKasaHub = "SMART.KASAHUB"
SmartIpCamera = "SMART.IPCAMERA"
SmartTapoRobovac = "SMART.TAPOROBOVAC"
class _DeviceConfigBaseMixin(DataClassJSONMixin):
"""Base class for serialization mixin."""
class Config(BaseConfig):
"""Serialization config."""
omit_none = True
class DeviceConnectionParameters(_DeviceConfigBaseMixin):
"""Class to hold the the parameters determining connection type."""
device_family: DeviceFamily
encryption_type: DeviceEncryptionType
login_version: int | None = None
https: bool = False
http_port: int | None = None
def from_values(
device_family: str,
encryption_type: str,
login_version: int | None = None,
https: bool | None = None,
http_port: int | None = None,
) -> DeviceConnectionParameters:
"""Return connection parameters from string values."""
if https is None:
https = False
return DeviceConnectionParameters(
except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex:
raise KasaException(
f"Invalid connection parameters for {device_family}."
+ f"{encryption_type}.{login_version}"
) from ex
class DeviceConfig(_DeviceConfigBaseMixin):
"""Class to represent paramaters that determine how to connect to devices."""
#: IP address or hostname
host: str
#: Timeout for querying the device
timeout: int | None = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
#: Override the default 9999 port to support port forwarding
port_override: int | None = None
#: Credentials for devices requiring authentication
credentials: Credentials | None = None
#: Credentials hash for devices requiring authentication.
#: If credentials are also supplied they take precendence over credentials_hash.
#: Credentials hash can be retrieved from :attr:`Device.credentials_hash`
credentials_hash: str | None = None
#: The protocol specific type of connection. Defaults to the legacy type.
batch_size: int | None = None
#: The batch size for protoools supporting multiple request batches.
connection_type: DeviceConnectionParameters = field(
default_factory=lambda: DeviceConnectionParameters(
DeviceFamily.IotSmartPlugSwitch, DeviceEncryptionType.Xor
def uses_http(self) -> bool:
"""True if the device uses http."""
ctype = self.connection_type
return ctype.encryption_type is not DeviceEncryptionType.Xor or ctype.https
#: Set a custom http_client for the device to use.
http_client: ClientSession | None = field(
metadata=field_options(serialize="omit", deserialize=pass_through),
aes_keys: KeyPairDict | None = None
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.connection_type is None:
self.connection_type = DeviceConnectionParameters(
DeviceFamily.IotSmartPlugSwitch, DeviceEncryptionType.Xor
def to_dict_control_credentials(
credentials_hash: str | None = None,
exclude_credentials: bool = False,
) -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]:
"""Convert deviceconfig to dict controlling how to serialize credentials.
If credentials_hash is provided credentials will be None.
If credentials_hash is '' credentials_hash and credentials will be None.
exclude credentials controls whether to include credentials.
The defaults are the same as calling to_dict().
if credentials_hash is None:
if not exclude_credentials:
return self.to_dict()
return replace(self, credentials=None).to_dict()
return replace(
credentials_hash=credentials_hash if credentials_hash else None,