Teemu R. 6a86ffbbba
Add flake8-pytest-style (PT) for ruff (#1105)
This will catch common issues with pytest code.

* Use `match` when using `pytest.raises()` for base exception types like
`TypeError` or `ValueError`
* Use tuples for `parametrize()`
* Enforces `pytest.raises()` to contain simple statements, using `noqa`
to skip this on some cases for now.
* Fixes incorrect exception type (valueerror instead of typeerror) for
* Adds check valid types for `iotbulb.set_hsv` and `color` smart module.
* Consolidate exception messages for common interface modules.
2024-08-30 17:30:07 +02:00

302 lines
10 KiB

"""Tests for all devices."""
from __future__ import annotations
import importlib
import inspect
import pkgutil
import sys
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import pytest
import kasa
from kasa import Credentials, Device, DeviceConfig, DeviceType, KasaException, Module
from kasa.iot import IotDevice
from kasa.iot.modules import IotLightPreset
from import SmartChildDevice, SmartDevice
def _get_subclasses(of_class):
package = sys.modules["kasa"]
subclasses = set()
for _, modname, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__):
importlib.import_module("." + modname, package="kasa")
module = sys.modules["kasa." + modname]
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module):
if (
and issubclass(obj, of_class)
and module.__package__ != "kasa"
and module.__package__ != "kasa.interfaces"
subclasses.add((module.__package__ + "." + name, obj))
return subclasses
device_classes = pytest.mark.parametrize(
"device_class_name_obj", _get_subclasses(Device), ids=lambda t: t[0]
async def test_alias(dev):
test_alias = "TEST1234"
original = dev.alias
assert isinstance(original, str)
await dev.set_alias(test_alias)
await dev.update()
assert dev.alias == test_alias
await dev.set_alias(original)
await dev.update()
assert dev.alias == original
async def test_device_class_ctors(device_class_name_obj):
"""Make sure constructor api not broken for new and existing SmartDevices."""
host = ""
port = 1234
credentials = Credentials("foo", "bar")
config = DeviceConfig(host, port_override=port, credentials=credentials)
klass = device_class_name_obj[1]
if issubclass(klass, SmartChildDevice):
parent = SmartDevice(host, config=config)
dev = klass(
parent, {"dummy": "info", "device_id": "dummy"}, {"dummy": "components"}
dev = klass(host, config=config)
assert == host
assert dev.port == port
assert dev.credentials == credentials
async def test_create_device_with_timeout():
"""Make sure timeout is passed to the protocol."""
host = ""
dev = IotDevice(host, config=DeviceConfig(host, timeout=100))
assert dev.protocol._transport._timeout == 100
dev = SmartDevice(host, config=DeviceConfig(host, timeout=100))
assert dev.protocol._transport._timeout == 100
async def test_create_thin_wrapper():
"""Make sure thin wrapper is created with the correct device type."""
mock = Mock()
config = DeviceConfig(
credentials=Credentials("username", "password"),
with patch("kasa.device_factory.connect", return_value=mock) as connect:
dev = await Device.connect(config=config)
assert dev is mock
("device_class", "use_class"), kasa.deprecated_smart_devices.items()
def test_deprecated_devices(device_class, use_class):
package_name = ".".join(use_class.__module__.split(".")[:-1])
msg = f"{device_class} is deprecated, use {use_class.__name__} from package {package_name} instead"
with pytest.deprecated_call(match=msg):
getattr(kasa, device_class)
packages = package_name.split(".")
module = __import__(packages[0])
for _ in packages[1:]:
module = importlib.import_module(package_name, package=module.__name__)
getattr(module, use_class.__name__)
("deprecated_class", "use_class"), kasa.deprecated_classes.items()
def test_deprecated_classes(deprecated_class, use_class):
msg = f"{deprecated_class} is deprecated, use {use_class.__name__} instead"
with pytest.deprecated_call(match=msg):
getattr(kasa, deprecated_class)
getattr(kasa, use_class.__name__)
deprecated_is_device_type = {
"is_bulb": DeviceType.Bulb,
"is_plug": DeviceType.Plug,
"is_dimmer": DeviceType.Dimmer,
"is_light_strip": DeviceType.LightStrip,
"is_wallswitch": DeviceType.WallSwitch,
"is_strip": DeviceType.Strip,
"is_strip_socket": DeviceType.StripSocket,
deprecated_is_light_function_smart_module = {
"is_color": "Color",
"is_dimmable": "Brightness",
"is_variable_color_temp": "ColorTemperature",
def test_deprecated_device_type_attributes(dev: SmartDevice):
"""Test deprecated attributes on all devices."""
def _test_attr(attribute):
msg = f"{attribute} is deprecated"
