mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 03:03:35 +00:00
Some checks failed
CI / Perform linting checks (3.13) (push) Waiting to run
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, macos-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, ubuntu-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (false, windows-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Python ${{ matrix.python-version}} on ${{ matrix.os }}${{ fromJSON('[" (extras)", ""]')[matrix.extras == ''] }} (true, ubuntu-latest, 3.13) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CodeQL checks / Analyze (python) (push) Has been cancelled
This PR does a few related things to dump_devinfo: - Store the raw discovery result in the fixture. - Consolidate redaction logic so it's not duplicated in dump_devinfo. - Update existing fixtures to: - Store raw discovery result under `result` - Use `SCRUBBED_CHILD_DEVICE_ID` everywhere - Have correct values as per the consolidated redactors.
232 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
232 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Script that checks supported devices and updates README.md and SUPPORTED.md."""
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
from typing import Any, NamedTuple
from kasa.device_type import DeviceType
from kasa.iot import IotDevice
from kasa.smart import SmartDevice
from kasa.smartcam import SmartCamDevice
class SupportedVersion(NamedTuple):
"""Supported version."""
region: str | None
hw: str
fw: str
auth: bool
# The order of devices in this dict drives the display order
DeviceType.Plug: "Plugs",
DeviceType.Strip: "Power Strips",
DeviceType.StripSocket: "Power Strips",
DeviceType.Dimmer: "Wall Switches",
DeviceType.WallSwitch: "Wall Switches",
DeviceType.Fan: "Wall Switches",
DeviceType.Bulb: "Bulbs",
DeviceType.LightStrip: "Light Strips",
DeviceType.Camera: "Cameras",
DeviceType.Hub: "Hubs",
DeviceType.Sensor: "Hub-Connected Devices",
DeviceType.Thermostat: "Hub-Connected Devices",
IOT_FOLDER = "tests/fixtures/iot/"
SMART_FOLDER = "tests/fixtures/smart/"
SMART_CHILD_FOLDER = "tests/fixtures/smart/child"
SMARTCAM_FOLDER = "tests/fixtures/smartcam/"
def generate_supported(args):
"""Generate the SUPPORTED.md from the fixtures."""
print_diffs = "--print-diffs" in args
running_in_ci = "CI" in os.environ
print("Generating supported devices")
if running_in_ci:
print_diffs = True
print("Detected running in CI")
supported = {"kasa": {}, "tapo": {}}
_get_supported_devices(supported, IOT_FOLDER, IotDevice)
_get_supported_devices(supported, SMART_FOLDER, SmartDevice)
_get_supported_devices(supported, SMART_CHILD_FOLDER, SmartDevice)
_get_supported_devices(supported, SMARTCAM_FOLDER, SmartCamDevice)
readme_updated = _update_supported_file(
README_FILENAME, _supported_summary(supported), print_diffs
supported_updated = _update_supported_file(
SUPPORTED_FILENAME, _supported_detail(supported), print_diffs
if not readme_updated and not supported_updated:
print("Supported devices unchanged.")
def _update_supported_file(filename, supported_text, print_diffs) -> bool:
with open(filename) as f:
contents = f.readlines()
start_index = end_index = None
for index, line in enumerate(contents):
if line == "<!--SUPPORTED_START-->\n":
start_index = index + 1
if line == "<!--SUPPORTED_END-->\n":
end_index = index
current_text = "".join(contents[start_index:end_index])
if current_text != supported_text:
f"{filename} has been modified with updated "
+ "supported devices, add file to commit."
if print_diffs:
new_contents = contents[:start_index]
end_contents = contents[end_index:]
with open(filename, "w") as f:
new_contents_text = "".join(new_contents)
return True
return False
def _supported_summary(supported):
return _supported_text(
"### Supported $brand$auth devices\n\n$types\n",
"- **$type_$type_asterix**: $models\n",
def _supported_detail(supported):
return _supported_text(
"## $brand devices\n\n$preamble\n\n$types\n",
"### $type_\n\n$models\n",
"- **$model**\n$versions",
" - Hardware: $hw$region / Firmware: $fw$auth_flag\n",
def _supported_text(
supported, brand_template, types_template, model_template="", version_template=""
brandt = Template(brand_template)
typest = Template(types_template)
modelt = Template(model_template)
versst = Template(version_template)
brands = ""
version: SupportedVersion
for brand, types in supported.items():
preamble_text = (
"Some newer Kasa devices require authentication. "
+ "These are marked with [^1] in the list below."
if brand == "kasa"
else "All Tapo devices require authentication."
preamble_text += (
"<br>Hub-Connected Devices may work across TAPO/KASA branded "
+ "hubs even if they don't work across the native apps."
brand_text = brand.capitalize()
brand_auth = r"[^1]" if brand == "tapo" else ""
types_text = ""
for supported_type, models in sorted(
# Sort by device type order in the enum
key=lambda st: list(DEVICE_TYPE_TO_PRODUCT_GROUP.values()).index(st[0]),
models_list = []
models_text = ""
for model, versions in sorted(models.items()):
auth_count = 0
versions_text = ""
for version in sorted(versions):
region_text = f" ({version.region})" if version.region else ""
auth_count += 1 if version.auth else 0
vauth_flag = r"[^1]" if version.auth and brand == "kasa" else ""
if version_template:
versions_text += versst.substitute(
if brand == "kasa" and auth_count > 0:
auth_flag = r"[^1]" if auth_count == len(versions) else r"[^2]"
auth_flag = ""
if model_template:
models_text += modelt.substitute(
model=model, versions=versions_text, auth_flag=auth_flag
models_text = models_text if models_text else ", ".join(models_list)
type_asterix = r"[^3]" if supported_type == "Hub-Connected Devices" else ""
types_text += typest.substitute(
type_=supported_type, type_asterix=type_asterix, models=models_text
brands += brandt.substitute(
brand=brand_text, types=types_text, auth=brand_auth, preamble=preamble_text
return brands
def _get_supported_devices(
supported: dict[str, Any],
fixture_location: str,
device_cls: type[IotDevice | SmartDevice | SmartCamDevice],
for file in Path(fixture_location).glob("*.json"):
with file.open() as f:
fixture_data = json.load(f)
model_info = device_cls._get_device_info(
fixture_data, fixture_data.get("discovery_result", {}).get("result")
supported_type = DEVICE_TYPE_TO_PRODUCT_GROUP[model_info.device_type]
stype = supported[model_info.brand].setdefault(supported_type, {})
smodel = stype.setdefault(model_info.long_name, [])
def main():
"""Entry point to module."""
if __name__ == "__main__":