if module := Device._deprecated_device_type_attributes[attribute][0]:
msg += f", use: {module} in device.modules instead"
with pytest.deprecated_call(match=msg):
val = getattr(dev, attribute)
return val
for attribute in deprecated_is_device_type:
val = _test_attr(attribute)
expected_val = dev.device_type == deprecated_is_device_type[attribute]
assert val == expected_val
async def _test_attribute(
dev: Device, attribute_name, is_expected, module_name, *args, will_raise=False
if is_expected and will_raise:
ctx: AbstractContextManager = pytest.raises(will_raise)
elif is_expected:
ctx = pytest.deprecated_call(match=(f"{attribute_name} is deprecated, use:"))
ctx = pytest.raises(
AttributeError, match=f"Device has no attribute '{attribute_name}'"
with ctx:
if args:
await getattr(dev, attribute_name)(*args)
attribute_val = getattr(dev, attribute_name)
assert attribute_val is not None
async def test_deprecated_light_effect_attributes(dev: Device):
light_effect = dev.modules.get(Module.LightEffect)
await _test_attribute(dev, "effect", bool(light_effect), "LightEffect")
await _test_attribute(dev, "effect_list", bool(light_effect), "LightEffect")
await _test_attribute(dev, "set_effect", bool(light_effect), "LightEffect", "Off")
exc = (
if light_effect and not light_effect.has_custom_effects
else None
await _test_attribute(
{"enable": 0, "name": "foo", "id": "bar"},
async def test_deprecated_light_attributes(dev: Device):
light = dev.modules.get(Module.Light)
await _test_attribute(dev, "is_dimmable", bool(light), "Light")
await _test_attribute(dev, "is_color", bool(light), "Light")
await _test_attribute(dev, "is_variable_color_temp", bool(light), "Light")
exc = KasaException if light and not light.is_dimmable else None
await _test_attribute(dev, "brightness", bool(light), "Light", will_raise=exc)
await _test_attribute(
dev, "set_brightness", bool(light), "Light", 50, will_raise=exc
exc = KasaException if light and not light.is_color else None
await _test_attribute(dev, "hsv", bool(light), "Light", will_raise=exc)
await _test_attribute(
dev, "set_hsv", bool(light), "Light", 50, 50, 50, will_raise=exc
exc = KasaException if light and not light.is_variable_color_temp else None
await _test_attribute(dev, "color_temp", bool(light), "Light", will_raise=exc)
await _test_attribute(
dev, "set_color_temp", bool(light), "Light", 2700, will_raise=exc
await _test_attribute(
dev, "valid_temperature_range", bool(light), "Light", will_raise=exc
await _test_attribute(dev, "has_effects", bool(light), "Light")
async def test_deprecated_other_attributes(dev: Device):
led_module = dev.modules.get(Module.Led)
await _test_attribute(dev, "led", bool(led_module), "Led")
await _test_attribute(dev, "set_led", bool(led_module), "Led", True)
await _test_attribute(dev, "supported_modules", True, None)
async def test_deprecated_emeter_attributes(dev: Device):
energy_module = dev.modules.get(Module.Energy)
await _test_attribute(dev, "get_emeter_realtime", bool(energy_module), "Energy")
await _test_attribute(dev, "emeter_realtime", bool(energy_module), "Energy")
await _test_attribute(dev, "emeter_today", bool(energy_module), "Energy")
await _test_attribute(dev, "emeter_this_month", bool(energy_module), "Energy")
await _test_attribute(dev, "current_consumption", bool(energy_module), "Energy")
await _test_attribute(dev, "get_emeter_daily", bool(energy_module), "Energy")
await _test_attribute(dev, "get_emeter_monthly", bool(energy_module), "Energy")
async def test_deprecated_light_preset_attributes(dev: Device):
preset = dev.modules.get(Module.LightPreset)
exc: type[AttributeError] | type[KasaException] | None = (
AttributeError if not preset else None
await _test_attribute(dev, "presets", bool(preset), "LightPreset", will_raise=exc)
exc = None
# deprecated save_preset not implemented for smart devices as it's unlikely anyone
# has an existing reliance on this for the newer devices.
if not preset or isinstance(dev, SmartDevice):
exc = AttributeError
elif len(preset.preset_states_list) == 0:
exc = KasaException
await _test_attribute(
IotLightPreset(index=0, hue=100, brightness=100, saturation=0, color_temp=0), # type: ignore[call-arg]
async def test_device_type_aliases():
"""Test that the device type aliases in Device work."""
def _mock_connect(config, *args, **kwargs):
mock = Mock()
mock.config = config
return mock
with patch("kasa.device_factory.connect", side_effect=_mock_connect):
dev = await Device.connect(
credentials=Device.Credentials(username="user", password="foobar"), # noqa: S106
assert isinstance(dev.config, DeviceConfig)
assert DeviceType.Dimmer == Device.Type.Dimmer